Snow Wolf

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Authors: K.S. Martin

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Snow Wolf


K. S. Martin


Other Books by K.S.Martin

Opportunity Knocked

Her Alpha

Wild Kat

Not That Kind of Love

The New Alpha

The Reluctant Alpha

My Boss the Alpha

Once Mated Twice Shy


Alpha’s She-Wolf



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Copyright © March 2015, First Edition, by K. S. Martin


“Sir, with all due respect, I don’t
think that it is appropriate to send us out there together, alone.” She sat
there staring her superior down. “There won’t be a team or…necessities?” He
shook his head. Amy at times was obstinate and this was going to be one of
those times. She was appalled that the head of the department wanted her to go
on this expedition in the first place let alone with that womanizing mimbo, the
male version of bimbo. He was notorious for getting in a woman’s pants and Amy
did not want to be alone with him. Not only did she not trust him, she didn’t
trust herself. She didn’t care that he was second best in the field and the only
one that could keep up with her intellectually where ice was concerned anyway.

That’s what kind of bull crap Jim
was handing her right now but she was only half way listening to him. They
would be alone on the glacier for a week with only each other to depend on. She
could hold her own and she knew that he could by reputation but still, a week?
Alone with him for a week? No way. How was she supposed to resist him for a
week? He was beyond handsome, long, lithe, and beautiful. He had gray eyes
rimmed with the darkest blue.

She’d never seen eyes like his
before and when he wasn’t looking, she was staring at him with her core
clenching with want. He would move on after the expedition once he’d had her,
but maybe a week would be enough. Maybe she could cherish the memories of their
time together for the rest of her life. She’d admired him from afar for so long
now but while she was admiring he was doing every female available. That was
unacceptable and it infuriated her to no end. She wanted him for her own but
the women that he spent time with didn’t look like Amy. They were tall and thin
with high cheekbones and pouty lips. They spent more time on their makeup than
their brains. He probably wouldn’t make a move at all on her and how perfectly
awful that  would be. Not a surprise but awful.

Amy learned early that being short,
smart, and extra curvy made you an easy target for the kinds of girls that Liam
took out with him. Those kinds of girls pretended to be your friend when they
wanted something. Amy also learned that she needed to rely on Amy and that the
kindness of others was usually fallacy.

 “Good, it’s settled. You and Liam
will go out, take the measurements, and report back in a week.” He was looking
smug sitting there in his high backed leather chair with his dark steely eyes
and slicked back hair.

“I didn’t agree to that.” Amy
crossed her arms over her chest. “Again. I don’t think that it’s appropriate.”

“Look. Anderson has me by the balls
here. It’s in his contract that he gets to pick his team and he chose you. It’s
not in your contract so, you do what I say, you have a couple of weeks left on
this one, so you write that into your contract next time, and everything is
fine. Until then, you leave tomorrow with Liam. He will meet you at the
airport. Take the measurements and bring them back.”

“Why me? Why him for that matter? A
grad student could do this.”

“A grad student has to have a
supervisor and a team to get them in and out, you, and Liam can go it alone.
You’ve both been team leaders. If anything happens, you have enough experience
to get yourselves out of it. He picked you because you’re the next best in the

“Excuse me? I’m not second best, he
is!” That infuriated her. Who was spreading that vicious rumor around? She
didn’t really need to guess. Liam.

“You two can figure that out, it’s
not my concern, I am only relaying what he said.” Amy harrumphed. “Now, go get
ready, I have another appointment. When you come back, I’ll grant you a paid
week to recover.” He had the nerve to smile at her as she rose from the chair
and huffed out an aggravated breath. Amy stopped with her hand on the door and
turned back to him. He was grinning stupidly.

“When I get back, I am putting
feelers out for a new position. I don’t like being manipulated.”

“We’ll see.” He had the nerve to
reply quietly.

“What did that mean?” Amy muttered
under her breath when she’d closed the door.

