Read Lucca's Lust: The Luminara Series Book 3 Online

Authors: SJ Molloy

Tags: #Book Three The Luminara Series

Lucca's Lust: The Luminara Series Book 3 (25 page)

BOOK: Lucca's Lust: The Luminara Series Book 3
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“Lucca, you have done more for me these past few days than anyone ever has. I’ve never trusted anyone … with my body … until now,” she replies, stroking my back and shoulders with her delicate fingertips.

Taking her face in both my hands, inner warmth fills me, giving me hope that she is slowly falling for me too. Not that she has said that, but I see it in her eyes. They are full of promise and devotion.

I am glad that I am the first person she has shared her body with. Fuck, the thought of anyone else being with her would give me a fucking heart attack and fill me with jealous anger. Her innocence is beguiling, and even though she has still not confided in me about her fears and insecurities, I feel I am one step closer.

Deciding not to push it, I pick her up and carry her downstairs to make her breakfast. Our proper date starts right now.

Playing some background music I think she will like, I get to work cooking up a fancy breakfast for her. I am sure my culinary skills have impressed her, so much so she has agreed to skip her cooking lessons to spend quality time with me.

Once she has finished her breakfast, looking happy and content, I admire the rich luscious sparkle in her eyes and drag my gaze over her naked body. Step two of our first proper date is about to begin because I am throwing her on that table and burying myself deep inside her until we both share an early morning round of erotic pleasure.

She may have enjoyed my culinary skills, but I am sure I have better ways of showing her my talents. I am going to enthral her with my tongue, hands, and cock until she is screaming my name.




Part one: Lussuria ~ Lucca’s Words

“Lussuria ~ Chapter Seventeen: Keeping Faith-Forgiveness”




Chapter 11





After I have made long, slow love to her on the dining table, closing my mouth over every inch of her skin, I ask her if I can take her harder because the feeling of her is too good, too sensational, and I want to give her every possible sexual experience and pleasure I can. I cannot get enough. I need her in every fucking position possible.

Bending her over the back of the sofa, her back arches, head rolling back, legs spread, ass pressing against my cock. Keeping a tight grip on her waist, and one hand threaded in her hair, I ram my cock into her from behind with hard, powerful thrusts, taking her deep and taking her hard.

Her cries urge me to drive into her swollen pussy with reckless, vigorous strokes of my raging cock. I fuck her until she begs me to stop, then begs me not to stop, whimpering my name. The sensation of pain and pleasure drives her crazy. Her body submits to my ruthless fucking when I crash into her with primal need, bringing us both towards an explosive and splintering climax.

Her legs buckle from beneath me, cries echoing the room, as her body shatters into fragments while she rides out her orgasm. Too. Fucking. Intense. It is enough to take me to a summit of sheer animalistic pleasure. I pump again and again, quicker each time, until I explode with the most sensational relief, filling her pussy with the most intense release I have ever had … deep, deep inside her.

No going back. This fucking … like this … is only the beginning.

Collapsing over her on the sofa, too weak to move and too breathless to talk, I kiss her back, shoulders, and neck for what seems like an eternity until I am able to find strength. Her hums and soft exhausted moans tell me she enjoyed it as much as I did. She is sated beyond measure and unable to stand.

Fetching paper towels, I wipe between Lexi’s legs, properly clean the table, and fill the dishwasher. Lifting her up and cradling her against me, I take the stairs back to my room.

We take a very long shower. I sponge every inch of her body, shampoo her hair, and towel dry her too, then place her on the bed wrapped in her towel until she has a little more energy to get up and dressed.

Our date seems to be going exceptionally well so far.

While Lexi is picking out clothes from her things, which now hang in my wardrobe, I call Marco and ask him to bring her other two gifts up. The sunglasses will come in handy today as I plan on being outside with her.

Discreetly, I have a look at the some labels on her lingerie and clothes, making a mental note what size she is. I would say a perfect handful for me, but woman are particular about this sort of shit so I want to get her measurements right when I spoil her with new stuff.

That special gift of her sublime body downstairs just earned her endless gifts from me. Her body … incomparable, exquisite, and precious.

Marco drops off the gifts. I take the opportunity to ask him if Paulo has picked Dominic up from the airport. Satisfied he is on his way, and neither of the girls knows he is coming, I give Lexi the gifts.

I enjoy the fiery shit she tries to pull. I am rewarded with that sexiness I love about her when she gets all flamed up. Fucking priceless. Cleverly, I think she is on to me, because she caves far too quickly. I thought I was going to get frisky with the little feisty sulk she pulls.

The image of her nibbling on her bottom lip when she opens the diamond earrings … Shit, she is simply divine. Her eyes twinkle wide with enchantment. She is stunned. Once I have the gems in her ears, she looks breathtaking, absolutely spectacular, just as I thought she would.

Lexi is beautiful enough, but with the sparkle and grace of her earrings, she flourishes and comes alive. Brighter than I imagined actually. Wow. My dolcezza is a piece of fine art.

Reaching the kitchen, I see a look of sadness on Lexi’s face when she learns that Nuala and Hazel will be cooking together. Although, if Dominic arrives on schedule, then I doubt Hazel will be interested in making Pumpkin cups.

Softly, I stroke her face and convince her there will be lots of time to learn how to cook. It seems to appease her. Nonna welcomes her enthusiastically. Letting them talk, I rummage in the freezer for some of my favourite gelato. Early morning fix.

Leaning against the sink, I devour the bowl of cinnamon goodness. It tastes almost as good as Lexi’s nectar centre … almost, but not quite. Which gives me a wicked idea. Cinnamon gelato on her pussy would make for a seriously tasty and erotic treat.

