Mastering Hypnotic Language - Further Confessions of a Rogue Hypnotist (7 page)

BOOK: Mastering Hypnotic Language - Further Confessions of a Rogue Hypnotist
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You get the idea. These are reframes. You can use this word like any word in a useful fashion or not. When people are told their valid perceptions of reality are insane or just not true when they actually are, this is known as ‘gaslighting’ from the film of the same name. It is a form of mental torture and used in psychological warfare.


Since the end of the so-called Middle Ages the word
has been associated with ‘good,’ ‘progressive.’ But is it? Good and progressive according to whom? The ‘New’ has led to the destruction of many time-honoured traditions and norms.

New washing powder!

New Labour!

New Deal!

New this, new that.

New Year New You!

The New Age (which is ancient paganism???!)

This tiny three letter word has an almost magical power over human minds. It shouldn’t. However as a hypnotist you may well find some use for it. After I have almost completed all therapeutic changes I sometimes say,

‘Look at that new you in the mirror with all the confidence, self-worth and self-belief you desire, the you you always really are and were deep inside etc…’

I then ask them to step into their ‘new self’ and to feel how it feels.


Why is it always implied that something is good because it’s powerful?

‘Learn powerful techniques!’

‘Zitto has the power to kill all acne!’

‘Powerfully increase your success with women!’

‘Knowledge is power.’

‘She was a powerful woman.’

‘A powerfully intoxicating aroma.

As a hypnotist stop taking words for granted: like a writer they are your bread and butter.
Don’t be afraid to invent words and word combos or deliberately use bad grammar.

‘Power play!’

‘Powerful changes!’

‘Power to heal…blah, blah…’

‘The power of your subconscious mind.’

One of the worst words in human history. Meaningless twaddle loved by con men and B-S artists everywhere. Self-help gurus will lull dopey and desperate folk with siren promises of ‘unlimited power.’ Thankfully humans are incapable of having unlimited power.


only do this, don’t do anything but
…it focuses and narrows options –

‘…just relax…’

‘Just in time.’

‘Just focus on your little finger.’


Another option of the above…

‘Only pleasant feeling take you deeper.’

Both these seemingly small words are potentially highly hypnotic as they can be used to narrow the attention.


Temporal predicate…

‘You don’t feel good YET.’

‘You haven’t changed YET.’

‘You haven’t seen the yeti, YET.’

Implication? It will happen. It is about to. Seems very innocent too.

‘I know you haven’t relaxed all the way down yet.’ (But you will!)

Similar to
…one train of thought is interrupted and attention is redirected.


Whatever went before is totally negated.

‘You felt bad BUT things change, feelings change.’

‘You said x,y,z BUT a,b,c can also happen.’

‘Tension can make you feel bad BUT we all relax sooner or later…’


A word of possibilities. Highly hypnotic as in ‘what if’ used to stimulate the imagination and in worrying.

you relax deeply you can feel better.’

you change today what will the benefits be?’

you exercise how much better will you feel.’


An indirect command to DAYDREAM!

‘I wonder how your unconscious will solve that problem?’

‘You can wonder…in trance.’

We ‘wonder and wander’ in our minds when we drift into dolly daydreams.


An indirect command to go inside and daydream, gently reflect on things.
Real meditation is when we simply and pleasantly follow a train of thought.
That is, when we ponder things. A good form of relaxed rumination; in order to do it we – go inside.

‘As you ponder the change you want and it can be secret change…’

‘Ponder, really ponder…’

‘Pondering upon where you’d like this personal process to go…’

So and so said…

The infamous
‘quotes pattern’
it should be called ‘expertise hijacking’ or the ‘sneaky influence’ pattern. You can also use it to dissociate something from yourself by attributing it to another even though you said it.

‘Dr Bumstew said ‘relaxing deeply is good.’

Speed seduction ‘hypnotists’ say things like,

‘…This man walked up to her and said, ‘imagine the two of us having wild sex!’

You put the thought you want the person to think into someone else’s mouth.

‘Dr Milton Erickson, the great hypnotist said…my voice can go with you, like the sound of the breeze in the trees.’

We often do this in normal conversation to sound authoritative: we repeat what we read in a newspaper, we quote from a statistical ‘factoid’ etc.
All hypnosis uses normal and everyday conversational patterns.
The less hypnosis seems like hypnosis the better. Tobacco companies used to use this principle to advertise cigarettes, a quack and no doubt outrageously paid ‘Doctor’ in a white lab coat smokes a cigarette and says, ‘Hmmm good healthy tobacco,’ while smiling.


‘Or you got it, or you ain’t!’
as Zero Mostel said. OR = double bind. The illusion of choice.

‘Do you want to go into trance now or later?’
(Either way you’re going down!)

‘Is your left foot or right hand most relaxed now?’
(Presupposes relaxation too. This also produces a ‘split’ in consciousness. Focusing on two things at once produces overload – trance is the only escape!)

‘Do you want to tidy your room before or after lunch?’

‘Will you vote left or right wing in the election?’
Notice only two choices – a duad – one up on a one party state. Hmmm?

Associational networks.

The human mind works via association. You can hypnotise just by getting people to re-associate or associate to something hypnotic. I almost always say in a first hypnosis session something as simple as,

‘You can follow your own associate processes to these words can you not? Like the word
and follow where it leads you…’

Let’s break this seemingly innocent little remark down.

‘You can follow…’ (The beginning of an indirect suggestion: ‘follow’ what?)

‘…your own
associative processes
to these words… (The key words here are: ‘associate processes’ – what does this mean? Haven’t a clue!)

