Master for Tonight (8 page)

Read Master for Tonight Online

Authors: Elaine Barris

Tags: #romance, #vampire, #erotica, #paranormal, #alpha

BOOK: Master for Tonight
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Decision firm in his mind, Julian walked
over to the vined trellis, which ascended from the ground, to the
slanted roof. He scrabbled up while trying not to damage the
flowers. He crawled onto the roof on his hands and knees before
straightening to walk to her window.

He held his balance easily, despite the
slope of the roof.

“Kate, enough. Stop doing
this to yourself. You and I are not done. Not in the slightest. Let
me explain everything to you and finish what we started tonight.
You didn’t hear me say that I lied to you. Your mind pulled that
out of somewhere, and
is lying to you, not me. You are overreacting and
ripping yourself apart for no reason. I don’t like it. Stop. Stop
it now.”

She sat up in the bed cross-legged, facing
him, saying nothing in response as she wiped away the tears drying
on her cheeks. With her mind spinning in all directions of thought,
Kate moved off the bed and walked into the attached bathroom,
ignoring the presence outside her window.

Kate stared at her puffy-eyed reflection in
the mirror and thought about everything that had happened earlier
in the night. Her body began a slow burn. His touch and tongue had
sent her over an edge from which she had never before fallen. So
deep and intense, her inner walls began to pulse with desire to be

She pushed away from those thoughts to the
man outside, as she considered how he had treated her, how he had
pleased her completely, not satisfying himself, thinking of her
only. She also realized, too late, he wasn’t wearing a ring, and
there was no telltale paleness on his finger from where the sun
would tan around a band. Her mind had dredged the awful memory from
her painful past, and she had hurled it out at him without
thinking. A small feeling of remorse crept over her.

Kate moved on and pondered how and why he
came to her. The pieces moved around like a puzzle in her jumbled
mind. She remembered that he called his approach ‘unconventional.’
Yes, that would be one word to describe it. ‘Psycho’ would be
another, but she knew he wasn’t crazy. She was around enough
off-balanced people at the shelter to read the signs. She was so
confused. What did he want? With a sickening dread, another thought
came to her.

“Maybe so, whoever you are. Maybe I am
overreacting.” She walked back into the bedroom and sat on the

“Look at me, Kate.”

“I don’t get it.” She ignored his

“What don’t you get?” he asked as he tilted
his head to the sky and placed his hands on his hips.

“Tonight. Everything.”

“And what bothers you the most?” He waited,
knowing the question was able to open another firestorm.

She answered by pointing at herself, and
then at him.

“Why do you do this to yourself, Kate? Feed
yourself all this tripe, which only serves to tear you down inside.
Why the fuck would I be here if I wasn’t attracted to you? Do you
even see yourself when you look in a mirror? You’re fucking
beautiful, and I…” He threw his arms up into the air, maddened by
her thick-headedness.

She shook her head, dropping it to look down
into her lap, not saying anything in reply. Her hair draped around
like a shield, hiding her face from him.

Julian softened his voice. “You can have
this night with me. I have proven I can pleasure you, have I not? I
have proven you can trust me, have I not? Why would you throw this
away, love? Because of how you met me?” He looked at her still
downturned head.

“Yes, that does bother me. But even more, I
know there is a lot I don’t know about tonight. How did this
happen? Who are you? I feel...”

“You’re anything but stupid. While you’re
thinking it over, please keep in mind what we’ve already
experienced together. How tenderly I loved you. If you will let me
in, we can talk this out.” He ended, arms raised, as if reaching
out to her.

“Ah.” She sighed, as if he confirmed her
suspicion, and lifted her head to face him again. “I see. How much
money do you need?”

“No, you don’t see.” He
tapped his foot impatiently. Just then, realizing what she said, he
yelled, “Where the fuck did that even come from, Kate? If you would
let me in, where we could communicate on even footing,” he said,
gesturing to his slanted stance, “we could get this sorted out and
be in ecstasy again together.
I. Want.
Your brain is trying to poison my true
desire for you into something false, something which is a lie. Then
when that doesn’t work, it flips you against yourself because of
your desire for me. And you do want me. You can’t deny you want me.
I know you do with no uncertainty.” Julian breathed in deeply
through his nose, ending his statement in a hungry growl. “Deny it.
Lie to me. I dare you.”

