Mastering Hypnotic Language - Further Confessions of a Rogue Hypnotist (8 page)

BOOK: Mastering Hypnotic Language - Further Confessions of a Rogue Hypnotist
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having this product…’

He was talking while showing these picture/slogan things on a flip chart/booklet (‘Imagine’ is a hypnotic word -see book 1, talking and flipping the chart - trying to overload consciousness, pictorial suggestions offered to peripheral vision: outside of foveal awareness or ‘central vision’ and thus subliminal.)

Ok I’d had enough of the dopey monkey by this point and said,

‘Are you trying to use a yes set on me?’

He froze. I had interrupted his pattern. He had no response available and went into a startled trance: you know the deer in headlight type.

‘I, er, what?’ he stuttered.

‘I am a Master Hypnotist (I’m not!),” I said ominously, ‘Don’t ever try to use that crap on me again. People like me invented that s%*t! Go and try that with someone else…’

I looked at him smiling and knowingly, as though looking at a subordinate, or a naughty child. He smiled nervously, mumbled something stupid and left. You see the emperor never has any clothes.

Sales people are by and large pond scum: I like to play with them. If they ask you lots of questions ask tons back and dominate the conversation. Often they will call you ‘friend,’ ‘mate’ ‘buddy.’ These people have no friends, they want your hard earned cash, they enjoy manipulating people! Now YOU can do it to them.

Adverbs to tell people what to think and feel.

Use ‘ly’ ending adverbs in hypnosis. How many times have you heard some lying lowlife of a politician say something like,

disagree with the Right Honourable prat opposite…’

‘Are you
suggesting that the best economic policy is to sell water to fish?’

Many a politician and corporate bosses favourite nominalisation is,

believe…(insert mad idea)!’

The key words here are:
. As if
something to be true and being passionate about it was a justification for anything! You are free of course to passionately believe anything: you may well believe you are the Cheese god of Mars; however what happened to important things like evidence, logic and proof? And if you were passionate about something wouldn’t it be self-evident? Hitler passionately believed many insane things: was he therefore right?

did not go to kinky sex parties at the tax payer’s expense…’

(Whichever lying two-faced politician you like might say something like this eventually; usually anti-corruption ‘Tsars’).

Adverbs modify verbs, action words; they give us its quality.

‘Happily, undemocratically, theoretically , wonderfully, jokingly, deceptively etc…’

These adverbs are used to tell people how to
think, feel and will
about something and so direct what they

You can use it in hypnosis like this,

‘You can go
into trance…’
(How do you go into trance? Deeply of course!)

‘You can feel
relaxed… (Relax = verb, what do you want your client to do, relax, how so? Deliciously of course! The adverb modifies the verb – it tells you how to do the verb. What does deliciously mean in reality? Let the person’s subconscious fill in the gaps. One person’s idea of delicious is not another’s. Also note that ‘delicious’ is a sensual word. I will cover ‘sensual hypnotic language’ in book 3.)

‘You can
make just the right changes and it can be secret change.’

Don’t make ‘change’ difficult or unpleasant make it a happy shift!

Not now but soon! How to construct ‘deepeners.’

The formula for constructing a deepener is this:

1. Tell someone you are going to do something soon. Not right now but in just a short time ahead.

2. Tell them that when you say or do a trigger activity or phrase that their hypnotic trance will deepen.

3. Ask them if that’s ok rhetorically. That is, assume it is.

4. Go ahead and activate the trigger.

Remember the varieties of the most hypnotic sentence…

‘Not now but soon…not now but in a moment…not yet but soon…in a few seconds…before I/you…’

The Silly Hypnotic Deepener.

'In a few moments not just yet

I’ll say the names of three fruits

and with the sound of each word

you can go 50 times deeper into trance and hypnosis.

You ready? Ok?
(Don’t wait for a response.)

Banana…deeper…and deeper…50 times deeper…

Apple…even deeper than that…50 times deeper into…

your own state of hypnosis and trance…

and one more for luck…


Deeper and deeper still,

all the way down


deep, hypnotic…


What the trigger is doesn’t matter. You set up an
that something will happen on the trigger, the subconscious automatically does the rest.
The power of expectation will be dealt with thoroughly in book 3.

You could click your fingers. Tap their knee/shoulder. You could fart on cue! You can say go 5, 10, 15, 100 times deeper – what does that even mean? It’s all nonsense.

To deepen hypnotic trance you can also get people to imagine that they are going
upward, down, through
You can get people to imagine going to a special place and falling asleep. News programmes often draw people in as do TV shows and films by the camera travelling along, known as ‘dollying’ away from the screen as though pulling you deeper into the imaginary world. That’s a deepener dummy! Sky TV in England does it right at the beginning of the program just after commercial breaks.

