Losing It: A Collection of VCards (15 page)

Read Losing It: A Collection of VCards Online

Authors: Nikki Jefford,Heather Hildenbrand,Bethany Lopez,Kristina Circelli,S. M. Boyce,K. A. Last,Julia Crane,Tish Thawer,Ednah Walters,Melissa Haag,S. T. Bende,Stacey Wallace Benefiel,Tamara Rose Blodgett,Helen Boswell,Alexia Purdy,Julie Prestsater,Misty Provencher,Ginger Scott,Amy Miles,A. O. Peart,Milda Harris,M. R. Polish

Tags: #Fantasy, #Anthology, #Young Adult, #Contemporary, #Romance, #Erotic Fiction

BOOK: Losing It: A Collection of VCards
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Caster kneeled on the bed at her feet; instinctively she drew her knees up, and his heated gaze followed the movement before lifting to her eyes. In that stare she saw desire, desire mixed with warmth and pure adoration. It filled her with a sense of trust, so that when his hands trailed up her legs and parted them at the knees, she wasn’t afraid anymore.

His touch was gentle, fingers pressing against her thighs as he bared her before him. She could have been embarrassed, or self-conscious, but instead she was only eager. Every part of her was on fire waiting to see, feel, what he would do next, and when his mouth lowered to the most sensitive parts of her, that fire erupted into an inferno that consumed her very being.

Caster felt the shudder that worked its way through her body, and reveled in it. He wanted to make her feel everything wonderful her body was capable of. His tongue traced circles against her, and he listened for that tell-tale gasp when one finger entered her, then two, moving to the arch of her hips against him.

“Caster,” Evangeline whispered, her tone so full of longing that he broke from his worship and lifted himself to his elbows. He moved up, the friction of skin against skin pulling a shiver from them both. Anticipation built within him.

“Are you ready?” The question was strained as he struggled to appear collected. Was she ready, Evangeline asked herself. Could she go through with this? Did it matter that it seemed like it was all happening too fast, or was it happening just fast enough? Did she want him, want to take this step, and take it with Caster? When she finally pushed aside all doubts and nodded, he let himself breathe deeply before positioning himself and entering her slowly, agonizingly slowly.

Evangeline’s hands gripped his strong shoulders, muscles crafted by hard work that now were focused solely on her. There was pain at first, a sharp bite that had her wincing, but it faded, leaving her only with pleasure. She looked up to find Caster watching her, taking in this moment, and she watched him back, enjoying the smirk that worked its way across his handsome face when she lifted her legs around his waist.

They moved together, slowly at first, letting the momentum build, Caster giving her complete control. Evangeline’s hands grasped at anything, everything, she could touch – hips that pressed against her own, broad chest she had daydreamed about, sculpted arms holding above her the man she knew one day she could love. Every part of him was hot and hard, and it unraveled her knowing she had caused it.

With a kiss that was as frantic as it was passionate, Caster took back the control and thrust into her again, sliding a hand down and gripping her butt to change the angle. The moan the move elicited from her spurred him to pump faster, and when he felt himself on the edge, he clamped his teeth down onto her shoulder in a gentle bite that made her both giggle and gasp.

She felt him everywhere within her, unable to distinguish the separate parts of man and woman. The tingling that had begun in her belly moved lower, swirling in a maelstrom of heat and pleasure and lust until she was gasping out his name and biting her lower lip to keep from crying out. When he grunted her name, she tightened her legs around him and they moved in unison, taking and giving from one another as his thrusting quickened and he signaled his release with a hard kiss that left her head spinning.

Both of them spent, Caster strained to hold himself above her for one last kiss before collapsing onto his back, drawing her against him at the same time. Evangeline let herself be pulled, positioning herself so that her head rested in the crook of his shoulder.

For a moment they simply caught their breath, enjoying the silent comfort of one another. Caster, barely able to think, marveled at how incredible she was, and wanted more, even knowing he could barely move. Evangeline reflected over her first time, never having imagined it would be at a wildlife preserve in the middle of the day with a man she’d only just returned to, but now unable to imagine a better way. She was in wonder of how he could be so tender and passionate and aggressive at the same time, and hoped she had been enough. Her first kiss with Caster, her first real kiss ever, had led them here, a moment she silently pleaded meant as much to him as it did to her.

