Love In Rewind (14 page)

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Authors: Tali Alexander

Tags: #Adult, #Love, #Romance

BOOK: Love In Rewind
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"I love you back … goodnight."


After that night, thanks to what happened with Phillip, I never met the rest of
The Boys.
I think Louis didn't want to commingle his past life with me after that night. I was actually willing to give Phillip and the other guys I'd never met another chance. But Louis never gave any of them the opportunity to get within speaking distance of me.

We were having an early outdoor dinner a few nights after that dreadful evening at a restaurant on the Upper West Side when a man walked up to our table smiling at Louis as if he knew him. Louis straightened up, clasped his hands together, and looked up at the man approaching. Before the stranger had a chance to greet him, my livid boyfriend said, "Walk the fuck away." The man was struck speechless and did just that.

I asked him confused, "Louis, who was that? Do you know him? Why were you so rude to him?"

He retorted dismissively, "No one you need to know. I thought I knew him but I was wrong. Believe me he deserves much worse than what I just said."

Many years later, I recognized the man in some pictures I found of Louis when we were packing boxes and moving his stuff. The pictures I found were of Louis with
The Boys
posing on a yacht. The stranger I almost met many moons ago at that restaurant on the Upper West Side was none other than Max, one of his friends. He told me a few times he wasn't proud of some of the things he'd done to, and with, women in his past. I got a feeling those friends of his played a big role in his promiscuous way of life B.E …
Before Emily,
as Louis always referred to his life before we met. Louis started hanging out with my brother-in-law Mike more and more after that night. Jenna and Mike were always championing my relationship with Louis so it felt right to be around them.

After that regrettable night at the club, my boyfriend never made an effort to find another group of guys to hang out with again. When you have the kind of money that Louis Bruel has good friends are hard to come by. Louis was running a huge firm and his free time he allocated only to me. I also wasn't a social butterfly; my only close friends were my sister Jenna and Sara. Even with Sara I felt we were moving in two different directions. She was just starting to enjoy her life as an adult. She wanted to go out and meet people and be a normal college student. I'd already met the love of my life and only wanted to be with him. Louis was my air. I went from being a girl to becoming a woman in his arms. Being apart from him was not an option. I wanted to be there for Sara as a friend, and I tried but I was too invested in Louis Bruel to have much time for anyone but him. Looking back, maybe I shouldn't have let Louis dominate my whole life. But then again, how could you tell your body you can't have air when you need to breath?


Chapter 16

The pissing line starts here...


ow cool is it that the weather is perfect today?"

I bounced up and down in the car, giddy with excitement en route to Bruel Industries' annual picnic in Central Park. Jen and Mike had been at the park with all the vendors since six o'clock that morning. Every year Louis apparently put together a summer outdoor party for all of his employees and their families. He also invited some of his business partners and top clients. This year the party was huge. Louis' company had over sixty full-time employees plus their families, which equaled well over two hundred people.

Jenna and I had come up with the idea of a carnival theme for that year's shindig. There would be rides, games, music, and street entertainers. There were stilt walkers, balloon sculptors, and caricature artists, just to name a few attractions. Food carts were catering to all palates from burgers to hotdogs to falafel and even my favorite, Chinese food. I couldn't wait to see it all and the weather was incredible. My parents were also coming to say hello a little later. Louis even encouraged me to invite my best friend, Sara, who had yet to meet him. I was looking forward to having them finally meet each other. Sara had asked me many of times if Louis Bruel was my imaginary boyfriend. It was hard to assure her because I still sometimes felt he was a hallucination.

I knew Louis would be busy once we got to the park as the host and the man in charge. He didn't look so intimidating today. Once out of his suit and tie he actually looked like a regular guy. He was still very much as beautiful and sexy as ever, but in his jeans and white t-shirt he looked more approachable. Before we exited his car he cupped my face and brought his lips in for a very passionate, slow kiss. I pulled away reminding him that people were waiting for him.

"I'll miss you while I mingle out there. Come find me if you get bored."