Chapter 1

Liam watched her exit the office,
and did she look pissed! He chuckled. That woman was his for a week. He could
see it on her face. She’d evaded him so far but he would have her. She was
small, curvy, and brilliant. She would be a challenge. Women usually came
easily to him, threw themselves at him but a wolf enjoyed the hunt. While it
was always relaxing to have a woman drop to her knees at his feet and take care
of his needs, it was boring.

This woman Amy, she was smart. She
would not cave easily and she wouldn’t drop to her knees for his enjoyment
without much negotiation. He looked forward to negotiating with her, and
fighting with her. She was exceptionally beautiful when she was angry, and passionate
about something.

He’d watched her at a conference
once, explaining how ice layered and captured the environment at the time that
it was frozen. Liam understood what she was saying because she made perfect
sense. When Michael challenged her findings though she’d stood pulled herself
up to her full height of five and half feet, put her shoulders back and obliterated
him. It was amazing.

That little firebrand had put
Michael McPherson in his place and it was awesome. McPherson was a cocky know
it all simpleton and Liam could not stand him. From that moment on, Liam knew
that he must have her. That was six months and nine women ago.

Not one of them could measure up to
Amy Garrett’s spirit. That woman had exactly what he needed. Women let him do
whatever he pleased, she wouldn’t. She would call him out on his shit, he knew
that bone deep, she would stand up to him. Amy wouldn’t just accept his
bullshit and he needed a woman like that. One that was strong, and smart, smart
enough to keep up with him. One that scented like wildflowers and honey, that
scent drove his wolf crazy when he got near her.

Lately, he’d been walking by her in
the park just to get a stray scent off her. She was always reading trashy
novels and giving him dirty looks. He wasn’t sure if she didn’t want him around
or if she didn’t want to get caught with those books. He chuckled. He’d seen
the covers and had spotted one in a store once. He bought it and couldn’t
believe that brilliant woman was reading that trash. With an I.Q. that had to
border 180 it just didn’t make any sense but he’d enjoye them reading it
together and doing some of the things he’d read. A tingle shot down his spine
and right into his balls. He’d have her. Amy Garrett was his.
wolf growled inside his mind.

Liam watched her turn the corner
talking to herself. He grinned as she pointed into the air. He wished he were
close enough to hear the conversation that she was having. She was crossing the
parking lot to where her car was parked. Liam followed and strolled casually to
his antique red sports car. He hopped in over the door. He needed to have the
convertible top fixed while he was out of town with Amy but there was never any
time. Her compact rolled to a stop behind his and he saw her glaring at him in
the rear view mirror. She was saying something but her window was up. He saw
her eyes narrow and turned to look at her. She punched it and squealed her
tires out of the parking lot onto the feeder road. Liam laughed loudly and
headed for home.


Krista cackled in Amy’s earpiece.
“Finally, a week alone with a man sweetie. You should have lots of sex, lots of
loud pornographic sex.” Krista chortled.

“Kris, I told you, I don’t want to
be alone with him. I mean he’s sexy as heck but I know I won’t be able to turn
him down.” Krista mmm hmmmed her. “I mean you know my situation and he’s…very
well practiced.” Amy walked out of the building and crossed the walk to the
parking lot. Her blue compact was parked in the back of the lot. While it
always seemed like a good idea in the mornings to get exercise, when she came
back out in the afternoon she dreaded the long walk to the back row. She
reached her finger up to touch a ladybug that floated on the air but it buzzed
higher when she reached for it. “What if he tells everyone that I suck in bed?”

“If you suck in bed sweetie, he’ll
love you forever.” Krista laughed again. “I mean they like it when you

“Shut up. You have a filthy mouth.”

“Hmm and a dirty mind, can I come
along? I mean if he’s as gorgeous as you said I will definitely
Krista said something to someone in her office while Amy climbed into the
compact and started it. She carefully backed out and saw Liam hopping into his

“He’s right there.” Krista hummed
on the other end of the line.

“Is he naked?” Krista giggled.

 “I’m going to tell him to find someone
else.” Amy ignored Krista’s question, stopped behind his car and watched him
start it.

