Marcael: A Terraneu Novel, Book Five (20 page)

BOOK: Marcael: A Terraneu Novel, Book Five
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Finding a large tree in his way Marcael just used it to push Brennae up
against the soft bark. She was frantically moving her fingers to the fastening
of his pants. He had bunched her dress around her hips. Bending forward he used
his chest to press her breasts higher and rubbed against her at the same time.
Her eyes flew to his face and her lips parted taking small gasping breaths.
Then they were kissing and there was not anything soft about the contact. It
was fierce tongue clashing, sucking, and nibbling. He was free from his pants
and thank the Gods that they made the material of female thongs to be ripped.
He made short work of getting the material out of the way and then thrust into
Brennae hard. She had one leg tucked around his thigh and the other was on the
ground for better leverage. His little minx was giving as well as she got.
Every time he plunged into her, she pushed forward to meet him. When he grabbed
her ass to pull her harder into his thrusting hips, she grabbed his ass to keep
him still so she could grind against him.

“Gods you little minx.” He rasped, “You are going to kill me.”

She responded by wrapping both legs around his hips, “But what a way to
go.” She moved her arms up and against the tree trunk. “Now harder Marcael.”

He grabbed her hands and held them against the tree. His whole body was
rubbing against hers now, while his hips flexed frantically. If he pushed any
harder, they would break the damn tree in half. He was on the balls of his feet
with each thrust and Brennae was gasping and groaning. Suddenly his balls
tightened and he knew he was done for.

He pushed one last time and then he shuddered against her. His last
coherent thought was at least she had reached her release too. The clasping of
her muscles against his shaft, and the way her legs clenched against him were
proof of that. Pulling her away from the tree, he had enough sense to land on
his knees in a nice grassy spot. Then he fell back with Brennae in his arms.

“Now I know why couples are always sneaking off from the dance.” She was
trying to catch her breath. “It is totally worth getting caught if someone was
to come along.”

Marcael had sat up when Brennae said that they could be caught. He did
not miss that she was laughing at his obvious embarrassment at the idea. He
just scooped her into his arms and made for their dome as fast as he could

“There are more ways I want to make love to you before the night is
over.” Marcael purred. He just happened to be holding her so that his fingers
could torment the vee of her legs as he ran.

“Then get us home slow poke.” She moved against his fingers. “There are
things I could be doing too.” That reminder got him moving faster than he
remembered ever running before. They made it home to New Haven in record time.
The doors were locked, the lights were low, the music soft as they continued
their exploration of each other in private.

A lifetime ago, he had sworn to serve his King and Kingdom. In doing his
duty, Marcael had finally found peace and love. There would be children and
grandchildren to bounce on his knee. There would be vacations in the snow and
on the beach and wherever else they branched out to on Terraneu.

He would have a life with Brennae that was finally worth living. Serving
on the male council and taking missions to further serve the community of
Terraneu were both noble endeavors. After thousands of years serving others,
Marcael finally had something that he could call his own…and Brennae had given
it to him…a future.

Reading for an Excerpt

Coming in July of



(Aquadomina, Book One)


“Wait just a second!” Sophie stopped short, “What
exactly do you mean by ‘rule’?”

“You are to be the leader of Aquadomina.” The Three intoned, “The
foretelling has come true, and—”

“I don’t mean to be rude.” Sophie was getting a great headache and this
conversation was going nowhere. “I know you think that I am this ‘Chosen’
person. I just don’t know how that is possible. I never get chosen for
anything. In a political election year, I don’t even get calls for my opinion.
I’m nobody special.” She realized she was in front of the guard with the
prismatic eyes and couldn’t resist locking gazes with him. “I am just Sophie.”

“The Chosen needs to be shown her quarters in the city.” Two got her
attention when she suggested, “After a good meal and some time to reflect
perhaps all will be clear.”

Sophie turned to Two and was about to thank her when the doors slid open.
A crowd of men swept in and parted in a wave to reveal another male at the
center of their group. This man instantly put her on edge. He was tall, perhaps
not as tall as the guards already in the room were, but tall enough. He had
blond hair, fair skin, a pointed chin and washed out pale blue eyes. Some women
might find him attractive, she felt like he reminded her of a weasel. He was
wearing normal enough clothing she supposed. Some type of pants, a billowing
top, military type boots and a cape. She had to do a double take on the cape.
Did anyone even really wear one of those anymore?

His eyes darted around the room and landed on her. With a cold smile, he
rushed over and tried to hug her. She did not know this man and was not about
to let him touch her. As he was reaching out, she used his momentum to push him
past her, at the same time tucked herself under his outstretched arms to end up
away from him. He turned around and she almost laughed at his astonished
expression. Then he regained his composure and pasted a smile on his face. It
did not reach his eyes, and looking into them left her feeling cold.

“My love —”

“Now is not the time.” The Three tried to stop him but he rushed toward
her again.

