Loving Logan (8 page)

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Authors: Leila Lacey

BOOK: Loving Logan
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“Son! I understand that you are upset. There
is so much more to this story that...” Jackson started to

“So wait a minute!” Shelby finally said from
her seat as she stood up and started to walk toward

“I am not your daughter, Savannah is not your
daughter, Greyson in not your son. Yet I am the one that you always
hated. Why momma? She finished tears streaming down her face as she
stood directly in front of her mother.

“Shelby I...” Sarah started to say drinking
the last of the scotch she had poured herself. “I do not hate you.
I do not hate any of my children. For better or worse I am your
momma. But you, Shelby you look so much like your mother. As your
father said it was always her. Right Jackson?” She said turning
toward her husband.

“So what you are saying is I have been taking
the blame for daddy being a man whore all these years with the
pleasure of not having a mother that shows me love!” Shelby yelled
at her.

said to her angrily

“Oh! Really daddy? Are you really expecting us
to respect you after this? To respect any of you!” Savannah yelled.
“I found out today that I am a Graham and that Barney is actually
my sister! Greyson was told that the woman that raised him is not
his mother and he will never get to know her because she died two
years ago and Shelby found out that her mother is alive and that
you were ok with letting her live in squalor as long as she
produced and Beasley heir!” Savannah screamed.

“I think its ok to say you have lost control
of the room daddy” Greyson said.

“Savannah I...” Grace started to say when
Savannah turned on her angrily

“Don’t you talk to me you bitch!” Savannah
said to Grace.

“SAVANNAH!” Jackson said to her.

“Let me help you without Savannah. I do not
care what anyone says that you are to my mother” Grace started to
say to Savannah as she walked toward her. “If you speak to my
mother like that again, I promise I will kick your boney ass all
over Georgia. Now I may NOT agree with her decisions, but she is
OUR mother for better or worse and you will show her some respect!”
Cassidy finished. She was standing squarely in front of Savannah
now nose to nose.

“Don’t you talk to me like that! I will knock
you into the middle of next week!” Savannah said to her.

“Then I will kick your ass on Thursday!”
Cassidy said.

“Cassidy! Stop!” Grace said to her daughter.
She wanted to say more to Savannah but knew that she needed to
accept a few things before they talked.

“I do not care what anyone says.” Savannah
said turning away from Cassidy and walking to stand next to Sarah
placing her arm around her. “THIS is my mother and she always will
be.” Savannah said laying her head on Sarah’s shoulder.

“Huh! Well lucky you Savannah! Once again it’s
all about you!” Shelby said rolling her eyes at her sister. “What I
found out today is that my father cannot keep it in his pants or
show our mother the respect of doing it protected. My mother has
punished me all these years because my father loved my biological
mother and not her. My brother found out that his mother is dead
and our father did not even have the consideration for her to
remember her name or that fact that she had died!” Shelby yelled at
her sister.

“Let not forget that Savannah is my sister!”
Cassidy said “I think I am gonna be sick” she finished.

“Cassidy! It is time for us to leave.” Grace
said to her daughter standing up. “Savannah, I hope that one day
you will make peace with this and we can have a talk.” Grace said

“Oh Momma! I feel all warm a fuzzy” Savannah
said rolling her eyes turning toward the window.

“That might be the herpes you really should
get that checked out.” Cassidy said sarcastically. Grabbing her
head Grace turned and walked toward the door. “Jackson I will speak
to you later” she said as they left the room.

“I am sure she will” Sarah mumbled.

“I have to get out of here” Greyson finally
said as he started to leave.

“Greyson you will not leave this house young
man!” Jackson said.

We are a family and we will deal with this as
such!” he finished. Stopping Greyson in his tracks.

“No daddy! This, this is a fucking farce!” he
said as he walked out of the door.

“Daddy, you used to be hero. I thought you
could do no wrong. Now I can barely stand to look at you.” Shelby
said picking up her purse that she had placed on the table. Then
taking off the signet pinky ring that every Beasley had and always
wore, and placing it on the table. “I am no longer a Beasley, I
don’t know who I am. She said as she looked at her mother in

“Shelby! Shelby!” her parents called as she
walked out.



“Wow and I thought poor people were the only
people that did stuff like this” Lance said as he sat back on
Shelby’s couch. He had come right over when she had called him
hysterical, to tell him what she had just learned. “I mean really
this is some hillbilly shit!” he said. “So who is your

“I do not know. I could not stand there and
listen to all of that. My family are not the people that I thought
they were” Shelby said taking another sip of her glass of

“Shel, I hate to tell you but your family was
always this flawed you just kept your head down and tried to make
it. I mean granted I feel like you just told me about a cross over
episode of Maury and Jerry Springer!” Lance said laughing. Lance
had come right over after Shelby had called so he was still in his
gym shorts and a front zip hoodie. If she did not love his damn
brother so much she would be all over him. Lance had always been a
sexy man to her. But now she cherished him more than anyone else in
her life except Cassidy.

“It’s not funny Lance. Do you realize that
Cassidy and Savannah are SISTERS?” Shelby said laughing a

“You know I just realized that with you saying
it!” Lance said and they both laughed hysterically “Can’t you just
see that family reunion? You know that Savannah is going to become
even more if a terror now that she knows one of her parents is one
of the richest people in the world.” Lance finished shaking his
head. Shelby smiled and shook her head and then all of a sudden it
was like all the wind went out of her sails and she started to cry
and couldn’t stop. For the next hour all Lance did was hold her and
let her cry. Finally calming down Shelby started to wipe her face.
“Ok that is it. No more crying I will not do this any...” she was
saying when she was interrupted by a knock at the door. Shelby went
to the door it was Cassidy. Shelby could barely get the door all
the way open when Cassidy fell in.

