Marcael: A Terraneu Novel, Book Five (14 page)

BOOK: Marcael: A Terraneu Novel, Book Five
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Brennae woke up and smiled sleepily to herself. Then she stretched and
couldn’t stop the groan that escaped her lips. She knew she was going to be
sore, and she had been expecting some tenderness between her legs. What she
hadn’t been counting on was the tightness in her muscles. Laughing softly over
her sorry state she let out a gasp when she was suddenly pulled over to lie on
Marcael’s chest.

“Good morning.” He was rubbing circles into her back, working out the
kinks along her spine and shoulders.

“Good morning.” She kissed his chin and squealed when he massaged a
particularly sore spot on her backside. “I used muscles last night I didn’t
even know I had!”

“Well I did warn you we should have stopped after the first time.” He was
looking smugly satisfied with himself, “You were the one who insisted that you
were not too sore for round two.”

“Rub it in why don’t you?” She groaned again, when he worked her back
muscles a bit harder with his fingers. “Not like that.” She groaned, “It is a
figure of speech. I was saying that you shouldn’t be teasing me this morning
since I am so sore!”

He immediately stopped and looked at her with concern, “Are you going to
be okay?”

She hugged him tightly and reassured him that she was fine, “As
impressive as you are...” her fingers found him and gave a squeeze, “I think
I’ll survive.”

Rolling her under him he grinned at her evilly, “In that case you must be
up for more of my ‘impressive’ lovemaking?” He wiggled against her

Brennae started laughing, “Get off...” she tickled him under the armpits
and he started laughing and rolled off her quickly.

“Mercy!” He held up his hands in surrender, “I surrender.” Taking her arms,
he pulled her to the edge of the bed. “We need to get showered and ready. I am
meeting my men in the park after I get the information I need from the
council.” He carried her is his arms as he talked, her weight seeming
insignificant to him. “The shower should help your sore muscles too.” He put
her down in the bathroom and gave her backside a playful smack. Laughing she
hurried to get them both something to drink. He needed to get as much sun and
water in the next couple of days as possible.

She was soaping his back when she thought of something. “Do you want to
meet at the swimming pond after the meeting with your men? You can get a
swimming suit at the fabricators and we can spend the day in the sun. It will
be good for you, invite your men too if you want.” She wanted to get to know
them since she was in a relationship with Marcael. She knew that is what he was
warning her about when he asked her last night if she knew what she was getting
into. He was a one-woman man. He would have to learn to trust that she was a
one-man woman. Turning him to rinse his back she moved her hair aside and
offered her back to be washed.

Rubbing soap into her back he agreed, “That sounds like a good idea. I
will ask my men at the meeting if they want to use the swimming pond later.
Could you send me a message when you are finished with your duties at the
sorrem holding? I know how important your work is to you and I will meet you
when you can get free.” He positioned her so that her back was rinsed, then
took the opportunity to run his hands down her arms.

Brennae smiled widely and kissed him. When their kiss broke off, she
hugged him and let the water flow over them. “Are you going to be able to find
your way around? We never got to finish the tour yesterday.”

“Yes, I will be fine. I marked the location of the council domes,
fabricators and others in my mind.” Marcael tucked his chin on top of her head
and held her close.

“That’s good.” Brennae sighed, “I will get a message to you when I am
done with my duties.”

They got out of the shower, covered in towels, and made their way to the
bedroom. Brennae had put Marcael’s borrowed clothes into the cleaning unit, so
when he looked around questioningly she showed him where they were.

“I will take you to the fabricators first thing this morning, they can
make you custom clothing and footwear if you want some and the swimwear you
will need for later. Then I will head to work. Brennae was fixing her dress
when she felt his hands on her shoulders.

“Allow me.” His fingers brushed her hair aside, and worked the ties of
her dress together. Her skin broke out in gooseflesh, and her heart rate picked
up. When he was finished, he placed a kiss on her exposed shoulder. “There all
done.” His voice was smoky velvet and she was starting to recognize the sound.
Pushing her hips back, she felt the hard bulge in his pants. She was getting
good at judging his state of arousal. Turning in his arms, she leaned into him
and raised her face for a kiss.

She was disappointed when he gave her a quick brush of his lips before
moving away. “We have meetings this morning my lovely little minx or I would
take you up on that bed and we would not leave again.”