Sophie put her fists up, “Stop.” She wanted to give him a verbal warning
since her raised fists did not seem to impress him. That word was all it took before
all hell broke loose. One second she was standing there with Mr. Mystery Man
bearing down on her, the next she was wrapped in what felt like a steel grip.
Whoever was holding her used one hand to knock blondie away from her to slide
across the floor. Then she was turned to face an armored chest plate. From the
sounds behind the back of the male holding her, there was quite a fight going
on. Not that she could see it, the guard in front of her was so large he
effectively had her blocked in.

When she heard a whined, “I think he broke my nose.” She couldn’t help
herself she started laughing.

“You will be okay Chosen.” The male obviously thought her shaking was
from fright or tears. He was trying to reassure her and it felt good. His voice
was like smoked whiskey with a smooth velvet lining and she could drink it in
all day.

“Stop! That is enough.” The Three tried to get control of the room.

“Protectorate Raife, explain yourself!” One issued the demand.

When he just ignored One, the male she assumed was the blond stared
yelling. “I will have you removed from your station.” As he yelled, his voice
got shriller and Sophie thought her head might explode. “Not only that I will
have you punished—”

Sophie looked up at the guard holding her, fighting back the laughter at
the other male’s antics. It was the guard that had captivated her from earlier.
To her surprise, he was actually looking down at her, not staring off into
space like before. He was enthralling. His eyes were framed with black
eyelashes and arched brows. They were the amazing blue, but up close, you could
almost count the flecks in them. His face wasn’t soft or sharp it was just
blatantly masculine. His mouth was full and luscious and she could see his
perfectly white even teeth. When he saw her studying him, he jerked back to
attention. The encounter had lasted a mere couple of seconds but she knew it
was imprinted on her brain. With a sigh, she pushed back away from the guard
and stepped to the side. He was still close, but wasn’t blocking her view of
the room.

The male guards that had been here from the beginning had disarmed the
blond male’s guards and had them face down on the floor. The blonde-haired male
was holding his nose and was yelling at The Three.

“Enough.” Sophie called across the room and everyone went still. If there
was anything to this Chosen stuff she was about to find out. Facing the
annoying blond, she said quietly, “If you do anything against the guards, both
yours and mine, I will be unhappy.” Let him wonder about what that might mean.

“Protectorate Raife, we need to know why you felt the need to protect The
Chosen from her
.” The Three were furious.

“I am honor bound to protect The Chosen from all threats.” Sophie was
lulled in by his voice and almost missed when One stated.

“You are not bound to protect her from The Chosen Consort.” She hissed in

“Now hold on.” Sophie was at the
end of her rope, “What do you mean by mate and The Chosen
? That better be a term for a friend or mean something other
than what I think it does!”

“All will be explained.” The Three were frustrated, and they obviously
hadn’t expected to have to explain this part to her yet. “The Chosen needs to
go to her quarters for food and rest.” When they saw the stubborn look on her
face, they added, “Please.”

Sophie responded to the desperation in their voice(s), “Okay. I will go
where you ask, but someone needs to give me some solid answers...and soon.” She
looked around helplessly, “Who is taking me to these quarters?” When the blond
looked excited, she hurried to point at him, “Not you.”

“The Protectorate are to be your constant guard. They will be the ones to
take you to your quarters.” The Three assured her.

“Before I go, I meant what I said about punishment against the guards.”
Sophie stressed.

Everyone did the forehead bow thing staying bent over. Protectorate Raife
moved to stand in front of her and gestured to the arched doorway. “This way
please.” He spoke softly and moved to walk in front of her. The other four
guards made a male box around her and they left the medical room. She followed
the male shoulders in front of her, and since she couldn’t see that, much
around her it was a surprise to feel the warm light on her face.

Shielding her hand and looking up, she let out a yell and stopped short.
This was a mistake apparently. It caused her guard to press
shoulder-to-shoulder, and front-to-back with her. They must have thought she
had yelled because of a threat, and she was now the inside of her guard

After a few claustrophobic moments, she heard a male voice say, “There is
no threat.” Protectorate Raife moved the male in front of her so he could see
her face, “Why did The Chosen yell out?”

She looked helplessly at the sky
then back at him. “That!” She pointed up, “I see six different planets, and one
of them has rings around it like Saturn. How are they so close?” Trying to gain
some perspective, she asked again, “Where
am I?”

Surprise Excerpt

Coming in September
of 2015




(A Terraneu Novel, Book Six)


Chapter One


Knadyn was going on another mission to Earth to check the equipment that
previous teams from Terraneu had placed there. It amazed him how fast time had
gone by. Had it really been three years since the CEMPS had been destroyed and
their attempts at cleaning Earth’s atmosphere had begun? That was six missions
and countless cloaked scanners, probes, and equipment ago. All of it left on
Earth for the sole purpose of trying to undo the damage his mad Uncle Knuan had
done with his Cloaked Electromagnetic Pulse Satellite or CEMPS.

