Love Script (31 page)

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Authors: Tiffany Ashley

BOOK: Love Script
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Seeing Cooper’s arm wrapped possessively around her waist was too appal ing for words. How could she al ow him to touch her like that? Was she dating him?

Repulsed by the possibilities, he looked away.

He couldn’t bear to look at her. He turned to Cooper, his lazy smile infuriating him. He had to force himself to remain calm. “You’re right, Coop, we have to stop doing this.”

Nick’s tone snubbed Cooper. He tensed. “I’d hate for this to end like it did the last time we saw each other, Sinclair.”

Nick whistled. “It wasn’t al bad, was it?” Cooper smirked. “Your eye looks better.” Nick stepped forward. “Your lip doesn’t.” Laney’s head popped up. “You two were in a fight?”

Cooper immediately focused on comforting her.

“A little scuffle, real y.”

Nick noticed Cooper patting Laney’s hip. He bal ed his fist and was ready to lunge at him.


Wheat-colored hair and long arms were suddenly wrapped around his neck.

“Sorry that took so long; there was a line in the ladies room.” Kim didn’t seem to notice she had nudged Laney out of her way in her effort to get to him. “Are we going to your place or mine?” Nick gave an uncomfortable cough. He saw Laney’s gaze slither up Kim’s slender form, her stare lingering on the arm looped around his neck; a look of undisguised disgust covered her features. She looked to be a heartbeat away from bolting from the building.

She squeezed Cooper’s hand. “Is our table ready?”

Cooper patted her hip. “Let’s see.” He nodded to Nick. “See you around, Sinclair.”

Nick focused on Laney. Kim’s untimely arrival was damaging and he knew it. He could feel Laney’s resentment, could see the revulsion on her face. He had to explain.


She silenced him by handing him Kleenex. “You have lipstick on your cheek.”

Nick stared after her as Cooper led her away. It was hard to watch Cooper hold her hand. He wondered just how acquainted they were. How many other al owances had Laney given him?

Kim watched the couple move through the crowd.

“Was that Cooper Wright?” She shrugged and smiled at Nick. “They make a cute couple. Are you ready to leave?”

❧ ❧ ❧

Laney sat patiently through dinner. Cooper was both charming and comical, but she struggled to concentrate; her mind kept drifting to Nick and his date. She imagined that while she was here having dinner with Cooper, Nick was having sex with that woman. It felt like their anniversary night, but this was worse. She and Nick had a past now; they had created a bond. This was much worse than simple betrayal. His treachery devastated her.

Cooper was sweet and attentive to her every need. He made her smile, and conversation was an easy flow. She liked him and envisioned that if things had worked out differently, they might have been lovers. But there was Nick and as much as she hated to admit it, there would always be Nick.

Cooper was a constant reminder that she had failed to make Nick care for her.

The drive to her apartment was a quiet one.

Cooper helped her out of the car and walked her to her door.

“Thank you for tonight, Cooper. I had a great time.”

“No, you didn’t.” He looked at her closely. “I’m not just a pretty face, Laney. I know what’s going on.”

She nibbled on her lower lip. “I wish I could give you what you want.” She shook her head. “It just isn’t that simple.”

“Because of Nick.”

“Yes.” She looked down at her hands. “Because of Nick.” She laughed at her own stupidity in thinking Nick could ever be serious about her. To think he could care about her as much as she cared about him. How naïve could she be?

“Do you love him?”

She couldn’t look at him.

“Does he know?”

“No.” She looked up into his pale eyes. “And he can’t ever know. He doesn’t like attachments.” A tear rol ed down her cheek. “I’m not quite sure what’s wrong with me. There are times when I hate him, but when I look at him, I feel…differently.”

“Nick’s an asshole, Laney.”

She laughed. “Yes, he is.” She wiped away her tears. “But he’s my asshole. And whether I like it or not, I belong to him.”