Sighing because she knew he was right Brennae moved to fix her hair.
Pulling it into her favorite style of a messy ponytail, she hurried to catch up
with him in the living room.

“To the fabricators it is then.’ She opened the door and they walked hand
in hand along the walkway to their first stop. She wasn’t surprised when they
had only made a few steps before she heard the familiar voice of her brothers.

“Well, surprise meeting you here.” Knadyn came along her side, “Good
morning Brennae. Marcael.” He said with a nod.

“Yeah, fancy us out taking a walk just as you were leaving your dome.”
Knacayn stated in all innocence.

Brennae was in such a good mood even her brothers weren’t going to make
her mad today. “Good morning!” She squeezed Marcael’s hand in hers, drawing it
to her mouth and kissing his knuckles. “I am just taking Marcael to the
fabricator for some clothing.”

“We are headed that way ourselves.” Knadyn smiled, “We can walk with

“What are your plans for today sis?” Knacayn asked her, moving Knadyn

“After dropping Marcael at the fabricators?” she asked with her eyebrow
raised, “Well after that I am going to work of course.”

“Of course.” He repeated, “Would you like us to show Marcael around?”

“Brennae has already shown me Terraneu. If there is more to see I would
not wish to disappoint her by accepting another offer.” Marcael smiled smoothly
at her brothers, “I do appreciate the thought though.”

They had arrived at the fabricators and she knew this was where she would
be parted from Marcael. Turning away from her brothers, she went on tiptoe and
pressed her lips to his. What started as a simple goodbye kiss turned into I
wish we had a bed kiss. She stepped back and hurried to smooth her dress and
fix her hair. His fingers always seemed to find her curls and mess them up.
Then she laughed softly when she realized that her fingers had done a number on
his silky strands as well. Who would have thought that such stark white hair
would be so soft, luxurious and downright sexy. She couldn’t keep her hands out
of it.

“I will see you later.” She turned to leave and seeing the smug look on
her brother’s faces, she yelled over her shoulder, “When picking out swimwear
don’t let my brothers talk you into a thong! Ask for boy shorts or regular swim
trunks.” It was a running family joke that her Uncle Kneus had gotten her Uncle
Knaleg into a bright yellow thong, and then laughed like crazy about it.

“Damn Brennae ruin all our fun!” Knacayn groaned loudly.

“Just play nice!” Brennae yelled back. Then she was out of hearing and
heading for work. Her heart was light and if she didn’t stop smiling like this,
her face was going to hurt.

Twenty Three

Marcael watched as Brennae walked away and he waited. Her brothers had
followed them for a reason and he had a feeling he knew what was coming. Taking
a step toward the fabricators, he paused when one of the brothers finally

So you have decided not to accept the mission to Earth?”
He was
sure it was Knadyn that had asked him the question.

“What makes you say that?”
He raised an eyebrow in question.
have made no such decision.”

We know you spent the night with our sister, so we just assumed that
you would not be going to Earth.”
He was getting better at figuring out
which brother was which. Knacayn had spoken to him this time.

“I am not going to discuss my relationship with your sister.”
did not think she would appreciate being talked about behind her back.

My decision about Earth will be discussed
with the council.”

When it comes to a choice about taking a mission you don’t think a
‘relationship’ with our sister isn’t going to impact that? How are you both
going to handle not only the separation from each other, but the possibility
that you could be hurt or killed?”

Marcael was able to hold onto his temper only
because these were Brennae’s brothers, and she loved her family. Every time she
was around them or told a story about growing up on Terraneu, you could hear
the love in her voice. He was not going to get on the bad side of her
family...if he could help it.

You love your sister, and she loves you. That is the only reason I am
walking away from this discussion. Brennae is an adult, and the last time I was I. What we discuss about our future is our business. When she
feels the need to tell you, then she will...otherwise stay out of it.”
turned to the fabricators but underestimated the stubbornness of the brothers.

“She is going to get hurt, that is our business!”

“Everyone knows that the Earth mission will happen. Our cousin Knalech
thinks it has been long enough since the first EMP would have hit the surface
and life will be possible. You have to think about how this is going to...”


The brothers jumped at the voice, but Marcael was able to stop himself.
They all three turned to see Kniam walking toward them.

