Read Mackie's Men Online

Authors: Lynn Ray Lewis

Tags: #ex military, #mmmf romance, #female bodyguard, #corporate espionage, #menage romance, #action adventure

Mackie's Men (24 page)

BOOK: Mackie's Men
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The three men back at the house had given her an option. She could take the chance on them, and be the woman they needed, or she could leave and stay gone. Monday would bring normal back into their lives, and she had no idea what she would do with her life if she did leave. They seemed to believe that she was worth the risks they were taking and truthfully, she had nothing to lose by loving them except her heart.

Well, you’ve never played it safe before, and look at what you stand to gain by staying
. She nodded to herself and turned back, intending to tell them of her decision, and unless they changed their minds, she would be walking into her future.

They met her at the door when she walked in. “Where’s the fire?” got looks of relief, and she knew they were coming to find her. Knowing they worried made her heart feel like it was growing, and she shook her head at them. “I told you I’d be back, sometimes emotional shit makes me crave fresh air, and I have to walk the feelings out.”

She had trouble finding something generic to say, the awkward silence as they all stood staring at each other made her nervous, she didn’t meant to blurt out, “I’ve thought about my decision whether to stay and be with you all, or should I leave. I decided that if you still want to make a life between us, then, let’s do it. I don’t know how, but if we all work at it, and communicate, we should be able to pull it off.”

John put his arm around her waist and urged her further into the living room. Liam handed her a glass of wine when she was finally seated between John and Darryl on the couch, and he sat on the table in front of them. He picked her feet up and set them on his knees while he took her shoes and socks off. He began rubbing her feet and she moaned from his firm massage on her feet that had never felt such bliss before.

“That’s what I’m talking about, how many women have three handsome sexy beasts at her beck and call?” Liam smiled at his description but sobered when he continued to talk, “Mackie, I swear I will do my best to make your life happy and anything you want, you will have if it’s in my power to give you. We talked while you went on your walk, and we all feel the same. Give us a chance and we’ll prove it to you.”

Darryl and John were nodding their heads and murmuring
, while she sat enjoying her feet being massaged and staring into the wine in her glass. They seemed to be waiting for her to say something, and all she could think was that she was the one who had been blessed after so many years of being alone.

“”Look, this can’t be just you guys breaking your necks to make me happy, I’ve been alone pretty much my entire life. I’ve had passing relationships that lasted a day or two, but I never had the urge to settle down with anyone before. You have each other, and I—that first night, I watched you making love. It was the singular most beautiful thing I’d ever witnessed. I wanted to be included in that caring.

“Since then I’ve watched you squabble like siblings, I’ve seen the way Darryl went into attack mode when you were in danger. John was just as upset and ready to run in there regardless of what those men planned to do if they had gotten their hands on him. I know that you, Liam, stared at the door for half an hour after Darryl left to straighten out his family problems. You looked like you wanted to follow him, but resigned to staying here while your buddy took care of things on his own. I’ve never had that, and I want it, you have no idea how badly I want to belong to someone who cares about me as much as I care about them.

“Just love me, that’s all I need. That’s all anybody really needs, people that love them. I want it, and in return, I’ll do anything I can to keep you happy.”

John said what the men were thinking, and they nodded their heads as he said, “Just be you, sugar, be the brave beautiful person who we all love, you won’t regret putting your trust in our hands. You had us the minute you stood there ready to shoot Liam over a punch. Our own personal one woman army, what man can resist a woman with beauty, brains, and those fun things that go boom?”

Mackie laughed out loud at his description of her remembering what Thom had said all of those months past. He told her men had a hard time resisting toys that she had an affinity with, and it struck her sense of ridiculous. The men looked at her questioning, but she was laughing too hard to explain, maybe someday she would, but this wasn’t the day. She looked at John and said, “I need a shower.”