‘…can you not?’ (Tag question: a negation softener for the above command. The whole statement above is also a truism so is not rejected. It is a fact that we do follow trains of thought triggered by certain words – and when we do we enter trance!)

‘Like the word comfort and follow where it leads you.’ (Here you suggest and you are only a hypnotist and it’s only a suggestion that the listener ‘follow’ their train of associations for the words ‘comfort.’ Trance is comfortable number one and two what will the mind search for? Feelings, memories, other words, ideas, concepts associated with that word. If you said ‘knife’ a whole lot of other associations would be elicited. I am sure few would be good. Remember: hypnosis is an amplifying state as I said in book one, ‘How to hypnotise anyone,’ – be careful where you send the brain!)

In book 3: ‘Powerful Hypnosis,’ I will teach you how to do ‘trance hijacking.’

Ambiguity and confusion.

English is a very ambiguous language. That it has many words that that have multiple meanings, it has many words that mean one thing. Why? Modern English is actually composed of three or four languages: Old English (the pre Norman Conquest Germanic dialect), Norman French and Latin. There’s also some Old Norse in there but that again is a Germanic tongue. A valley in southern England is a dale in the North.

Now ambiguity is hypnotic. Why? When things are ambiguous and open to interpretation the meaning is unclear, our old hypnotic friend vagueness again, and
the brain searches for all possible meanings at an unconscious level.


‘Hear/here…’ -
‘you can hear my voice, here and now…’

A confusing way of saying, ‘Listen.’ Here and hear??? Brain goes on search for meaning – mini trance established. The person has to ‘go inside’ to make sense of what you said. NLP calls this a ’transderivational search.’ I call it a ‘search for meaning.’ Also if a person hears a generalised statement such as,

‘A person can learn,’

The person’s mind will at one level think it means them, that
are the person being referred to – known as a ‘lack of a referential indices.’

Remember the subconscious mind can and does process all possible meanings. So how can we put these principles to any use. By the way it is possible to make a sentence have many possible permutation and meanings. A statement could have up to four or five possible interpretations. So beware of sales people and politicians (just another type of sales person) who might say things like,

‘And so you,
like me,
are probably thinking what’s the best choice…’

An ambiguous hidden command: LIKE ME!!! Politicians use this one all the time: listen out for it. Multiple meanings – ‘like me’ as in have the same point of view and LIKE ME I’m nice! Scumbags!

How about,

‘By now,
you might be wondering which product is best for your needs…’

Hold on let’s rewind that nugget…

‘BUY NOW…you might...’ A covert command to BUY THE PRODUCT NOW!

Another one they use is,

‘…and by and by,’

Seemingly innocent, actually a command to BUY!!! By and BUY! Geddit!? Devious, devious secondary psychopaths out there folks. No morals.

Another one for hypnosis…

‘Entrance/in trance…now.’

Another favourite of politicians is the word, ‘Look!’ They will say,

. The opposition is saying this because blah, blah, lie, blah, lie.’

Now what did they do? They just gave you a command to LOOK at them. That is fixate your attention on them. Prime Ministers, Presidents and politicians use this a lot. Beware of charmers with dead, shark like eyes.

In hypnosis I use this phrase…

‘You can notice words, and you can notice noticing words, and as you notice noticing words you can relax…’

This is a confusing way of saying: ‘listen and relax.’ The ambiguity produces trance.
The confused conscious brain is so overloaded with potential meanings it ‘escapes’ into a trance state.
I sometimes use this for activating amnesia so that a person’s conscious mind doesn’t interfere and try to analyse everything afterwards,

‘You can forget to remember, what you can remember to forget!’


‘You don’t have to remember. The important thing is to have certain experiences naturally recorded in your mind. Their presence has been and will be of service to you. It’s nice to though that they are there, unconsciously, now…’

Analysis of above

‘You don’t have to remember…’
(‘You don’t have’ to pattern – what am I saying by implication? FORGET!)

‘…the important thing…’
(Implication: it’s not important to remember)

‘…is to have certain experiences…’
(Which ones? By the way trust that the person’s subconscious will derive the right meaning for them. It knows more than you or they – consciously – do.)

‘…naturally recorded in your mind. Their presence has been and will be of service to you…’
(‘Naturally recorded’ implies – you learnt it all easily and it’s already there. ‘Has been/will be’: temporal predicates/also mildly confusing – past and future covered very quickly.)

‘…It’s nice to know they are there, unconsciously.’
(If you are unconscious of something you are unaware of it; like when you FORGET! And also that it is NOW automatic.)

(Command: do it all right now please Mr. Subconscious or whatever you are!)

Hopefully you are now learning how this can be used by you, don’t overdo it: prolonged confusion is unpleasant, a little bit is fine and matches the natural experience of learning new things when we often feel a bit confused; and most importantly you are now
of how powerful people will use this stuff against you and yours. If you are aware you can notice it consciously – so it won’t program you surreptitiously.

The fails person.

As an amusing story I thought I’d just tell you how a dumb sales person tried to use NLP on me. I can’t even remember what the twit was selling but he immediately started asking me…

‘Is this something you agree with?’

‘Do you like x,’

‘Is it ok to y?’

He was asking me questions unrelated to his product to establish a
‘yes set.’

An example would be,

‘Do you like nice things?

Well who the f%$* doesn’t!??

Anyway as he did this I failed to answer any of his questions just saying,


‘You don’t know?!’ he replied.

My responses agitated him a bit: the sales techniques weren’t working! He started flipping a chart with pictures as you’d find in a children’s picture book
(hypnotic age regression)
, beside the pictures were simple sentences saying,

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