Madrigals Magic Key to Spanish (110 page)

Read Madrigals Magic Key to Spanish Online

Authors: Margarita Madrigal

Tags: #Reference, #Language Arts & Disciplines

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Hace ocho días,
a week ago
eight days ago

Hace quince días,
two weeks ago
fifteen days ago

“Hacer” is used in three other common
idiomatic expressions.

1. Hacer caso.
To pay attention
to make a case
No hace caso.
He doesn’t pay attention
No hacen caso.
They don’t pay attention
No hice caso.
I didn’t pay attention
No hizo caso.
You, he, she, didn’t pay attention

2. Hacer daño.
To be bad for
to make harm
Me hace daño.
It’s bad for me
It does me harm
Me hace daño la leche.
Milk doesn’t agree with me

3. Hacer falta.
To miss
to make a lack
to need
Me hace falta Carlos.
I miss Charles
Charles makes me a lack
Me hacen falta los niños.
I miss the children
Me hizo falta Luis.
I missed Louis


ost masculine words end in “o” in Spanish. The letter “o” represents the male and is strong, short, vigorous—a commanding letter. Most feminine words end in “a” in Spanish. The “a” is the feminine letter symbol. It is soft, deep, sustained—an elemental letter. When you pronounce the letter “o” cut it off short as in a command. When you pronounce the letter “a” hang on to it as in “Ah, Sweet Mystery.”


“Lo” means “him” and “you” (masculine).

“La” means “her” and “you” (feminine).

When you are addressing a man “I invited you” is “Lo invité.”

When you are addressing a woman “I invited you” is “La invité.”

“I invited him” is “Lo invité.”

“I invited her” is “La invité.”

Notice that the pronoun precedes the verb.

All you have to remember about these pronouns is that “lo” is for men and “la” is for women.

Lo visité.
I visited him, you

La visité.
I visited her, you

Lo recomendé.
I recommended him, you

La recomendé.
I recommended her, you

Lo ví.
I saw him, you

La ví.
I saw her, you

Lo visitó.
You, he, she visited him

La visitó.
You, he, she visited her

The plural of these pronouns is formed by adding the letter “s.”

Los visitó.
He visited them

Las visitó.
He visited them

When you are speaking of both men and women you use the plural masculine pronoun.


Los ví.
I saw you
(Mary and John).

Los invité.
I invited them
(a group of men and women).

“Me” is “
“Nos” is “
Me invitó.
He invited me
Nos invitó.
He invited us
Me visitó.
He visited me
Nos visitó.
He visited us
Me vió.
He saw me
Nos vió.
He saw us

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