You can really get creative with deepeners. See the appendix for your special personal use copyright free bonus: ‘The Unicorn Deepener.’

Embedded commands hypnotic induction.

In this example I am using embedded commands to induce trance.
Notice I am talking about the experience of hypnosis. By so doing the listener makes sense of what I say by experiencing it.

Oh I will give you another way to deliver embeds successfully. You can lower your tonality – the command tone at the end of a sentence, and you can whisper the command (book 1 covers this in detail) AND
you can turn your head either up or down or left or right as you say the embed! The subconscious will notice on what words you turn your head and act on them.
Subtle and sneaky. Many examples of hypnotic language are covered in this induction. See if you can spot them yourself. Be thorough in your analysis.

The Embedded Command induction.

(Remember to use your relaxed hypnotic tone from book 1.)

‘Ok just close your eyes and

listen at some level…

the thing about hypnosis is that

you don’t have to
relax deeply
to do it…

some people pay attention to their breathing…

some people notice bodily sensations they usually ignore

others find as they
go into a trance

that it’s just like when

you’re daydreaming.

So the thing is I don’t know how

you experience hypnosis

everyone is different.

We all have different responses.

You might think that it’s going to be like

a stage hypnotist’s show where he says

And the person can instantly

fall into a very deep…hypnotic trance,

but trance isn’t like that

some people
go into trance

while driving down a motorway

they travel five miles and
how they got there…

Because they knew how to drive.

That is
you’re unconscious

and so your mind was free to

and wander…

It’s not even necessary to

experience feelings of comfort

enter this state.

It’s like when you watch TV

and what you are watching is so interesting that

you become fascinated

by the imaginary reality of the story you are watching.

And we
experience hypnosis

when we
feel utterly absorbed

by an enjoyable activity.

It happens, does it not?

Did you ever
feel an intense state of fascination

about something captivating?

We all do, from time to time, now.

So you see trance is something everyone has experienced…

there are times when you have
become totally absorbed,
are there not?

In trance things just seem to

as a person goes deeper and deeper inside

into that trance of their unconscious mind…

Even your perception of time can alter, now…

A woman told me her hypnotic experience was one

in which she did indeed
feel very calm

that she went on a journey

into the world of her imagination

as we do when we

, really learn.

And as she did that

she sat still and quiet

as I watched from the outside…

The changes in her breathing

the way the pulse on her foot had

slowed …right down…

Those changes are standard

in trance.

I said
‘go inside’

and I don’t even know what that means


it was as though she took a nice

And did she
drift in a reverie?

Who knows?

We all have our own way

as I said

of experiencing hypnosis.

But I know this…

we all
go into a profoundly deep state of hypnosis

when the time is right, now.

This is your chance to
feel entranced.

Trance is the learning state in which

you learn effortlessly.

That state we’ve all experienced

where we could
focus intently

on what had captivated our attention

so that we can
ignore things that aren’t important

just for a while…

It’s nice to know everyone has that ability,

is it not?’


(In an energised voice!)

And now you have completed your journey…

You can on my count of 1-3 return to full waking consciousness

feeling great…

And 1 – aware of your body, environment and noises…

And 2 – feeling almost
wide awake…

unnecessary relaxation leaving your body…

All doubts and negativity washed away…

feeling re-energised and good…

And as soon as you are ready…

You can open your eyes on 3…

Fully back to full waking consciousness,

Feeling alert!

Embeds that induce trance.

You can put embedded commands into any conversation: I advise you don’t.
Milton Erickson had a secretary with recurring migraines take dictation for him. As he dictated the letter he placed embedded commands in the text and the woman’s headache vanished. He also used embedded commands with patients in mental health wards: he mimicked their insane word salad and he embedded commands for good health within them. Patients recovered. The following can be put in ANY conversation…always use with good intention and caution.

‘Calm down.’

‘Feel good.’


‘Notice x.’
(Body part, feeling, images etc.)



‘Become absorbed.’

‘Focus inwardly.’

‘Relax deeply.’

‘Relax deeper.’

‘Relax comfortably.’

‘Enter hypnosis.’

‘Go into trance.’

‘Go inside.’





‘Be still.’

‘Relax very deeply.’

‘Start relaxing…’

‘You are so calm/relaxed.’


‘Feel comfort.’

‘Feel calm.’

‘Feel relaxed.’

‘You become hypnotised.’

‘You drift into a trance.’

‘You fall into hypnosis.’

‘You drift off.’

‘Go into a pleasant relaxed trance.’

‘Experience trance.’

‘Breathing calmly.’

‘Feeling so relaxed.’

‘Rest very deeply.’

‘Draw your attention/focus to x.’
(‘X’ being whatever you like.)

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