Mating Fever (7 page)

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Authors: Crymsyn Hart

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Mating Fever
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“That look doesn’t say I have good news.”

“No, it’s not that. Actually your hand tells of a long life. Longer than you may desire, but I think you already know that any way from being mated to a vampire. But you’re not cursed. On the contrary you’re something of an enigma.”

“Well, that sounds wonderful. Any idea on how I deal with what I’m going through?”

“The only way you can deal with it is to confide in someone that you love. Tell Keaton what happened. Once you relive what you’ve been hiding, then you can find peace. You must tell him. If not, it will haunt you. The blood madness will creep from your dreams and drive you insane. That’s all I can tell you.” Stephania released my hands and relaxed back in her chair.

I took another sip of my tea. I hadn’t thought about Mark in a long time. It was only now that my relationship with Keaton had progressed that Mark came to mind. More than just sex. My heart was starting to go out to him. I couldn’t understand it. Maybe that was the part of being his mate. I don’t know. Sighing, I tried to understand everything she had said.

“Thank you for the information. I do appreciate everything that you’ve told me. I guess there’s a lot that I’ve been repressing.”

She nodded. “The one thing about finding your true mate is that everything will come to the surface. It doesn’t matter how much you try and bury it. The longer you’re around them the more the fever will rise. The more you try to hide, the more it will reveal. Don’t fight it.”

Accept it.
“Yeah that’s not going to be easy. You don’t have any more spells that can repress memories do you?”

She shook her head. “Not for you. Don’t despair. Just tell Keaton what’s in your heart. You should go to him tonight and tell him.”

“I’m not sure that’s a good idea. Besides, I don’t even know where he lives.”

Stephania’s mouth turned up in a tantalizing smile. “Well that’s simple.”

She slid her palm over my hand. When that happened, the image of a large brownstone flashed in my mind. A wrought iron fence surrounded the front garden. The bedroom I’d been in before. Other images passed before my eyes that I tried to make sense of, but the address was burned into my memory. I gasped and pulled away. A cold chill lingered where she had touched me. The back of my hand was also slightly pink from where she had touched.

“Forgive me, but with what I give, I must take. It’s the nature of who I am.”

I bit my lip. “What exactly are you?”

“Keaton hasn’t told you?”


“What do you think I am? You already know he’s a vampire.”

“A witch or a sorceress. That’s what I figured.”

A loud cackle erupted from her lips. “You kill me. If only it were that easy. No. I’m a lamia. I prey on men and suck up their seed to keep me vibrant. That was one reason it never would’ve worked out between Keaton and me. But I do have a little bit of magic in me. My grandmother was a witch.”

My mouth fell, but I closed it quickly. I nearly dropped the cup, but set it back on the table. I hadn’t figured she would be some other kind of supernatural creature, at least not another immortal. “So you’re like another kind of vampire?”

“Yes, something like it. But you have no need to fear me. I do not prey on women and besides, I smelled the vampire all over you. It was unbecoming.”

“If vampires don’t smell good to you then why were you with Keaton? Wouldn’t he have smelled, too?”

She got up and wagged her finger at me. “That is true. I made do with it. Being with another vampire, is…” she trailed her hands over her breasts and gave me a smile. Her lips turned up into her cheeks larger than what a normal human could have done. Stephania’s eyes grew large and round as quarters. They reflected the light and then her features returned to normal. “I look far better when I’m in my true form, but I don’t want to scare you.”

“I appreciate that.” I took a sip of my cooled tea and played with the teabag label and thought about everything she had told me. “So, what other creatures exist in the dark?”

“Everything that humans have dreamed about or that have lurked in your nightmares. Only half of the creatures have been catalogued by humankind.” Stephania rose from her seat. “But you should get going. I have a date tonight, and I need to get ready.”

I finished my tea and got up from the table. She opened her arms and drew me into a hug. I’d never know she was some supernatural creature from the hug and the hospitality she’d shown me. I think she was right. We could be friends. I’d just have to get to know her a little better.

“Thanks. Umm...maybe we can have lunch or something. Catch a movie?”

“How about going shopping on Sunday? I can help you pick out something for Keaton. You can totally catch him off guard.”

I blushed. “Okay. I’ll call you.”

“Sounds good. Oh, do yourself a favor and put a line of salt down at your bedroom door and window tonight. Any entrance to your room.”


“Just trust me. It’ll keep the evil at bay.” She shoved a container of salt into my arms.

“Okay.” I clutched the salt, gathered my things, and then left.

While I walked to the train station, her words tumbled through my mind. At least I wasn’t cursed, but she had also brought up the fact that I would be living a long life, but that could be something that wouldn’t happen. I could not accept Keaton’s offer and remain human. I couldn’t think about becoming a creature of the night. The darkness wasn’t appealing to me in that way. At least not yet.

As I boarded the train, people getting on the Green Line Train heading to the Red Sox game swarmed me. Some of them were couples. I watched them discreetly. Their hands wound together on the pole. Smiling at one another. Their lips meeting in a welcoming kiss that turned nearly indecent with the touching and caressing of tongues. Envy wound around me and had me in its harsh claws.

