She's Gotta Have It: A Hood Love Story

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Authors: Shvonne Latrice

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Urban, #Genre Fiction

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She’s Gotta Have It



Shvonne Latrice


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© 2015 by Shvonne Latrice

Published by Leo Sullivan Presents


All rights reserved.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Unauthorized reproduction, in any manner, is prohibited.






Chapter One: Andi Richardson


“Oooh fuck!” I fake cried out, as my boo of the week, Samuel, plowed into me from behind. His hand was wrapped up in my hair, as he pumped into me hard and fast.

“Shit, I’m cumming,” he grunted before filling up the condom.
, I thought.

We sat there panting for a few moments, until he finally pulled out. As usual, I didn’t get mine.

However, that wasn’t what I was here for. Sex with Sam was more like a step on my ladder to success.

“So I’m on the list for tomorrow night’s party right?” I asked as I put my hair up in a bun.

Sam was the music manager of a big time DJ named Hollis. Hollis was fine as fuck, successful, and had plenty of money. All I needed was to get on his team and I would be good. He had just the amount of fame I needed to get my feet wet in the world of Hollywood. I’d bedded about two niggas just to even make it to Sam, so I felt like I was finally getting to where I needed to be by going to this party.

“Yeah, your name is on the list,” he smiled and zipped his pants.

“And my sisters’?” I smirked.

“And ya sisters’. I’ll have the Hermes dresses delivered to your house tomorrow afternoon,” he added before leaning down to kiss my lips.

“Thank you baby,” I giggled.

“A’ight, I will see you tomorrow,” he winked before leaving. 

Sam thought we were in a relationship, so he bought me things and invited me everywhere, yet somehow, I’d never met Hollis. Tomorrow night was where I had to be though, because I’d be up close and personal with him finally. Sam had no idea that I was using him to build my name up, or better yet get cozy with his client, and it was gonna stay that way until
the party.

Once Sam left, I ran me a nice hot bath in the big hotel suite bathroom. I was so happy to have the place to myself, after having to fuck Sam all night. Ugh! He always came first, and it would happen before I would even feel anything. Bad in bed was an understatement.

I slid into the water after retying my hair up, and leaned my head back to relax. Times like this made all my efforts seem worth it.

Life had been easy for me since the day I was born. My mother was a naive little rich bitch, who got pregnant by her boyfriend at 17. That baby turned out to be me. Because my grandparents were so old fashioned, they made my mother and father marry and then move in together. My parents were in love though, and had no problem making it official. However, they were kids and knew nothing about babies past making them.

When I was two, my mother birthed my sister Zooey, and then two years later my baby sister Josalyn. After leaving us at home on multiple occasions to go on vacations and things, my grandparents filed for full custody of us and won. My parents didn’t mind, because in their eyes, my sisters and I were a burden. While on one of their many vacations, my mother had a boy, who grew up to be my little brother, Lockelyn. They dropped him off to my grandparents, and he ended up falling victim to the streets and being sent to jail. Currently, he’s serving a six-year sentence for possession and attempting to distribute heroin. I highly doubt that he could even spot our parents in a line up, because when I say they dropped him off, I mean literally, stork style. Only Zooey and I have really interacted with them in person; poor Josalyn only had pictures to go by. As of right now, my parents are probably somewhere riding in a gondola in Italy, and not giving a fuck about their children. They never call or anything, so maybe they forgot they had any. I shook my head as I shifted my body in the hot bath water.

Living with my grandparents became utter hell once I hit my teenage years. They were so overbearing, and only gave us money when they felt we needed it. If I wanted the newest Jordans released, I had to make up a lie to get the money. The only time we got things like that was on our birthdays and Christmas. I understand the whole ‘not trying to spoil us’ shit, but it was too much. They were wealthy as fuck, but acted frugal with certain material things. To add insult to injury, it was always their way or the highway. I hated that about them, because my life was my own and I shouldn’t have had to answer to anyone.

