Love after Marriage (18 page)

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Authors: Bhagya Chandra

BOOK: Love after Marriage
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“You look very tired. Is everything all right?” Deepak asked Roshni.

“Yes, we have been very busy for the last few weeks with a prototype design. We hope to release it next week. We are testing and fixing all the bugs.”

“How big is your team?”

“Five of us.”

Deepak listened and nodded in approval.

Roshni was curious about Deepak’s visit. “So, tell me, why are you here?”

Deepak explained to her about the conference in Bangalore and how he was recommended to train IT professionals. Roshni heard Bangalore and conference, and upon hearing all the details, she realized it was the same conference she was being sent to. With her eyes wide open, she instantly decided not to attend; instead, she would find a replacement. Roshni asked him about his stay, his reaction to Kusum didi and if he noticed any changes in the house.

“Roshni, you are amazing. I heard a lot about you from Sashank bhaiya, Akash bhaiya, Kaki, and even Vivek and Vaishali shared a lot of information regarding the changes. I am so happy that everything here is so positive. All are happy and joyful, and Kusum bhabhi…she is such a sweet person, and I think she is a perfect match for Sashank bhaiya.”

He held her hand. “Thank you so much, Roshni, you really turned everything around here.” He was sincere.

Roshni slowly pulled her hand from his grip. “Yes, I am happy too. Everybody here is so nice.” With teary eyes, she said, “I had so much support when Babuji passed away.” Roshni wiped her tears as she spoke.

Deepak again held her hand and consoled her. “Roshni, I know you were very attached to him. Sashank bhaiya told me that Kusum bhabhi gave you a lot of support.”

Roshni nodded, and they had their dinner. After dinner Deepak helped Roshni clean up the dishes and the kitchen. Roshni smiled to herself and appreciated Deepak’s help, especially since she was so tired. Later, both went to their room.

Deepak locked the door while Roshni pulled a sheet, a bed cover, a mattress and a pillow from the closet. She asked Deepak to sleep on the bed while she slept on the floor. He hesitated, but she talked him into sleeping on the bed.

Deepak came to Roshni and held her hands again. “Roshni, it is so nice to see you. How are you?”

Roshni gently pulled herself away from him. “Deepak, I am tired. I would like to rest. Please, can we talk later?”

Deepak let her rest.

He noticed how she pulled herself away from him, and this bothered him. Here he was, trying to make up for all that had happened, but she seemed very disinterested. Of course, it had been only a few hours since he’d arrived, and he certainly was not going to give up.

Both went to bed. Roshni was tired and within a few minutes dozed off. Deepak was unable to sleep, primarily because of the time difference, but the old memories haunted him. The conversations he had with others regarding Roshni came back, and he was afraid… How soon could he accomplish this objective? Would Roshni respond? Would she forgive him? He was terrified!

~ ~ ~

It was Saturday morning. Roshni woke up early and felt relaxed after last night’s rest. Deepak was asleep, so without disturbing him, she pulled the curtains on the window to prevent the bright sunlight from shining into the room. She gently shut the windows so the loud divine music from downstairs and the temple did not bother him, and she got ready, then came to the table and looked at Babuji’s picture and had a mental talk with him.

Babuji, today is my birthday, and you are not here. Please bless me and give me the strength to accomplish my goal, my promise to you. I have a few more months left here, so please guide me.

Her eyes became moist as she looked at her babuji. Deepak woke up and watched her as he lay on the bed. He was moved when he saw her in front of her babuji’s picture. How he wished he could hug and console her.

She wore a beautiful hand-embroidered purple salwar kameez that her babuji had gifted her when she’d visited him a couple of months ago. This was the last gift she’d received from him, and it was very special to her. Roshni brushed her hair, and since it was wet, she kept it together with a hair clip. Deepak quietly watched her and was mesmerized by her beauty. She definitely had great taste in clothes, and especially with her hair loose, she looked like an angel to him.

Roshni lit the oil lamp and the sandalwood incense in the pooja room. The grey smoke swirled and spread the fragrance around. She offered her prayers and asked for blessings on this birthday.

Kaki had chai ready for her. The taste of ginger and aroma of cardamom tempted her. She informed Kaki and Kusum didi that she had to go to work for a few hours. Kusum asked if she wanted to have breakfast before she left, and she nodded. Kaki made hot aloo paratha for breakfast, accompanied by spiced yogurt. Roshni had a paratha and was ready to leave.