Knadyn. Knacayn. You both have somewhere else to be, Football
practice perhaps. I will talk with you later.”
It was not a question and
both brothers bowed in respect to their father and hurried away.

“I apologize for my sons.” Kniam looked at the departing backs of Knadyn
and Knacayn and then turned to him,
“Would you prefer this conversation was
in mind? I have gotten used to speaking aloud for my mate’s sake.”

“Either one is fine.” Knuan had hated mind speak so
Marcael had gotten used to speaking out loud.

“I don’t need to ask you what they were bothering you about. Their sister
is the only thing that sets them off like that. They really are better behaved
then they are showing you, Brennae is the only thing that brings out their
protective nature.” Kniam turned to him and gestured to the path. “Walk with me
for a moment. I wish to discuss private matters.”

Marcael moved to stand by Kniam’s side and they started walking along the
path. “I know you heard me at the council meeting yesterday when I was speaking
with my mate wondering about your intentions.” Kniam looked forward on the path
lost in thought, “I have been
to leave the issue alone. To have spent the night with my daughter makes my
concerns a moot point now.”

There were no secrets on Terraneu
Marcael thought wryly. Everyone knew he had slept with Brennae.

When he was about to speak Kniam just waved him silent, “I should make
sure you know the rules of the community. You have the right to date as many of
the females you find attractive. It is something that we accept as permissible,
as long as you don’t intentionally play females against each other, or hurt a
female in any way on purpose.”

Before he could stop Kniam, and
end the awkward conversation he continued, “I hope you realize that Brennae is
different. She would not be happy with sharing partners, or taking a partner
and then giving him the freedom to see other women. That is why she protected
herself by calling all the available males her ‘friends’. It kept her from the
potential of getting hurt.” Kniam paused and turned to Marcael, “With you she
thinks she can be safe. I am hoping she is right, that you are different.”
Kniam continued back toward the fabricators and Marcael followed. “I will not
interfere beyond having this conversation. Just know that if Brennae were to be
hurt that would make the male population of Terraneu...well, let’s just say
they would be unhappy with that outcome.”

Marcael nodded his understanding of the warning. Kniam was not saying
anything he did not already know. He was Brennae’s father, and it was his right
to protect her against harm.

“All of the signs are pointing to the fact that a mission to Earth will
be necessary. The council will determine on Antilles what steps we will take to
intervene. I am a realist Marcael I know we are going to have to send men to
Earth.” Again, Kniam paused to look at him, his keen purple eyes taking his
measure. “I don’t want those men to be you and yours, I really don’t.” His face
got a pained look, “I agree with my mate that you have done enough for my
family line. You deserve some happiness and I would like to think you might
have found that with my daughter.”

“It is okay Kniam. We are the best choice for this mission. I will speak
to my men this morning as soon as I get the details from the council.” Marcael
pulled himself taller, “I know my involvement with Brennae makes things more
complicated but I will not let anything interfere with the success of this
mission. I fully intend to come back in six months, with all of my men as

“I will let you get your supplies in peace then.” Kniam bowed slightly
then turned to say over his shoulder, “We can give you all the information you
need at the council dome when you are finished.”

“Thank you.” Marcael walked into the fabricators and was checking for clothing
sizes, when he heard another familiar voice.

“Marcael imagine finding you here.” Knaleg was not very good at pretense
and his greeting was forced.

Marcael barely bit back a smile. “Hello Knaleg. What brings you to the

“I’m just looking around. What about you?”

“I am here for some clothing and swimwear.” Marcael answered.

“Is that so? Well if you are going swimming you must try a thong. They
are all the rage with the younger males.” Knaleg smiled knowingly.

“Really?” Marcael had found the pants in various sizes, grabbed the ones
that he figured would work, and went into a changing room.

“I was wondering if you had made a decision about the Earth mission. If
it is a necessity to send men, how is that going to impact your budding relationship
with my niece?” Before Marcael could comment Knaleg continued, “I would really
hate to see Brennae get hurt.”

Marcael groaned, how many more “surprise” meetings was he going to have
to endure?

“Is everything okay in there? Are the pants too tight? I though I heard
you groan.” Marcael saw his feet move toward the curtain.

