Love Script (13 page)

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Authors: Tiffany Ashley

BOOK: Love Script
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I even heard a rumor that the one cal ed Vanessa came up to the office and made a scene when she caught you and Mary-Knight together.” He was astounded by how much a complete stranger would know about him. Laney knew a hel of a lot about his personal escapades, yet she was a mystery to him. “She didn’t catch me with Mary-Knight.”

“Mmm-hmm,” she said disbelievingly.

“Do you think I’m sleeping with Mary-Knight?”


She hadn’t hesitated. Nick wondered if that was a good thing. “How are you so sure?” She shrugged. “I’m not sure.” She waved her arms in the water. “Cal it woman’s intuition.

Besides, I doubt Mary-Knight could keep a secret like that to herself.”

“Would it bother you if I was?”

“If you were what?”

“Sleeping with Mary-Knight.”

She tilted her head to the side. “It’s not my place to care either way, but apparently Vanessa cares.”

If Laney knew about Vanessa flipping out, there was no tel ing what his executive team was thinking.

But for some reason, the opinions of his team held little concern to him right now. At this moment, he was only interested in what Laney thought of him, knowing what she did. She couldn’t have thought much of him from the start, that was for sure.

“Anything else?” he asked.

“Aside from Vanessa and Kimberly, you’re a notorious womanizer.”

“And that’s a bad thing?” he teased.

“It would be if Wil Zelman got wind of that information. Your personal life isn’t exactly personal.”

He smiled. “And what about you?”








conversation. “What about me?”

“Wel , you’ve obviously heard a lot about me.

What about you? Anything you care to share?”


“How about the ex?”

She was becoming uninterested in the discussion. “I don’t want to talk about him.”

“Come on, Laney. You know my dealings. What are you hiding?”

“I’m not hiding anything.”

“Then why are you here alone?” He watched her nibble on her lower lip. It was a nervous trait he was beginning to think was quite endearing. Talking about her ex-boyfriend seemed to weigh on her. She looked near to jumping out of the pool to avoid the question. He treaded water to get closer to her.

When she looked up at him he was stunned by her pretty brown eyes. They were swimming with…


He stared down at her. “What happened?” She took a deep breath. “I caught him with another woman.” Immediately after saying the words, she looked away; embarrassment and hurt written across her face.

Nick looked down at her. No wonder she didn’t like him. He represented her cheating boyfriend.

Funny how it never mattered to him how any of the women he’d slept with felt about his womanizing. In al truth, he had never been around long enough to find out. But with Laney. . .there was something al uring about her. The vulnerability he saw in her eyes just now was upsetting. It made him want to touch her.

She chanced a glance up at him and gave a strained smile. “I’m not as irresistible as you seem to be.”

“I disagree.” Before he realized what he was doing, he found himself moving toward her. “I find you to be very irresistible,” he said. “Exceedingly so.” He lowered his head and watched her eyes widen as he advanced on her, but she didn’t move away.

His lips were inches from hers when a splash of water drenched them.

They looked up to see a vol eybal floating in the water next to them.

A guy cal ed out to them. “Hey, man, I’m sorry.

That was a foul bal .”

“No problem.” Nick tossed the bal back to him.

“Hey, why don’t you two join us for a game?” To the cheers of the group, they joined a rather jubilant crowd for a game of water vol eybal . Nick and Laney teamed up with another couple, John and Natalie. Final y, Laney was in her element. Nick was pleased to see she excel ed in the sport. Laney directed where her team members needed to be, provided their game strategy and was the unofficial team cheerleader. Nick was impressed with her agility. Laney served and spiked the bal with great ease. Nick was a natural athlete. Even though vol eybal wasn’t his favorite pastime, he was more than efficient. Together, they were a force to be reckoned with.

“Over here!” Nick yel ed out to Laney. When she bounced the bal his way, he promptly spiked it over the net, gaining them a point.

“Great job, Nick!” Laney smiled brightly at him, content with their lead over the other team.