Deepak walked down to the table area. “Good morning, all.” He looked at Roshni. “Hi!”

Everybody greeted him.

Sashank suggested that Deepak could drop Roshni at work. Roshni was uncertain; she wanted to go to the temple first. She gave some excuses to avoid Deepak, and it was clear that she did not want him to go with her, but he was very determined as well. Roshni finally agreed, and they left.

Roshni navigated Deepak through the streets to the temple first, and after offering her prayers at the temple, they left for her work. It was important for her to visit the temple because of her birthday.

Deepak certainly had a hard time driving in India, but with Roshni directing him, he managed to reach her workplace. As she got out of the car, her small purse fell from her handbag without Roshni noticing.

She confirmed with Deepak that he was comfortable driving back alone, and she left. As Deepak made a U-turn, he noticed her purse on the floor. He parked the car and went to return it to her. The building was several floors high, but he managed to find Roshni’s office. As he waited at the door, Sanjay passed by and recognized Deepak; he remembered meeting Deepak in Jammu. Deepak recognized him too, and they greeted each other.

After a few minutes of pleasantries, Deepak asked if Sanjay could find Roshni for him. Instantly, Sanjay pulled him aside. “Did you know today is Roshni’s birthday?” he asked.

Deepak, of course, had no clue it was her birthday.

“Deepak, will you pick her up again?” Sanjay asked.

“We had not talked about it; she wanted to come home by herself.”

“Can you come back by 11:30 or noon? We have a cake, a surprise for her. Since you are here, it would be good to have you. My wife, Neelima, will be here too,” Sanjay asked Deepak.

Deepak accepted the invitation and agreed to come back. Sanjay called Roshni, and she had not expected to see Deepak.

“Deepak, did you have any problem with the directions?” she enquired.

“Oh no, Roshni, here is your purse. You dropped it in the car.”

He gave her the purse, and Roshni thanked him. Deepak left with a hint to Sanjay that he would be back.


Chapter 15

A Surprise Birthday Party for Roshni

As he drove back to the house, Deepak wondered why nobody in the house knew of her birthday. He thought of her actions that morning, and now they made sense to him. When he arrived home, Sashank and Akash were watching TV together and discussing the news and politics. This was unseen before, and Deepak smiled and joined them. After a few minutes, Kusum came along and joined them as well.

Deepak took this opportunity to inform them about Roshni’s birthday.

All three exclaimed, “Roshni’s birthday today!”

“Yes, her colleagues have planned a small celebration at 11:30 a.m., and they invited me. I understand this is a surprise for her.” He paused and looked at them. “I think we should do something for her. What do you all say?”

Several ideas came forth. Deepak wanted to take her out and have a quiet dinner with her, but Sashank bhaiya and Kusum bhabhi disagreed because they wanted to do something special for her as a family.

“She is special to all of us, and there are few occasions we get to do something for her for all that she has done for this family, especially since Prashant passed away. We all know how much this has affected her, so let’s celebrate together so she does not become sad,” said Sashank. “Deepak, do you see any difference in us?”

Deepak nodded. There was a big change in all of them.

“All this is because of Roshni. She is such a sweetheart, and she has really influenced us all,” Sashank said.

Within no time, there was a plan to organize a party for her that evening, just family and her colleagues. All were excited to celebrate Roshni’s birthday; she was so special to everyone. Deepak noticed the impact Roshni had had on his family members.

He agreed to invite her colleagues and their families, keeping it a secret from Roshni. Kusum, Sashank and Akash decided to buy her a gift: a jewelry set. Deepak was amazed at how each of them wanted to do something special for Roshni. He was very happy for her.

Deepak wanted to do something for her. He thought he could get her some jewelry sets and dresses, since he remembered she enjoyed their shopping trip in Jammu. They asked Deepak to take Roshni shopping and buy things she liked, and decided that he should bring her back after 6:30 p.m., when all the guests arrived. They planned to cook her favorite dishes.

~ ~ ~

Deepak arrived at her office at 11:30 a.m., and Sanjay welcomed him into the building. Roshni was busy in her cube, reviewing the designs, when all of them barged into her cube and shouted loudly, “Surprise!”