“Um, yeah, okay.” She shrugged, still trying
to process what he’d said.

He spoke to her in a way no one ever had. He
was calling her out and making her face herself. She wasn’t quite
sure how to handle it. Not knowing how to respond to him, she
decided instead, to call him out on the only thing she could think

“Go ahead and show me your cock.”

She tossed out a gauntlet without knowing
it. Julian placed his hands above his head, on the window trim, and
leaned as far forward, towards the interior, as he could. “Let me
in, and I will.”

She countered, “No, no. I need to see it
before I decide. You apparently saw me quite a bit before deciding
to pounce on me in the night. Of course, if you’re ashamed of what
you’re packing, and that’s really why things ended earlier…”

Her words were barely spoken before she
heard the tear of a zipper and the sound of his pants hitting the
roof. She was speechless. She was starting to think he really was
serious about her.

“Is the presentation less than desirable? Is
it insignificant in your estimation?” He was naked from the waist
down, daring her to deny his rigid abundance.

Her eyes lifted from the mattress, up his
legs, to the erect cock that was pointing to the sky. She bit her
lip hard.

“But you knew that already from when you
manhandled my package earlier, didn’t you?” Julian jerked his legs
out of the pants and kicked them to the lawn below. Next,
unbuttoning the cuffs, he ripped his ruined, grass-stained shirt
over his head, not bothering with the buttons running down his
chest. It also flew through the air.

He stood before her, defiant and naked, save
for the silver necklace glistening on his chest. His fingers ran
through his hair as he raised his fiercely heated eyes, meeting
Kate’s, as she took in the sight of him.

“In or out.”

“In.” She caved with a yearning moan.

He crawled through the window, pulled her to
standing, and kissed her long and hard. “Actually, I plan on doing
both in and out for quite a while, you infuriating woman.”

Julian closed the window behind him. He took
her hands in his and lifted her arms over her head.

“Keep them there,” he ordered, before
grabbing the hem of her gown and pulling it off her. “The deal is
the same, Kate. Only ‘yes.’ Do you understand?”


He took her face in his hands and tilted her
head up to look at him. “I’m going to devour you. You’re mine now
as you should be. Before this night ends, you will know you are

“That’s what I want. I’m yours. Yes.” Her
voice trembled her reply as he again took her words away.




His tongue was in her mouth, plunging in and
out hard, as he gripped her naked form tightly against him. One
hand held her head, and the other wrapped around her shoulders,
crushing her breasts against his chest. Moaning into his mouth, she
opened for him further, and he sucked her tongue into his mouth.
She slanted her head to give him the total access he wanted, and he
gave out a hiss. He was taking everything from her—her fear, her
passion—using it all to burn a brand of possession on her

He pressed against her belly, moving his
hips closer to her, his long, thick cock jerking against her skin.
He pushed his hand down her back to grab her ass and press her
against his hardened length. He began grinding against her stomach
as he pressed his forehead to hers. She could feel the thin skin on
his long member pull away and go back onto her belly, as he thrust
up and down against her. She moaned as she anticipated the
sensations still to come, once he was seated deep inside her. She
would take his cock inside her body, until his balls were smacking
against her ass. She knew he would make sure of it, and she wanted
nothing less.

He picked her up, lightly maintaining
contact, until he set her on the edge of the bed. “Your aroma is
intoxicating me again.” His eyes were filled with passion. “Lie
back, open your legs, and show me.”

Her heart beating out of her chest, Kate
flattened her back against the mattress, looking up into his eyes.
His breathing was beastlike as he stood with his hands at his hips,
nostrils flaring, as his breaths came short and hard. Eyes sharp
and fierce, mouth set in a line, he looked down at her, resembling
a god awaiting an offering.

