Mating Fever (4 page)

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Authors: Crymsyn Hart

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Mating Fever
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“I don’t know. I didn’t think about it. I wanted her.” He looked straight at me, and I saw the truth in his eyes. “You were pushing me away and not giving me a chance to explain myself. I didn’t mean to scare you with the phone or sending flowers to your work. I couldn’t influence you and you slammed the door in my face. I didn’t think and resorted to drastic measures.”

Hearing the sincerity in his voice, something inside of me melted. “How did you expect me to react when you showed up at my house after you’d called me and I had no idea who you were?”

A small sigh escaped his lips. “I apologize. Can you forgive me? Maybe we can start again. After we get this resolved.”

I smiled. He didn’t seem like a bad guy when I was thinking straight. Getting to know him sounds like a good idea. “I’d like that.” I stuck my hand out. “I’m Melinda Stowe.”

Keaton chuckled. He took my hand and brushed his lips across the back of it. I held in a small moan when his mouth connected with my skin. “Keaton Blackson.”

“This is great and all. You two agreeing to work things outs, but it doesn’t mean that you still don’t want to fuck her and claim her for your mate. Get it over with now. Turn her.”

“I can’t do that. You have to do something to break the mate bond so we can do this the natural way.”

Stephania swirled her nail along her palm. “Not even the strongest sorceress in any line can break the bond between mates. I can make it manageable. That will give you some time to get to know one another.”

My ears perked up when she said that. “How?”

“Well, there is a spell I can do—”

“Anything to make the pain stop,” I said.

“Now that the mate bond has been established, you won’t ever be able to get away from Keaton. And this might give you a little time to learn what he is. I can make the sexual agony controllable.”

Keaton’s stone-faced expression didn’t give me a good read on him. I sure as hell didn’t want to be mated to him. It made me sound like some kind of animal that was going to fuck him. The rational side of me said for me to run far away from him, but my heart agreed that getting to know him wasn’t a bad thing. He had brought me to Stephania to get help. He seemed remorseful for what was going on between us.

“Do whatever you can. No offense, but tonight wasn’t the night I wanted to discover that supernatural creatures were real. I rather enjoyed the wool being over my eyes.”

Stephania cackled. That confirmed to me that she was a witch. She might not have a wart or be green, but anyone with that laugh combined with the fact she could light fire by snapping her fingers, had me convinced. I still hadn’t figured out Keaton yet. I suspected he might be some kind of breath stealing demon. What did it entail for me to be mated to him? How was I going to get to know him? Was he going to put me in his thrall every night and whisk me away to his world?

“Okay. Give me a second.” Stephania disappeared through the beaded curtain. Dishes clanged and doors slammed in the other room. Then I turned to him.

“Can you tell me what the hell is a mate bond? How did this bond form between us?”

He sighed and looked down at his hands. “When I brought you here the way I did, covering you in shadow, the darkness that I’m part of, that’s inside of me, I had to spread it around you, too. It must have accelerating the mating fever, but I never thought that you would be my mate.”

“What is that supposed to mean? I’m not good enough for you?”

A half smile formed on his lips when he turned to me. It lightened his eyes and gave him a boyish appearance. “No. I just never assumed I’d have a mate. Besides, I thought you weren’t interested in me that way with the way you’ve been avoiding me!”

I crossed my arms over my chest and huffed. “I’m not. You’re not my type.” I pulled away from him as far as I dared on the sofa.

He laughed. Keaton slid his hand along the top of my thigh. I bit my cheek from the line of fire that rose along my nerves from his touch. “If I’m not your type, then how do you explain your body’s reactions to my very presence? My touch arouses you. I can smell it on your skin. And you did agree to get to know me better.”

He inhaled next to my ear. The tip of his tongue swept over my throat. I shivered with pleasure and yearned to feel more of him.

He was right. I did agree to get to know him better. “Okay, so maybe I find you attractive. But I want this pain gone before I can rationalize what is going on between us. Is that clear?”

Keaton nodded. “Very clear. Unfortunately, I can’t wipe out the attraction that you feel for me now. Once the mating fever has taken affect and the blood starts to boil; it can’t be ignored. Stephania may be able to dull the pain, but in the end, it will rage until the lust between the two partners is consummated. It can eat away at the mind. It becomes so animalistic that it might hurt the other partner. I can do more damage to you than you could to me. We can work this out. Now that I know you’re destined to be with me, I’ll do everything I can to show you we
meant to be together. Will you let me?”

The truth lit his eyes along with his earnest expression. Keaton ran his thumb across my lips. His touch was tender. I leaned forward and slipped my hands through his hair. I brought his lips closer to mine and kissed his lightly. He moaned. At that moment, I was of two minds. I yearned to taste more of him and see his body before me. To let this fever broil me and for him have his way with me. Then there was the other part that was slowly losing ground that said to hightail it and run. He returned the kiss gently and then pulled away.

“Is that a yes?” Keaton asked.

“I don’t know. I can’t think about anything else except being around you. Is that normal?”

“It is only when the fever has started to burn the body. I’m sorry I’ve brought this upon you. It was never my intent. You intrigued me after I couldn’t influence your mind. After you ran off, I found your SMS card and took it to a store. I influenced the clerk to get your information and an upgrade on your phone. I wanted it to be a foothold into getting to know you better.”

