Love By Design (14 page)

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Authors: Liz Matis

BOOK: Love By Design
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He grabbed a strategically placed chair and put it on the stage. Reaching his hand out to her, he motioned with the other for her to jump up. Her eyes widen and adamantly shook her head no, but Ava was already pushing her up.

The contact of her hand in his sent a jolt through him. He desperately wanted to escape the theater to be alone with her. Instead they were going to be exhibitionists, touching and caressing each other in front of an audience. In turned him on knowing he was going to go home with her, while everyone else thought they were strangers acting out a part.

Russ sat her down. He put her hand directly onto his abs, gyrating hips as the lyrics continued. With brows furrowed in concentration and a slight tug of her bottom lip with her teeth, Victoria explored his abs like an archaeologist unearthing a newly uncovered statue. Thank God the thong was so tight it kept his erection from being too obvious. He hoped he could still say that when his pants came off.

He smiled when she didn’t seem to know what to do next. Usually by this time the selected woman would’ve groped every part of his body, unbuckling his tool belt and letting it drop to the floor in a thud. So he went through the process himself, taking her hands along his body, then he undid the belt and held the two ends with his hands and grinded to the beat of the music. Her touch unleashed feelings in him that he did not recognize.

He wished her hands would explore lower.
No wait. Bad, bad, idea.
The thong could only hold so much back. He laughed as his gaze met hers. He saw lust, yes, but there was also a hint of confusion.

Did she think he picked her at random? That he was doing this to some unknown female? Perhaps thinking about those other woman he had? But what she couldn’t know was none of those other women mattered. Just her. He wanted her to enjoy the moment. Maybe it was time to let her know he recognized her. He bent down close to her ear. Felt rather than heard the catch of her breath.

“I’d know you anywhere, cupcake.”

Chapter 19


e knows it’s me!
Even when he picked her out of the crowd to join him on stage she wasn’t sure he’d recognized her. But now there was no question. How did he know? This was one of her best disguises. Had anyone else spotted her? She’d never been made as the notorious heiress while wearing it. She was committing fashion suicide in this outfit and no one would ever guess the Brittany Spears getup hid Victoria Bryce. Except Russ.

Perhaps he didn’t realize it until she got up on stage? He was just the type to be attracted to the bimbo blonde wig she wore. No, he knew before it. Did Ava give her up? Did Russ supply Ava with the VIP tickets?

“Have at me.” Russ winked and swept her hands over his sculpted flesh.

She should be mortified to be caressing him in front of an audience. Instead the cheering and egging on from the pack of women emboldened her. She hadn’t any real fun in two years. She hadn’t been a bad girl in two years. Her fingers reached for his pants and she tugged hard. The fabric broke away.

The crowd squealed. Victoria’s mouth dropped open. What kind of miraculous material held back what she knew lay behind the thong? It defied the Law of Physics. A definite marvel of textile technology. Too bad someone went crazy with a be-dazzler because his package didn’t need any embellishment. Her fingers itched to touch but that was probably off limits. Would a bouncer come drag her off stage if she did?
What if THAT made the papers?
Victoria could hold off for an hour or two. Then they’d be alone and she could touch anywhere she wanted.
Eat your hearts out, ladies.
A smile appeared on her face and she lifted her head as her hand drifted to rest on his chest. His heart beat erratically underneath her palm. Funny, she was sure her heart had stopped. Had she even taken a breath?

Their gazes met as Joe Cocker sang about knowing what love is.

Love? Victoria didn’t know what love was. Not really. But she knew lust. And she was feeling a whole lot of it right now. Two years ago she’d have stripped along with him not caring about the repercussions. Lucky for her the wine had worn off or she might have done it tonight. She was not above being arrested for lewd conduct.

The song ended. Russ reached for her hand and led her back to her seat but before she climbed down he kissed her hand like he was a gentleman from a Jane Austen novel instead of stripper wearing only a sequined thong. She so did not feel like a lady.