Though she wished it didn’t, that hesitance had her rising so that she hovered over Caster on one elbow. She gazed down at him, this charming and cheeky man she’d tried so hard to hate, and prayed his response to her next question wouldn’t break her heart.

“Was it okay?”

At her words, Caster laughed. He couldn’t help it. This beautiful girl leaning over him, looking so damn sexy he could have ravished her again right then and there, was worrying about it not being okay? But he sobered when he saw the fear in her expression, and lifted a hand to her cheek.

“Evie, it was more than okay. It was goddamn perfect.” When she smiled, he drew her down to kiss her, taking her bottom lip between his teeth playfully. “But the better question is, are you okay? I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

“Not even a little bit,” she replied honestly. Sure, there had been a little pain in the beginning, but as far as she was concerned, that didn’t count. “I guess you really are happy getting to see me every day,” she teased.

Caster chuckled and rolled over so that he was on top of her again. “And you better get used to seeing me, ‘cuz I’m not letting you get away so easily this time. You’ll be seeing my handsome face every morning, so get used to it.”

Lifting a brow, Evangeline shifted beneath him, enjoying the effect that simple move had on him. “Oh, yeah? I’m sure Jett will love meeting the new man in my life. Maybe he’ll even give us ‘the talk.’”

Caster hung his head with a groan. “Buzzkill.” But he was grinning when he lifted his head again. “He’ll get used to it too.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “You’re mine now, Evie girl.”


About the Author


Night owl, Dorito lover, and quiet eccentric - Kristina Circelli is the author of several fiction novels that span genres, including The Helping Hands series, The Whisper Legacy, Fragile Creatures, Damsel Not, and The Never.

A follower of her Cherokee heritage, self-professed movie addict, and potential crazy cat lady, Circelli holds both a Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts in English from the University of North Florida. She also heads Red Road Editing, a full-service editing company for independent authors.

She currently resides in Jacksonville, Florida with her husband, Seth, and cats, Lord Finnegin the Fierce and Mr. Malachi the Mighty. (Though she has not-so-secret covert plans to move everyone to New Zealand someday.)


Books by Kristina:

Standalone Novels

Fragile Creatures

The Never

The Sour Orange Derby

Fade into the Woodwork

A Single Swim

Damsel Not


The Whisper Legacy

Beyond the Western Sun

Walk the Red Road

Into the Shadow Realm


The Helping Hands Series

The Helping Hands

Shadows in the Night

The Iron Fist




Find her here:





Love Spell


by Nikki Jefford


In this scene, magician and warlock Adrian Montez is blitzed from drinking home-brewed club potion when the object of his affection, Graylee Perez, enters. What he doesn’t realize is that someone has put a love spell over her, making Gray suddenly attracted to him.





The late-night revelers blurred before his eyes when Adrian staggered into the Rex Room. The DJ they called The Magician moved with the music. The big, bearded man jiggled in tune to the beat. Adrian laughed then went to the bar and ordered a straight shot of vodka.

“Oh wow,” a girl squealed at his right. “You’re that magician guy, aren’t you?”

Adrian looked over. A woman with bleached-blonde hair stood with two equally slender brunettes. They were dressed in miniskirts and halter tops that clung to their bodies like latex gloves.

Adrian grinned instantly. “Are you American?”

“Yes,” the blonde said. “I’m Cami.”

“Did you see my show, Cami?”

“Earlier today. You were amazing, wasn’t he, girls?”

“Better than any magician I’ve ever seen,” one of the brunettes said.

The women blurred before his vision, but still Adrian ordered a round of shots. The potion had gone to his head before he left the apartment. He wasn’t all there, but that was fine with him. Even warlocks needed a night off.

“Do you want to dance with us?” Cami asked.

He looked over the three girls. Even through his blurred vision, he could see they were attractive. It probably wouldn’t take much effort to get one or all three back to the apartment. That would teach his nan to abandon him.

Adrian gave a wicked grin, stood majestically from his bar stool, and held out an arm for each of the brunettes. Cami smiled with straight white teeth and led their group into the throng. The space inside the club was tight, and the girls molded themselves against Adrian at once.