The beads jingled and Stephania returned carrying a goblet in one hand and a knife in the other. “This concoction will help stave off the fever for a while, but I need a couple of more ingredients. I require blood from the both of you.”

“If she ingests any of my blood then it can start—”

“The blood will be good for her and cement the bond between you. It won’t be enough to turn her. If you want her to survive then this is what has to be done.”

I glanced between the two of them. “Do it. I can’t stand this.”

Our hostess took the blade and pressed it against Keaton’s arm. She held the goblet underneath the blade and then sliced the flesh. Blood welled into the cup. When she was done, she took the knife and pressed it into my inner arm. I breathed through the pain. After she was done, he grasped my arm. He licked his lips. His eyes glowed red from the hunger. Things snapped into place then. My mind cleared at that moment with one singular purpose and focus. I was the rabbit and my instincts said to run. He clasped my arm tighter. My heart thundered in my chest. Sweat dampened my palms.

“You really shouldn’t do that right now.” Stephania cautioned.

Keaton growled, but it was too late. I saw his teeth. They weren’t his canines like I expected, but the next teeth over growing longer. “Stay out of this.” He looked back at me. His eyes widened and his nostrils flared. Here before me was the monster I assumed I would turn into. Terror stirred my heart faster. I tried to stay calm. To this point, he hadn’t harmed me. He licked his lips. “Will you let me taste you?”

The wound dripped onto my skirt and his fingers. It must have taken extreme control not to pounce on me. I swallowed and stared back at him. I wasn’t sure what I could say. I did want to feel his lips on me.
What would it mean to have them buried in my throat?
That was my thought that had always lingered when I saw a vampire movie.

“Please.” His voice was filled with longing. The plea stabbed my heart. His other hand ran down my arm. I shivered from the gentle touch. My heart told me he wouldn’t hurt me.

“Do you want this done or not?” Stephania asked me.

“Yes, but can you give us a second please?” Keaton grumbled.

She rolled her eyes, plunked down the goblet and the dagger, and went through the beaded curtain. I looked back at him. “You’re a vampire.”

Keaton nodded. “You’ll keep bleeding if we don’t attend to your wound.”

“And you can.”


I glanced at the cut again and saw it still seeped. I lifted my arm to his lips. His tongue trailed down my arm. A shudder went through him. He groaned. The pleasure of his touch rolled along my skin and made me clench my legs together. Keaton sucked on the wound. After a few gulps, he glanced back up at me. A little bit remained on his lip. I wiped it away. His hand went around my wrist and brought my thumb to his mouth. His tongue wound around it and sucked the blood away. I moaned and leaned forward to kiss him once more. Keaton then claimed my lips. This time I melted into the embrace and easily fell into the fire that consumed me. How would it feel if we were together?

Keaton separated from my lips and kissed my neck before tugging on my ear. “I can show you so many things if you just trust me. I’ll tell you anything you want to know.” He pushed me back gently onto the couch. He straddled me. His stiff cock pressed against my belly. “I want you, Madison. Now! Damn the concoction Stephania has made for you. After tasting you, I know we’re meant to be together. I’ve dreamed about having a mate for centuries. Many others of my kind are happy, and I have ached for the same thing.”

I ran my hands over his chest. A slight heartbeat underneath my palm. I assumed it was from my blood that powered his heart. He was warm to the touch. “What else have you wanted?”

“So, are you going to do this or not?”

We both looked over at the woman who had reemerged into the room. I blinked immediately coming out of the daze I was in. Keaton growled at her and then retreated to the other side of the couch. She looked between us.

“Yes.” Keaton had settled back on the couch next to me.

I couldn’t do this. Panic ran rampant through me. I wanted to be back in my apartment and know that witches didn’t exist. I stood up and straightened my clothes. When I did, I noticed the gash on my arm was only a pink line. Some of my fright died down. Stephania smiled and handed me the goblet.

“Drink it down without stopping, and don’t ask me what’s in it.”

I did what she said and drank the toxic fluid. It tasted of diluted dirt with a hint of copper to it. Once I was done, I set the glass down. A wave of dizziness enveloped me. It took a moment to pass. When it did, I got up from the couch and backed away from Keaton. No pain or lust consumed me. My head was clear.

“Thank you.” I hugged Stephania.

“You’re welcome. I’ve hailed you a cab. Keaton, I think you should go for the night.”

He stood up. The muscles tightened in his jaw. “I will not leave my mate.”

Stephania stepped toward him. “This is not a request. Don’t make me revoke my invitation.”

The darkness of the room enlarged in the space, like a monster taking shape. I backed away and felt a coldness descend into the room. I ran my fingers over my arm to ward off the chill. Nothing was going to stop them. I bit my lip and touched Keaton’s shoulder. He looked at me and I didn’t recognize him for a moment. His nose was scrunched up. His mouth pulled back into a sneer. Keaton’s pupils were fully dilated, filling his eyes until they were completely black. His teeth hung over his lip. His skin had taken on a waxy pallor. He lunged at me, but stopped inches from my throat. When he looked up again, he was more familiar.

“You shouldn’t have done that. I could’ve hurt you,” he said, slowly forcing his words.

“You have to try and woo me remember?” I kissed him lightly on the cheek.

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