“You deserve better, Laney.” He pul ed her into his arms. “You deserve me.” He pressed his lips against hers, opened his mouth, and his tongue swept forward, caressing her tongue. He pul ed her closer, deepening his kiss, savoring the taste of her.

What began as a moan, turned into a cry. Laney pushed away from him. Tears streamed down her face. She buried her face in her hands, too embarrassed to look at him. “I can’t. I’m sorry; I just can’t.”

He looked frustrated, but he pul ed her back into his arms, this time holding her gently against him.

“It’s okay.” He rubbed her back. “No pressure.”

“You should leave.”

He stared into her eyes for a long time before he nodded. “You’l cal me if you need me?” She managed a weak smile. “Thank you, Cooper.”

She watched Cooper drive away. A few minutes later, Danny appeared. He used his thumb to wipe away her tears. “Goodness, Laney, I take my eyes off you for one minute and you go and get your heart broken.”

She hugged him. “Were you watching me from your window?”

“Of course. Who was he?”

“Cooper Wright.”






“I saw Nick.”


“He was with another woman.”

He gave a dramatic sigh. “Let’s go inside. You can tel me al about it over a gal on of ice cream.”

She smiled. “That sounds good.”

“Goodness, girl, didn’t you just come back from a dinner date? We need to talk about your new eating habits.”

❧ ❧ ❧

Another week had passed, and Nick was stil furious with Laney for going out with Cooper. She knew how he felt about Cooper touching her. More importantly, Cooper knew how he felt about him touching Laney. The more he obsessed over it, the angrier he became. Nick swore the next time he saw the guy, he was going to bury his fist in his face. He cursed them both to hel . Fuck Laney for her hypocrisy. And fuck Cooper for…for being Cooper.

Nick was in the middle of a grueling workout in his private gym when Jeffery informed him he had a guest waiting in his living room. Who would be cal ing on him at this time? It was nearly ten o’clock at night. He walked into the front living area and froze.

“Zelman?” He could not hide his surprise. “It’s a pleasure to see you. Please make yourself comfortable.” Nick led him into his study. “May I offer you a drink?”

“Bourbon, please.” He smirked when Nick handed him his glass. “You look like you could use one as wel .”

“I apologize for my shock; I wasn’t expecting to see you so soon.”

“Understood.” He looked around the richly decorated room. “Where is Laney?”

“She’s upstairs. . .asleep.” He added that bit of information to prevent Zelman from requesting to see her. “To what do I owe the honor of your visit?”

“Business.” Wil iam Zelman settled himself on a large leather sofa. “May I?”

“Of course.”

Wil iam patted his knee with his left hand. “I never leave home without it.”

“I’m sorry?”

“My ring.” Zelman waved his hand in the air, letting the light flicker off his gold band. “Where is yours?”

Nick looked down at his naked hand with dread.

Zelman huffed. “You must have a very understanding wife. Vivian would never let me take mine off.” He shrugged. “But I love her so, I wouldn’t ever want to.” He cleared his throat. “Sinclair, I’ve done a lot of thinking lately. Do you remember that footbal game on the boat? I specifical y remember the competitive nature you and Cooper Wright showed toward each other. I know I said I was considering splitting the accounts between you two and letting your work choose the victor, but the more I thought about that game, the more apparent it became to me that the two of you could never play as a team. You were both born to take charge, and it would be unfair to ask you to share the success my account could bring to your companies. Therefore, I had to make a decision.” He sipped his drink. “I want Sinclair Corp to represent Zelman Enterprises.” Nick nodded, too relieved by the news to speak.

“I want you to know my final decision had nothing to do with your abilities as a businessman; rather, I liked your relationship with Laney. You two real y care about each other and I admire that. It doesn’t even matter that you’re not real y married.” The room started to cave in on Nick. He had to force himself to breathe. “Sir, I assure you—”

“Save the speech, Sinclair. I know you’re not married to Laney Parks. Neither is Cooper married to Heidi Peterson.”

“How long have you known?”