He was drowning in halter tops, high heels, and skin—soft, feminine skin. Three beauties shimmied, shaking all up and down his body. Nothing mattered at the moment. And then he saw those eyes—like a beacon through the fog.

Graylee Perez.

And she looked pissed. She always looked pissed when she looked at him.

She stood with her back to the wall, her friends moving toward the bar. Adrian thought to wink at her before she took off after her group, but Gray held her ground and did not take her eyes off him for a second.

The moment Cami turned her back to Adrian and thrust her ass against him, Gray charged into the crowd. Adrian’s grin widened.

Gray stormed up to the cluster he’d melted into and snapped her fingers three times. The women around him cried out when their clothing turned to men’s trousers and T-shirts.

Laughter erupted a few feet away when three young men ended up in halter tops and miniskirts. The women scattered like fireworks exploding right before they faded into the night sky.

Gray stormed up to him. Adrian was too far gone to care. He chuckled as though amused by her show. He may have even clapped. “I’m surprised you didn’t put them in straitjackets.”

Gray seemed to relax a fraction. She smiled slightly. “Yeah, well, I only have a fifty-foot radius to go on so . . .” She shrugged.

“I’m surprised you didn’t put me in one,” Adrian said. He winked at her and flashed her a smile that would surely get him slapped. He’d welcome it. Not like he’d feel it anyway. He was flying high on club potion.

Gray stepped so close he could smell her shampoo—guava or coconut, something tropical. “I bet you’d like that,” Gray said into his ear. “Being all tied up and at my mercy.” She walked her fingers up his arm to his shoulder and tugged gently on his earlobe. She pulled her fingers back and whispered so close to his eardrum, he could feel her lips on him. “Or would you like it better if I were tied up?”

That’s when he knew she was a glamour and a damn good one. Not only were the looks and voice right on, she even made the standard Graylee expressions. He didn’t care. Adrian crushed her against him and locked her into a lip-bruising kiss. He made love to her mouth. It was the only chance he’d get, and he was taking it. He wouldn’t let her breathe if he could help it.

Glamour girl pulled back and gasped. “Do you really think I’m going to just stand here and take this?”

Adrian maneuvered her away from the crowd and pushed her up against the nearest wall. His words hissed inside her ear. “Take it or leave now because tonight I’m getting what I want.”

Her eyes flashed. Not the glint of club lights reflecting from her widened stare, but actual sparks that moved across the blue-green of her irises.

What sort of witch was stupid enough to mess with him this way? Didn’t matter, Adrian would get vengeance later—but first he’d get what he wanted.

He mashed against the Gray look-alike as though trying to go through her to dry hump the wall. Gray groaned. “God, I shouldn’t want you, but I do.”

Oh yes, she’d do nicely.

Adrian nibbled on Gray’s lower lip before sliding his tongue inside her mouth. She tried to match his movement, but it came across awkward, adding to the illusion of a green girl of eighteen.

“Go easy,” she said, almost pleadingly, when Adrian pulled back for breath.


Her mouth opened slightly and she looked at him all doe-eyed, tilting her head in silent appeal.

“This is wrong,” she said, shaking her head. “Wrong, wrong, wrong. What’s wrong with me?”

Damn, this was a good hallucination. Adrian would have to make a note of the potion he’d used and brew up more.

“I feel like I’m on drugs,” Gray said. “Like I have no control over myself.”

“You feel like you’re on drugs?” Adrian laughed. “I’m looped, you hear me? And you know it.”

That elicited a sheepish grin.

“Oh, you like that, do you?” Adrian asked huskily. He tried to sneer at the glamour girl. On his face it felt more like a grin. “You know you’re going to pay for this, don’t you? Once my head has cleared I’m going to hunt you down and make you rue the day you pulled this ruse over me.”

Gray lifted her head. “Oh, I know. You live for vengeance, Adrian Hedrick Montez.” Each word was like a verbal caress. “You thrive on havoc and disorder. You live for revenge. Haven’t you tormented me enough?”

