Love Potion #9 (24 page)

Read Love Potion #9 Online

Authors: Claire Delacroix

Tags: #reincarnation, #second chances, #time travel romance, #paranormal romance, #tarot cards, #tarot

BOOK: Love Potion #9
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Mitch's arms tightened around her and he halted beside the kitchen counter. When he put her down there, Lilith was delighted that their thoughts were as one. She shivered when his hand roamed down her back. She twisted to face him, wrapped her legs around his hips, and found that the height of the counter was absolutely perfect.

Lilith pressed herself against Mitch's chest, snuggled herself closer to his erection, and tangled her fingers in his hair. He was warm and muscular, solid and strong. Mitch groaned, then slanted his mouth possessively over her own. His hands slid beneath her skirt and clenched her buttocks. He lifted her closer as he kissed her deeply.

Perfect bliss. Lilith closed her eyes and enjoyed the heat of his kiss.

When his fingers slid into her underwear, Lilith caught her breath. She reached for the fly of his shorts, but Mitch caught at her hand. He lifted his lips away from hers, his eyes blazing like stars, and kissed her fingertips.

“Not that,” he said with quiet assurance and put her hand back on his shoulder. Lilith would have protested in confusion, but Mitch brushed his thumb across her lips to silence her.

“not tonight,” he murmured, resolve in his gaze. “If we ever make love again, Lilith, it'll be because we've both decided that that's what we want, not because one of us is hurting, not because we make a choice in the heat of the moment. It will be right, and we'll both be sure of that before anything happens.

Lilith frowned. “Aren't you sure now?”

Mitch smiled crookedly. “I'm sure I want you more than I've ever wanted a woman before,” he confessed and her heart skipped a beat. “But that's not nearly good enough. I'm not like Kurt. I never wanted to just “get lucky,'” Mitch leaned down to touch the tip of his nose to hers, his gaze intent. “I only ever wanted to make love.”

And his somber expression told Lilith that Mitch wasn't certain he'd ever had the good fortune to make love with a partner who was making love to him.

Her heart twisted in sympathy at the evidence of his wife's doings, whatever they were. Despite her own raging desire, her own need to feel his strength within her, Lilith wanted to give Mitch the certainty he craved.

She wanted the next time they made love to be everything he ever imagined lovemaking could be. She wanted it to be as magickal as that night they had once shared. If he could wait, then so could she.

Even if it wasn't going to be easy.

Lilith wriggled a little, but Mitch didn't loosen his hold on her. “I should go home, then,” she whispered.

Mitch's slow smile caught her off-guard, although the way her belly tingled in response to the sight didn't. “Not yet.”

Lilith knew her surprise showed, because his grin widened.

“There's something I have to do first.” There was a twinkle in Mitch's eyes that Lilith wasn't quite sure she should trust, but she was intrigued.

Mitch brushed his lips across the tip of her nose, her cheekbone, then he placed a gentle kiss in her ear. Lilith shivered at his murmured words. ‘I want to make sure you have sweet dreams tonight.”

Lilith felt a tingle of anticipation, but that was nothing compared to the thrill Mitch's kisses left as he blazed a trail down her neck. Lilith sighed and surrendered to whatever scheme he had in mind. Mitch turned her as if she weighed no more than a feather and cradled her against his chest. His warm fingers worked the buttons open at the front of her dress and his kisses slipped over the curve of her breast.

Lilith gasped when his mouth closed over her nipple. Her back arched with pleasure when Mitch's fingers slid inside her panties. He touched her with a persuasiveness that made her dizzy; he flicked his tongue across that nipple until it throbbed. He ran his teeth gently across the peak, even as his fingers caressed her without cease. As the desire already simmering within Lilith came rapidly to a boil, she clutched Mitch's shoulders, certain she would explode at any moment.

But he kept her just shy of the summit, teasing and touching, tempting a little more, then a little less. Lilith writhed in his embrace. She was certain she couldn't stand the tension any longer and whispered his name urgently.

