Loving Logan (3 page)

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Authors: Leila Lacey

BOOK: Loving Logan
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“Hi Professor Walker, how are you today?”
Shelby said to him shielding her eyes from the sun even though she
had sun glasses on. Shelby had to look up to look into his

“What did I tell you about calling me
Professor Walker? Please Shelby call me Zach” he said to her

“I am so sorry.” Shelby said laughing “I guess
that is just the southern girl in me” she said smiling. Shelby did
not feel uncomfortable around Zach as she did so many sexy men and
she was not sure why. With Zach she felt like she was talking to an
old friend.

“It’s ok.” Zach said smiling. “I happen to
like your Southern Charm.” He said flashing that amazing smile. “I
wanted to talk to you about something do you have a minute?” he

“Oh yes, of course would you like to have a
seat?” Shelby said smiling. The decided to sit a bench that was
strategically placed between two magnolia trees. As they sat down
Shelby hat thought. “Oh thank God I can rest my poor aching feet”
once they were both seated Zach said. “I wanted to find out if you
had plans for tomorrow night?”

“Oh, No not that I can think of. Did you want
me to take a evening class for you?” Shelby said. She knew that
Zach taught a night class for people that were trying to become
citizens and that sometimes he needed a stand in.

“Oh No, No! I was asking because I was hoping
you would grace me with your presence and dinner.” Zach said
smiling at her. Damn the man smile! Did he just ask me out? ME?
Shelby was thinking. YES, YES, YES a thousand times yes! Is what
she was thinking but all that came out of her mouth was a squeak
that was a cross between a squirrel fart and a cricket howl. Zach
looked around because he heard the squeak but did not realize it
had come from her.

“Ah, I.. Yes!” Shelby said bring his attention
and the gorgeous eyes back to him. “Yes I would love to go.” She
finally got out smiling.

“Great! So can I pick you up tomorrow at let’s
say eight?” Zach said smiling and leaning back against the park
bench and relaxing a little now that she had said yes.

“Sure!” Shelby said smiling. Taking his phone
out of his hand she entered her name address and phone number into
his phone and handed it back to him. “There is everything you will
need.” she finished winking at him. Where in the hot ham sandwich
did that come from? Shelby thought to herself. Cassidy was really
starting to rub off on her. But if dinner with a sexy man was going
to be the payoff she was ok with that.

“Thank you! I will talk to you tomorrow
beautiful lady.” Zach said leaning in a kissing her cheek before
walking across the quad. “God he smells good” Shelby thought as she
watched him walk away she started walking and then realized she was
going in the wrong direction to go to the library and turned back
to the other direction.


“Oh my God Shelby! You have a date with
Professor Mc Orgasm?” Cassidy said to Shelby smiling from ear to
ear. Cassidy had called Shelby to come out to dinner with her. They
were sitting a local Italian restaurant that Cassidy and Shelby
just loved, called Alfredo’s was owned by an old friend of her
fathers from his military days. They created the sights, sounds,
smells and particularly the tastes of Italy by offering patrons
authentic Italian cuisine. A well-loved dining tradition in
Shelbyville, Alfredo’s welcomes loyal devotees as well as new
clientele to sample their new specialties. Veal dishes have always
been Shelby’s favorite at Alfredo’s, “The Godfather”, a fabulous
treat of veal prepared three different styles, Veal Francese, Veal
Marsala and Veal Parmesan, were the most popular choice for Shelby
and her family whenever they ate hear. Other fine choices include
pastas and fresh seafood such as Linguine Pescatore, a combination
of mussels, clams, shrimp and calamari in a light tomato sauce over
pasta. Thinking of the times that she and her family had eaten here
made Shelby think of her brother’s absolute LOVE of Alfredo’s
desserts. Alfredo’s boasts delicious homemade desserts, including a
thick, rich cheesecake prepared with the finest Ricotta cheese and
the delicate Tiramisu. The ambience at Alfredo’s is reminiscent of
the neighborhood “ristorante” in Rome and other major Italian
cities. Ironically it was not for the food but for the waiters,
hosts and bartenders. “I am not sure but I think my best friend was
a man in her former life” Shelby was thinking laughing to herself
as Cassidy spoke to her about her date tomorrow and stared at the
waiter’s ass.