Yes, I always had the best of the best, but I had dreams that didn’t include college, which they disagreed with. My grandfather, Arthur threatened that if I didn’t go to college, he would remove me from his will. So what did I do? I had one of my little brother Lockelyn’s friends burglarize the house, and murder my grandparents. It may seem cruel and heartless, but it needed to happen in order for me to progress in life. It’s something I did that none of my siblings are aware of to this day.

Since Grandpa Arthur didn’t get a chance to change that will, my sisters and I inherited three million dollars each. Lockelyn will get his once he’s released from jail. That was a lot of money no doubt, but I needed more. Money made my pussy wet, especially when I saw it multiply right in front of my eyes. That wasn’t all I wanted though; I wanted the fame and notoriety, too. Everybody needed to know me, and recognize me when I entered a room.

I tried out for so many reality shows that I’d lost count. I was offered a spot on the
Bad Girls Club
as a runner up, but I declined because I was not replacement material. After a while, I told myself I needed to use what I had to get what I wanted. So far, I’d maneuvered my way into the right circles, and was finally getting on the guest lists to certain elite parties. All I needed was that one nigga who could have my name every fucking where, and could get me a spot on
Love and Hip Hop Hollywood
or some shit. Or maybe even my own show. For now, I had my eyes set on DJ Hollis. He was big shit and knew just about everybody.

I hated to do Sam dirty, but like I said, he was a just a step on my ladder to the top. He would no longer be needed once I got to Hollis, and that’s what I wanted. Hey, on the bright side, he wouldn’t be getting used anymore.

I stepped out of the tub and decided to lotion my damp body in the mirror. Boy was I a looker. I had a smooth mocha complexion, a body built for the music videos, perfect teeth, and full lips. I was one of those bitches that stayed with a fresh weave, fresh manicure and pedicure, and all the latest brands and devices. I was the girl you didn’t want to bring your nigga around, because he would definitely be trying to leave with me. After dressing for the day, I headed out to get a drink. I was about to celebrate the new life that DJ Hollis was gonna give me.


Zooey Richardson


I was sitting on the couch in my condo, flipping through the TV channels. I was waiting on my boyfriend Qadir to pick me up for our date. I was so over him and his drug-dealing occupation. Qadir and I had been in a relationship for three years, and he was a basic bitch’s dream. He never cheated on me, hit me, nor disrespected me in anyway. He was the perfect gentleman and always made sure I was never caught up in his shit. That’s not what I was looking for, however. I didn’t give a fuck how a nigga treated me, if he couldn’t help me progress in life.

I wanted to be a famous designer, and Qadir couldn’t help me with that. He’d promised me about one hundred times, that once he saved enough, he would help me start my shit up. I had money from my grandparents, so I could start my own shit up, but I just wanted to see if he could do it for me. But
couldn’t do shit, is what he was proving to me.

What I needed most of all for my clothes, was exposure. So what if I had a store with the perfect designs in them, if no one knows about it then it really doesn’t mean shit. I needed the right connections so that my shit would be seen around the world. The only way to get that was to get with the right nigga, or befriend the right bitch.

Because of my sister Andi’s hard work, I was able to rub shoulders with a couple people that could get me to where I needed to be, in order to be the next Georgio Armani; or shit, maybe at least the next Kimora Simmons.

I’d recently met this chick named Poppy. She was a white girl who was married to hip-hop producer Noah Sharks. Noah was sexy, but that’s not why I was interested in him. Noah was a boss, and was invited to all kinds of events, specifically fashion ones. He was always being posted on blogs for his fashion, and because he always got first dibs on the latest threads. I needed to be around him so I could meet some of those people that he hung with and got clothes from. Once I was well acquainted with those fashion folks, Poppy could have her husband back. For now, I wanted her to believe that we were the best of friends. I needed her to feel comfortable leaving me around Noah, so that I could snatch him right from under her. It would only be temporary though, so she wouldn’t need to worry.