He gave me another kiss, this time on the cheek, and went off to welcome his guests. I saw several very zealous women follow my boyfriend as soon as he left my side. That's what I got for dating Mr. Wonderful. I couldn't be upset with women's reaction to Louis or let it bother me. He never even looked in the direction of another female while we were together. I knew what I was getting into when I agreed to date "The" Louis Bruel. I didn't like the attention he got, but I love the attention he gave to me.

I wanted to find Jenna and Mike to see if they needed any help with the event. I came as a guest that day but I knew how pressured my sister got during these events, especially one the size of that one. I found Sara instead, standing by the face painting station. I ran over to her, beyond excited to have her here with me. I didn't even notice Eddie standing right by her. I gave them both a group hug once I ambushed them. I was used to seeing Sara every day. Since I'd started dating Louis we probably hadn't seen each other in close to three weeks. But we did speak at least every couple of days.

"Thank you for showing up. This is going to be so much fun. I can't believe we haven't hung out in so long … you look so pretty today. Is this that new dress you ordered online?"

"My new dress is not important! Where is the horrible boyfriend who stole my best friend away? I wish he had a brother or some hot friend of the British variety for me!"

I loved this girl; it was as if we hadn't been apart for weeks. Sara and I could always pick up right from where we left off.

"Sorry babe, definitely no brother, and awful friends. I wouldn't wish them on my worst enemy."

We were both laughing. I hadn't even noticed that Eddie had his arm around my shoulders. Innocent embraces between us were like second nature. Just like I wouldn't notice if Mike or my dad put their arm around me. There was zero sexual undercurrent in our relationship.

"Emma, you're coming to my birthday party next week. Right?"

I had no idea what Eddie was talking about. He shot a deadly look over to his sister.

"Don't tell me you didn't invite her? I asked you weeks ago to make sure Emma knows about the party."

"Relax dude, I haven't seen her in weeks. She fell off the face of the earth after meeting Mr. Rich and Famous. I was going to invite her today."

Sara and Eddie are so cute; they remind me of Jenna and I. They always quarrel in public but they love each other to pieces. Sara could've told me a thousand times about Eddie's party; it just wasn't a priority for her.

"Emma, please come to my party. It won't be my birthday without you. I need you there to—"

Before Eddie could finish his pleading birthday invitation I saw Sara's face drop. I didn't have to turn around to know Louis was standing behind me. Mr. Rich and Famous should also go by the name of Mr. Drop Dead Gorgeous. Seeing him on the computer screen didn't hold a candle to seeing him live.

"Her name is Emily and she can't come to your party because she has plans with her boyfriend indefinitely."

The hairs on my neck stood up in fear. I'd heard him use that tone of voice before when things didn't work out the way he wanted them to at work. Why was he talking like that to Eddie? He pulled me away from Eddie's grip before kissing me hard on the lips. That kiss felt so forced I had to take a step back and look up at him. My eyes tried to assess what was going on inside that thick head of his. Eddie immediately flinched at the sight of Louis possessively manhandling me.

"Emma can speak for herself … Mr. Bruel … I gather," Eddie seethed, ready to pounce.

The air turned from hot to freezing in a matter of a nanosecond. Eddie calling me Emma must've rubbed Louis the wrong way. Eddie has been calling me Emma since I was three years old. I wasn't sure what this ego showdown between my boyfriend and my best friend's brother was all about.

"You can call me Louis. I'm not your boss … yet!"

What had gotten into him? I had to jump in and diffuse this before it went from bad to sad.

"Louis, let me introduce you to my best friend, Sara Klein, and her brother, Edward Klein."

He finally tore his gaze from Eddie to look at my awestruck best friend. Sara was so cute. I fell in love with her every time I saw her. She looked so sweet and innocent but was the complete opposite. She had chin length strawberry blond hair and elegant little pixie features. Her skin was über white and her long skinny limbs made her look fragile. Her personality, on the other hand, wasn't fragile at all. She'd tell you how it is whether you asked her to or not. That girl didn't have a shy bone in that skinny body of hers. She had been my very good friend ever since I could remember. Our moms have a picture of both of us sitting on the potty together when we were two years old, holding hands. So we've been dealing with each other's shit for a long time.