The teams played vigorously, trading the lead with every other set. Their team worked seamlessly together, encouraging each other with every play.

Their rivals argued with each other the entire time, yet they were extremely good players. The players became engrossed in the sport. Name-cal ing and catcal s were shouted out, al in good fun. Picking up hints from the other members, Nick and Laney cheered each other on affectionately. When Laney again made a point for their team, Nick kissed her on the forehead. She was stunned at first, missing the next serve aimed directly at her. The missed advantage quickly snapped her out of her stupor.

She saved the next shot and passed the vol eybal to John, who slammed it over the net. Their team rejoiced. Laney jumped on Nick’s back, wrapping her legs around him and kissing him quickly on the cheek. Nick laughed when she flipped her middle finger in the faces of their opponents.

The game went on for half an hour, and the match had gained an audience by now. Natalie scored the winning shot completely by mistake. The bal bounced off her head while she was looking in the opposite direction, miraculously bouncing over the net. They celebrated by al owing the losing team to buy them drinks. Laney was so happy she didn’t even flinch when Nick slapped her playful y on the bottom as they came out of the pool.

They enjoyed the rowdy banter with the group at the bar. Laney sat in Nick’s lap, as there were few seats available. John and Natalie invited them to join them in the casino that night. Nick didn’t commit, pleading he needed to check with their party.

They did not bid their new friends farewel until Nick spotted the Zelmans waving to them from across the deck. They gathered their things and joined the couple.

Wil iam Zelman smiled. “Good to see you’re feeling better, Sinclair.”

Nick nodded. “Thank you, sir.”

“We saw you playing,” Vivian Zelman said excitedly. “You were both very good. Laney, I had no idea you could be so. . .aggressive.” Laney blushed, knowing Vivian was referring to her flipping off their adversaries. She was relieved to hear Nick laugh and wrap his arm around her waist.

“How long have you been here?” Nick asked.

Wil iam Zelman glanced at his watch. “About an hour or two. The weather is so nice it’s hard to keep up.”

Nick nodded. “Laney and I have been out here for hours, but it feels like we just got here. I want to enjoy every minute aboard, but there is so much to do.”

“Yes, there is,” Vivian agreed. “When is the big day, Laney?”

Laney looked at her dumbfounded. “What day?”

“Your anniversary.”

“Oh, uh…” She couldn’t remember if she and Nick had actual y discussed a date. “Wel …”

“Today,” Nick blurted. “We’re celebrating our one-year anniversary today.”

Vivian beamed at Laney. “Congratulations!

What do you have planned?”

“Wel , I…um—” she looked to Nick for help.

“I’m doing al the planning,” Nick offered. “I figured since she’s put up with me for an entire year, the least I could do is spoil her on our getaway.” Nick patted her on the bottom.

“Oh, how sweet!” Vivian cooed.

“Good for you, Sinclair.” Wil iam Zelman bowed his head slightly.

Vivian appraised Nick appreciatively. “Laney, you have one adorable husband.”

Laney looked up at Nick. “It would seem so.” Nick nodded. “We were just about to go back to the room to rest. Do you have dinner plans?”

“On your anniversary night? We would be honored to join you.” Wil iam reached for his wife’s hand. “The first year is always the most magical. We would like to do something for you two.” Nick shook his head. “Oh, no, that’s not necessary. Your presence is enough.” Wil iam shook his head to refuse further dispute.

“It’s our pleasure.”

“If you insist, sir.”

“I do.”

“Oh, how exciting.” Vivian clapped her hands with pleasure. “We must make you perfect for tonight. I’m leaving for my treatment at the Lotus Spa within the hour. You must join me. My treat.”

“Vi, that’s very sweet, but I couldn’t impose on your personal time.”

Vivian Zelman shook her head. “Nonsense! I’d love for you to join me.”

Wil iam Zelman frowned. “Laney, do yourself a favor and just agree to go with her. She’l argue with you until your head hurts if you don’t.”