My doorbell finally rang, and I rolled my eyes. I took my time getting up and answering the door for my boyfriend. He clearly didn’t value what he had in me if he was late like this all the fucking time.

“I’m not in the mood to go out anymore,” I said folding my arms.

“Babe I’m sorry, I had to tend to a couple things,” Qadir half smiled.

Qadir was fine as hell, but he just couldn’t give me what I wanted. Physically and emotionally, he gave me everything, but bank account and Hollywood connection wise, no!

“Well I’m not going anywhere,” I pouted and sat down on the couch.

“Oh you not?” Qadir bit his bottom lip and then pecked me. His lips were always so moisturized and soft. I hated niggas with chapped lips. “I said I was sorry baby, you forgive me?” he grinned and flashed his perfect teeth as he sat next to me.

“Nope,” I smirked.

“I’m gon’ make you,” he replied as he unbuttoned my jean shorts.

He tugged them down while sucking on my lips. I loved when he did that shit. Ladies, Qadir was a twenty out of ten in the bedroom! He slipped two fingers inside me, and worked them in and out while tonguing me down.

“Shit Qadir,” I cried out, while trying to keep up with our kiss.

“Cum for daddy,” he moaned into my mouth as he spread my legs wider. I kissed him harder as I started to hump against his magical fingers.

“I’m cumming baby, fuck!” I screamed as my pelvis tightened, right before releasing the best orgasm in the world. He slid his fingers out of me and licked them clean.

“You forgive me now?” he raised a brow. I nodded quickly as I attempted to catch my breath. “That’s what I thought. Get dressed and let’s go,” he smiled.

I nodded my head and did as I was told. Qadir was perfect, just not perfect for me. The rest of the day I spent with him, my mind was consumed with the party I was going to tomorrow night with my sisters. Everyone was gonna be there, including Noah and Poppy. I was gonna work my magic, and hopefully walk out of that bitch being best friends with that wife of his.


Josalyn Richardson


Why was it so hot in Southern California right now? Shit. I was leaving school, headed to Starbucks for an ice cold drink. I was in my senior year of college at Cal State University Dominguez Hills, and I would be getting my degree in Biology in less than a year. My older sisters Andi and Zooey tried to discourage me from going to college, but I wanted to go in hopes of scoring a job in the medical field. I wasn’t quite sure what I wanted to do in the field just yet, but my counselor said it was best to major in Biology before medical school.

I was accepted to UCLA School of Medicine, and I couldn’t wait to start. My sisters also tried to convince me to take a break once I received my bachelors, but as my grandmother once told me, “once you stop, it’s harder to go back”. I was just going to push through until I made it to the end. I would relax later on in life, when I was a rich doctor.

After getting my drink, I headed to the home I shared with Andi in Beverly Hills. I’d inherited money from my grandfather, which was enough to get my own place, but I was scared to live alone after what happened to them. Someone broke in one night, and shot my grandparents execution style some years back. Everyone was perplexed, because my grandparents had no enemies. The police just charged it as a burglary gone wrong. I shook my head at the thought, as I turned into the roundabout driveway in front of our house.

“Andi!” I called out as I sipped my iced toffee nut latte.

“What? I’m upstairs!” she yelled back. I walked up the stairs and sang along to the Tamia song that was blasting from her room.

“What are you doing?” I laughed once I entered the room.

“Getting ready for the party tonight,” she said looking into her vanity mirror.

“Now? It’s only 6pm Andi,” I shook my head and leaned up against her dresser.

“Honey, it takes hours to look as good as I do, okay,” she replied seriously, as she put moisturizer on her beautiful brown skin. My sister was the prettiest girl I’d ever seen, so I just nodded in agreement.

“Whatever,” I said sipping my drink and looking around her pink room.

“When do you plan to get dressed?” she asked as she placed some cucumber things over her eyes.

“Like around ten,” I shrugged.

“Ten? Josalyn, no! We are leaving at ten,” she spat and looked at me through her mirror, now holding the cucumber slices in her hands.

“Okay nine,” I frowned.

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