"Sara, I'm Louis, glad you could make it today. Emily talks about you all the time. I couldn't wait to finally meet my … GIRLFRIEND's best friend," Louis said emphasizing the word girlfriend as if he was talking to a bunch of second graders. He wanted to make sure Eddie didn't miss the sumo grip he had me in, either.

"Yeah well, you kidnapped her from me so I wanted to finally meet you, too," my vivacious smart-mouthed partner-in-crime shot back to my still frothing at the mouth boyfriend. We were both laughing a little, nervously aware of the awkward aura surrounding us. Louis was ignoring Eddie. He didn't even shake his hand. Eddie was such a great guy. Why did Louis feel so threatened by him? It was absurd. Louis Bruel was gorgeous, successful, and beyond wealthy. Why would my best friend's twenty-five-year-old brother be a problem for him? I'd actually thought that Louis and Eddie would hit it off.

"Louis, Eddie just graduated from law school. He'll be working in his dad's law firm. He's going away to Europe for two months, isn't that so cool?" I smiled lovingly at Eddie; I was very proud of him. I really did feel as if he was my older brother. We grew up together and our families have always vacationed and celebrated everything with one another. I wasn't happy about Louis treating him so callously.

My sister found us and gave Sara and Eddie a big hug before trying to grab Louis away from me. He needed to make a speech and thank all his colleagues and associates. He still had a death grip around my waist when he spoke quietly into my ear.

"Come with me, Em. I want you close by. Walk with me."

"Louis, why are you acting like a caveman? Go make your speech. You don't need me there. I'll be right here with my friends. I'll wave to you."

"I'm not leaving you with that guy you think is your brother. He wants you, and not in a brotherly way. Trust me! I can tell by how he was looking at you. He's totally in love with you, Em. Don't be naïve."

That was why he'd been acting like a jerk to Eddie. He thought someone other than him wanted me. Maybe he was the delusional one in our relationship and not me.

"Baby, I'm very flattered you think I'm so desirable. However, as adorable as you are when you're all jealous over me, I promise you Eddie is very much like a brother to me. The only man I want not in a brotherly way is you. If he looks at me with love it's because he's known me since I was wearing diapers. You're the one with a harem of women at your beck and call. I could go all jealous bitch on you every time you leave my side and get swarmed by your female fans. It won't be pretty … I promise. Go make your speech. I love you."

He smiled and kissed the top of my head before he went off with Jenna toward the podium where the band was still playing. I guess even beautiful millionaires have insecurities like the rest of us. I knew I had some explaining to do to Sara and Eddie who must've thought I was dating a madman.

"He's not used to having a girlfriend. He's usually very nice. Sorry, Eddie, that he went all green-eyed monster on you."

"No worries, Emma. If that ape makes you happy, knock yourself out. I'm not sure what women see in him, anyway."

Sara and I both laughed. Sara gave me a knowing look. Louis was one gorgeous ape. He was appealing on so many levels that Eddie's sarcastic comment was hysterical.

"I'll try talking Louis into coming with me to your birthday party. If we have plans I'll see if we can change them around," I promised Eddie before I bid them farewell on that beautiful day.


An hour later, I went to find my man before he realized he could have any woman he laid eyes on. I found Louis stuffing a hot dog into his mouth while laughing with Mike and my dad by his side. He seemed so domesticated. I let myself imagine what it would be like if he was really mine. I was eating him up with my eyes when he caught me staring. He gave me a raised eyebrow smirk that said it all. We hadn't yet fully consummated our love affair but our minds had been making love to one another countless times.

I walked over to all my favorite men, enjoying how easily they all fit in together. I walked over, kissed my dad on the cheek, and gave Mike a hug. Louis was just standing there waiting for his turn at my affection. I didn't want to be disrespectful in front of my dad so I just stood by Louis' side and slipped my hand in his. He looked down at me with so much love it gutted me. That soft knowing look would stay with me until the end of time. When our gazes locked the whole world melted away.

"We're not making it all the way back to SoHo later. If I don't taste you soon my body will go into shock. Let's go visit the Plaza and rate their amenities," he whispered in my ear.

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