“The night of Ritchie Benson’s party, I had you and Cooper researched. You’d be surprised what you can learn about a person from the Internet.” His eyes gleamed. “You don’t get where I am without knowing who you’re dealing with, Sinclair. In fact, I was seriously giving your firm consideration for a bid before speaking to you at Benson’s party. I planned to give it further thought once I returned from my anniversary trip.

“But you and Wright provided an interesting opportunity, not to mention an entertaining one. You provided me a chance to observe you. Watching you compete for my attention was the more enjoyable part. I figured if you were both wil ing to stoop so low as to pretend to be married, I could at least amuse myself. Though I was annoyed, at first, from the deception as wel as the intrusion on the time with my wife, I had to admire your determination.”

“I’m sorry, sir, but if you know al this, why are you offering me the account?”

“Because you were most genuine. During the trip, I watched you and Laney experience many ups and downs. Truth be told, there were times I thought she was going to kil you, but you held it together, and I think you gained a true understanding, if not an appreciation, for what it means to fal in love.” Wil iam Zelman smiled. “Cooper Wright is a good man and, I would venture to say, a worthy adversary for you. I can’t promise I won’t use his services in the future, but he has a lot to learn about marriage. Matrimony is more than having a pretty lady on your arm; it’s about fighting through your differences and loving each other despite them.

Cooper and Heidi didn’t argue once during the trip.

Perhaps they were too preoccupied with you and Laney.”

He laughed. “Yes, Nick, I noticed the way Heidi eyed you, and I also noticed how Cooper watched Laney and how upset you were because of it. I think ego was the reason at first, but eventual y you real y became protective of her and she for you.” He sipped his bourbon. “At any rate, I real y enjoyed you two, and Vivian adores you as wel . Which reminds me, she doesn’t know the truth about you and Laney.

It would have ruined the trip for her.” He smiled. “I’l tel her soon enough. Meanwhile, I think you are a good choice for my company. I know you’l do an excel ent job. I don’t have to lecture you about the harm of your deception; I believe you’ve already learned your lesson. At any rate, I don’t think you’l be pretending to be a married man again.”

“No, sir.”

“As I thought.” He stood to stretch. “I have to be on my way; Vi hates when I come home late.” He made his way to the door. “A word of advice, Sinclair.”


“We both know Laney’s not upstairs asleep. My guess is she’s across town sleeping in her own bed.

Don’t be a complete idiot, Sinclair. If you care for her, go after her.” He looked Nick over. “Before someone else does.”

“I’l consider it, sir.”

“Good night, Sinclair.”

“Good night, sir.”


For days, Nick replayed his conversation with Wil iam Zelman in his head. He battled with himself, wondering if he should confront Laney and if so, how? When? What would he say and how would she react?

He thought about how wel she had handled their dinner party. Laney seemed never to stop amazing Nick. As dinner had progressed, her natural glow and enthusiasm took over. He liked her liveliness; her laugh alone made him smile. Like before, she took to her part seamlessly, responding to his staff with the grace of a princess. Though she might not have noticed it, she answered to the name “Mrs.

Sinclair” with immediate recognition, which was a far cry from their first night together. Though there was much bad blood between them, she hadn’t even flinched when he raised her hand to his lips to kiss her knuckles. Vivian, like always, had sighed at his romantic gestures, while Wil iam Zelman grunted his approval. But none of that mattered. For the first time, he hadn’t cared that the Zelmans were present.

There was only Laney.

But she had taken her stand. She wanted him out of her life. He didn’t like it, but he’d given her his word. And maybe, just maybe, she would eventual y think fondly of him for it.

Ironical y, it would be his secretary, Linda, who would light a fire under him, and al thoughts of making amends with Laney went out the window. He was furious.

“She’s what?”

“I saw them myself. Her office is fil ed with flowers.” Linda Goldman nodded her head. “She’s been receiving them every day since she returned from vacation. You should have seen the ones yesterday. They were beautiful.”

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