“Wil !” Vivian slapped her husband’s arm. “Don’t say things like that in front of Nick and Laney.” Wil iam laughed at his wife’s embarrassment.

“It’s true, Vi.”

“No, it’s not,” Vivian argued.

“Okay.” Laney surrendered, not wanting to witness yet another argument between the couple.

“I’d be happy to join you if it isn’t an inconvenience.” Immediately forgetting her frustration with her husband, Vivian Zelman grinned. “Wonderful! I’l cal the Wrights’ room to see if Heidi would care to join us.”

Nick wasn’t certain he wanted Laney to go. He was beginning to enjoy having permission to touch her. She was final y relaxing around him and he’d planned to take ful advantage. He could only hope she were this tranquil when she returned from the spa.

“Oh, Nick, there’s no reason to look so sad,” Vivian teased. “I’l bring her back.” Nick squeezed Laney’s hip. “I can’t help it. She’s special to me.” He kissed Laney’s blushing cheek.

“Enjoy yourself, sweetheart.”

Nick watched Vi latch onto Laney’s arm and pul her along, pleased by how receptive Laney was to him today. Even when she didn’t want to be, her body responded to him. It comforted him to know he had control over something between them, little as it was. He didn’t kid himself, though. When she had her mind made up that she would have nothing to do with him, she went al frosty. One thing was for sure, the next few days would be interesting.

❧ ❧ ❧

Laney let Vivian drag her to the fitness area where the spa was tucked away in a corner. It had been nice to lean into Nick’s side while speaking with the Zelmans. It amazed her how easily Nick fel into his husbandly character when they were around.

He was al warm and caring, strongly attentive and very charming. Everything he said was meant to make him look like the perfect husband. For a moment, she caught herself wishing he real y meant those words, that there was an ounce of sincerity in those intense blue eyes when he made such romantic expressions.

So enticing were his words she’d almost been prepared to argue with Vivian to not go to the spa, but she knew she would have only embarrassed herself. Nick wanted some private time with Wil iam to persuade him to consider Sinclair Corp. He’d been very specific from the beginning about her responsibilities.
Keep his wife busy while I work
Zelman over
. She had better pul herself together and focus on what she was being paid to do.

Enduring a luxury spa treatment wasn’t exactly torture.

Heidi joined them ten minutes later. Up until now, Laney had barely spoken to her. This would be a good time to size up the competition. She was around Laney’s age, and she had a sparkling smile.

Though she’d been pretty quiet so far, Laney suspected the woman was lively in familiar surroundings. Laney didn’t believe for a second that a woman as beautiful as Heidi could actual y be as meek as she appeared before the Zelmans.

Vivian took charge, instructing the staff of her needs with much avowal. She spoke in a tone that only rich people used when they were asserting their importance. Laney and Heidi watched as the staff rushed about to meet Vivian’s demands.

They were escorted into a private bathroom lined with smal closets. The musical sound of running water hummed through the speakers, instantly relaxing the women. They undressed and slipped on soft white terrycloth robes and matching slippers.

Ushered to a room that had three tables covered in bright linens, they disrobed and slid under the blankets covering the tables. When they were comfortably situated, curtains were pul ed away to display a massive window overlooking a turfed area on the boat. It was currently being used as a mini field for a game of footbal . The women looked and immediately spotted Nick and Cooper among the players while Wil iam Zelman stood on the sidelines acting as a referee, a concept Vivian seemed to find quite humorous.

“Wil is the worst cheater when it comes to sports,” she said.

Laney turned to Vivian. “There are plenty of guys out there. I don’t think he could get away with anything.”

“Believe me, he wil . I guarantee you the team Nick and Cooper are on wil win. My husband wil make sure of that.”

While their masseurs began working on their backs, Laney, Vivian and Heidi watched the first few plays of the game with great interest. True to her word, it wasn’t long before Wil iam Zelman started cal ing plays in favor of Nick and Cooper’s team.

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