“Don’t you dare Amy Lynn, I mean
it! You are too old to be a damned virgin. You are going to spend a week alone
with sex on a stick. Let nature take its course. If you don’t do this Amy
you’ll regret it the rest of your life. Drive away from him right now.” Damn
her sister anyway. Amy barked the tires making a fast get away.



The trip up the mountain was
uneventful. He made sure that she was behind him and never let her get too far
back. She muttered every so often about big oafs, stupid contracts and
something about her sister. Liam inhaled deeply. They were above the tree line
now and the air was getting thinner. The mountain itself was getting steeper
and more unforgiving. Liam let his muscles stretch and used the mighty thigh
muscles. He looked over his shoulder at her digging her poles into the ice. She
lifted her cleats carefully to step then placed them back down just as
carefully making sure that her footing was strong. For her size she should be
complaining about the climb or the speed they were traveling but she still
muttered about contracts and him. At least he was on her mind, he grinned not
letting her see him. He was glad that she wore the latest in mountain climbing
and cold weather dress. She was sleekly covered head to toe with brightly
colored top of the line equipment. Her pack was new, the cleats sharp and the
snowsuit she wore he knew had been proofed up to fifty below. He’d seen it in
the sporting goods store when he was buying camp food and a new water bottle.
Her goggles were tinted to protect not only from wind but also from glare.

“We’ll break camp here.” He said
pulling his pack off his shoulders. He wanted to spend some time before dark
talking to her, not only about the project but to get to know her.

“We should make the glacier then
break.” Amy stepped past him. “It can’t be much farther according to my
instruments.” She held up a band around her wrist. She wasn’t ready to make
camp and go to bed. It was still too light outside and he was still too sexy.
She would only toss and turn.

“It’s another half mile. We will
break here. It’ll be dark soon and there is weather setting in.” He bent over
his pack and pulled his insulated water bottle out to drink. He looked up at
the few stray flurries zipping around in the air as if they were alive.

“Do what you want. I’ll be at the
glacier.” Amy kept walking and turned a corner around a large boulder. Liam
cursed and put his pack up on his shoulders then followed her. He caught up to her
easily and stayed behind her admiring the sway of her hips. He thought himself
rather stupid for not letting her lead sooner. Liam was so engrossed with her
bottom that he didn’t notice the crevasse ahead of her. The light was waning
and the snow was beginning to fall.

Amy dropped suddenly, lost her
footing and slid into the hole in the ground. She disappeared in an instant and
Liam lunged forward to catch her. She screamed but caught a jagged piece of ice
and held on. Liam grabbed her wrist almost as soon as she’d dropped. He would
never forgive himself if something happened to her. She was too young and had a
whole life ahead of her. Her death would not be his fault. It couldn’t be. The
wildflower and honey scent filled his nostrils and the beast pushed him. He
took deep breaths to ease the urge to shift.

“I have you.” He soothed. He pulled
but she wouldn’t budge. “What are you caught on? I can’t pull you up.” Liam
tried to see around her leaning close. He heard her gulp.

 “It’s my pack it’s stuck.” Liam
pulled a knife from his belt and cut the pack loose. It dropped for a few
seconds then crashed at the bottom. “You idiot, I need that.” He hauled her out
of the jagged hole and pulled her to him. “Let me go.” Amy pushed free of him
and looked over the side down to where her red backpack rested too far down to
reach without causing serious injury. “Now what? Where am I going to sleep? My
food is gone, my water, everything.”

“I told you we should have made
camp back there.” Liam said heading in the direction that she was traveling
before her accident. Amy thrust her hands on her hips and stomped a booted
foot. He heard it and grinned.

“That’s all you have to say?” She
shoved hard at his back. “What am I going to eat? Where am I going to sleep?” He
looked down at her but continued to walk.

“We’ll make do.” Liam blew out a
cloud of white breath. “Come on.” They needed to get away from that hole before
she pushed him into it.

“We should make camp.” She said
quietly. “It’s getting dark. Maybe we can think of a way to get my pack.”