He grinned and stood to pull her to her feet and lead her to the shower. The half glass of wine was set down on the vanity, and he slowly stripped the clothing from her body with her assistance. He stripped his clothes off while she soaked her hair and washed the long strands. His hands took over rinsing and conditioning her hair, and he soaped her body down with the puff, paying special attention to her breasts, and the crease of her pussy and ass. He placed her hand on his shoulder for balance when he knelt to shave the lips of her cunt and used one finger to travel over every inch to make sure there were no stray hairs left behind. By the time he had rinsed her pink flesh for the last time, her creamy liquids continued to slide from her body, and her clit was hard and begging for his lips to give her another orgasm. Instead of pleasuring her this time, he turned off the water and stepped out of the shower stall to grab a towel for her hair, which she used to dry the wet mess while he dried her body with another thinner towel that sucked the water droplets from her body faster than his lips and tongue licked and sucked them away. They walked naked to the room at the end of the hall, and Mackie wasn’t surprised to see the biggest bed she’d ever seen sitting in the middle of the room. There was a vanity table with a stool for her to sit at, and he began detangling her hair while she sat enjoying the pampering.

“This feels so good, I love it.” GreyC came closer, jumped onto her lap, and began batting at John’s fingers as he tried to run the brush through the wet strands of hair.

Darryl entered the room damp and naked, with Liam following him mere seconds later. Both of their cocks were semi hard in anticipation of what was to come, and she admired her men as they walked past where she sat. The cat wasn’t looking friendly, but she curled up on her lap and enjoyed the ear scratching Mackie gave her while John took his time with her hair.

Darryl grinned at the picture and said, “Isn’t that a pretty picture, a pussy on a pussy. The furball is more than a pretty face, soft fur and mouse killing abilities, she’s keeping our meal warm until we’re ready to eat it. Good, kitty.”

Mackie rolled her eyes and had to grin at his goofy joke. John braided her hair and finished it off with a small hair tie from the package on the vanity. She could feel his cock nudging at her spine and she wanted to see it, so she turned around and reached for the smooth shaft before he could pull back from her hand. She gave him a narrow eyed look, and he shrugged.

Her fingers slid up and down the smooth skin and she couldn’t resist leaning down to lick the satin flesh covering the head of his cock. The dark pink color invited her to taste more of him, and she indulged her senses by taking him into her moist mouth. Her tongue tested the textures and licked away the small drop of pre-cum that escaped from his restraint. When she made a satisfied
sound in her throat, she felt him jerk his hips, but she refused to let him loose from the captivity of her mouth.
Oh no
, she had him and she planned to keep him right there.

Hands reached over her shoulders and took her hard nipples between fingers and thumbs, and she moaned again. The increasing pressure on the small buds made her gasp, and as soon as her mouth opened to take in a deeper breath, he pulled his cock from between her lips.

Lips caressed the nape of her neck and she shivered. Soft words with equally soft breaths whispering against the still damp hair at her temple brought another delicious shiver and moan that she couldn’t stop from escaping, and didn’t really want to try to stop it.

“Come on, sugar, let’s get you over on the bed.” Liam’s voice was seducing her as much as his lick to her jawline. She didn’t expect him to lift her into his arms and carry her to the bed with almost no effort. She was afraid to move in case she overbalanced him or something, but he handed her over to Darryl.

She was flipped onto the bed, and before she got her breath back, Darryl had her knees separated and was smiling into her eyes as he slowly lowered his head to the soaked lips of her pussy. His lips latched onto her clit and sealed around the hooded muscle. When he began sucking strongly, and letting the suction lessen, and then repeating the caress several times, she felt the way his tongue slapped at the tiny muscle that emerged from the hood of flesh. His teeth lightly scraped over her clit and she screamed between her gritted teeth, arching her back to invite his mouth onto further territory. His lips stayed glued to her clit, but his hands wrapped around each thigh, and she found herself straddling his head with her knees spread as wide as possible, and his tongue continuing to torture the muscle between his teeth.

Fingers entered her and she jerked each time the fingers slid in and out. Darryl’s hands were holding the cheeks of her ass wide and when the fingers left her pussy and began probing at her asshole, she raised her bent head and cried out, and grabbed her breasts. Pinching the nipples and twisting them to the point of pain as she came unglued to the pleasure she felt. She felt the spasms of her inner muscles and screamed, grinding her pussy over the mouth that continued to wring every drop of pleasure from her that it could.