“Cassidy! Stop that!” Shelby said slapping her
friends arm.

“Oh leave me be Shelby unlike you I do not
have a date tomorrow and no prospects. Let me have my fun.” Cassidy
said as she tilted her head to the right trying to get a better
view point of the waiter’s rear as he rounded the bar.

“Cassidy will you stop looking at that man’s
ass and tell me what I am going to wear on this date tomorrow?”
Shelby said to Cassidy. Now actually checking his behind out
herself. Stefano was one of the owners many nephews and the boy had
a butt like an onion.

“Oh relax your britches girl! You know that I
will be there to help you get ready” Cassidy said talking a bite of
her breadstick “I was actually very proud when I…” Cassidy started
to finish but stopped speaking and was looking at the person
standing behind Shelby at the table.

“What?” Shelby said swinging around quickly
the look on Cassidy’s face was like she had seen a ghost. It was no
ghost it he was Shelby’s brother Grayson. Grayson and his wife had
moved to Savannah for her new partnership with a law firm about
nine months ago. But Grayson had found out that his wife was
sleeping with the managing partner and moved back to Shelbyville
two months ago. Shelby had not seen or heard from her brother sense
the blow out with their mother and sister. He had been out of town
on business the night of the family dinner. She assumed that he had
been told that it was all her fault did not care about her side of
things. Shelby used to be very close to her brother as kids. He
always played with her and stood up for her when people picked on
her. Even though she was the oldest.

“Hey sissy! Did you forget how to dial a
phone?” Grayson said to his sister.

“Well no Grey but you have a dial tone just
like I do” Shelby said

“Oh stand up and give me a hug!” Grayson said
to his sister smiling. As they embraced Shelby felt such relief to
feel that someone from her family that was happy to see

“Hey Cassidy! I see you are still as crazy as
ever!” Greyson said as he hugged Cassidy. Cassidy had always had
the hugest crush on Greyson and she thought that Shelby did not
know. Shelby had always hoped that her best friend and her brother
would get together but when he got married she had let that hope
go. But the way they were embracing each other now. There may still
be hope. Shelby thought.

“Hey, Grey you know I have to keep it spicy
baby” Cassidy said winking at him

“Grey sit down and have dinner with us.”
Shelby said smiling up at her brother from her seat.

“I can’t baby doll I am meeting Savannah here
for dinner.” Greyson said to his sister.

“Oh, well that is ok. I am glad to see you I
miss you. Promise me we will have lunch next week” Shelby said
quickly trying to pretend that it did not hurt her to hear her
sister’s name.

“Of course Shelby you know I always want to
see you.” Grayson said to his sister resting his well-manicured
hand on his sister’s shoulder. “Shelby you still have not worked
this out with Momma and Savannah?”

Shelby started to fidget in her seat not
wanting to broach the painful subject of her mother and sister.
“No, Grey. There is nothing to work out! I am not momma’s daughter
Savannah is and I am tired of being mistreated.” Shelby said to her
brother wiping the tears that had rolled down her cheek away.
Squatting down next to his sister and taking her hands Greyson
said. “Shelby you think you know but you don’t there is so much
more to this story, and I am so angry with daddy for not
straightening this out years ago.” Just then Greyson saw Savannah
walk into the restaurant to prevent a confrontation Greyson decided
to get to her before she realized Greyson was talking to

“Savannah is here baby doll. But I promise
there will be a stop put to this and I will call you tomorrow.”
Greyson said kissing his sister on the cheek. Shelby knew what he
was trying to do and she loved him for it. She smiled and mouthed
Thank you to him.