Roshni was astounded. She looked around to see the entire group, with cake. She noticed Neelima and looked at Deepak. “What are you doing here?”

Deepak smiled. “Celebrating your birthday!”

All her team wished her happy birthday while she wondered who had told Deepak. Sanjay acknowledged that he had invited Deepak over.

Without making a fuss, Roshni left the designs on the adjacent table, blew out the candle, and cut the cake. Everybody wished her again.

It was Deepak’s turn, and he came forward. He looked at her very lovingly, wished her, and fed her the cake.

Sanjay had a camera, and he started clicking pictures. “Deepak, can you please move closer to Roshni? I will take a picture.”

Roshni was holding a bunch of balloons tied together when Deepak moved softly behind her.

“Yaar, Deepak, move closer to her, man!” repeated Sanjay

Deepak came closer and hugged her from behind. Roshni was startled. She turned, and Deepak was so close she twisted, resting her left shoulder on Deepak’s chest, only to see Deepak stare at her very lovingly. Sanjay captured this image, a beautiful moment indeed!

They gazed at each other for a few moments, with Deepak smiling at Roshni. She became uncomfortable and tried to pull away, but Deepak indicated for her to look into the camera, and Sanjay captured this image. Deepak let her go after a few minutes.

The testing was complete for that day. Roshni conveyed to her team that they should be able to release the design next week. Roshni walked into the restroom to clean up, and Deepak took this opportunity to invite all her colleagues to the party that evening. He gave his e-mail address to Sanjay and asked him to send him copies of the pictures, and Sanjay nodded.

Roshni and Deepak left soon after, and on the way to the car, Roshni asked Deepak if she could drive so he was not so stressed. Deepak was taken aback; he never expected she knew how to drive.

With a nice smile on his face, he asked, “Can you drive? I mean, when did you learn to drive?”

“Babuji taught me. I drove his car frequently,” Roshni replied.

Deepak gave her the keys and took the passenger seat while Roshni started the car. Deepak was amazed at how well she drove – no stress or tension, very calm all along. He came to explore her and his exploration had begun!

~ ~ ~

After lunch, Kusum reminded Deepak of his plan to take Roshni out so they could make preparations for the party. Roshni was tired and was in her room, relaxing on the sofa. Deepak went to her and knelt down near the sofa.

“Roshni, are you okay?” he asked.

“Yes, I’m a little tired. We’ve been busy for a few weeks now, and the stress catches up to you, so–”

“Kusum bhabhi wants us to go shopping to pick up a few things, and I wanted to get her a gift. I wondered if you could go with me.”

“Did didi give you the list? Shopping is my weakness you know; I can go anytime,” she responded.

Deepak had a smile on his face. “Good, when do you think we could go?”

“Can I rest first, please?” She thought for a minute. “How about between three and four? We can have chai and leave.” Deepak agreed, and Roshni continued, “You should also rest since you woke up early this morning.”

Deepak again nodded. He got up, locked the door, and then headed towards the bed to relax.

~ ~ ~

Deepak and Roshni woke up to a knock on the door. Kusum bhabhi was at the door, reminding him to take Roshni out. It was 3:30 p.m. Deepak whispered to her that he would wake Roshni and they would leave soon.

Roshni was already awake. Both Deepak and Roshni got ready and went downstairs for chai. After chai, they left to go shopping.

In the car, Roshni asked, “What gifts are you planning to buy?”

“Hmm, a few dresses and jewelry,” he replied.

“What kind of dresses?”

“Indian – salwar kameez,” he responded.

Roshni wondered who he was buying the Indian dresses for, but calmed herself that it was not her business to indulge in his personal matters. “So let’s get the dresses first and then go to the jewelry store. Buying jewelry and leaving it in the car or carrying it with us while shopping is not safe. What do you say?”

“As you say, you know more of these things than I do.” He just wanted to be with her and enjoy her company.

She took him to a boutique. It was a beautiful place that carried a range from very simple to the latest design dresses. Roshni had shopped at this place several times so the owner, Sarita, knew her well. Sarita greeted Roshni and hugged her. Roshni introduced Deepak and, without giving any more details than necessary, asked her to show the latest dress designs to him. Roshni left Deepak with Sarita, and she went around looking for other designs.

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