Love LockDown (41 page)

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Authors: A.T. Smith

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance

BOOK: Love LockDown
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“Welcome home angel,” he pulls me to his side as he walks us up the front steps of our home and places his key in the lock.

“Home, sweet home.” I breathe in the warm smell as I walk into the entrance hall. Food is cooking somewhere in the house and the aromas are making my hospital filth filled stomach rumble.

“Yes that would be dinner honey.” Leighton tells me as he walks through the hallway toward the lounge, Melissa’s car seat in his grasp. I kick my shoes off and follow him, thankful to be home.

As I reach the lounge, beautiful, big, pink ‘it’s a girl’ banners lace the walls, pink balloons and streamers are hanging off of every available surface and my small group of friends and family are present. Lisa and Carl have brought their daughter Lily, who at the sight of me runs up and throws herself at me.

“Abbyee, you got baby, lemme sheee Abbyee.” She says through her toothy little grin.

“Hey baby girl, sit down sweetheart and I’ll bring her over for a cuddle.” She runs back to her mother’s side and jumps onto her knee. Lily is the only one in the room who hasn’t met, cuddled or seen my daughter and her enthusiasm at seeing her niece is overwhelming.

“Mamma, Abbyee’s gonna let me hold the Baby.” She smiles adoringly into her adopted mothers eyes. The same affection there as is present in my heart towards the woman.

“I know Lily, now calm down so we don’t upset Melissa.” Lisa sooths her nearly four year old girl stroking the back of her head and holding her into her arms.

“You ready little lady, are you seated safe and like a big girl?” I ask her as I unstrap my green eyed daughter from her car seat and carry her tiny body across the room.

“I am, I’m a big gell now, aren’t I mamma, tell Abbyee I’m a big gell now.” The excitement at being an auntie is flowing from her.

“Yes, you are a big girl now sweetheart. Now let’s keep quiet because little Melissa doesn’t like loud noises, her little ears can’t handle your big girl voice just yet.” I place my daughter onto Lily’s lap, her arms delicately wrap around the baby; one under her head the other cradling her legs close to her, she is like a little mother herself.

“Wow, you’re very good at that Lily. Have you been practicing?” I ask her with overenthusiasm.

“Yush, I have. With my dollies, I’m their mummy.” She nods proudly, supporting my daughters little head so expertly it makes me proud. She keeps leaning down and raining little feather kisses on her head and whispering sweet things in her ear as though my daughter can hear and understand.

“Well, you keep it up sweetheart, you’re doing very well. Stay with mummy and look after Melissa for me okay?” I reach down and kiss my little sisters head and then my mother’s cheek, giving her a silent eye talk saying ‘keep an eye on her ma’ with an eye reply of ‘of course sweetheart’.

My mother’s hand comes round to add extra support to the baby, holding onto Lily’s arms to stop Melissa from falling.

I leave her to the cuddling with the comfort that Melissa will be okay and go to my fiancés side and cuddle myself into him. We are seated with my friends, all of them, even Scott has come to congratulate the pair of us on the birth of Melissa, and he is acting normal and nice, no snarky comments, nothing.

“She is so beautiful Abbi, I want one.” Maria says rather loud that she turns the heads of her boyfriends and her brother.

Antonio laughs and then sarcastically says; “Oh that will be fun to explain to his or hers friends when they come round for dinner. It’ll have a mum, a dad and a something else.”

“No arsehole, it’d have two fathers and a mother.” She replies playfully slapping her brother’s arm. Debbie sooths the pain away by kissing it better. She has taken permanent residence up at his house to look after him, and another permanent residence on his lap.

I still feel hot as hell whenever I look at her. I still want her to pin me down and take my pussy in her mouth again. She catches my odd looks at her, and of course she knows exactly what I am thinking, because that is just how Debbie is, she is some fricking sex Psychic. Her lips will curl up in that sexy smile of hers, her beautiful blue eyes will wink at me and her chest pushes a little further out or her legs part slightly.

