Love Script (25 page)

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Authors: Tiffany Ashley

BOOK: Love Script
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Laney, Vivian and Heidi enjoyed hours of duty-free heaven in downtown Charlotte Amalie. After traveling back to the boat to drop off their purchases, they changed for the beach and joined the men at the resort. They swam in the beautiful Caribbean Sea and basked in the soft sand while indulging in frozen fruit drinks. Al was so pleasant that not even Vivian could find reason to argue. They spent the remainder of the afternoon there until it was time to board the ship.

On board, the women bragged about their good deals while the men disappeared for a game of golf.

They joined up later at the casino, where Cooper won a thousand-dol ar jackpot. Retiring for the evening early, Laney was grateful that Nick had not made any advances toward her the entire day. She was stil uneasy about the direction of their involvement. She would have to learn to keep her wits about her when he was near. The past few times they were together, it had taken very little persuasion on his part to get what he wanted.

She awoke the next morning to an empty bed.

They would be out to sea al day, and Nick was back on his workout schedule. He didn’t return until she was ful y dressed.

“Where are you headed?” he asked.

She finished slipping on her sandals. “I was going to explore the ship some more. You’re welcome to join me.”

“I can’t. I have to meet with Zelman.”

“That would be twice in as many days. Is that good news?”

“Could be.”

She shrugged. “I’l be back soon.”

“Have a good time.” He looked around the room at the many bags she had acquired while in St.

Thomas. “You don’t plan to do any more shopping, do you?”

She grinned. “I think I’m al shopped out.”

“You should be. You did a lot of damage.”

“You can afford it.”

She left the room to strol the shops. Laney spotted John and Natalie and their group of friends, who invited her to join them for an early lunch. She eagerly agreed. It was nice to chat without fearing being dragged into an argument or ignoring the testosterone-fil ed glares Nick and Cooper shot back and forth. Laney welcomed the opportunity to interact without feeling as if she were under a microscope. John and Natalie were a humorous pair, and Laney felt comfortable in their presence, so much so, she agreed to join them at the cabana.

They had a hilarious time entering a limbo contest and then having a drinking competition. Laney did not last long in either, although apparently, she was hysterical to watch. Under the influence of alcohol and pleasurable company, Laney lost track of time.

She was practicing a popular Caribbean dance with John when Nick discovered her. Natalie seemed not to mind that John was rather flirtatious, and Laney was too lightheaded to care. John swirled and dipped her several times before Nick clapped his hand roughly on John’s shoulder.

“I’m coming to col ect my wife.” John happily offered her over. Nick peered at her. “You’ve been drinking.”

She shook her head. “Not much.”

“Are you drunk?”

“I don’t think so,” she said with a soft hiccup.

Unconvinced, he gathered her in his arms and carried her to a nearby chaise lounge. He handed her a glass of water. “You need to sober up. I can’t have the Zelmans see you like this.”

“I’m not drunk, Nick.”

“Drink the water.”

She gulped down the entire glass and pushed it toward him. “There. Are you happy now?”

“You said you wouldn’t be long. I’ve been waiting in the room for over an hour.” He looked around the crowded deck. “Where is Cooper?”

“Cooper?” she asked, startled by the question.

“He wasn’t with me and Zelman, and you’ve been missing for an unusual y long time.” Her mind was fuzzy, so it took a moment for his accusation to register; when it did, Laney glowered at him. “How am I supposed to know where Cooper is?” she snapped. “He’s probably with Heidi.”

“He wasn’t with Heidi,” he snapped back.

Laney’s eyes narrowed into slits. “How do you know that?”

“I—” Nick paused. He looked thoughtful, clearly searching for the safest response.

“You are
,” she hissed.

“What the hel is that supposed to mean?”

“Wil couldn’t possibly have talked to you that long, Nick. Where have you real y been while I was out here?”

“In the room,” he said irritably.

“Do you real y expect me to believe you?

Exactly who do you take me for?”

“A crazed drunk,” he shot back.

“I’m not drunk!”

“Lower your voice!”

“The chances of you being alone in the room,” she continued, ignoring him completely, “are a hundred to one.”

“Why don’t you just say what’s real y on your mind, Laney.”

“Fine.” She planted her fists on her hips. “You can’t seriously expect me to believe you’ve been waiting patiently in the room al this time, not with Heidi practical y stalking your every move.”

“Make your point.”

“My point is, you were more likely getting your dick sucked by Heidi than waiting for me.” He looked at her as if she’d come from another planet. Taking a calming breath, he chose his words careful y. “I told you I wouldn’t touch Heidi.”

“What am I supposed to do with your words? I can’t touch them or see them. It’s just sound. I know what you real y want, Nick. So why even bother with the lies?”

“You’re a sloppy drunk; do you know that?”

“You’re a selfish bastard, Nick, who only cares about out-sleazing his way through business dealings and screwing as many women as possible.”

He stiffened. “That had better be the alcohol talking.”

She gave a humorless laugh. “I wish it were.” He shook his head in disbelief. “So since you have this al worked out in your drunken head, why don’t you explain to me what you were doing out here while I was with Heidi?”

She shrugged her shoulders. “Heaven forbid I actual y have a little fun on my vacation.”

“But this isn’t your vacation, Laney. This is a business trip.”

“Oh, how could I forget? You’ve had me under your thumb the entire time.”

“You never complained before.”


“Don’t play coy with me, Laney. You’re making out pretty wel in this arrangement—a wedding ring to die for, an exclusive suite and unlimited shopping sprees. One could say you’re a pro.” Her eyes blazed with tears. She shrank away from him as if he’d slapped her. He moved to grab her, but she jumped out of reach. “Fuck you, Nick Sinclair, and fuck your damn script.” She came to her feet, a little unsteadily, and stormed off, leaving a clutch of onlookers in her wake.