It would be nice to have such a loving relationship. Keaton offered one. But was I ready to accept that offer? Now that my head was on straight and I wasn’t lusting after the vampire or in pain, then I had to consider my options. My demons had to be reconciled.

I rested my head against the pole and wobbled along with train. For three years I’d been alone. Friends had tried to set me up, but I’d always been unreceptive. Now I was ready. Maybe that was the reason things were coming back up. Or I was being forced to face my demons. Either way, I had to own up to the past. Stephania said what happened to Mark and the others wasn’t my fault, but it still weighed on my soul.

The train screeched to a halt. I got out at the station and headed down the stairs to catch the Red Line to head home. While I contemplated heading back to the house, the breeze from the tunnel wafted down toward me. I inhaled the stench and rethought my course for the day. The trip to Stephania’s, hanging there, and then coming halfway back had taken me three hours. Keaton’s address flashed through my mind. I had the sudden urge to go there. I had to see him.

Of course, it was in the middle of the day, so I figured that he wasn’t awake. Then again I had no idea what the rules were for the real vampires and not the ones that were found in books. The pull toward him was irresistible. I bit my lip and tried to resist the attraction. When I dismissed the thought, it started to bring me a faint sense of pain. The need to be near him was coming on me again. I backed up against the tiled wall of the subway. My body ached. When I thought about Keaton, it seemed I was there with him and not underground waiting for a train.

I couldn’t see Keaton, but I sensed he was there. Passion flamed once again through me. I bit my lip to keep a moan from escaping my throat. Keaton’s hands moved all over me. Hot breath blasted into my ear. His palms clutched my breasts, and his thumbs played with my nipples. A groan inched up my throat. His fingers slipped down my stomach until he delved between my wet folds and found my clit. His thumb pressed against the buried bud. I clutched the side of the tiled tunnel and tried to hold my ground. Keaton’s soft chuckle echoed through the subway. When I thought about him, I suddenly saw through his eyes. Keaton was staring in a mirror. His lips were curled up into a mischievous smile. He touched his cheek and I could feel those fingers on my face.

Come to me
, he whispered.

What are you going to do to me if I do?

Come and see.

His image faded. All my senses had returned. I opened my eyes and caught my breath. I wet my lips and gazed around me. People turned their heads in my direction. Some muttered. Others laughed. I ignored them. Once I got my bearings, I clutched the salt to my chest and started climbing the stairs to the surface. The fresh air was a welcome relief. I was on the corner of Park Street and Tremont. Boston Common was to my left, and I had to cut through there to get to Keaton’s house. The sun was lower than I thought.

I remembered his hands on me and started toward his house. I wasn’t exactly sure of where it was, but I followed the pull toward him across the Boston Common and down Boylston Street. The brownstone that Stephania had shown me was there. The windows were covered. I went up to the door and found a combination lock on it. Numbers flashed through my mind when I placed my hand on the door. I smiled and pressed the numbers on the lock. When I did, the door opened. I slipped inside and closed the door behind me.

The interior of the house was dim from the heavy curtains that obscured the windows. I inhaled and tasted the dust in the air. I figured he didn’t open the windows during the day. I squinted through the shadows that clung to everything. I walked further into the entryway and saw a small, old-fashioned bench. A cloak was laid over it. I brushed my hands across the crushed velvet. Further into the house I saw double closed doors. Straight ahead was another door that I assumed led into the kitchen. I walked toward the stairs and saw someone sitting at the top. I gripped the railing and slowly walked up. They creaked under my feet. When I got midway up the staircase, the person sitting on the top step rose.

“Come no further, human!” the person warned. He stayed in the shadow so his face wasn’t visible. He was monstrously tall and muscular.

“Umm…I was invited.”

“No one is invited into the Master’s house. How did you get in here?” He took another step downward. His long nails were curved and sharpened. His face was lumpy. It was disfigured, with sharp teeth, and only slits for a nose. He took another step down and before I could retreat, his meaty hands were around my throat. I dropped the salt and tried to pry his hand from around my neck. His grip was one of death.

The salt hit the step. I heard it land with a thunk and tumble to the floor. The brute roared. He dropped me on the steps. I tried to catch my fall, but was unable to. I tumbled head over heels down the stairs and hit my head on the floor. Something in my arm broke. I heard the crack and felt the burning pain. The bellow of the bodyguard echoed through the house. I opened my eyes and through tunneled vision saw him rushing at me and smelled burnt flesh. I tried to get away, but he grabbed my hip and pulled me toward him. I clutched at the rug beneath me with my good hand, but he was too strong.

“Ivan! Let her go!”

“Master, she has broken into your home and attacked me with salt!”

“And you have done your duty well, but she is expected.”

Ivan grumbled, and he released me. Keaton bent down and picked me up. I hissed in a breath at the pain from my injuries. He kissed my forehead. I eyed the other creature and heard him mumbling as he walked toward the kitchen. Keaton climbed the stairs and picked up the spilled container of salt.

“I think this is yours.” He handed it to me. I held onto it the best I could.


“What are you doing with the salt?”

I sighed when he opened a door. I assumed it was his bedroom. Instead, it was a sitting room. A fire crackled in the hearth. He rested me on the sofa and then took the salt from me and set it on the table.

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