Then I look across to Antonio, stuck in his chair. The raw sexual need I have for him is still prominent and powerful inside of me. He has lost a lot of his muscle but by God he is still one of the most sexiest guys I have ever seen. I keep my eyes fixed on him most of the time, his eyes often catching mine and winking at me. He wants me, I can tell. The way he shifts Debbie on his lap (every time I bite my lip at him) to grind against his erection, or start kissing her passionately to relieve some erotic pressure inside of him.

God, I have to swallow the lump in my throat and move away, fast. “Just gonna go to the loo. Be back in a second.” I tell Leighton as I move away from his side.

“Okay sweetheart.” He releases me and carries on talking away to our friends.

I escape in the closest bathroom and lock myself within the confinements of the four walls. Leaning over the sink I run it and splash some water on my face. How is it that less than twenty four hours after pushing a person out of my vagina I am able to get horny as hell by just looking at the pair of them?

I hear Melissa’s cries from the bathroom and rush to dry my face and get out. Arriving back in the lounge expecting to find my child on the floor or something worse but all I see is Lily rocking her back and forth trying to stop her from crying. She is just too sweet.

“Abbyee, I tchink Mewissa is hungwy. And shees done a poow, it smews.” I take the baby from her and thank my sister.

“Thank you Lily, you were a very big girl for looking after Melissa so well. I’m going to go and feed her now okay.” I leave lily sitting with our mum on the armchair by the glowing fire.

“Do you want us to come and help babe?” Maria asks as I walked past our friends. She is gesturing to Debbie and herself.

“Sure, I could use the company.” I smile at them, and then reach down to kiss Leighton’s lips. “Going to go and feed her, baby, see you in a few.”

“Okay angel. I’m so jealous of her right now.” He says to me as he stares down my top and into my enormous milk filled boobs.

“Dirty man.” I whip him with the muslin blanket I am holding. My breasts have grown a further two cups after giving birth. The milk infused within making me an easy F cup now. They are heavy, sore and too big to be practical.

I lead the girls up the stairs to Melissa’s nursery. It is the first time I have brought her into it. Above her cot now frames her name in beautiful pink letters.

I pass Melissa to Maria, and then take my top and bra off. “God that feels better.” I say in relief.

“I bet, but look at the size of them, Jesus, I definitely need to get pregnant.” Maria says, using her free hand to cup her already huge bust.

“Babe, your tits are enormous as it is.” I tell her taking Mel back off of her and placing her to one of my nipples. She latches on straight away and I am happy that she is such a good girl. I have heard that it can be very tricky to get your baby to feed to begin with, trying to establish a way that is easy for you both. But Melissa and I just connect instantly and fuse together as one.

The three of us sit in a group and watch in absolute awe at my daughter as her blonde mop covered head moves as she guzzled from me.

“That, is the most beautiful thing, I have ever seen.” Maria says through sniffles, clearly crying as her emotions get the best of her.

“It is also the most amazing feeling in the world.” Debbie announces, being a mother of three beautiful children herself, I wasn’t surprised she understood the feeling.

“It is. It really is. She is just so perfect.” I let a few stray tears fall as I continue to stare down at her. Her big green eyes turn to look at me as I switch breast for her to continue to feed until she is full.

When she has finished feeding and I have gently burped her until she spewed thick creamy sick onto her blanket, I place her onto her changing table and get rid of her stinky nappy and placed a fresh one onto her tiny little bottom.

She falls asleep in my arms as I cuddle her to me; her little warm breath is on my bare chest.

“Do you want me to put her in her cot?” Debbie asks as she stares at Melissa.

“Yeah, I don’t want to let her go but she needs to sleep.” she takes her gently from me and places my tiny daughter in the cot, her little body wrapped up warm in a sleep suit.

I walk over and turn the baby monitor on taking the spare one downstairs. “God it’s so hard to leave her.” I say in a sad voice as I walk downstairs with the girls.

“I know Hun, it gets easier trust me.” Debbie reassures me as we reach the bottom of the staircase and make our way back to lounge to be with the rest of my family.

I stand by the door, glancing in on everybody, my heart filled to capacity with the love I have. It physically hurts sometimes at how strong I feel for Leighton and now my beautiful daughter.