“We only have one tent to set up so
it won’t take a minute. We’ll keep walking. You wanted to continue to the
glacier, we will continue.” The snow was falling harder now but he trudged on
wondering why she looked so forlorn about a pack. He checked often to make sure
she still followed. She kept her head down with a dour expression on her face.
She looked deeply disappointed with herself.

With the glacier in site, Liam
stopped and pulled his pack off. They’d walked easily at first but the last half
mile had to be hard on her. Between the fall and shot to her pride, besides the
physical exertion. At least that’s all that was hurt in that fall. It could’ve
been deadly. The walk worked his muscles and he was werewolf. He ached so he
could imagine how Amy felt but she did not complain. Liam admired that, a woman
that didn’t whine. Most that he came across were petulant creatures that needed
cared for but not Amy. Amy was tough and he liked that, a lot.

He reached into his pack and pulled
out an emergency ration bar. She accepted it and stuck the package in her
pocket. “We should get the tent set up before we eat.” How cute, she wanted to
help. Liam pulled the tent from its harness on his pack and sprang it open.

“Now eat.” He grinned as her one
eyebrow rose over her left eye. She looked at the tiny tent and pursed her
lips. “We’ll make do. Eat.” Amy pulled the packet out of her pocket and opened
it with her trembling fingers. “Get inside.” He commanded when the wind kicked
up and the snow blew. Liam took his sleeping bag off the pack and threw the
pack inside the tent. True it was a two man tent but Liam was a big guy and it
was comfy enough for him. He unrolled the bag and placed it inside. “Get in.”
She nibbled her lip and squatted down to crawl in. “Sweet.”

“Don’t do that.” She scowled and
said sternly as she disappeared inside. He smiled wolfishly and was somewhat
glad that she couldn’t see him. Liam crawled in behind her.

He stretched out and fumbled with
his pack until he found his own dinner and his water bottle. “What are we going
to do?” Amy asked.

“Carry on. We’ll eat, sleep, take
measurements, and then head back.” Amy rolled her eyes.

“I know all of that. What are we
here to measure?” He finished chewing and swallowed. She watched the muscle in
his square jaw move. He wondered how long before she gave into that craving to
touch him would take. He saw her fist her hand to keep from doing it. She took
his bottle and sipped. One eyebrow dipped low over her eye when she saw the
predatory gaze that he gave her. “Mine is at the bottom of the crevasse, if you
don’t want to share, go get it. You owe me a candy bar too. I was looking
forward to eating it.” The ration bar was exactly as he remembered them. They
were dense, oily and lemony tasting, like lemon flavored clay. He knew that his
meal choice showed a  real lack of imagination. He brought ration bars and
water but he wasn’t worried about food when he was packing. It would keep them
alive but still, they sucked and he knew it. When he’d packed them they were
only for ‘just in case’. He’d planned on the wolf getting dinner. It would be
harder to sneak out now.

She had no idea why he watched her the
way that he did and no idea that offering to share utensils was a very serious
matter to a wolf. Of course, she had no idea that he was a wolf either. He
wondered what she would have to say about that and decided that it would be
very cute whether she was happy or mad about it. He recapped the bottle and put
it away. “We’ll need to melt snow to drink. I only brought one bottle and if
we’re to share we will have to keep it filled.” She nodded.

“Of course.” Amy folded the wrapper
over what was left of her food bar and put it in a side pocket of the pack. “We
should sleep.” Liam pulled his boots off and put them beside the pack. Amy did
the same. She wiggled into the sleeping bag and nibbled her lip. Liam tossed
his coat and gloves. “What are you doing?”

“I’m getting ready for bed.”

“You’ll freeze.” She gave him the
‘you’re so stupid’ look.

“You’ll keep me warm.” He grinned
at her. Amy rolled her eyes and turned over to face the side of the tent. Liam
snuggled in behind her and zipped them into the two man bag. “My favorite
position.” He murmured.

“Keep your hands to yourself.” She
commanded him and the wolf inside him wanted to tame her, to make her submit.
He submitted to no one, let alone a human female. He calmed the wolf and let
her rest. The point in bringing her out here was to get to know her and then to
make her his. He had six days to convince her.

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