Love For Lenore (5 page)

Read Love For Lenore Online

Authors: Regina Tittel

Tags: #romantic, #historical inspirational christian shortstory romance lovestory, #helpmeet

BOOK: Love For Lenore
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"Oh, you poor, dear. How could he?"
She wrapped her arms around Lenore. "He seemed like such a nice

Lenore wiggled loose of Zoey's embrace
and scrunched her brows as she looked at her. A half laugh escaped
as she realized the path Zoey's thoughts had taken. "No, Zoey.
Nothing bad happened. I only got teary-eyed when I realized I'd
have to say good-bye."

"Why would you say good-bye? To

"Yes, I'm married now. I married
Heston before we brought you the wheels but not because anything
happened like what you thought. Nothing has."

Zoey bent her head closer to keep her
words from her son's young ears. "You mean the marriage hasn't been

Lenore shook her head then watched as
her step-mother rose and stepped outside.

Chapter Nine

Moments later, Zoey reentered the
wagon with Castle behind her. Lenore shrunk from the determined
atmosphere surrounding her father. He stood over her with hands
fisted at his sides. Lenore lifted her head and watched his anger
fall away like snowflakes.

She rose to explain and found herself
embraced in his burly arms.

"The Lord is good, Lenore." He
squeezed her tight.

A gladness rose in her like peace. Her
father had accepted Heston.

Castle's voice sounded near her ear.
"The marriage hasn't been consummated, you don't have to go back
with him. We'll find a way around this."

Lenore's hope proved fleeting as
spring. She stumbled backward. "Father, I married him on my own
free will."

"He told me about his

"But I'm now his wife–"

"Daughter," he used the term reserved
for when he disagreed with her opinion or actions. "You don't know
what you're talking about. You were tricked into this by a selfish

Images of her first night with Heston
flipped through her mind like pages of a book. Heston squatted in
front of her rubbing her feet, to him losing his temper, and
finally lingering on him holding the lantern so they could better
see one another. It was then that something had changed. Something
within her, a fluttering sensation . . .
"I think we could get
along okay, don't you?"
Heston's confident voice called out to


She turned toward the opening, it
wasn't just her memories. Heston was calling for her even now. "I
wasn't tricked, Father. Heston has been honest with me from the

"Then why didn't you say no? You could
have gotten help from someone in that town of his." Her father's
voice held the plea of a child. He wasn't ready to let her go. Time
was against them all.

Lenore placed a gentle hand on his
arm. "What would that extra time have cost you, Father?" Her eyes
settled on Zoey.

Castle did the same. The love he and
Zoey shared was evident for Lenore to see. She reached for both of
their hands and joined them together. "Heston allowed God to work
through him. You may not want to see it now, but in time, I think
you will."

Henry came to stand by her side. Her
little brother's child-like faith revealed itself through his
words. "I know you have to leave, Sis. But I like Heston, and he'll
bring you to visit."

"That's right. I will." Heston emerged
through the canvas flap. "I realize you don't think much of me
right now, Castle, but if I'm to keep your daughter safe, we'll
need to get started back soon or nightfall will catch

The sight of Heston sent an electric
warmth through Lenore's veins. Was this what Father felt toward


Heston smiled at the young bride
seated on a mare by his side. After only a few tears, she'd been
ready to be on their way. She already amazed him. Her father,
though still upset, had accepted what he couldn't undo. As Heston
had helped change the wheel of the wagon, Castle even shared the
marital advice he'd stored up for Lenore's future

He looked from Heston's red hair to
his face. "You remember the smallest man has the biggest anger.
Make sure you always stand tall."

Heston nodded thoughtfully. "That's
good advice, sir."

Encouraged, Castle had continued. "Ask
you wife for counsel. And don't let your pride keep you from
welcoming her judgment."

The advice was worthy of remembrance,
and so was the example of acceptance shown by Lenore's parents.
Perhaps he and Lenore would visit in the spring, but from the
glowing look of his bride, she didn't seem to be in a

Heston reached out to touch her hand.
Her smile squeezed his heart. Was he already in love? He considered
the implication and saw no reason to fight against it. The
happiness she'd brought him in only three days was worth all the
love he could give.

The noon sun sparkled against the
snow, making their path treacherous in places. Lenore's horse
snorted and tossed her head, disgruntled as her front legs sunk in
knee–deep snow. They'd been riding steady all morning. It was time
for a break.

Heston steered them toward a small
stand of trees. After dismounting, he tied the horses and mule then
helped Lenore down from her mount. A slight gasp escaped her lips
at their close encounter. Heston allowed his hands to linger on her
waist longer than necessary. Lenore's eyes darkened, that was all
the invitation he needed. Bending his head toward hers, he was
surprised when her lips met him halfway.

Lost in a world of their own, moments
passed before Lenore's horse stomped her feet and shied away. With
the loss of their support, they both tumbled into the snow.
Lenore's laughter bubbled forth from her like the end of a
waterfall. Heston admired her rosy cheeks and just-kissed lips.
"Thank you, Lenore."

Her eyes widened in surprise. "For

"For marrying me."

A distant shot rang in the air. Quick
to rise, Heston helped Lenore to her feet.

"Did that come from my family?" Worry
filled her eyes.

