Love In Rewind (9 page)

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Authors: Tali Alexander

Tags: #Adult, #Love, #Romance

BOOK: Love In Rewind
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"That promise just made me very wet," I told him in a whisper back into his mouth.

"I know I can't use my dick to fuck that wet little pussy … yet. So, my fingers will have to do … for now."

He turned me sideways and lifted my legs to rest on his outstretched arm so I floated in the water in front of him. He let his arms go from under me and I was floating on my own. He nibbled at my lips before he inserted two long fingers deep into my sex roughly without warning. It was a welcomed intrusion but I was startled at how much I loved having him be indelicate and crude with my body. My breasts were floating on top of the water begging to be sucked. Pumping his fingers very slowly in and out of me, he lowered his head and fulfilled my silent wish by sucking at my hard poking nipples.

"Salty but still sweet," he said with my bud between his teeth. Without stopping his sexual assault he walked us over to the other side of the pool where the water got gradually shallower. With me still in his arms he cradled me closer and positioned me on his lap as he sat down. Louis continued pumping his fingers in and out of me. When he brought his lips to mine and began kissing me he also increased the speed of his finger fucking and added his thumb on my clit to the mix. I was close; I could feel the building deep inside. I started to clench my vaginal walls, and Louis, sensing my impending release, began talking into my mouth during our heated kiss.

"Come, baby, I need to see you come in my hands. I love doing this to you."

"Oh … Louis, I'm so close," I moaned.

"I know, I can feel your pussy closing in on my fingers … so tight … so fucking perfect … fuck, Emily, let go."

I was floating. I was gone. Waves of pleasure just kept coming and ripping through my core. I didn't know where was up and where was down. I was in a suspended state of ecstasy. All that was left after the tremor was a limp body. When I joined this world again, I managed to say, "Louis, that was incredible. It felt so deep, that was the most intense orgasm I've ever had."

He kissed me and with a smug smile added, "Wait until I fuck you with my dick."

God, I can't wait.


Louis gave me some privacy, and left me to shower on my own at the spa adjoining the pool. I was still not allowing myself to fully accept what was transpiring between us for the last couple of days. Two hours later we were showered, dressed, and back on the fifth floor eating Chinese food on a cow skin rug. I took out my mobile phone to see a message flashing from Sara and a missed call from my house. I dialed two to retrieve Sara's message first.

"Thanks for the warning. Your mom called asking to speak to you. I told her you went around the block to get us pizza and forgot your mobile, so call her back pronto. All I have to say is …
Baby Did A Bad Bad Thing
by Chris Isaak. Rule number one of lying to your parents: You always need to keep the accomplice informed … love ya, slut."

I smiled thinking how I totally got caught up with Louis today and forgot to give my alibi a heads-up about my secret rendezvous. I'd deal with her later. I needed to call my parents to let them know I'd be home around ten o'clock.

"Yes Daddy, Sara's brother will walk me home. If he can't I promise I'll call you … okay thanks … I love you, too." I'd just disconnected with my parents when Louis came to hug me from behind.

"Who's Sara? And more importantly, who's her brother?" Louis said while biting my earlobe playfully.

"Sara has been my best friend since kindergarten. My mom and her mom have been friends since they were in high school. Her older brother Eddie is great; he always keeps an eye on us and drives us around. That's why my parents don't mind me spending so much time with her. They know Eddie is a good chaperone."

My earlobe was still lodged between Louis' scrumptious lips. He let my ear go to probe further. "How old is Eddie? I don't think I like the idea of him keeping an eye on my beautiful girl."

Did Louis just refer to me as his "beautiful girl"?

"Louis, don't be silly. He's twenty-five years old and he's graduating law school. He thinks of me as his little sister, not as a beautiful anything."

"Do you not own any mirrors? Emily, look at you. Unless he's blind or gay he wants in your panties … trust me."

"I promise you you're the only one who's been anywhere near my panties." That seemed to make him happy and relieve his delusions of my universal attractiveness. I thought he had this all wrong. I should be the one worried about him being God's gift to women. Not him being worried about me and Eddie, of all people.