Just as he was about to walk away Cassidy said
“where’s my sugar?” with her arms spread wide. Shaking his head
Greyson leaned down to give Cassidy a small hug and a peck on the
cheek at the last minute Cassidy turned her head and kissed Greyson
on the mouth. The kiss was instantly soft and sensual and actually
a total surprise to the both of them. Shelby sat there with her
mouth wide open in shock once she knew that her brother was out of
war shot she leaned over and said. “Did you just slip my brother
the tongue?” She and Cassidy laughed and went on to enjoy there
evening. But Cassidy was not able to get Greyson out of her head
the entire night.


“MOM!” Logan yelled walking in the front door
of his mother’s small home. His mother had finally been able to buy
her house last year. She was so proud of her home you would think
that is was one of the stately homes across town but it was just a
small little single family home. The main floor featured 3 bedrooms
and 2 full baths. Second floor has 1 bedroom, 1 bath. Hardwood
floors on the main level, antique fireplace mantles throughout, a
full kitchen, and laundry room, patio, private fenced yard. Lance
had recently added a patio and a swing set out back for Gia so
there mother could sit out back and watch Gia play.

“Out here!” he heard his mom say from the
patio. As Logan stepped outside he saw that Gia was Lance were
playing on the monkey bars that were attached to the swing set he
had bought her.

“Hey Mom. How was she today?” Logan said to
his mother as he kissed her on the cheek and sat down in one of the
chairs that went with his mother’s patio set.

“She was wonderful!” He mother said “You know
Gia is always a good girl” she finished smiling at Gia squealing
and running from Lance. His mother looked over at him and she could
see the pain, worry and just plain exhaustion on his

“What’s wrong son?” his mother said to him
taking a sip of her sweet tea. Logan could not believe that there
was a time in his life that he had thought his mother was weak and
did not care about him and is brother. Logan had been so angry when
his dad left them. Angry they went hungry, angry they didn’t have
new clothes or shoes, sometimes food to eat. He had blamed her for
not being “good enough” to make his father want to stay and a host
of other things. When he was in juvie his mother had driven the
three hours to see him every single Sunday, staying the entire four
hours bringing, brownies and cookies, magazines, books and photo
albums. Talking to him about Lance and the things that were going
on in the town. After a year of him sitting staring at her not
talking to her for the entire visit not eating the food she was
bringing him. She had finally said to him “Logan, I know I failed
you and your brother. I know you are angry and you hate to see me
here every week. But I love you son, I always have and I always
will. If you want me to stop coming here you just say the word and
I will stay away. Otherwise I am going to keep coming, because you
are my baby”. She had left and waited. After three Sundays had gone
by and his mother had not shown up. His new bunk mate had said
“Dude is your mom sick?” Logan had not imagined that something
could be wrong with her. That Tuesday he had been told that she had
been in a car accident on her way to see him. She had, had a
stroke. The guilt and anger that he felt at the world but mostly at
himself for treating her so badly all that time. Now sitting in her
back yard with her watching his beautiful daughter play. Thinking
of all she had done for him and all she did every day making sure
that Gia was safe so that he could go and make a living. He was so
indebted to her and could not ever repay her.

“Nothing mom. What do you mean?” Logan said
trying to pretend that there was nothing wrong.

“What she is talking about, is the fact that
you have been acting and looking like someone shot your dog sense
the attorney that Shelby sent over here with your ownership papers
was here. Which has been what momma one two weeks.” Lance said
walking up to them breathing heavy sitting down at the table. You
would not think that Gia was an only child she wore Lance out every
time he saw her.

“Well I was not going to put it so bluntly,
but sense Lance said if for me. Have you spoken to her?” his mother
said to him

“No! Why would I talk to her? Once again a
Beasley thinks they can buy what they want. But I am not for sale

“Logan you are so full of shit!” Lance said to
him taking a sip of his beer that he had gotten out of the

“LANCE!” his mother said to him. Shaking her
head at him, her boys were very respectful but sometimes they
forgot they were in her presence.

“I am sorry momma. No disrespect ma’am but I
am so tired with Logan’s us and them rhetoric. Shelby is NOT them,
she is a good woman and has been a friend to this family for years.
I would not have graduated from college without her. I get that her
family is a bunch of assholes well actually I rather like
Savannah…” Lance said before Logan cut his off saying

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