The last mission he had taken to Earth was six months ago. The purpose of
that operation had been to release the new probes his Uncle Kneus and Cousin
Knalech had created. The probes were set to search for hot spots, detect a
damaged nuclear core and transport that core into preset co-ordinates. The
Earth’s Sun is the place they had chosen to dispose of the nuclear cores. The
scans they had done over the years had shown almost half of the five hundred
nuclear facilities in some form of a meltdown. It was no wonder the planet was
an irradiated mess. His sister had almost lost her mate Marcael on a mission to
Earth and four of his men had died. It was from that point on that the councils
of Terraneu had decided against any extended stays on Earth. They were sending
equipment and trying their best to fix the damage, but they were not staying on
Earth for the six months between active portals.

That is why he was going through for a few hours today. The data they had
just received back from the probe was promising. The radiation levels were much
lower and some human activity was being detected. The Earth humans were on the
move according to their information. His mission was to make sure that their
equipment remained undetected. They didn’t want the native population to get
any of their technology. It hadn’t been decided yet if any further contact
between Terraneu and Earth would be allowed. The policy as it stood was to fix
the planet and let the human population of Earth evolve as fate saw fit. Not
everyone on the female council had liked this decision, but it was agreed upon
in the end that it was best for Terraneu to limit their contact with Earth.

Here he was standing on the port pad ready to go to Earth in what might
be the final contact with that world. If the equipment showed all nuclear hot
spots were eliminated, and the atmosphere was returning to normal levels then
their involvement in Earth would be at an end. He thought it was somewhat sad
considering it was women from Earth that had saved Terraneu. Some of his
favorite memories from childhood were the stories his mother told him of Earth.
How she had lived there and traveled through the portal by accident. His father
would get embarrassed at the part where he had thought she was a primate. How
anyone looking at his mother could mistake her for that was amazing. In his
father’s defense however, she had been clothed in some strange Earth coat, boot
and hat so his mistake was understandable. They had fallen in love with each
other and chose to be mated. His brother Knacayn, sister Brennae and he had
been born shortly thereafter.

Thinking of his sister brought a smile to his face. Thinking of her poor
mate made him laugh out loud. That poor fellow didn’t know what had hit him.
First Marcael had fallen in love with his sister, and all that entailed. He was
a special kind of male to be able to put up with the involvement of her family.
Knadyn knew he was too protective of his sister, but her happiness was his
primary concern. It was a good thing Marcael was so good for her. Now Marcael
was running around Terraneu like a crazed man. You would think no female ever
been pregnant by the way he was acting.

Knadyn knew that he would savor the look on Marcael’s face when he
learned he was going to be a father for a very long time. It had been devious
of his sister to announce it at the celebration dance six months ago. Marcael
didn’t even have the dignity of fainting in the privacy of their living
quarters. He had gone face down in the grass of the park at the peak of the
dancing. In Marcael’s defense, you do not hear that your mate is pregnant with
twins…and twins…every day. Brennae was pregnant with two sets of identical
twins according to his Aunt Gwen. One set boys…and one set girls. He was going
to be an uncle to two nephews and two nieces.

His laughter rang out again. If he remembered correctly Marcael’s exact
response, muttered with his face in the grass:
“What is it with your family that you can’t have just one baby?” His
Uncle Kneus had responded that he and Gwen only had one (so far) thank you very

Shortly thereafter, his sister and her mate had been cuddling all over
the park then disappeared, so Marcael had to have gotten over his shock. It was
disgusting really the affection all the mated couples had for each other.
Knadyn stubbornly refused to believe there was any envy behind that thought
either. He was happily single and he meant to stay that way for awhile longer.
Even Knacayn, his identical twin, wasn’t ready to settle down so it wasn’t as
if he was some kind of anomaly. He just hadn’t found the perfect mate yet.

“Be safe Knadyn.” His mother yelled.

“We will wait for the code to activate the port pad.” His Uncle Kneus
reminded him. “Check the equipment, download the data on their hard drives and
get back here as fast as you can.”

Knadyn looked at the group of males behind him and they all laughed at
his exasperated look.

“This isn’t our first away mission.” Knadyn called out, “We know what we
are doing.”

His father had a way of putting things in perspective though, “You are
the leader this time Knadyn. It is your duty to see to the safety of your men
and the success of your mission.” His father’s warm gaze washed over him, “I
know you are prepared and can handle any situation, just don’t let your guard
down for any reason. Earth is still a very dangerous world.”

Knadyn stiffened his spine. He had been acting as if this was going to be
easy. He needed to take his father’s advice and get serious. “I understand
father, I won’t let you down.” He turned to the others going with him, then
back to his Uncle Kneus. “We are ready.”

With those words, the port pad was activated and his team was on their
way to Earth. It was a shock to realize later that on the one hand he had been
ready for some things. Then again, on the other hand he hadn’t been ready for


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