"Em, stay with me tonight. I still didn't get to fuck those tits like I promised. It will be amazing to wake up in the morning and see those two blue oceans when you open your eyes and beg me to finally shove my dick inside you. So you see, little girl, I can't let you leave yet."

"Louis, I can't stay. I have to go home … my parents think I've been over at Sara's house all day. Sara only lives a few blocks away from me. We'll see each other maybe next weekend … if you still want to see me. When you have some free time and I'm not working for Mike and Jenna we could meet up. We could have coffee," I said while turning around in his arms and bringing my hands around his waist to draw him in closer to me. His scent was becoming familiar. It was both comforting and arousing—what an interesting mix.

"You think I'm waiting until next weekend to see you? Em, first of all you are never wearing that white tank top in the presence of others again. You don't need a job. I can give you whatever you want. Second, call your parents and tell them you're sleeping over at your friend Sara's house tonight."

Everything he'd just said to me was wrong on so many levels. "Louis, I promised Jenna and Mike I would work for them this summer. I actually took the job so I could see you again. I most definitely don't want your money. I'm not your employee or some kind of whore … is that what you think of me?" I was getting myself all worked up. He opened his mouth to say something but I stopped him … I wasn't finished yet. "My parents don't let me sleep over at anybody's house; so me asking them would be ridiculous. Even if I could, I wouldn't sleep over at your house, Louis. That's not who I am. I wasn't raised that way. I'm sorry I gave you that impression … we went too far today."

Louis hung his head like a defeated child. "Okay, you're right. I love what happened today and last night. Em, I don't think of you as easy so please don't get upset with me. I just don't know what to say to make you stay with me. Can I at least see you tomorrow?"

He looked at me with sad eyes. I could bet my life Louis didn't plead with any girl for a date. Tomorrow, however, was Sunday. I always spent time with Jenna and my nana on Sundays. We usually had brunch until at least three o'clock at Sarabeth's, a few blocks from my house.

"Louis, I have some plans with my sister and grandmother until late afternoon. Maybe we could go see a movie in the evening if you're free."

He looked like I'd just informed him that his winning lotto ticket was from last week's drawing.

"So I won't see you for what—at least twenty hours? I'm not sure I can agree to that."

"You'll be fine, by tomorrow morning you won't even remember me. You'll be like Emily who?" I playfully added to make him laugh and lighten up our mood.

He smirked and said very crassly into my ear, "If by the morning you forget about me little girl, I promise you, I'll come over to your house. I'll find you in your room and when I find you, I will fuck you so hard and long that you'll feel my dick between your legs for at least a month."

I swallowed and looked up at him not quite believing he'd just said that to me. My look must've scared him.

"No, baby … fuck, don't look at me like that. I was just kidding with you. I would never be rough with you. I just got carried away. I'm a stupid dick. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that."

I nodded, took a deep breath and looked away. He grabbed me in a bear hug and lifted me off the floor.

"Emily, look at me, I'm sorry. I don't know what got into me. I couldn't fuck you hard if I tried. All I want is to hold you in my arms all night … you've got to know that. Please forget I said anything."

"Louis, it's fine. You just scared me a little. No one has ever spoken to me like that."

"If someone ever spoke or speaks to you like that, tell me who it is and I swear I'll beat them to a bloody pulp."

Great, I'm falling for a caveman.


When we got to my house he said, "Thank you for spending your whole day with me. It was by far the best day of my life. What would you like to do tomorrow? Dinner or see a movie at my house … we could do both."

I let go of his hand and ran my fingers through his soft sexy hair pulling him in for a kiss.

"It's your choice. I'd spend time with you in a cardboard box and I'm sure it would still be amazing."

"When I pick you up tomorrow, can I meet the folks? I don't want us to sneak around behind their backs. This shouldn't be a secret. I want everybody to know how I feel about the most beautiful girl in the world."

I nodded at his sweet words.

"Pick me up at six, Pip, and wear real shoes."

Chapter 10

Wake up and smell reality...


slept like a baby all night. I woke up Sunday morning later than normal. My sister Jenna was already over. She was chatting with my parents in the kitchen when I came down on cloud nine.