“My dark lord...” she exhaled, raising her
legs straight into the air and opening them for his viewing. Her
feet pointed to opposite sides of the room.


She complied, seeing his desire for her.

“Show me. Now.”

Kate knew what he wanted, so she slid her
hands down to her soaking pussy. She slipped her fingers between
her folds, gliding over her ever-throbbing flesh, wetting her
fingers as she opened her core to him. His knees thudded to the
floor as he stared down, gazing into her pink wetness while she
continued to pull her lips apart. His hands rested on her inner
thighs, thumbs lying in the dip at the center, feeling the strong
arterial pulse there.

“So fucking sexy!” He opened his mouth,
sliding his top teeth against his outstretched tongue, and spitting
onto her clit, causing her to jerk when it hit her sensitive skin.
“Rub me into your pussy. Take me into you.” He no longer had any
tolerance for refusal.

Her hands shifted to keep herself spread as
she began to rub his saliva into her clit, massaging it into her
heated skin. Already pained with desire, and panting heavy with
need, she felt her clit begin to harden further under her

“Stop,” her dark lord commanded, to her
pleading cry, before spattering into her again from his mouth.

Kate’s voice ascended into extended wails,
reaching for release as her fingers rubbed rapid circles on her
clit, and she watched his rapt attention to her pussy. She could
see his mouth watering. His eyes moved to hers.

Kate plunged two fingers inside her pulsing
walls, working to saturate them from their tips to the base. She
pulled them out and moved them up to his open mouth, her eyes on
his as she served herself up to him. She waited for his reaction
while she lay wanting him to taste her and take her into his body
as she had him.

His eyes darkened, and he growled before
sucking them into his mouth as she held her hand out to him,
without trembling. He licked them with ravenous need while she
watched in ecstasy, separating her fingers as his tongue moved
between them, licking and sucking. The vibrations of his moans at
both her taste and offering resonated against her fingers.

His tongue slowed and he held her hand to
his mouth, kissing each fingertip before returning it to her pussy.
His hand went back against the inside of her thigh.

“Beauty, you’re my fucking dream,” his husky
voice whispered up to her pleading, beautifully pained face.
“Should I give what you need?” He moved a hand closer, to torture
her at its closeness to her core.

“Please! Please!”

“What is it you want? Tell me. Is it this?”
He teased her mercilessly, rounding her aching chasm with his index
finger, as she nodded.

“Is this enough?” He gave her the smallest
of presses inside, holding his finger still.

Kate pumped her hips down, trying to force
his finger deeper into her, moaning, “Noooo,” as he withdrew

“Now...don’t just take without asking,” he
teased her. “Ask me nicely, and you may get what you want. I really
can’t read your mind, love. Tell me what you want.”

“Your fingers! Your cock!” she cried out
with tears welling in her eyes.

“Which is it?” He stood and slowly stroked
his thick length up and down as his eyes bore into hers. Holding it
in his hands, he worked it hard, showing her how he liked his cock
handled. “Do you want my fingers or my cock buried in you?”

“Oh God! It’s so beautiful. Your cock.
Please. God. Your cock. Fuck me!” The tears streamed out of her
eyes, into her hair.

“God, huh?” He winked at her with a smile as
she writhed below him.

Smirking at her still, he slapped his cock
against her flooded pussy, coating his engorged length as she
jerked at each smack.

Not sparing her, he drove his entire length
inside her, and she cried out in relief at the invasion. She pulled
at his neck, wanting him on top of her. Kate needed to feel his
weight on her. Bending to straddle her, he caged Kate in to him
between his elbows.

“Better now, beauty?” He gazed down into her
eyes, as he slowly pulled out of her and pushed himself back into
her, before withdrawing again. Kate clutched him, holding his head
to her neck.

After wrapping her legs around him, she
pushed her heels down against his ass, not wanting him to remove
his cock from her. He filled and stretched her with such delicious
pain and tingling sensations. Her tightness rippled around him. She
was longing for him to move inside her.

“Please! Fuck me! Fuck me!” Her words came
out a breathy, desperate plea.

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