Mastering Hypnotic Language - Further Confessions of a Rogue Hypnotist

BOOK: Mastering Hypnotic Language - Further Confessions of a Rogue Hypnotist
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Table of Contents
This book does not contain formal chapters per se; the book is divided into learning segments listed below.
Mastering hypnotic language
Further confessions of a Rogue Hypnotist

By the Rogue Hypnotist

Disclaimer: the Rogue Hypnotist accepts no legal liability for the use or misuse of the information contained in this book. People who are not qualified professionals use the information at their own risk. This book is intended for entertainment and educational purposes only. Only the hypnosis scripts, deepeners contained within are for your personal or public use copyright free. They may not be resold.

Welcome to book 2 in your rapid hypnosis mastery!

First off folks, if you haven’t yet bought book 1: ‘How to hypnotise anyone,’ I suggest you do. It will give you all the basics for the foundation of your hypnotic success. However this book stands on its own too. It is slightly longer than the first: I’m giving you even more goodies! This second book focuses on more advanced hypnotic techniques and gives you a broader model of the mind with regards to hypnosis: primarily it is about ‘hypnotic language.’
Much so-called hypnotic language is of no use to anyone! This book gives you the stuff that works.

If you read book 1 you’ll be 99% ahead of the competition. It gives you a method, a formula, a set of repeatable principles (this is the basis of scientific research by the way) that pretty much allow you to hypnotise everyone. Now we are taking it ‘up’ a level. I want you to have so much skill with your hypnotic language that you can make it up all by yourself.

All the things I will teach you work. I use them in private practise. If you haven’t read my first book let me tell you why you should read this book (apologies if you’ve read book 1!) I am a professional clinical hypnotherapist and psychotherapist and an Advanced Master Practitioner of NLP. I know what I am talking about. I have studied this subject for over 20 years now. I have helped crack addicts, depressives, smokers, people who have been left in ‘untreatable’ agony by incompetent surgeons who have butchered them, armies of weight loss clients, stressed police officers on the brink of a nervous breakdown and more! I am very successful with clients. They get what they pay for. They leave with a big smile on their face. It usually takes me one session to help 99.9% of clients.

I’m going to let you in on the ‘language patterns’ that work as opposed to all the junk out there that will never work in reality. 99% of what is taught on courses is expensive, time-wasting garbage!
Lots of hypnosis teachers are teaching students that if they talk like a weirdo they’ll get anything they want in life. If you believe that even I can’t help you!
If you talk like a lot of NLP and conversational hypnosis gurus suggest you’ll end up sounding like a freak. You need to talk as normally as you can; especially in hypnotherapy, remember:
no one likes mind bending language.
In fact no one wants their mind bent at all! The purpose of ‘therapy,’ of hypnosis is to help people achieve freedom! Freedom from problems that have tormented them and most importantly: freedom of mind!

I’ll teach you how the brain/nervous system processes words. I’ll teach you how to be even more ‘artfully vague’ and how to be very specific. They are two sides of the same coin: one will help you hypnotise others easily, the other will allow you to ask just the right questions to get all the information you need in order to help your clients or unravel potential B-S from many differing sources that seek to influence you covertly.

I’ll also teach you how to use even more tricks of the trade: observations, experiences, theories and approaches to hypnotise anyone; which embedded commands actually create trance and hypnosis and how to construct deepeners that work every time: I’ll give you THE 100% fail safe formula for next to nothing. We’ll touch on cultural and marketing hypnosis and more advanced knowledge of how all humans are and can be influenced. Including you! This is a more advanced book than book 1 but just as simple to learn. You’ll find it easy.

By the end of this book, even if you are not a qualified hypnotherapist you will know more about hypnosis and how the human mind really works than 99% of all doctors, ‘therapists,’ quacks of any persuasion and other ‘mental health care professionals’. And what’s more unlike them I am not charging you an arm and a leg to learn things to help others.

Some of my clients have described me as a ‘miracle worker.’ I am not, I have simply worked out through laborious trial and error what works and what doesn’t. You’re learning curve is about to be seriously shortened.

Ok that’s enough waffling let’s get you started, time to learn how to use hypnotic language with complete precision. The training wheels will be coming off a bit more than in book 1 and you will be expected to analyse this stuff without me holding your hand so much. But I have provided some great original scripts that will, I hope really help you. Again: when you know the principles you won’t need me. I don’t want you to be dependent on me or anyone else to have hypnotic mastery. A chimp could do this stuff!

