Love after Marriage (16 page)

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Authors: Bhagya Chandra

BOOK: Love after Marriage
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As he left, he looked at Vivek and Vaishali. “Thank you both. I really need guidance and support at this time. I know I can count on you both. I will catch up with you after I talk to Roshni.”

“Very good, your wife and your life are a priority at this time. Keep this in mind,” said Vivek.

“Yes, I will.”

And he left a little relieved. He needed this rude awakening. He needed to put his priorities straight. He was concerned as to how he would resolve the situation with Roshni, but he had a steadfast goal to win her and live with her all his life. He came home and paced up and down the family room, thinking of various ideas. He was relaxed after meeting with Vivek and Vaishali, and with excitement combined with restlessness, his mind raced at a very high speed.

He went into flashback mode…one underlying theme in all the conversations was the respect and praise for Roshni.

Deepak questioned himself.
How could I not see this? Why was I so inhuman? What was I thinking? Why did I have to distress her? I was so immature. Why? Why?

He eagerly waited to call Roshni, and the clock seemed to crawl. It was 6 p.m. He could not call India this early, so he decided to go grocery shopping to keep his mind off these thoughts. It was 7:30 p.m. in California. He unpacked groceries and then called home. Roshni was not available. Sashank, Akash and Roshni had gone out for a walk. This was news to Deepak; when did this start? He asked Kaki and learnt that they had been doing this for a few weeks now. He smiled at this new development.

Deepak was impatient and sat next to the phone, watching the clock tick away. Finally he called India again. He had a brief conversation with Akash and asked for Roshni.

She picked up the phone. “Hello.”

“Hello, Roshni, how are you?”

“I’m fine. Is everything all right, Deepak?”

“Why do you ask that question?”

“Because you called yesterday and you are calling again today, I just wondered!”

A moment of silence followed.

“Yes, because I could not talk to you yesterday,” he replied.

Roshni mentioned they were busy getting everything ready for the wedding.

“So how are the preparations going? I wish I was there too.”

“You have already met Kusum didi one time. When you come here in December, she will be here.”

Deepak and Roshni had never had a casual conversation like this before.

“Yeah, December seems too far off. I will try to come sooner, maybe a short trip.”

“Why?” Roshni responded instantly. She bit her tongue. She’d reacted hastily. “I mean, why? Coming in December will give you a longer time to visit and moreover–”

Deepak interrupted her, “I know, but I have heard so much of all the wonderful changes you brought into the family; I can’t wait to visit you all.”

A moment of silence followed.

“Roshni, what happened?”

“Nothing, shall I hang up?”

“Why, are you busy?”

“Sashank bhaiya and I planned to finish the remaining shopping for the wedding.”

Deepak wanted to talk to her longer and tried to extend the conversation, but she was apprehensive. Regardless, he continued, “Roshni, how is your work?”

“It’s all right.”

“Were you able to find your friend Sanjay a job in your firm?”

Roshni was astonished that Deepak remembered this conversation. “Yes, Sanjay has been working at our firm since the end of February, and he is in my group.”

“Oh, congratulations, so you were successful.”

“He had all the credentials, so Gupta had no problem hiring him.”

“Who is Gupta?”

“The director of the firm, a very nice man, my boss.”

They talked for a few minutes, and Roshni was restless to disconnect him. She was in no mood to extend the conversation beyond what was necessary. “Deepak, I have to go now. Is there anything important you wanted to talk to me about?” she asked him abruptly.

“Why? Can I not just chat with you?”

“NO…I mean, we had agreed to not communicate unless necessary so…”

“Roshni…” He paused and struggled for words to communicate to her that he wanted to have conversations with her.

“Deepak, it’s all right. I understand. You were excited about Sashank bhaiya’s wedding and you called. Can you call back next Friday evening our time for a few minutes? Sashank bhaiya and Kusum didi, I mean bhabhi for you, will be married by then, and both can talk to you.” She paused and then added, “You mentioned that you were busy at work, but I think you can spare a few minutes for your brother, right?”

Deepak listened to her…she was his priority at this time; he didn’t care about work. Yes, he would like to talk to Sashank bhaiya and Kusum bhabhi for a few minutes, but it was her he wanted to converse with.

