Malcolm X (16 page)

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Authors: Clayborne Carson

BOOK: Malcolm X
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[BUREAU DELETION] LITTLE, in his speech, ridiculed the teachings of the Bible, especially life after death. He stated that statements in the Bible were inserted by the white man to hold the black man in slavery and as long as the black man wears the white man's name, he is the white man's property. [BUREAU DELETION] that LITTLE continued to speak along these lines for three hours.


[BUREAU DELETION] a regular meeting of Detroit, Michigan Temple No. 1 [BUREAU DELETION]. He stated that the guest speaker was MALCOLM LITTLE, Minister of Temple No. 7, New York City. By selecting several words and combining various roots in a manner to produce words or combinations of words, attempted to prove that the government of America was evil.

To illustrate this point, LITTLE used two words: demon “which means devil” and “krasy,” which according to LITTLE is Greek and means government. LITTLE dropped the letter “n” from the word demon thereby producing “demo.” He then indicated that the Greek letter “k” is represented in English by the letter “c.” Therefore, the Greek word “krasy” becomes “crasy” when translated into English. By combining the two words, demo and crasy, he produced the word democracy.

[BUREAU DELETION] LITTLE then added “his syllogistic reasoning” and stated that the word meant devil government.

[BUREAU DELETION] he then continued to pursue the Muslim line of reasoning which states that all white people are devils and their government is a devil government. LITTLE said that this is why the United States is identified with the concept of democracy more than any Caucasian civilization.


[BUREAU DELETION] at a meeting of the Philadelphia Temple of the NOI on [BUREAU DELETION], LITTLE told the group, “The black man will rule North America before the end of 1956 with the help of ALLAH and lost-found brothers if they would all pull together under the leadership of ELIJAH MUHAMMAD.”

[BUREAU DELETION] LITTLE spoke at a meeting of the Philadelphia Temple [BUREAU DELETION]. He told the audience that all through history, time was the deciding factor in many events and the Bible has been rewritten to confuse the
Negro in the past; it is written in past tense so that things that are happening here and now would appear to have happened many years ago. He said the Bible tells the story of a lost people and their restoration and this story is the story of the so-called Negro, which is so jumbled that only the supreme wisdom could untangle it. He stated that no one was ever robbed as completely as the so-called Negro because even the Indian, who is robbed of his country by the white man, had his own name and language. However, the so-called Negro has nothing that was originally his.

Editor's Note.
Section 2
of the file on Malcolm X concludes with a letter written by him as Salaam Alaikum to an NOI brother whose name has been deleted by the FBI. In it Malcolm exults in the “great day” in which they are living: “A New World Order is in the making,” he writes, “and it is up to us to prepare ourselves that we may be qualified to take our rightful place in it.” He speaks of their teaching as “the Flame of Islam . . . sweeping across the land,” a flame that has set “cities like Atlanta, Montgomery, Birmingham . . . on FIRE.” He exhorts his correspondent to continue to prepare himself, to study hard and to train his mind, for, as he concludes, “ISLAM IS ON THE MARCH.”



April 30, 1958. New York

The report in this section was prepared by the FBI's New York office and covers the period from February through April 1958. A confidential source advised the FBI that Malcolm had suffered a heart attack in October 1957, but according to his brother Wilfred, he had recovered.

The report describes Malcolm's activities in Albany, Boston, Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, and New York. In Chicago, Malcolm allegedly denounced Dr. King at an NOI Temple No. 2 speech. In Detroit, Malcolm claimed that President Eisenhower and Governor Faubus were public enemies but private friends in a conspiracy to deter the enforcement of the Supreme Court decision in Brown vs. Topeka Board of Education.

Also included is an interview with Malcolm in the July 18, 1957, issue of the
Los Angeles Herald Dispatch
, an article crediting Malcolm with the growth of NOI membership in Detroit, and a
Pittsburgh Courier
article reporting a million-dollar lawsuit instigated by the NOI for the April 14, 1957, beating of NOI member Johnson X by New York police. Malcolm's autobiography includes an account of the beating:

The crowd was big, and angry, behind the Muslims in front of Harlem Hospital. Harlem's black people were long since sick and tired of police brutality. And they never had seen any organization of black men take a firm stand as we were . . . and for the first time the black man, woman, and child in the streets was discussing “those Muslims.” (p.234)

The section concludes with newspaper articles written by Malcolm himself deriding the tendency of oppressed people to praise leaders after they are dead instead of while they are still alive. Citing the examples of Moses, Jesus, and Marcus Garvey, he cautions people of color against making the same mistake with Elijah Muhammad.


Reporting Office: New York

Office of Origin: New York

Date: 4/30/58

Investigative Period: 2/17,26;3/5,6,1 l;4/l-4,7,8,10,11,14,19/58

Report made by: [BUREAU DELETION] b7C

Title: MALCOLM LITTLE, was: Malcolm Shabazz; Malcolm X.; Minister Malcolm; Brother Malcolm

Character of case: Security Matter-NOI


Activities of MALCOLM LITTLE in various cities throughout the United States set forth. [BUREAU DELETION] LITTLE continues to hold post of Minister of NOI Temple No. 7, NYC, but travels throughout the United States, handling problems for NOI leader ELIJAH MUHAMMAD of Chicago, Illinois. [BUREAU DELETION] subject acted as Minister of Detroit, Michigan, Temple of NOI during September, 1957. LITTLE confined to hospital in New York City for “heart attack” during October, 1957. [BUREAU DELETION] that WILFRED LITTLE, brother of MALCOLM LITTLE, during November,
1957, stated that MALCOLM LITTLE recovered from heart attack. LITTLE continues to reside 25–46 99th Street, Elmhurst, New York.