Nick watched her walk away from him. He knew he should go after her, but he was never good with crying women. Although he’d known most of her rant had been motivated by alcohol, it stil infuriated him she’d believe he’d been with another woman.

Granted, his misstep at mentioning Heidi had come across as slightly dubious. The irony was, he’d been tel ing the truth. Unfortunately, Laney had caught him off guard with her questions. He hadn’t been able to mask his bewilderment before she’d launched her attack. As usual, their arguments quickly spun out of his control, leaving him more frustrated than before. If he was honest with himself, his anger was sparked long before her drunken suspicions.

Nick’s mind replayed the sequence of events leading up to his discovering Laney at the cabana.

After his meeting with Zelman, he’d returned to their suite, hoping to find Laney waiting for him. She wasn’t there. Figuring she would arrive soon, he busied himself by checking his work emails. This only managed to distract him for thirty minutes. After that, his eagerness quickly transformed into irritation.

When an hour had come and gone, he decided to go look for her. He visited the spots they’d ventured together, but Laney was nowhere to be seen. He considered returning to their room; perhaps she was there now, waiting for him. Just as he was turning to retrace his steps, a pleasant sight captured his attention. It was Heidi. Her eyes sparkled with mischief when their gazes met. She sauntered toward him; a trail of dazed admirers craned their necks to get a better look at her as she stepped pass them. She was wearing a bikini, the top strained against the size of her breasts. For several seconds, Nick could not stop staring at her. She looked incredible. When he final y managed to drag his gaze up high enough to meet her eyes, she gave him a knowing look, aware she had him right where she wanted him.

Heidi held up the key card to her room. “Fol ow me,” she said in a husky voice.

Any other time, Nick would have accepted her invitation without delay. A man could only handle so much temptation, especial y when it was so readily available. But something held him in place. There was something wrong about this situation, but he couldn’t seem the gather clear thoughts, not with this lovely creature standing so close and so conveniently half-dressed. Strangely enough, Heidi unknowingly answered his unspoken question. The instant she turned her back on Nick, expecting him to fol ow obediently behind her, his eyes focused on the curves of her ass. Her bikini bottoms were sexily cut, displaying an ample view. It was a nice view. It was exactly the opposite of what Laney would have worn.

More to the point, Laney would have never been caught walking around the ship in just her bikini. If she wasn’t within five feet of a pool, she wore her sarong; she was most particular about this. It had driven him crazy at first, but he soon appreciated her modesty, particularly when other men were around.

In spite of the attention she generated, Laney was completely oblivious of her appeal. Heidi, on the other hand, was currently putting her body on display for everyone to see. She clearly loved the attention.

The contrast between Laney and Heidi could not have been more distinct. There was no question Nick desired Heidi, but there was no mystery to her, whereas with Laney, he was constantly trying to figure her out.

Just then, something else occurred to him; Heidi was alone. Cooper was nowhere in sight. If Heidi were taking Nick back to her room, there was a good chance Cooper wasn’t there either. Where was Cooper? Even better, where was Laney? The possibility of the two of them together nearly blinded Nick with rage. He had to find Laney.

Completely forgetting Heidi, Nick turned down a series of corridors. It took him a while before he found the right hal way. As he neared the cabin, he saw the door was ajar. Nick whirled inside, expecting to find Cooper and Laney in the room she’d original y been assigned to. He only succeed in terrifying the housekeeper. Laney was not here.

Somewhat pacified, Nick decided to simply return to the room and wait for her return. Walking through the pool area, he was brought up short by the sound of familiar laughter. He’d final y found her. His relief was immediately eclipsed by white anger.

Pul ing himself out of his thoughts, Nick focused on the spot where Laney had stood moments before.

Not surprisingly, she was upset with him again, but he didn’t care. He had just as much reason to be pissed at her. The sight of her having such a good time dancing with that John guy sent him into a frenzy. He couldn’t remember her expressing such delight with him. She always seemed so nervous and standoffish. But just then, watching her laugh and openly





maddening. It drove him insane, and in retaliation he’d said whatever he could to lash out at her. Why couldn’t he get himself under control when he was around her?

He stood to go after her. He moved around a group of laughing teenagers and was brought up short by Vivian Zelman, who latched onto his arm and guided him to the casino area, where her husband was waiting. One thing led to another, and before he knew what was happening, he was sitting at a poker table opposite Wil iam Zelman, playing as his partner. The set was running long. Twice he tried to excuse himself, but Zelman was on a winning streak and insisted it had everything to do with Nick.

Three hours later, after winning and losing $800, Zelman was final y ready to cal it quits.

“Looks like my luck ran out, Nick.”

“It would seem so.” Nick couldn’t real y care less about Zelman’s luck. He needed to talk to Laney.

“Too bad,” Zelman continued. “It would have topped off the trip if we would have won that last hand. Hey, why don’t you and Laney join Vi and me by the pool? They’re supposed to have some kind of show. It would be fun.”

Nick agreed and set off for his suite. Laney did not acknowledge him when he entered the room.

She was rubbing sunblock on; her hair was clipped up and she wore her black sarong again. Nick approached cautiously.

“The Zelmans want us to join them—”

“I know,” she cut in. “Vi just left.” He eyed her, not sure if he should apologize or grovel. “Are you up to it?”

She final y raised her gaze to his. “Of course I am. I’m a professional, remember?”

“Laney, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said—”

“I’l be at the pool,” she cut in frigidly. Grabbing her towel and sunglasses, she walked out of the room, not bothering to close the door behind her.

Nick cursed. He had to prepare himself. She was going to make him suffer. He quickly changed into a pair of trunks and left for the pool.

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