“Yes, certainly, but I will call intermittently. Roshni, I apologize for not keeping in touch with you regularly.”

“Deepak, you don’t have to apologize. This was our agreement. Okay, Deepak, I have to hang up now. Sashank bhaiya will be waiting for me.”

“Okay, I’ll call back later.”

Deepak was relieved he was able to talk to her for a few minutes, but Roshni was confused.
Why did he want to talk to me; he has never talked to me for this long?
She thought about it for a few minutes but shrugged her shoulders and let it go.


Chapter 13

Sashank and Kusum Get Married

Everybody at home worked as a team to get ready for the wedding. Kaki, Lakshmi and Rahim chacha all pitched in their efforts to help Akash and Roshni. Since this was a registered wedding, the only premarriage ceremony that was completed was the ‘kula devi’ pooja. Sashank took blessings from Durga Devi. Rangoli patterns adorned the front yard. The house was decorated with various flowers and lights.

The hall and caterer for the reception was confirmed, and everyone agreed on a menu for the reception: vegetable pulav, raita, two vegetable curries, naan, a couple of appetizers and a few desserts. The hall was decorated with flowers and twinkling lights.

All arrangements were completed, and it was April 14
, Friday, the big day for Sashank and Kusum. Kusum stayed at Sashank’s house the previous night, and the next day everybody left for the registrar’s office at the appointed time. Kusum wore a heavy brocade green silk saree, and Sashank wore a kurta pyjama. Roshni was dressed in a zari-embroidered salwar kameez. Since the wedding was at the registrar’s office, they could not dress more traditionally. Sashank and Kusum went through the registered wedding with very close friends present as witnesses. They exchanged rings, and Sashank put the mangalsutra around Kusum’s neck at an auspicious time. All papers were signed, and Sashank and Kusum were husband and wife.

Roshni whispered to Sashank to hug Kusum. Sashank was shy at first, but he pulled Kusum towards him and they hugged, satisfaction evident in their eyes. It was a big event for both of them.

Roshni hugged Sashank and Kusum, and congratulated them. The newly married couple touched Kaki’s feet and took her blessings. As planned, everybody visited the temple for blessings, the priest performed a small pooja, and later Roshni welcomed Kusum more traditionally and completed the formality of doing arati; Kusum was asked to step her right foot first and she did. Sashank presented her with bracelets, a gift and a symbolic token of accepting her as a daughter-in-law in the house.

Roshni remembered the time she was given the bracelets, and her eyes became moist. She took a deep breath and sighed.
Everything is over. It is futile to think about it.

Everything with Sashank’s wedding went well, very simple and decent.

~ ~ ~

Deepak called that evening to congratulate Sashank and Kusum. Kaki picked up the phone, and Deepak asked to speak with Sashank bhaiya.

“Hello, Deepak.”

“Congratulations, bhaiya, Kaki mentioned that all went well this morning. I am so happy for you.”

“Thank you, Deepak, you know…if not for Roshni, this would not have been possible.”

“I know, bhaiya. So what are your plans after the reception?”

“Both of us have taken off next week. You know, as per family tradition, we have to go to Vaishno Devi for darshan. I think we will take this trip.”

Deepak remembered his and Roshni’s trip not too long ago and their conversations. After being quiet for a few seconds, he continued, “I’m glad both of you decided to make that trip. It will be a good way to get away for a few days. Is Kusum bhabhi around? Can I talk to her as well?”

Deepak talked with Kusum bhabhi and congratulated her. They had a casual conversation for some time, and then he asked for Roshni.

Kusum called out, “Roshni, Deepak is on the phone. He wants to talk to you.”

“Me? I don’t think so. He wanted to talk to both of you,” replied Roshni.

Deepak overheard this. “Bhabhi, please tell her I want to talk to her.”

“Roshni, Deepak says he wants to talk to you.”

Roshni picked up the phone. “Hello.”

“Hello, Roshni, did you believe I would only talk to bhaiya and bhabhi!”

“Yes, we talked about this last week.”

“What will it take for me to demonstrate to you that I want to talk to you too?” Deepak asked very politely.

“Nothing, our conversations are very minimal always.”