“Cassidy are you all right!” Shelby shouted to
her friend. She was leaning over Cassidy to see if she was passed
out she was, and she smelled like a distillery. Waving her hand in
front of her face. Shelby looked at Lance “She is drunk, stinking
drunk!” was all she could think to say to him. “Lance can you carry
her to my guest room?” She said to him accepting his hand to help
her stand up.

“Of course” Lance said. Just as they started
to walk up the steps Shelby’s doorbell rang again. Looking back she
said to Lance “Go ahead and take her up I will get some water and
aspirin after I see who is at the door.” Lance continued on up the
steps with Cassidy in his arms. Shelby could not believe that
Cassidy was drunk. She had never had a drink that was not a mint
julep or champagne and Shelby got a strong whiff of tequila when
she had leaned over her. Shelbi guessed she would be passed out
drunk somewhere if she had not had Lance to talk to. Wrapped up in
her thought Shelby did not ask who it was before she opened the
door, when she did Logan was standing there holding what looked to
be four dozen roses.

“Logan what are you doing here?” Shelby said
to him leaning her head against the door. Shelby was so tired of
fighting with people she just wanted to go and lay down and pull
her duvet over her head.

“I have been calling you for hours and you
would not answer…” Logan started to say but stopped when he
realized that Shelby looked like she had been crying. “Shelby what
is wrong?” he said stepping into the house a closing the

“Nothing Logan I have so stuff going on. Why
are you here?” she said annoyed. Logan started to walk closer to
her with his arms stretched out. Shelby side stepped Logan to
prevent him from touching her.

“Shelby I know something is wrong. What is
it?” Logan said it broke his heart she did not want him touching
her. He had made so many stupid ass mistakes with this incredible
woman and now. He had used all of his nine lives up.

“Well at this moment” Shelby said crossing her
arms across her chest. “This is what’s wrong with Me.” she said
pointing at him and herself rapidly. “This dance that we keep doing
were we try and one of us fucks up and we end up having to
apologize. I finally got it yesterday Logan. You are right we are
too different there are too many differences for us to be together.
I think we should stop this before we ruin anything we may have had
between us.” She finished.

“Shelby let me...” Logan started to speak
again and she cut him off again holding her hand up.

“Just GO Logan” Shelby said pointing to the
door. Shelby thought she was going to throw up. Sending Logan away
was one of the hardest things she would do. But she was tired of
the back and forth a she was just saving them BOTH a little heart
ache down the road. Logan places the roses on the round table that
say in the middle of her foyer, walked toward Shelby leaned in and
kissed her temple. “I am sorry, I won’t come back.” He said in a
broken voice before he walked out the front door.



“Hello!” Logan said into his alarm clock.
Realizing that he had not grabbed his phone when it rang again he
threw the clock down and picked up his phone. “Hello!” he tried

“Logan!” Lance said on the other

“Lance what time is it?” Logan said trying to
clear some of the sleep from his eyes and focus on the bedside
clock was now on the floor.

“It 3 a.m.” Lance said

“Lance why the hell are you calling me at 3
o’clock in the morning. You know I have to get up in a...” Logan
was cut off by Lance

“Shelby was in a bad car accident!” Lance
said. Logan sprang out of the bed like a spring

“WHAT? Where? When?” he yelled into the phone.
He has started out of his bedroom to get in that car and get to
Shelby. But realized that he was not wearing anything but boxer
briefs. Putting the phone on speaker he threw it on the bed and
started searching for his pants. “What happened!” he yelled to his

“I don’t know! All I know is that she was hit
head on my a semi. They had to use the Jaws of Life to get her out
of the car.” Lance said. Logan had stopped in his tracks, his
Shelby have been hit head on by an eighteen wheeler. It had been
three months sense she had sent him away. Three hellish months when
all he wanted to do was go to her every day and make love to her
until she gave in and realized they were meant to be. Three months
were he stayed away and suffered in silence. Luckily the shop was
doing phenomenally to keep him busy. So busy that he had hired to
extra men on a part time basis to get some help and be able to
spend some time with Gia. But none of it had felt right without
sharing it with Shelby.

“Logan! Are you still there?” Lance yelled
into the phone snapping Logan out of his day dream

“Yeah! I will meet you at Mercy General!”
Logan said before hanging up throwing on his jeans grabbing a white
t-shirt and his boots and running out the door. He would call one
of his workers once he got to the hospital and have them open the
shop today.

It tool Logan what was normally a 20 minute
drive from his mother house to the hospital in 10 minutes. Running
into the Emergency waiting area, he ran to the reception

“Shelby, Shelby Beasley, she came in by
ambulance.” He was saying to the receptionist when Lance stepped
out of a waiting room and called his name

“How is she have you heard anything?” As Logan
walked into the waiting room with Lance. He was slapped in the face
with one of the things that irked him most in the world rich
entitled people and a face he had not ever see before. Taking a
deep breath Lance introduced the one person did not

“Logan, this is Ivy Meade Shelby’s biological
mother” Lance said “Ms. Meade this is my brother Logan” Logan was
so worried about Shelby that it too him a minute to register what
Lance had just said about this woman’s hand that he was

“Please to... Wait WHAT?” Logan said looking
back at Lance like he had lost his mind.

“It a looong story Cassidy, and a pretty
disgusting one if you ask me. So you may want to wait on the
explanation of what this fiasco is until we find out what is going
on with Shelby”

Still standing with his mouth open, Logan
looked around the room at all these always perfect people and for
the first time in his life saw a kink in the amour.

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