Locking my now icy lips with Lexi’s, I kiss her, telling her to grab a drink while I catch up with Marco. Making my way through the villa, I bump into Maria. I ask her to box up some of our toiletries from the suite, as I am not sure if Violetta has had some delivered to the farmhouse.

I also give her a list of basics I would like put into a small case. I have a well-stocked wardrobe for myself for when I stay, but I will need my laptop, tablet, work documents, and some general things. She asks if she should pack any of Lexi’s clothing, to which I tell her it will not be necessary.

I find Marco in the study. We dial into a skype call with Suzanne. Quickly running over Dino’s plans and proposal for Osurac construction, I direct them on which approach to take and catch up with important business pertaining to Luminara and Club di Energia. Marco leaves to pack up the car with the things I have asked Maria to get.

“Suzanne, before you go, I need something done urgently please. If you could put everything else on hold and see to this, I would be most appreciative.” I mention.

“Yes, of course. What do you need?” she asks proficiently, sitting erect in her chair, pad and paper in hand.

“I am going to give you a generalised list of ladies’ apparel and items I would like to order for Lexi that I want delivered tomorrow at the farmhouse. A whole wardrobe for Italy and for my home in Scotland. I need you to source them from
Luisa Via Roma
La Rinascente
department stores in Firenze. Only branded designer items, please. If they do not have the latest season or items in stock, give Fabio a call and ask him to check with his suppliers or his friends at the designer stores on Via de’ Tornabuoni. You know the designers I favour,” I say decisively, sitting back in my chair.

“If you struggle, Fabio will help you put together shoes and bags to compliment outfits,” I add.

“Okay, sure. Firstly, I need a size.”

I run through the sizes I remember from Lexi’s clothing labels and shoe size, instructing Suzanne on the type of items I would like for her. I also specify I would like an assortment of decadent and luxurious lingerie, silently thinking I will enjoy ripping off her lacy knickers from her body.

“Budget?” she asks, noting everything down.

“No budget. Just send me through the confirmation when you are done. If I need to add anything, I will let you know. But I trust you, so I am sure you will do a grand job of picking out items. Look at it as a morning off work to go shopping. All women love shopping, do they not?”

She chuckles. “Yes, I love shopping. How could I not?”

“Throw yourself in some new work attire as well, my treat.” I smile. I do completely trust Suzanne. She is great at this stuff. At Christmas time I often ask her to purchase items for all my female relatives, and she has never failed me.

“Oh, you don’t need to do that.” She shakes her head.

“I insist. Get Kimberley on your other tasks while you sort this out. It may take you all afternoon.”

“Okay, sure. You are far too good to me, you really are something else. Lexi is one lucky young lady.” Multi-tasking, Suzanne flips through her diary, pressing her intercom for Kimberley.

“I am the lucky one. Thank you again. Okay, I have my phone with me if you need me, but I would like to be off radar for a bit. Call Giorgio for me and make sure he has everything under control at Luminara. Before I forget, Ronan at Club di Energia … his time is up. I need to speak to Jill in HR. We need a period of notice drawn up and an investigation underway in the meantime. Get a job specification written up and repost the position.” I end the call, close the desktop down, and head off to find my dolcezza.

Nonno advises me Lexi is around the back of the villa. Dominic has arrived safely and is already checked in. I make sure Nonno knows we are going to the farmhouse. He advises my mamma wants me to call her. Of course she will want all the details, that is if Nonna has not already enlightened her. I will call her, but I want to spend some more time with Lexi first. The last thing I need is my mamma giving her a grilling so soon in our relationship.

Leaning against the wall, I watch her playing with Nonno’s dogs, carefree, relaxed, and looking extremely happy, which delights me. I love to see her smile, and she looks so goddamn natural and in her element right now.

She has not acknowledged I am here yet, so I take my phone out my pocket and snap a few pictures of her. Not in a weird way, but I idolise her that much, and she steals my breath so I would like some pictures over her to keep, to admire. Should I not be able to get my fix of her, then I will have her beautiful face on my phone to stare at.

A spontaneous idea comes to me. Maybe my next gift for her should be a puppy. Actually no … going by the way she pets those dogs, she will likely give it all of her attention and I will not get any. Not happening.

Possibly it is not one of my brightest ideas but shit, if I got to witness her laugh, smile, and giggle like this, then maybe I should find my balls and sacrifice. It may be worth looking into just to see her happy like this. Since I want her staying at my house, I have plenty of room and Rose and Peter would help out. Hmmm.

Interestingly, I find out she already has a dog, so that solves that consideration. I am fine with her having a dog, but it pisses me off when she indicates the dog is meant to keep her safe and protect her.


Safe from what?

Why would she rely on a dog protecting her?

Fighting the urge to question her further, I advise her we are going on our first date and take her around the front of the property where Marco has parked up my car. It is loaded and ready to go. As she uses the restroom, I check some emails on my phone and answer business related text messages.

She walks towards me with such grace and elegance, but at the same time she has a unique unintentional prowess about her. She is sexy as fuck and has no idea. Her emerald fitted dress crosses over one shoulder and sits just above her knee, swishing as she walks and revealing her long toned legs. Demurely tied back hair sways down her back in a thick, smooth tousled wave with every step she takes. Wearing her new accessories, the stunning earrings and sophisticated sunglasses, she has me hypnotised.




After a pleasant drive through the hills, we arrive at Castello di Brolio. As requested, Tomasso and Alberto meet and greet us. But fuck, the pair of bastards have not removed their eyes from my girl, and they are making her restless. They can get their fix somewhere else, not with my fucking girl. Clenching my jaw, I lead Lexi, following behind them, not pleased in the slightest that they were eying her up.

BOOK: Lucca's Lust: The Luminara Series Book 3
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