Maybe he’d give her a private performance tonight then she’d turn the tables on him and peel off her clothes for him.

“I can’t believe you just did that,” Ava shouted out at her when she got down.

“You pushed me up there.”

“I nudged you.”

Victoria sported a feline smile that Catwoman would’ve been proud of. “Got a cigarette?”

“I am so trying not to be a hater right now.”

The MC came back out. “Ladies, we know you love animals. Our next man, Brady, has no worries that you’ll save a horse and ride a cowboy.”

Victoria had to admit Brady was hot. Ava seemed to be of similar mind but lost her head as he approached their section, screaming and waving like a thirteen-year-old at a boy band concert. The show wasn’t what she expected. In fact it was like a concert with lights and blaring music. Male dancers who looked great in a thong but wouldn’t make it past the auditions for So You Think You Can Dance replaced musicians who could barely play an instrument or carry a tune but had long hair and looked hot. The revue might be a little burlesque, but definitely not the seedy spectacle she imagined. Victoria was having a great time.

So was Ava. She had attracted the attentions of the cowboy. Brady had blonde hair that only a surfer could achieve and had more muscle than Russ did. But Victoria preferred Russ’s lean sinewy frame that came from swinging a hammer versus pumping a barbell.

Brady reached out his hand. Ava didn’t need to be pushed. Not even a nudge. In fact if jumping up on stage was an Olympic sport she would win the gold medal. Victoria laughed as Ava turned to her and mouthed ‘thank you.’

She motioned the waitress over and ordered two apple martinis.

Victoria’s cell phone vibrated and she checked the name. Neil. She felt bad for not calling him back but it was a busy day on set.
You didn’t want to tell him what happened with Russ.
She couldn’t take the call now. For one she wouldn’t be able to hear a thing and two Neil, while he’d excuse her for lying about her sex life, he would never forgive Victoria for going to a male revue without him. He’d been trying to convince her to go as his cover. Sure, there were plenty of strip clubs for gay men, but Neil hated them.

She made a promise to herself that she’d take him here once he got back as a welcome home present. Victoria was sure Ava would have no problem tagging along. Feeling less guilty with a plan in place, she texted Neil a quick message. Can’t talk—LOVE YOU.

The reply from him was immediate. “You are so DEAD.”

Victoria laughed while she put the phone away. Turning her attention back to the stage, she wasn’t shocked to find Ava, a card carrying member of PETA, sitting astride Brady and riding him like a cowgirls gone wild video, doing her part to save a horse. She wasn’t sure who was having a better time.

The drinks arrived as Ava sat back down. Beaming as she swept her glass off the table she shouted, “I don’t hate you anymore.”


“About eight.”


“It’ll do.”

“We are so bad.”

They clinked glasses. “It’s about freaking time!”

Next up came a gladiator, fireman, doctor, biker, and an archaeologist who wanted to find their secret treasure. Russ had already found hers and none of the other dancers attracted her but she enjoyed watching them for the eye-candy that they were. She assumed there was a finale where all the men came out at once and she couldn’t wait to see Russ again.

“It’s Raining Men” rocked the theater and they all came out wearing tuxedos. A very appropriate song, thought Victoria. Out of the corner of her eye she watched as an older lady climbed up on stage and started tearing at Brady’s clothes.
Oh my God!
Was that Mrs. McPherson from the design studio?
Oh my God!
This must be where she recognized Russ from. Had she made the connection yet? Had she spotted Victoria? No, the woman was clearly after Brady. An old man who Victoria guessed was her significant other made his way up to the stage, putting his fists up ready to fight Brady. As politely as he could, he returned the lady to the gentleman, but her grip was so tight Brady nearly fell off the stage.

“It’s a good thing her husband got her off the stage. I wouldn’t want to be arrested for scratching out the eyes of senior citizen,” joked Ava.