"No." Heston stared through the
snow-laden trees. "Someone's helping themselves to my – to our

Chapter Ten

Lenore expected Heston to reach for
his gun, instead he opened the pack on the mule and offered her
dried venison and apples. She cocked her head to the side, "I don't

"It won't do any good to get in a
hurry. They're too far away and we'd only risk injury to the horses
or ourselves." Heston leaned against the tree Lenore shared and
took her hand in his. "Shall we pray?"

At her nod, he began, "Father, we ask
You to bless this food to our bodies and guide us safely home. And
for the unsaved soul who's robbing our traps, please blanket his
spirit with Yours. Amen."

Lenore stood too stunned to eat. "You
asked prayer for the man who's stealing from you."

"How else is he going to recognize his

Lenore bit into her apple and
considered his statement. It would seem she could learn from
Heston. She glanced back and saw the firm set of his jaw and the
deepening frown on his face. And perhaps she could encourage him to
control his growing anger.

Heston pushed off from the tree. "If
we get started now and cut out checking the traps, we should catch
him at the trail head."

Lenore said nothing. Would God protect
them and keep Heston's anger under control?


The mule stumbled and jerked the lead
rope attached to Heston's saddle horn whipping it against his leg.
Heston swallowed the urge to yell at the animal.
Stand tall
Castle's advice rung in his ears. He allowed his father-in-law's
wisdom to control his anger. It was Heston's own fault. He'd pushed
them hard.

Lenore stifled a yawn and stretched
her legs away from her horse. "Are we almost there?" she

Heston nodded. He shouldn't have her
out here, he should've secured Lenore at the cabin and searched for
the thief another day on his own. She smiled sweetly at him, almost
dreamingly. A sudden urge to be home overwhelmed him. He turned

"What are you doing?" Lenore kept her
reins pulled tight, refusing her mare to follow.

"I'm taking you home. I had no
business bringing you into this." He refrained from listing the
other benefits of going to the cabin but couldn't control the tilt
of his mouth.

"Heston Miller, we've come this far, I
think we should take care of business."

He smiled and pulled his mount beside
hers. "Such a wise woman, I couldn't agree more. But are we talking
about the same kind of business?"

A blush darkened Lenore's already rosy
cheeks. Heston reached for her hand and brought her palm to his
lips. Her eyes shuttered as a light sigh escaped her. He
contemplated pulling her from the saddle when a horse snorted less
than half a mile away.

Lenore glanced to the trail-head and
back to Heston. A determined spirit set her jaw. "I'll stay here
with the pack-mule."

A wise woman, indeed.
gave her an approving grin and pulled his shotgun from its sling.
The thief didn't suspect him since they'd kept the animals' tracks
away from the main trail. He rode ahead to a familiar bend and
pulled a halt to his horse in the middle of the path.

Moments later, the thief rounded the
curve. His horse startled at Heston's presence and reared backward,
throwing its rider. The spooked stallion took off down the hill.
There, in the middle of the path, sat Lucas, Heston's

"Well, well, cous', I guess you're not
too smart." Heston repositioned his gun to drive fear into the man.
"Though I suppose I could thank you for collecting my

Lucas struggled to his feet, slipping
several times in the snow. "You can't prove nothin'. All you've got
me on is trespassing and the sheriff won't do nothin' about

"Lucas, that horse of yours is laden
with furs, anyone who sees it will know what you've been up

"You mean this horse?" Lenore emerged
through the trees on her mount, leading, not only the pack mule,
but Lucas's stallion. She was careful to position herself far from
his disreputable cousin.

Heston's chest swelled with pride. He
didn't deserve this woman, yet, God through His mercy, had granted
this gift. Heston would do all he could to always be

Movement from his left drew his
attention back to Lucas. "Since you seem anxious to leave, why
don't you help transfer these furs to my pack mule, then be on your

The man started forward and stopped.
"You mean, you ain't gonna involve the sheriff?"

Heston dismounted and stepped toward
him. "What do you suppose they'd do with you, if I did?"

Lucas dropped his gaze. "Hang

"Cousin, you start coming to church
meeting with us on Sundays and we'll forget this ever

Disbelief filled Lucas' eyes. "This
ain't like you, Heston. Why aren't you taking your anger out on

Heston trailed his eyes back to
Lenore. "I'm choosing to keep my soul from trouble and stand


As the cabin came into view, Lenore
saw smoke curling from the chimney. "Oh no, someone must be in your

Heston smiled, "You mean–
house. There's no one there. I just padded the preacher's pocket a
little extra to have him come back and stoke a fire."

Lenore's gaze softened as she stared
at her husband. She followed his actions and dismounted then
stepped through the door he now held open.

Heston lit a lantern to light the
room. What it revealed made Lenore gasp. From the table to the
floor, were gifts of every sort. Doilies, rugs, coverlets and
cooking dishes. "Heston, what is all this?"

He scratched his chin sharing her
puzzlement. "There's a card on the table."

Lenore reached for the delicate folded
paper. "Congratulations from Silverton Congregation."

She searched Heston's face in
amazement. "For these people to bless us like this there must be
more to you than you've let on." She stepped closer. "And it makes
sense, given how many times you've been so generous and

Heston didn't reply but she could see
her words were affecting him. She touched a hand to his cheek, "And
only a moment ago, I thought I couldn't possibly be more proud of

Tenderness encased him as he drew her
close. He ran a hand through her hair and touched his forehead to
hers. "Lenore, I didn't think it was possible to fall so quickly,
but I already love you."

A sigh escaped her as she leaned into
him. "I love you, too."

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