“No,” Adrian said. His eyes darkened the way hers had sparked. “Not nearly enough.” He leaned in to taste her lips once more. He could have kissed her all night until both their lips blistered and bruised, but Adrian had no intention of staying in the Rex Room. He’d thought to bring home three girls, but this one was worth all three combined. Even if she were a glamour.

Adrian broke away. He gripped her hand and led her to the club’s entrance. Too bad he couldn’t teleport another person home with him.

Outside the club, she resisted his pull. “Where are you taking me?”

“Back to my place.”

She chewed on her lower lip. “What about your nan?”

Impressive. Glamour girl had done her homework.

“The old bird took off,” Adrian said, flicking his wrist in the air.

Gray leaned back to look at him. “Then I guess it’s good you have me for company.”

“Company,” Adrian said with a sneer. “Let’s be clear. I’m not bringing you home to trade tricks. Once you walk through the door I’m taking you straight to my bed. No nightcap, no chit-chat, and no pleasantries.”

Gray lifted her nose in the air. “I can pass on the nightcap. I’d say you’ve had enough to drink already. And when has anything between us ever been pleasant?” Her eyes narrowed.

She looked so much like the real thing, Adrian had stopped referring to her as glamour girl in his head and started thinking of her as the true Graylee Perez. The witch’s mannerisms were especially unnerving. Between the potion and drinking, Adrian was having a difficult time grasping on to reality.

Gray studied his face carefully. Her lips twitched.

“Why are you smiling?” Adrian demanded. Blitzed or not, he wouldn’t be made a fool by some sorceress out for revenge.

Who could it be? Perhaps he had royally pissed off one of his clients targets. Adrian was used to doing the avenging, not being set upon. The thought of standing on the receiving end made his blood boil. It wasn’t going to happen.

Some clever witch had discovered his infatuation with Gray and was trying to pull on his heart strings before ripping them out altogether.

Too bad for her his heart was locked so tight not even Houdini—if resurrected—could break through.

If she thought wearing Gray’s face would protect her, she was sorely mistaken. First he’d bed her then he’d punish the witch—maybe simultaneously.

“You’re acting strange,” Gray said. “Exactly how much did you drink tonight?”

“Not enough to have the wool pulled over me. Who sent you?” Adrian demanded.

Gray squinted. “What are you talking about?” She slowed to a stop.

A group of boisterous Spanish men skirted them. Their words sounded like nothing more than gibberish to Adrian. Unlike Gray, he didn’t speak the language. French was more his speed. One of the young men gave Gray’s tanned legs an appreciative glance, going so far as to lift his eyebrows up and down.

Suddenly, Adrian understood her earlier desire to snap the women at the club into straightjackets. Adrian would love nothing more than to outfit the young bucks inside bulky moon suits—complete with helmets. But magic wasn’t necessary, not the way Gray stared at him as though he was the only man alive. Her gaze hadn’t strayed from him since the moment she entered the club.

Gray placed a hand on her hip. “You have every reason not to trust me, but you can’t expect me to apologize for what happened back home. I couldn’t just sit back while you turned the town upside down and messed with my friends.”

Adrian’s lip curled back. “You mean Raj?”

Gray huffed. “I got over Raj months ago.”

“And the Spaniard?” Adrian’s jaw clenched. Gray’s friend Hannah had claimed Gray’s heart was recently broken by a local.

“Was just a distraction.”

Adrian eye’s dropped to Gray’s lips as she answered. “And me?” he asked.

“You’re a diamond in the rough,” Gray said, eyes sparkling as she stared into his. “I didn’t realize it at first.” She chewed on her lower lip briefly. “Actually I didn’t realize it until a couple hours ago, but then it hit me. I owe my existence to you.”

Adrian snorted. “What I did to you was a mistake.”

Gray frowned. “You think I’m a mistake?”

“Never,” Adrian said. Glamour or not, he wouldn’t allow anyone to consider the duplicate Gray a mistake.

Maybe this really was Gray. Maybe she was on the rebound. What better way to get back at Raj for choosing her duplicate over her? Or maybe this was payback for what Adrian had done to her on stage.

A larger group approached and split apart, surrounding them like the current of a river rushing past two impassable rocks. Unlike the earlier group, Gray took notice of this one and stepped closer to Adrian to make room for them to pass. Her body pressed against his.

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