“Everything is fine!” As carefree as the people of Terraneu were, he was
more on the private side. He suddenly felt the need to get out of this dome.
The pants fit, and this current vest size worked for him too. Now all he needed
was the swimwear and then he could leave. “I just need some something to wear
at the swimming pond.”

“I thought of that for you.” A piece of yellow material came soaring over
the curtain. “That ought to work.”

Marcael looked at the tiny piece of cloth and wondered at its
functionality. How was someone supposed to get it on? “Thank you Knaleg. I
appreciate the assistance.”

“Anything else I can help you with?” Knaleg asked.

“No...Everything else is covered.” Marcael assured him.

“Good. I’ll be on my way then.” Marcael saw his feet moving away. “
what I said about not wanting to see my niece get hurt. Oh, and I am always up
for training if you get tired of going against a machine.”

Marcael just rubbed his head and moved toward the
counter. He asked the male working in the dome for the swimwear they called boy
shorts in his size, along with a couple of vests in the size he tried on, and
the two pairs of pants that he was holding. Marcael knew that the clothing
would be delivered to his dome before the end of the day. When the male asked
him if he required anything else for his living quarters Marcael just shrugged.
There was no point in decorating or adding items that he might not see used.

“I will check back when I know how long I will be staying in those
quarters.” He moved toward the doors. It was time for him to get to the council
meeting. Just as he got to the path, he heard another voice call out.

“Marcael? Imagine finding you here.”

Marcael just turned and smiled politely at Kneus. “Hello Kneus. It is
nice to see you again. Are you heading to the meeting?”

“Yes. Do you mind if I walk with you?”

“No I do not mind.” Marcael assured the council member and they both
headed toward the council dome.

After a few moments of silence Kneus turned to him, “I heard about you
and Brennae—”

Marcael sighed, “And you want to warn me that you would not want to see
her hurt, that I am not the man for her and I need to consider how she is going
to feel if I go on the mission to Earth.”

Kneus stopped on the path, “Of course I don’t want Brennae to get hurt,
but I don’t see that happening because of a relationship with you. Secondly, I
think you might just be the
man for her. Finally what is discussed
between the two of you regarding the mission to Earth is your business.” Kneus
put his hand on his shoulder. “You are an honorable man Marcael and I was going
to say that when it becomes official, I will be honored to welcome you to the

Marcael was stunned for a moment and could not respond. Before he could
think of something to say Kneus smiled and moved ahead on the path, “I have
much more sense than to get between a female and the male she has chosen.” They
had arrived at the dome and Marcael still hadn’t responded. “Unlike my
brothers, I have some sense of self preservation.”

“What are you “self-preserving” this time my love?” His mate Gwen had
pulled up next to them on the path. Before Kneus could respond to Gwen, she
looked to Marcael, “Hello Marcael. How are you feeling? I heard that you
trained yesterday. Are you feeling any discomfort? Headaches? Dizziness?”

Marcael turned to answer Gwen when Cat moved up beside him, “He’s fine
Gwen. I heard that you did very well in the training dome against the CABB, all
the men are talking about your abilities.” She put her arm in his and moved him
away from the other two council members. “Besides if he can train like he did
yesterday and still spend the night with—”

“Cat.” Amber had pulled up next to them. He could feel the blush rising
in his cheeks and he was sure it was more noticeable since he was so pale.
“Don’t embarrass Marcael. He might not be used to such frank discussions about
his private life. Besides, I promised Brennae that I would try to keep the
teasing at this meeting to a minimum.” Before the other female could respond,
Amber was showing him to his seat. “I want to welcome you to the family
Marcael. I know it’s not official but I know my daughter, and I like to think
that I know a little bit about you too.” She paused at his seat to look into
his face, “I will keep the males of the family out of your business as much as
possible. It isn’t going to be easy. They are very protective of Brennae’s
happiness and if they feel it is threatened they can be downright bullish about
it.” Laughing she went to embrace her mate at the head of the table. Brennae
was correct when she said those two had a hard time staying apart.

He had not really noticed it before but now that he thought on it, they
had been grazing hands and lightly touching each other at the medical dome and
again at the council meeting yesterday. It must be a Terraneu thing because he
noticed the other mated couples around the room were doing the same thing.

They were obviously a tight knit family. He was going to be a part of
this if he survived the mission to Earth. The thought made him break into a
wide smile. He just might be up for the challenge.

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