Madrigals Magic Key to Spanish (121 page)

Read Madrigals Magic Key to Spanish Online

Authors: Margarita Madrigal

Tags: #Reference, #Language Arts & Disciplines

BOOK: Madrigals Magic Key to Spanish
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Translate the following sentences into Spanish. Write out each sentence in Spanish, using the columns above as a guide. Check your sentences with the correct translations below this exercise.

  1. I gave my cousin (fem.) a record.
  2. He gave his sister a blouse.
  3. We gave your brother a radio.
  4. They gave your mother a camera.
  5. I’m going to give Robert a guitar.
  6. Are you going to give Albert a tractor?
  7. Are you going to give Elizabeth a novel?
  8. He gave your brother a necktie.
  9. I gave your sister a blouse.
  10. I gave your cousin (masc.) a necktie.
  11. We gave Robert a camera.
  12. I’m going to give Robert a sofa.
  13. I sent Charles a book.
  14. Did you send your uncle a cable?
  15. We sent Helen some roses.
  16. They sent your aunt a cable.
  17. I’m going to send your uncle some records.
  18. I sent your aunt a present.
  19. I’m going to send Charles a present.
  20. Are you going to send the flowers to Helen?

Check your sentences with the translations below.

  1. Le dí un disco a mi prima.
  2. Le dió una blusa a su hermana.
  3. Le dimos un radio a su hermano.
  4. Le dieron una cámara a su mamá.
  5. Voy a darle una guitarra a Roberto. (Or, Le voy a dar una guitarra a Roberto.)
  6. ¿ Va a darle un tractor a Alberto? (Or, ¿Le va a dar un tractor a Alberto?)
  7. ¿ Va a darle una novela a Isabel? (Or, ¿Le va a dar una novela a Isabel?)
  8. Le dió una corbata a su hermano.
  9. Le dí una blusa a su hermana.
  10. Le dí una corbata a su primo.
  11. Le dimos una cámara a Roberto.
  12. Voy a darle un sofá a Roberto. (Or, Le voy a dar un sofá a Roberto.)
  13. Le mandé un libro a Carlos.
  14. ¿Le mandó un cable a su tío?
  15. Le mandamos unas rosas a Elena.
  16. Le mandaron un cable a su tía.
  17. Voy a mandarle unos discos a su tío. (Or, Le voy a mandar unos discos a su tío.)
  18. Le mandé un regalo a su tía.
  19. Voy a mandarle un regalo a Carlos. (Or, Le voy a mandar un regalo a Carlos.)
  20. ¿ Va a mandarle las flores a Elena? (Or, Le va a mandar las flores a Elena?)

If you use both the
direct and indirect object pronouns,


Me lo dió.
He gave it to me
To me it he gave

Me lo vendió.
He sold it to me
To me it he sold

The indirect object LE changes to SE when it is used in combination with LO, LA, LOS, LAS. “Le lo” becomes SE LO.


Se lo dí.
I gave it to him
To him
her, you
it I gave

Se lo vendí.
I sold it to you
To you
him, her
it I sold

Se la vendí.
I sold it to her
. (The “la” refers to something feminine, such as “la mesa,”
the table

Se los vendí.
I sold them to him
. (The “los” refers to something masculine plural.)

Se las vendí.
I sold them to you
. (The “las” refers to something feminine plural.)

Nos lo vendió.
He sold it to us

Se lo vendí.
I sold it to you, to him, to her, to them

“SE” means:
To you, to him, to her, to them


to, for me

you, him, her
to, for you, him, her

to, for us

to, for them

“Traje” (
I brought
) takes “le” because you can say “brought to.” Verbs that can be followed by “to” or “for” take “le.”

Le traje unos discos.
I brought you some records
To you I brought some records

Le dí el dinero.
I gave you the money
To you I gave the money

Le dimos el libro.
We gave you the book
To you we gave the book

Carlos le dió (
to her
] gave)
un libro (
a book
a Elena (
to Helen
Carlos le dió (
to him
el dinero (
the money
a Juan (
to John
María y yo le dimos (
Mary and I
to her
el dinero (
the money
a Elena (
to Helen
Carlos y María le dieron (
Charles and Mary
to her
los libros
the books
a mi tía (
to my aunt
Enrique le trajo (
to him
el periódico
the newspaper
a su papá (
to his father
María le trajo (
to her
unas rosas (
some roses
a mi mamá (
to my mother
Roberto y yo le trajimos (
Robert and I
to him
unos libros (
some books
a Carlos (
to Charles
Carlos y María le trajeron (
Charles and Mary
to him
unos dulces (
some candy
a Juan (
to John

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