[BUREAU DELETION] advised that MALCOLM LITTLE attended a meeting of the NOI held by the Albany Temple on [BUREAU DELETION] . . .

. . . LITTLE stated that for years the black man has waited for Jesus to return, but he would not return and the white race themselves did not believe in the hereafter promised by Christianity. As proof MALCOLM referred to the incident of the recent sickness of President EISENHOWER and stated that the newspapers carried articles saying that EISENHOWER did not wish to receive the hereafter promised by Christianity but instead called for the doctor to save his life.


[BUREAU DELETION] that the Boston Temple of the NOI held a meeting in Boston, Massachusetts on [BUREAU DELETION] 1957, and that an individual introduced as brother MALCOLM, Minister of the New York Temple, was the main speaker.

... He stated that Negroes have died for this country (United States) and yet we are not citizens; we have worked for this country and we are not citizens. LITTLE stated that a few weeks ago, “they” wrote to “IKE” and asked him to come and help them “and what did he do, he had to go play golf.”

[BUREAU DELETION] that LITTLE stated “a Jew is in the White House, Jews in the State House, the Jews run the country. You and I can't go into a white hotel down South, but a Jew can.”


[BUREAU DELETION] advised that a meeting of the NOI Temple No. 2, Chicago, Illinois, was held on [BUREAU DELETION] 1957, and that MALCOLM LITTLE was one of the speakers. . . .

[BUREAU DELETION] went on to state that in his speech LITTLE said that every leader (president) that has been voted into office has promised to help the Negro people, but these promises were just lies and no president has done anything for the Negro people. He stated that ALLAH is now with them and he is going to destroy all of the white race and the time is now.

[BUREAU DELETION] stated that LITTLE claimed he had recently been in Mobile, Alabama, checking on an incident in which two Muslims had been attacked by white policemen. LITTLE stated that he had talked with the judge in this case who told him that the two Muslims would be released and everything would be alright because they are followers of Islam. LITTLE went on to criticize the Reverend MARTIN LUTHER KING as a traitor to the Negro people who is being used by the white man to further the white man's aims. He stated that everything the Negro people do today benefits the white race only and the white race provides the Negro with all types of destructive weapons but does not provide him with anything constructive.


[BUREAU DELETION] 1957, advised that at a meeting of the Detroit NOI Temple on [BUREAU DELETION] 1957, MALCOLM LITTLE said “IKE” (President EISENHOWER) and FAUBUS (Governor of Arkansas) are laughing at the Negroes. Publicly they pretend to be angry with each other, but behind closed doors, they behave like close friends. IKE has no love for the so-called Negro and pretends to be acting in their behalf now, but that is because he and North America do not have any choice. . . .

No white person loves a black man. It is against his nature. Many white men have pretended to love the so-called Negro. You think ABRAHAM LINCOLN loved the Negro.

(MALCOLM read from a book but he never gave the title or author. The passages he read purportedly were quotes from LINCOLN. He stated there was no hope for the black man in America. It also stated LINCOLN was much disturbed by the presence
of black folks in the country and he suggested they go back to Africa because they could never achieve an equal status here.)

EISENHOWER has a caddy he calls “Cemetery.” The name is quite appropriate because that Negro is mentally dead.

MALCOLM said America has not seen anything yet. He said when ELIJAH gets through there won't be anything left of this government.

Pittsburgh Courier
, on November 2, 1957, carried an article captioned, “Detroit Moslems Continue Growth,” which read as follows:

Messenger Elijah Muhammad, the spiritual leader of America's fastest-growing group of Moslem converts, and considered even by many non-Moslems to be the most outspoken, uncompromising black leader ever to appear among Negroes of America, sent his fiery New York minister, Malcolm X, to represent him in Detroit.

And since his arrival here, things have really begun to hum in the Moslem World.

One of Muhammad's most devoted followers, Malcolm X is 32 years old, a six-foot three-inch, 195-pound bachelor, who devotes 24 hours daily to spreading Muhammad's messages among the Negroes of America, and organizing his followers into well-disciplined, fearless warriors for Allah.

Malcolm X has made certain organizational changes since he came, principal of which was the shifting of Minister Lemuel, who headed the Detroit Branch of Muhammad's Temple, 5401 John C. Lodge, to a temple in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Detroiters say they have never seen anything like the Moslem growth here since the days of Marcus Garvey. During the past two months, the Detroit Moslems have tripled their membership and attendance. No figures were divulged in keeping with Moslem policy.

They purchased the property at the John C. Lodge address, and it will contain a school for the purpose of private tutoring of Moslem children. The zealous followers of Muhammad have been busily cleaning and renovating the temple, and preparing better facilities for their rapidly expanding University of Islam.

A lot of credit for this amazing growth must go to Muhammad's principal lieutenants, such as Malcolm X.


Los Angeles Herald Dispatch
, July 18, 1957 edition, carried an article captioned “Young Moslem Leader Explains The Doctrine of Muhammadanism,” which read as follows:

“Islam is a flaming fire sweeping across the entire Dark World today,” said young, militant Moslem leader Malcolm X, in an exclusive interview with the Los Angeles Herald Dispatch New York correspondent today. Mr. X discussed one of the most talked about and the most controversial religions in Harlem. The doctrine preached and followed by the disciples of Elijah Muhammad of Chicago, whose local followers worship in the Muhammad Temple of Islam No. 7, 102 West 116th Street.

Herald Dispatch
, in an effort to answer some of the questions for our readers regarding the Islamic or Moslem faith, assigned this reporter to interview the fiery young leader, the Reverend Mr. Malcolm X, whose column, “God's Angry Men” begins in the
Herald Dispatch
this week.

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