This is going to change now, Roshni, my darling. Just wait and watch how I win you back!
he thought to himself.

“So tell me, Roshni, how everything went?” Deepak asked her.

“Sashank bhaiya just gave you all the details; what more do you want to know?”

“I want to know from you. Come on, tell me. I am eagerly waiting to hear from you.”

Roshni gave him all the details of the wedding, the planned reception and their proposed trip to Vaishno Devi. Deepak enjoyed her conversation. He asked questions in between and waited for her response, and they had a good time talking to each other. It was noticeable Roshni also was very pleased that Sashank bhaiya was married.

Deepak and Roshni talked for over thirty minutes.

“I think I talked too long; shall I hang up now?”

“Why?” asked Deepak. He enjoyed talking to her.

“We talked for too long, and it is not a good idea. What if…” she paused, “your girlfriend observed this, she would not like it.”

Deepak just nodded his head. He knew there was no girlfriend, but he took this opportunity to clarify this with Roshni. “Roshni, there is no girlfriend here. I mean, I don’t have a girlfriend.”

“You said so last time.”

“No, you mistook me. If Sashank bhaiya had agreed and if I was not married to you, I would have pursued my relationship, but now, since our marriage…I…” He paused.

“It does not matter to me, Deepak. You are still free to choose whoever you want to live with. I mean…find a partner you like,” Roshni replied.

“Roshni, did you hear what I just said? I never had and never will have any other relationship,” he emphasized in a raised tone.

Roshni remained quiet.

“Roshni…I just want you to understand me, please. I feel like I’m repeating this to you over and over.”

Roshni choked. Deepak had touched her sensitive side, and he became quiet too. After a few moments, she said, “I am going to hang up, Deepak.”

“Roshni, please…” he requested.

Given the circumstances, it was better to let go! Deepak was being extremely cautious dealing with her. Both of them said ‘bye’ to each other and hung up.

Roshni took a deep breath and blew air out of her mouth, glad it was over. However, thoughts of her long talk with Deepak lingered.

Deepak felt relieved. Since his return to the US, this was the first time he’d talked to her for so long. He enjoyed the conversation, and he could not wait to talk to her again.

~ ~ ~

It was Sunday, and everyone was ready to leave for the reception, which was held in a hotel. Kusum wore a silk brocade sari, and Roshni wore a traditional lehenga choli with a dupatta. Akash and Sashank were dressed in kurta pyjamas with a scarf. Kaki was dressed in a silk sari. At the reception, Sashank introduced Kusum to his friends. It was a jubilant occasion. There was light music playing in the background, men and women were dressed colorfully, and kids were running around. The caterers did a wonderful job serving the guests. The steaming dishes spread enticing aromas. Laddus, burfis and gulab jamun – wow! Guests had a variety of choices for food, and it felt the occasion was not complete until chai was served.

The reception went well, and everybody returned home feeling satisfied. They were all seated in the family room discussing the events while Roshni went to her room to her babuji’s picture, and with teary eyes, she said, “Thank you, Babuji. Thank you for your support and guidance through this.” She wept for a few minutes. “I am working hard to keep my promise, Babuji. Sashank bhaiya is married, and now I will focus on Akash bhaiya.”

Back in their room, Sashank was talking to Kusum. “Kusum, please pay attention to Roshni. She is still shattered after her babuji’s death, and with Deepak in the US, she feels lonely. Akash, Kaki and Lakshmi and I have been trying our best to keep her engaged, but there are times she goes away to her room without informing anybody. There have been a few occasions I have seen her by her babuji’s picture and crying. This girl has had so much impact on us and our family; I do not know what I would do without her. She is my daughter, and I hope you will treat her the same.”

Kusum came to Sashank and held his hand. “Please don’t worry. I know her well, and I am also aware she is missing her babuji. Roshni was very close to him; they were more like friends to each other. I agree; she is our daughter, and I will take care of her,” she said.

Sashank was relieved to hear this.

Kusum continued, “I will take care of Akash as well. You don’t have to worry about him.”

This was a great assurance for Sashank from his wife, and they made plans to visit Vaishno Devi as per family tradition.

~ ~ ~

Deepak called again, and Roshni picked up the phone this time, and they talked about the reception.

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