"Hi, working girl," my dad said with his cup of espresso in midair. "Jenna just told us she has a new summer employee."

I smiled and gave my dad a good morning kiss on the cheek. My daddy, up to a few days ago, was the only man I ever thought I'd love. I could totally understand why my mom fell madly in love with him thirty years ago. He was handsome with salt-and-pepper hair and kind gray eyes. My mom once told me that he was hot stuff back when they were in school together.

My mom wasn't too bad herself. She looked well kept and much younger than a woman who'd just turned fifty. Her long, dirty blonde hair was always pulled back into a low chignon. Her skin was obviously perfect. She could still pass for Jenna's older sister. My dad loves to tell the story of being hypnotized by my mom's blue eyes while they were trying to study for exams in med school. Apparently he almost failed every test he tried to study for in her presence.

"I miss my sister; this way we get to hang out together … and it will give me something to put on my résumé," I explained, trying to diffuse my parents' curiosity over my sudden employment.

My mom cleared her throat. "I didn't know you were looking for a job, Emmy. We could've arranged for you to intern at Daddy's practice or at the hospital with me for the summer."

My parents are both dermatologists. My dad owns a very busy private practice on the Upper East Side, close to Mount Sinai Hospital, where my mom is the head of the dermatology department. They always thought their daughters would follow in their footsteps and join the medical field. Neither Jenna nor I have any interest in the medical profession, to their great regret. My mom has been trying to lure me to work for one of them since I turned sixteen.

"Mommy, I wasn't looking for a job. I just covered for one of Jenna's workers a few weeks back and Mike mentioned that he and Jenna thought I did a great job. I just figured it was a good way to see more of my busy sister."

Jenna wasn't buying my pile of bullshit. "Does it have anything to do with a very gorgeous Mr. Louis Bruel?" Jenna asked with a cat that ate the canary smile.

I could feel the flush rising from my chest, up my neck and turning my whole face bright red.

"Emily, are you all right? You're flushed … here honey, sit down."

"Yeah Daddy, I'm fine. It's just a little hot in the house. Is the air conditioner on? I'll go check." I left the kitchen for a few minutes and tried to calm my treacherous body from blushing at just the mere mention of Louis' name. When I came back a few minutes later Jenna continued making my life as difficult as she possibly could.

"Emmy has the hots for a big shot real estate developer, Louis Bruel. He went to NYU with Mike. Judging by the way he couldn't stop looking at her at the party on Friday, I think he likes her, too."

"Emmy, who is this boy Jenna's talking about?" my mom started her inquisition.

"Ma, I just told you he went to school with Mike. He's not a boy, he's a man … and a beautiful one at that. He was named one of NYC's most eligible bachelors two years in a row," Jenna added while giggling.

I needed to shut her up.

"Jenna, enough. I can tell Mommy and Daddy about him myself," I managed to belt out.

"So you have what to tell then?" she retorted with a questioning stare.

Fuck. Emily, think before you speak,
I admonished myself.

"I … I … I saw him after the tea party you put together for his company. He invited me out for coffee … to talk … we talked," I added. Shit, I must be beet red. "He's very nice. He wants to take me out to dinner and a movie tonight … I think."

"Well, he should come in and introduce himself if he wants to date you," my dad said.

"He will. He asked me last night. I mean, Friday night after coffee … if he could meet you guys before he takes me out tonight."

I could already hear my mom's mind working against me before she even opened her mouth.

"Emmy, don't you think this Louis is a little too old for you, if he's Mike's age?"

I was silent. I knew she had a valid point. Louis was older and way more experienced than me.

"I mean what will you two have in common?" My mom continued with her justifiable concerns. Her questions were making me want to tell her just how much in common Louis and I actually had. How I couldn't stop thinking about him. How I was helplessly falling in love with him with every second we spent together. I knew what I wanted and what I needed to tell my parents were two different things.

"Mom, I'm not marrying him! It's just a date." I thought that lie seemed to pacify both my parents. If they knew the truth about how intimately I'd gotten to know Louis Bruel in the last few days they wouldn't be so keen on letting me go on a date with him tonight, or in the next five years.

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