Marcus Agrippa: Right-hand Man of Caesar Augustus (82 page)

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Authors: Lindsay Powell

Tags: #Bisac Code 1: HIS002000, #HISTORY / Ancient / General / BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Military, #Bisac Code 2: BIO008000 Bisac Code 3: HIS027000

BOOK: Marcus Agrippa: Right-hand Man of Caesar Augustus
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Life of Antonius

Life of Brutus

Life of Iulius Caesar

Life of Crassus

Life of Cicero

Life of Pompeius Magnus

De Invidia et Odio
On Envy and Hate

Oὶ Ιστορίες
The Histories


Γεωγραφικὴ Ὑφήγησις
Geography, Cosmographia
). Seneca the Younger,

Seneca the Younger,

In Vergilii Carmina Commentarii
Commentaries on Vergil’s Poems


Divus Augustus
Life of the Divine Augustus

Life of Caligula

Divus Claudius
Life of the Divine Claudius

Divus Iulius
Life of the Divine Iulius Caesar

Life of Tiberius

Life of Nero

De Grammaticis et Rhetoribus
On Teachers of Grammar and Rhetoric

Ab Excessu Divi Augusti
The Annals

De Origine et Situ Germanorum



Valerius Maximus,
Factorum et Dictorum Memorabilium
Memorable Deeds and Sayings

Velleius Paterculus,
Historiae Romanae
Compendium of Roman History

Ἐπιτομὴ Ἱστοριὠν
Extracts of History

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