Mitch claimed Lilith's lips in a triumphant kiss, one that demanded her participation. His tongue tangled with hers; his scent surrounded her. His arm held her fast against his chest; his fingers dove and danced and flicked. Lilith felt a tremor begin in her belly. She twisted but Mitch granted her no quarter. If anything, he intensified his kiss, his lips and his caress becoming even more demanding – until suddenly, his fingers slid deep inside Lilith's heat.

One last flick of his thumb and the earthquake erupted within her. Lilith shook right to her toes with the force of her orgasm. Mitch urged her on and on, long past the moment Lilith thought there could be no more.

Finally, she sagged against him, languid and sated as she'd never been before. Lilith closed her eyes, more exhausted than she was after mixing the most demanding brew. She was ready to curl up in a little ball and sleep in the sun for a week.


Lilith opened her eyes and met Mitch's questioning gaze. She smiled sleepily. “More than okay, thank you.” She looped her arms around his neck and leaned her cheek against his chest. His heart thundered beneath her ear, the sound making her smile.

Lilith sighed with contentment.

“Good.” Mitch rubbed the back of her neck. “Now you can safely go home to bed.” He wrapped his hands around Lilith's waist and lifted her off the counter, kissing the tip of her nose just before setting her on her feet.

She yawned and leaned against him as he buttoned her dress again. They strolled the length of his hall, wrapped around each other, out the front door, and over to her own porch.

Lilith supposed it was sensible for them not to sleep together, at least until the children were used to her, although she would have been perfectly willing to do so. She smiled to herself in recollection of Mitch's old-fashioned goals, then sobered when she recalled the woman who had made him less likely to believe they could be his.

On her own porch, Lilith pivoted to face Mitch. The newly rising moon cast its silvery light over his features, making him look resolute, yet mysterious. There was so much of him that she didn't yet know. Mitch's eyes, though, shone with warmth, and his firm lips curved in an affectionate smile. Lilith wanted to know everything about him, all his secrets, all his woes, all the tests he had endured.

“What happened to the mother of your children?” Lilith asked before she could reconsider the wisdom of the question.

Mitch's smile was wiped away as cleanly as if it had never been. “Janice left,” he said flatly. “Right after Jen was born.” He paused and frowned at his feet. “She never wanted kids.”

That brought Lilith wide awake again. It seemed to her that this Janice had a funny way of showing any such conviction. How did anyone in a world full of birth control methods end up with
kids she didn't want?

Not to mention that Lilith knew Mitch would have listened to any concerns his partner voiced. It was just the way he was.

It was one of the many things she loved about him.

“I'm sorry.”

“Don't be.” Mitch shook his head. “If was bad news all around.” He tipped his head back and looked at the stars for a long moment. Lilith knew he had many thoughts on the matter. She was by no means sure he would give them voice.

But Mitch did.

“Do you know why Jen is afraid to be alone?” he finally asked, his question so low that Lilith barely heard the words.


Mitch met Lilith's gaze abruptly, his own dark with intent. “Janice left when Jen was two weeks old.” He swallowed and averted his gaze, a thread of wonder in his next words. “She just walked out of the apartment.”

“No!” Lilith was incredulous. It was incomprehensible to her that anyone could leave their own child in such circumstances. “She left a baby alone?”

Mitch nodded, the memory obviously still troubling to him. And no wonder! “She left a note, said she'd planned it so that I'd be home from work in less than five minutes. Easier that way for both of us. That's what she said.”

Mitch looked to his feet and propped his hands on his hips. Lilith felt a tremor of premonition before he spoke. “But I was an hour late that night, Lilith. I didn't take the time to call.” He winced. “Some story broke, I don't remember what and it doesn't matter. What does matter is that Jen was crying, alone in that apartment, for a whole hour.”

Lilith laid a hand on his arm, guessing who he was going to blame for this situation. “But were was Jason?”

“Andrea had taken him for a couple of days, to give Janice some time with the new baby.” He heaved a sigh. “But clearly she didn't want time with the baby.”

His lips tightened and Lilith saw the shimmer of tears in his eyes.

