Mastered 2: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender (6 page)

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Authors: Opal Carew,Portia Da Costa,Madelynne Ellis,T.J. Michaels,Emily Ryan-Davis,Jennifer Leeland,Cynthia Sax,Evangeline Anderson,Avery Aster,Karen Fenech,Ruby Foxx,Saskia Walker

BOOK: Mastered 2: Ten Tales of Sensual Surrender
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“Say my name,” he urged.

“I’m… coming.  Oh,” she moaned at another deep thrust.  Pleasure swamped her senses.  “Race.  Oh, Race.”  His name came out in a long moan, as she blasted off to ecstasy.

The sound of it seemed to trigger his own release and he thrust deep again, pinning her to the bed, and groaned.

Her body, expanding through space and time, quivered in ecstatic bliss.

His body was moving again, keeping her in a cocoon of pleasure.  Sweet and heavenly.

Her moan echoed through the room, on and on, until finally, breathless, her head fell back against the pillow.

She gasped for air, her gaze locking on his midnight blue eyes.

“Wow!” was all she could say.

He grinned.  “Wow, indeed.”

Then he scooped her into his arms and pulled her under the covers, then held her close.

* * *

When Jacquie woke up, she was disoriented, uncertain where she was, but when she glanced at the large windows, the source of the light blazing across her eyes, she remembered.

She was in Race Danner’s penthouse.  Or rather, the penthouse he’d rented in the hotel.

She sat up and glanced at the bed beside her.  And Mr. Danner seemed to be missing.

Wrapping the sheet around herself, she pushed herself from the bed and walked across the room to the bathroom.  There were damp towels on the floor in the corner, so he’d had a shower, but she saw no sign of his toiletries on the counter.

She walked into the living room and glanced around.  He wasn’t sitting at the dining table having a coffee, though there was a silver pot on the table and two cups laid out.  She smiled, relieved, but when she reached the table, she saw that one cup was used.  And under the clean cup was an envelope.

She picked it up and opened it.


Thank you for a wonderful night.  I know we were supposed to talk today, but I got called away.  Phone me in a few days and we’ll arrange a time.


Ah, damn.

* * *

Two days later, she called him, using the business card he’d left in the envelope with the note.  His secretary said he was unavailable.  When Jacquie called the next day, she said the same thing.  After four days, she was getting frustrated.

“He gave me this number and asked me to call,” Jacquie insisted, wondering if the secretary was just trying to get rid of her.

At least this number got her to his actual office.  When she’d called before going to the poker game, she couldn’t even get past the main reception.

“When is the best time to call?” Jacquie asked.

“I’m sorry, I can’t give a specific time.  He has a busy schedule.”

“Of course.  Please give him my number.  It’s—”

“Yes, Ms. Bell.  I have it.”

Jacquie pursed her lips.  “Fine.  Thank you.  I’ll try again tomorrow.”

Anger blazed through her at the realization he was blowing her off.  But more, she was hurt.  After the sexy, passionate night they’d shared, she’d thought he’d actually enjoyed being with her.  She’d even considered that maybe he might want to see her again.

Now it looked like he wasn’t even going to give her a chance to talk to him, after promising he would.

But maybe she was overreacting.  She picked up the phone and called Raymond and told him she’d been trying to get in touch with Mr. Danner, hoping maybe he could help somehow.

“I heard he was out of town,” Raymond said.  “Hong Kong, I think.  Some kind of business meeting.  His assistant said he got delayed a few days.”

Relief washed through her.  He wasn’t avoiding her calls.  He was out of town.

“Do you have any idea when he’ll be back?” she asked.

“I think he got back a day or two ago.”

Her hand tightened around the phone.  “Really?”

“All I know for sure is that he’s going to be at the poker game tomorrow night.”

She frowned.  So he’d been out of town—that would explain why he hadn’t taken her calls the first few days—but he was back now and hadn’t deemed her call important enough.  He might be busy catching up, but…damn it, he’d promised to talk to her and now he was treating her like dirt.

Unless…  She’d left her office number.  Maybe he would call her tomorrow at work.

But if he didn’t…

Determination stirred inside her.  He had promised her an audience and she would ensure he honored that promise.

* * *

That night, she had a scorching hot dream about Mr. Race Danner.  Tying her up and taking her bent over a wooden bench, then suspending her from chains hanging from the ceiling, her legs wrapped around his waist so his cock drove deep inside her.

She woke up with the sheets wrapped around her legs, her insides melting with the heat of her desire.

God, she might be angry at the man, but that didn’t stop her from wanting him with a quiet desperation.

She showered and got ready for work.  Then she grabbed a sexy evening dress and stilettos and slid then into a bag.  If Mr. Danner did not call her today, she was going to crash his poker game.  Again.

* * *

Jacquie got off the elevator and headed to the front door.  A delivery man carrying flowers passed her in the lobby and she couldn’t help admiring the lovely, tall pink orchids.  She loved orchids and those ones were stunning.

She pushed open the door and walked to the bus stop.

As soon as she got to work, she called Mr. Danner’s office, but the secretary still insisted he couldn’t take her call.  Jacquie left her work number again, though the woman insisted she already had it.  By five o’clock, when he still hadn’t called her, Jacquie was livid as she strode to the ladies’ room to change.

* * *

Jacquie knocked on the door of the room where the poker game was being held this evening.  Flashing the black and gold chip at the concierge got her the room number again.

The door opened and she found herself face-to-face with the man named Renaldo.  Recognition flickered in his eyes and he opened the door.  She stepped inside and glanced around the room.  There were only a few well-dressed men around the table, drinking and talking, probably awaiting the rest of their complement of players.