Russ and Brady bee-lined for the VIP section, dancing in front of them. Then in a perfect synchronized moment the dancers whipped off the shirts and after two more beats, the pants. The thongs looked like little tuxedoes. Victoria laughed. They looked so cute. Though she knew the men would find the word ‘cute’ offensive.

The show ended and an announcement was made that the dancers would be available for photos in ten minutes. Victoria had to leave now. The longer she stayed the greater the chance of being recognized. Mrs. McPherson could still be lurking somewhere.

Ava waved a slip of paper in the air. “Brady sent me a message. They want us to meet up after.”

“I can’t stay.”

Ava blew out a breath. “I know.”

“Don’t worry, I can take a cab home.” No worries at all since Russ would not be far behind, she thought.

“That’s why you’re my BFF.”

Victoria hoped this would give Ava the incentive to dump Josh. He didn’t deserve her. She gave her a hug and promised to call her in the morning. If Brady asked too many questions of why the foursome became a twosome then Ava would distract him easily enough.

Spotting Mrs. McPherson, Victoria ducked toward the exit. Had the older woman put one and one together and come up with the couple she met just the other day? Did she recognize Russ? Victoria? Russ had and he barely knew her and if Russ recognized her, had anyone else? Victoria knew she should have stayed at home. And while she skulked out of the theater Russ was probably surrounded by a dozen women all vying for his attention.

Could anything else go wrong?

As Victoria came out the door, a flash from a camera blinded her eyes.

Chapter 20


uss stood outside Victoria’s studio wondering what to do. They were either too busy fighting or groping each other to think of trading cell phone numbers or finalize any plans for a clandestine hook-up. He was disappointed she hadn’t hung around after the show even though he knew if not understood her need for secrecy. Russ didn’t see a separate doorway to the upstairs apartment. The memory of her hands gliding over his body in front of the screaming audience had him revved up and there was only one woman he wanted to expend all that energy on. A light shone from the back of the store, so, since he wasn’t Spiderman, he tried the buzzer at the entrance to the studio.

In a flash the door opened and he was tugged inside. The door slammed shut and the lock clicking shut sounded behind him as he regained his balance. She was strong for a little thing. “Patience is not one of your virtues, is it?” He smiled as he pulled her into his arms, happy that she was just as anxious as he was to get it on. “Not that I mind.” He bent to kiss her, to show her how much he didn’t mind, but her hand shot up to cover his mouth.

“Did anyone see you come in here?”

Looking down at her hand he mumbled but she didn’t take the hint so he licked the palm of her hand. Victoria jumped back, wiping her hand on the same jeans she wore earlier, along with the pink fuzzy 1950’s type shirt, but the blonde wig and contacts were gone. Instead of the desire he should see in her eyes, he read anxiety and a bit of panic. “What’s going on?”

“Did anyone see you come in here?” she repeated. “Were you followed?”

He took two steps forward and gripped her arms in concern. “Followed? Victoria, are you okay?”

“Yes, I’m fine.” She pulled away and walked over to the display window and peeked out.

“No one is out there. What’s this all about?” Russ wanted to hold her. Protect her. What was it about her that brought out this side of him? Was it simply the fact that she was barely five foot two? Or was it something more? Deeper?

She turned back to face him. “As I was coming out of the club someone took my picture.”

Is that all?
He held in a sigh of relief since it was important to her. “You think they recognized you?”

“I don’t know.” She paused for a moment looking away then her gaze shifted back to Russ. “You did.” Victoria stared at him like he was one of those cupcakes.

Would she lick him just as thoroughly? His cock twitched. Any woman who devoured a cupcake the way she did had to give a great blow job. His gaze automatically dropped to her lips. His dick grew uncomfortably hard. He wanted her delicate hands to urge him even harder before that mouth enclosed around him. Hot. Wet. Warm.
Stop thinking about it. Too late
. He wondered if there was such a thing as anti-Viagara. “Said I’d know you anywhere. What’s up with you and the press anyway?”

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