“She was just a baby, Lilith! And all alone.” His frustration was clear. “Jen was all read, so upset that she was nearly choking with fear when I finally got there and lifted her out of her cradle.”

“Mitch, that's horrible.”

“Yeah.” Mitch looked drawn. “And it was my fault.”

“What do you mean?” Lilith wanted to give this big caring man a shake. “How could it have been your fault? She left!”

“I shouldn't have been late,” Mitch said grimly. “I should never have been late. I should have known better. I should have called, and then I would have known no one was home. I should have skipped that meeting. I should have known that Janice needed someone to talk to, that she didn't want to be home alone.” His lips thinned. “I should have taken more time off right after Jen was born. I should have

“Did she ever talk to you about it? Or ask for help?”

Mitch snorted. “Janice? No. She never confided in me, she never had. It only got worse after we were married. Whenever I asked her anything, she just clammed right up.” He heaved a sigh and managed to summon a weak smile that didn't fool Lilith. “Maybe I never asked the right questions. Or maybe I wasn't persistent enough.” His gaze flicked to hers. ‘or maybe I'm just not any good at relationships.”

Lilith folded her arms across her chest, more than ready to argue that point. “Then why are you so good with your children?”

Mitch shrugged. “Kids are easy. You pick them up and dust them off, kiss it better and pretend you know best. They believe you. They trust you. They don't ask hard questions.”

“Baloney,” Lilith declared with resolve. “You're not giving credit where it's due. Look around you – how many other people are parenting with your kind of determination? Those kids are crazy about you, and they know they can count on you. It's not your fault, Mitch, that Janice made a mistake.”

He studied her for a long moment and Lilith had the definite sense that he wanted to believe her.

But then Mitch shook his head and smiled apologetically. “This really isn't the ending to this evening that I'd hoped for.' He met her gaze. “Are you still going to have pleasant dreams?”

Lilith smiled. “Of course.” She stepped into the circle of Mitch's arms and tapped a fingertip on his chest. “I'm going to dream and bout the wonderful man who captured my heart, then came galloping back to claim it all over again.” She reached up and kissed Mitch's jaw. “And then I'm going to figure out a way to persuade my champion that he's a pretty rare find.”

Mitch grinned. “Now I'm in trouble,” he teased, not looking too upset by the prospect.

Lilith smiled back at him, having no doubt that she'd see the job done. She'd had a lot of practice with spells, after all.

“How about we dig some garden beds tomorrow?” he suggested, seeming reluctant to leave.

“That would be great. I'll supervise.”

Mitch chuckled, then bent and kissed Lilith gently. He returned to his own porch, pausing there until Lilith went inside and closed the door. When Lilith turned the lock, the sound of Mitch's door opening and closing made her smile.

He was so protective – even wanting to make sure she had good dreams.

Lilith leaned back against the wood and smiled to herself, knowing she was living the very best dream of all.


* * *



The Hermit


The cards she had left on the table days before seemed to be shimmering in the starlight, even though that light couldn't have managed to slant through the window and shine on them. Lilith knew well enough to pay attention to such things. She slipped into the living room and stared down at the old tarot cards.

They were not as she had left them.

Ten cards lay face up now, almost the entire left circle on display. Without turning on a light, Lilith sat down and touched them with her fingertips.

The Pope was number five, Mitch in his fury over Andrea's cruise. The upholder of a code of acceptable behavior, a man unafraid to speak out for what he knows is right.

Even when he's wrong. Lilith smiled with affection and touched the next card.

The Lovers, card number six. A card of the choice between lingering in the past and stepping on to the yellow brick road to the future. A card marking the threshold that everyone crosses between the security of parents and the potential of partners. A card indicating a realization that any choice bears a cost as well as a prize, that something must be lost in order for something else to be gained.

Something had changed the day that Kurt came knocking, not just Lilith's choice to evict the men in front of her house, but Mitch had clearly come to a realization, as well.

Lilith's smile broadened with the understanding of what that was. Mitch had begun to remember. Mitch had decided he wanted to remember more. Mitch had come to talk to her. Not to mention that Mitch had come to protect her from his friend's seductive plans.

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