The language of hypnosis and trance.

There are innumerable myths about supposed ‘language patterns’ that that will make someone your ‘hypno slave’ etc. Fortunately they are a load of old rubbish. However:
hypnosis requires precise language use if you are to become very skilled in its use.
I will start to lay out some specific ‘language patterns’ that when used as a small part of a large whole will help to add up to your hypno success.

The more the more:
‘The more you relax the more deeply you will go.’

This is a ‘single bind pattern.’ That is you are not giving someone a choice. The formula is: the more you do x, the more you do y. There is no real reason why you would, it is a false cause and effect chain but in the ‘trance logic’ of hypnosis it just seems more plausible. Here are some more examples…

‘’The more you
listen to my voice
the more you’ll learn what you need to.’

‘The more you
pay attention to that feeling of relaxation
in your torso, the more you’ll be aware as it spreads down your legs. ‘

‘The more you
enter this state
the more wonderful you’ll feel.’

The deeper you go the better you feel and the better you feel the deeper you can go:
That is the phrase, very simple, very hypnotic. Feel free to use it during trance induction; it is a favourite of stage hypnotists. Sometimes I’ll say,

‘And the golden rule of hypnosis is, the deeper you go the more wonderful you’ll feel and the more wonderful you feel, the deeper you can go, nooowww…!’


Now is a very powerful word in hypnosis. You tag it on the end of sentences following a suggestion and it acts as a simple command for the subconscious to do what you just suggested, now.

‘In this relaxed state called trance you will learn all you need to learn, now.’

‘You can feel confident in situations that used to bother you, now.’

‘You have billions of brain cells that can be utilised in many ways that will surprise and delight you, now.’

The beauty of using the word now is that it is so conversational, no one knows it’s a command it just sounds like part of a sentence and you can use it as a run on to another, I’ll show you…

‘Imagine the type of exercise you’d really enjoy, the type that would help you easily and
effortlessly lose weight,
now, there are so many ways of being active, so many ways to
be more active
and won’t it be interesting discovering which one you’ll enjoy most?’

You might want to throw in a micro-second pause between the rest of the sentence and now – just a beat will do.

This, that, these, those:
This is a simple but effective one.

This and these are
words. That and those are
words. Let me show you…

‘This feeling will remain with you.’

‘These changes will manifest in your life, automatically, without effort.’

Notice how these two words make it sound like you the change is
to you or the listener. Use these when you want a client to
a particular change or when you want them to experience something from their point of view – this and these facilitate subjectivity in trance. Now, the others...

‘That old pattern of the past is no longer relevant and doesn’t bother you in any way, shape or form.’

‘Those former ways of being were right for a younger you but as we mature we find some habits that just no longer suit us and we find better ways instead.‘

I have used these two words to dissociate or disconnect the client from the behaviours they want changed.
A good way to become a really good hypnotist is to really start to think about the precise meanings and implications to the words that you use.
Those and that create objectivity of mind or what you might call ‘distance.’

All the way down:
One of the best and simplest phrases for deepening trance is to say…

‘You can go all the way doooowwwn.

‘Downward’ is suggestive of going deeper into hypnosis.

More language tricks. Next it’s…

That’s right!
You could probably induce a trance just by saying, ‘That’s right,’ whenever anyone manifested ‘trance behaviour,’ that is the physiological signs of hypnosis and trance. It’s a reward for the client following suggestions, an operant conditioning technique: like a verbal pat on the back. When you see a client go deeper into trance use it. If they don’t use it,
‘That’s right, only do what you want to do.’
‘That’s it’
is an alternative. It’s like saying good boy or good girl to a child. You can also say,
‘Good!’ ‘Per-fect!’ ‘Fantastic!’
Always be encouraging throughout a hypnosis session. Examples…

While entering trance someone’s face twitches – you say –
‘That’s right.’

While entering trance someone lets out a sigh –
‘That’s right.’

While entering trance a person’s head rolls to one side –
‘That’s right.

Now, when you notice ‘the moment of hypnotic surrender,’ when they let go into trance fully (see book 1) you definitely say,
‘That’s right!’

Simple, powerful.

Each and both of you.

This odd ‘phraselet’ means your ‘conscious and unconscious selves.’ It is mildly disorienting, ambiguous and vague. Perfect for hypnosis in other words. Usage includes…

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