Everything is perfect now. I have forgotten about what has happened. I am stronger, I am whole and I am here.

I sit beside my fiancé and begin to talk about our wedding plans, asking Debbie, Maria and Lisa to be my bridesmaids as Leighton has asked Antonio to be his best man.

I look into the fire, feeling the same warmth penetrate me.

The baby monitor in my hand begins to sound a cry, everybody in the room laughs at how quickly my little princess has called for me.

I feel tired, I feel happy and I feel renewed.

I feel at home.








Epilogue- Leighton (2 months later)


It has been two months since my beautiful fiancée brought Melissa into the world. That little girl is my pride and joy; I will do anything for her.

Every time I look into those deep green eyes, identical to mine, I know I can’t feel more whole and complete than I do. Every time she feeds from Abigail, my admiration for the woman grows, my love for her multiplies.

It has become a kind of ritual for me to finish work a little early, leaving the restaurant around five rather than half six, picking my beautiful lady something up to make her feel good, sometimes flowers, sometimes a nice bottle of wine, sometimes chocolates.

I am packing my things away for the day, pissed off that I had ran over how long I intended to stay. I had already received a text from Abigail a few minutes before saying;

Hurry up daddy, I miss you.


I can’t wait get home and cuddle my perfect little girl. To kiss my ladies perfect lips and spend the evening with them both.

Melissa has settled into a nice routine, sleeping for a continual nine hours every night without waking. She is so good, I am blessed to have her as my child. The time during the evening is left for Abigail and I to spend together. We are always with each other; I will be in her tight little pussy all night long, fucking her hard and deep. I can’t get enough of her. If I had ever thought giving birth would ruin her I was completely mistaken, she is still just as luscious and hot as she ever was.

God my dick is like an iron rod at the thought of burying myself within her heat. I need to leave and soon.

A knock at my office door stops me as I am turning my MacBook off. “Come in.” I shout to the person on the other side.

Stacy, one of my waitresses for the restaurant enters “Tom’s free if you need him now?” she tells me, fiddling with her apron.

“Awesome, tell him to come here when he can.” I re-open my laptop and set up the program I know he will need to complete the job allocated.

A few minutes later a little knock sounds at the door and then Thomas enters through it. I know he can get me what I need and want, he is amazing at his real job, the job I truly employ him for. All of my men have cover ups, it is essential if I am to get away with what I really do.

My obsession with finding every little thing out about the prick, Phillip, who has assaulted my wife and hurt my family, is out of control. It is like a hunger, an uncontrollable thirst within me. Between Thomas and I, we have found out every detail about Phillip, and his men, from their properties, to their women, their children, their financial accounts and businesses, now the last thing I want is to hack into the CCTV footage at his first and main place of work, to get a good glimpse as to why the fucker has been on the down low and so quiet lately.

“Hey, Boss, what do you need me for?” Thomas asks me as he stands across the desk.

“I need you for what I pay you for you fuck.” I reply sarcastically, smiling at him.

“Alright smart arse, details?” he inquires, keen to help. He is like a brother to my beautiful fiancée and I love the guy for it. He wants to make her safe and secure as much as I do so he is more than happy to work his arse off until she is without fear.

“Need you to tap into the CCTV at cocksucker’s warehouse; I want to see what he’s up to. He has been suspiciously quiet and it isn’t right.” He knows how to do it. I will give him about two minutes before we are looking at dick heads footage from the last year.

“How far back do we want?” Tom asks me, typing away at my computer.

“Six months. They’ve been quiet since Ant’s shooting.” I tell him.

“That’s doable. Right there we go.” He clicks a key once and then the projector on my wall illuminates with dozens of screens. Thirty in total, one for each day of the month.

“Well that makes it a little easier. Cheers mate.” I clap him on the back as he sets the video footage on to fast forward. At times three speed I can see everything clearly, without having to wait around.

We go through the first three months of footage, mainly Phillip sitting on his arse doing nothing, sometimes him fucking some dumb bitch that has fallen for his slimy bullshit.

I scan the thirty screens on the fourth month, trying to find any sign of a plot or scheme, so far we have come up dry and it seems to be a waste of time.

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