Hands urged her to crawl backwards on her knees off Darryl’s face, and over his chest to pause above the long, thick cock that was waiting impatiently to slide deep inside of her wet heat.

She slid down over his cock and hissed at the fullness stretching her inner muscles that were still tingling from her first orgasm. His hips and hands lifted her body and worked to seat his cock deep, and he held her hips down on his for several seconds to allow her body to adjust to his size.

“Hang on, sugar, I’m with you, but if you move right now, I’ll be finished before I begin. Your pussy is so damn tight, I love the way it squeezes my cock, but we,” her inner muscles began to clench over his cock, and he gritted his teeth. He turned his head and saw John watching, stroking his cock.

“Do something, man, she’s clamping down and I’m ready to explode.”

It wasn’t John who slid his lubed finger into her asshole. Liam distracted her in a big way even as he pinched Darryl’s nutsac and pulled on it, to prolong his performance. It distracted Darryl enough to slow the urge to slam his hips up and his cock deeper while she reached for her next orgasm. Darryl had to close his eyes to the sight of Mackie’s face, as Liam replaced his fingers with his cock in her asshole. He felt the hard cock enter her tight ass, and every inch that penetrated pushed against his through the thin membrane of skin between her pussy and ass. “Fuck, so fucking good. How are you doing, sugar? You doin’ okay there?”

Mackie was panting through the feeling of having her asshole penetrated for the first time with anything larger than a finger, and the burning slightly painful stretch of her rear entrance combined with the clenching of her vaginal muscles overwhelmed her senses. She wanted whatever this feeling was to keep growing and she began working her own hips to take one, and keep the other cock buried deep.

She leaned down further to kiss and bite at Darryl’s lips and neck when John’s cock touched her cheek. His hand held a fistful of her hair. “This time just lick my cock, sugar, I’m ready to come, but you’re clenching your teeth, and I want to keep my cock attached to me. Can you do that, beauty?” She whimpered, and stretched her tongue out to touch the dark pink flesh, and he let her head lower, but kept alert for her orgasm, because she was pumping her hips harder on the cocks filling her, and
Ah, right there
, he could see her eyes glaze over and the shiver indicating her pleasure was peeking. Her mouth opened as a scream escaped, and her fingers dug into Darryl’s shoulders. He pulled his hips back to get his cock out of the way of her sharp teeth until she relaxed enough to assure him that she was calm enough to continue licking and sucking his now ready to explode cock.

Her body continued to clench and shiver from the aftershocks of the best orgasm she’d ever experienced. Liam’s and Darryl’s cocks filled her so well that she received a smaller orgasm as she felt them coming inside of her body. The hot liquid filling her caused her sensitive tissues to keep her on edge for that moment, and she closed her eyes, floating along in pleasure like she’d never known. When she opened her eyes, John’s cock was within kissing distance, and she angled her head over enough to kiss and lick the cum droplets from his beautiful offering. She didn’t attempt to stop the purring sound that vibrated from her throat onto his cock.

John’s cock rested across Darryl’s lips and hers, she began kissing the top side of his cock, while Darryl licked the front side. They shared the delicious treat of his flesh, and when John could hold back no longer, his fist clenched the pillows as he shuttled his cock between the two sets of lips and when he came they licked each other’s cheeks clean and wiped the cum from their chins. They were grinning at each other by the time his cock was allowed to leave the clutches of their mouths, and John shook his head at the way they played with him, keeping his flesh hard and sensitive for long minutes.

“That was mean, but so damn good.” He leaned down and kissed each of them in turn. “Remind me to return the favor next time.”

Liam’s spent cock left her body, and she shivered again, but the kisses he laid down the column of her spine was what caused that. She stayed sprawled on top of Darryl until Liam and John left the bed, and they hauled her up and over his hips to lie next to the big man. It was a good thing they were there to help because her legs didn’t want to function like they should, and those delicious tremors deep inside of her body continued for long moments after they disentangled from each other.

BOOK: Mackie's Men
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