The one man she didn’t see was Race Danner.

“Would you like a drink?” Renaldo asked.

“White wine, please.”  She might as well enjoy Mr. Danner’s hospitality before she gave him a piece of her mind.  The wine would help buoy up her courage, too.

A couple of men at the table eyed her, but continued their casual chatting.

Renaldo returned with a crystal stem glass full of wine and handed it to her.

“I just called Mr. Danner.  He’ll be down in a few moments,” he said.

She smiled and sipped from the glass, but her stomach churned and she barely noticed the delightful flavor of the expensive wine.

The door opened and Mr. Danner stepped inside, his authoritative air filling the room.

She took another sip of wine, then placed it on the side table near her.

God, he was a stunning man.  His wavy dark hair combed back, his square jaw with a hint of shadow.  And those full, kissable lips.

His gaze scanned the room, then locked on hers, taking her breath away.  His lips turned up in a smile and he started toward her.

Oh, God, even just a glance from him sent her heart into palpitations.  His smile told her he was ready to continue playing games with her.

But she would not allow that tonight.  She would not let him manipulate her for his own entertainment.

She drew in a breath, ready to face the beast.

His smile broadened as he drew close.

“You’re here.”

“Yes, I am,” she said, her voice filled with steely determination.  “And I intend to have that conversation you promised me.”

His eyebrow quirked.  “Is everything okay?”

“No, it’s not okay,” she said a little too loudly, then glanced around, noticing a few curious stares turned their way.  She lowered her voice.  “You promised me we would talk, then you disappeared.”

He reached out to take her elbow.  “Why don’t we go somewhere quiet to continue this conversation?”

She snatched her arm away.  “I’m not going to allow you to toy with me again.”

He frowned.  “Do you really want to have your talk here, or somewhere more private?”

She pursed her lips as she glanced around.  “All right.”

He gestured her toward the door and she took the lead.  They walked down the hall to the elevator.  As if by magic, a staff member held the elevator door for them and within moments, she stepped off the elevator into his penthouse suite.

“Now, do you want to tell me why you’re so upset?” he asked.

“You mean besides the fact you ditched me after promising to talk with me?”

“I was called away on urgent business.  I left you my card so you could contact me.”

“Which I did every day, but your secretary said you weren’t available.”

“That’s true.  I’m sorry, I had to fly out of the country and the trip took longer than I’d anticipated.  I just got back today.  That’s why I’m happy you came tonight.”

He was happy she was here?  She stomped down the flicker of delight sparking in her.

“So if I hadn’t decided to show up here tonight, I’d never have seen you again?”

He gazed at her solemnly.  “You didn’t get my message?”

She frowned.  “What message?”

“It doesn’t matter.”  He frowned.  “So you’re angry because I left that night and you assumed I wasn’t going to follow up with the conversation I promised.”

“That’s right.”  But a quiver of doubt flashed through her.

The warmth in his eyes faded. “Well, you’re here now,” he said in a cool tone.  “So talk.”

Her stomach fluttered.  Oh, God, she’d stormed in here, intent on putting him in his place, and he’d turned the tables on her, his calm demand sending her totally off balance.

“I… uh…”  She sucked in a deep breath, trying to find the words to begin pleading her brother’s case.  “Well, you see—” she stammered, but he held up his hand, stopping her words.

“Stop.  Never mind.  I don’t even need to hear it.”

“But you promised—”

“Tell me this.  What would you do for this favor you want from me?  Would you get down on your knees and beg?”

Her stomach tightened and she gazed at his cold eyes.

This was important to her.  If he didn’t drop the charges against her brother-in-law, he could wind up in jail.  Then Ella would be left alone, pregnant and with a two-year-old to take care of.

She lowered her gaze.  “Yes.”

“So get down on your knees.”

She lowered herself to the floor, knowing she would do whatever he asked.

“Please, Mr. Danner… I…”  But she hesitated, not sure how to make the request.  She didn’t want to just baldly state what she wanted.  Surely if she did, he would end this now and not even give her a chance to plead her case.


Her gaze jerked to his.  His eyes didn’t seem as cold.

“I asked if you’d beg.  I didn’t tell you to do it.  I told you I would give you a chance to talk, but I’ve decided to do you one better.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’ve decided I will give you what you came here to ask me without any explanations or questions.”

She stared at him in disbelief.

“On one condition.”

“And what is that?”

“That you totally submit to me tonight.”

“Like last time?”

“No, not like last time.”  His eyes glittered.  “This time, I won’t take it easy on you.”

* * *

Jacquie stared out the window of the limousine watching the scenery speed by.  Mr. Danner had led her from the penthouse to the lobby and out to the limo, telling her he wanted her at his house, where he had all the necessary equipment.

Which made her a little nervous.

They drove for about half an hour, then the limo pulled up in front of an elegant stone house.  It was huge, with a large garden in front and a stone walkway leading to the front entrance.  The double doors had beveled glass with stained glass sidelights.

She followed him up the steps, watching her footing in her high heels on the stone surface.  He opened the front door and they stepped inside.  The foyer was huge, with a wide curving staircase leading to the upper level.  But he led her past the staircase, and the living room with rich burgundy leather furniture, past the gourmet kitchen, then down a hallway.  At the end of that hall, he opened a door.

As soon as she stepped inside, she glanced around with widened eyes.  There was furniture she’d never seen the likes of before.  Padded benches in different shapes and heights with restraints built in, a big wooden X in the corner with chains and cuffs attached, a big bed with black sheets and a headboard and footboard with bars, perfect for attaching restraints like he had when he’d dominated her in the hotel suite.  There was even a tall cage in the far corner.

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