Loving Time

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Authors: Leslie Glass

Tags: #Fiction, #Thrillers, #Suspense

BOOK: Loving Time
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The highest praise for Leslie Glass and
hanging time


Hanging Time
is one terrific read and Leslie Glass is one terrific writer.”


—Tami Hoag


“Gripping psychological drama … There’s no straight path to the truth when information is manipulated and withheld on all sides.”


Publishers Weekly


“Polished and intriguing … Glass not only draws the reader into the crazed and gruesome world of the killer, but also cleverly develops the character of Woo … and her growing attraction for partner Sanchez.”


The Orlando Sentinel


“Fine psychodrama. Glass walks on the


from the Poisoned Pen


“Complex insights … Deft plotting and strong characterizations will leave readers eager for further installments.”


Library Journal


“I’ll drop what I’m doing to read Leslie Glass anytime.”


—Nevada Barr


also by leslie glass

This edition contains the complete text
of the original hardcover edition.


A Bantam Book
Bantam hardcover edition / November 1996
Bantam paperback edition / December 1997


All rights reserved.
Copyright © 1996 by Leslie Glass.
Hand-lettering by Ron Zinn.
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 96-12544.
No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any
form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including
photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and
retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.
For information address: Bantam Books.


eISBN: 978-0-307-78540-4


Published simultaneously in the United States and Canada


Bantam Books are published by Bantam Books, a division of Random House, Inc. Its trademark, consisting of the words “Bantam Books” and the portrayal of a rooster, is Registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and in other countries. Marca Registrada. Bantam Books, 1540 Broadway, New York, New York 10036.




For Edmond and the Graduates
Class of 1996


eaders are often surprised to learn that it takes almost a year for a manuscript to travel from an author’s desk through its many stages of production until it finally becomes the book they’ve been waiting to buy. The process begins with editorial Close Encounters of the Third Kind, moves right along through many scheduling, marketing, promotion, and sales conferences. The pages themselves go through a complicated copyediting, production, book design, and printing process. Meanwhile, the difficult packaging decisions are made and realized, the cover design, cover art, and copy are completed.

A beautifully produced book is the author’s dearest wish. For fulfillment, it requires the work of dozens of gifted people. Bantam has an editorial, production, packaging, marketing, and promotion dream team. Thank you especially, the truly daring and visionary Publisher, Irwyn Applebaum, and world’s most challenging and supportive Associate Publisher—my brilliant editor—Kate Miciak. Thank you Managing Editor Susie West for production orchestration; Jamie Warren Youll for gorgeous cover designs, Betsy Hulsebosch for marketing, Barbara Burg for publicity, and my publicist, Susan Corcoran. Thank you Linda Biagi for foreign sales.

But, wait a minute! Before a single book can appear in a store, another powerful group of Bantam people have to go to
work: The Mighty Bantam Sales Force, which comprises the true, and not-often-enough-sung, heroes of publishing. This is the Force to which we authors pray every night: “May the Force be with me.” Thank you especially, Sally Johnson, Central District Manager, who said the magic words at the right moment, as well as Bantam Salesperson Cinda Van Deursen in the Eastern District; David Glenn and A. Scott LePine in the Western District. Thank you Telemarketers and those in Special Markets and National Accounts, and everybody else who gets those books out there and tells them not to come home again.

For help with the fictional Psychiatric Centre in
, and the field of psychiatry, thanks to Richard C. Friedman, M.D., gender expert, psychology professor, and consultant extraordinaire.


Does the Eagle know what is in the pit?

Or wilt thou go ask the Mole?

Can wisdom be put in a silver rod?

Or Love in a golden bowl?

thel’s motto
William Blake


aymond Cowles died of love on the evening of his thirty-eighth birthday. It happened on Sunday, October 31, after a long battle for his soul. As with many bitter conflicts, the end was abrupt and unexpected. In the same way as love had come on him unexpectedly and caught him by surprise after a lifetime of loneliness and despair, death crept up on Ray from behind without his even knowing that his release from ecstasy and anguish was at hand.

Since his twenties, Ray had flipped past the passages about love in the books he read. The movie versions of passion and lust seemed stupid and unbelievable to him. Love was supposed to happen to men like him when scantily dressed, big-breasted women flashed the look that said “I’ll do anything. Anything at all.”

Lorna had looked at him with those eyes; other women had, too. Many other women. Sometimes Raymond had even thought he’d seen it in the eyes of Dr. Treadwell. He never got it. Love to him was like a foreign language for which he had all the clues but couldn’t figure out the meaning. And he had learned to live without it as his own personal cross to bear, like a dyslexic who could never really read, or a patient with a terminal illness that wouldn’t go all the way and end his misery for a long, long time.

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