Read Mica Online

Authors: Kate Hill

Tags: #Romance

Mica (20 page)

BOOK: Mica
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“Dame Sun and I could never be a match.”

Kado’s brow furrowed. “Mica, I have no way of knowing how the woman feels but I do believe I know you. You cannot pretend your feelings for her do not exist. To do so will destroy you.”

“I am dedicated to the Goddess.”

“I don’t doubt that. No matter what happens you will continue to serve Her and your people but not necessarily by becoming a Priest.”

Mica stood, drawing a deep breath and folding his arms across his chest. “After the war I swore I would never use my skills solely for destruction again. Training for Priesthood has made me feel like a human being instead of the animal who led my father’s army.”

“There’s nothing wrong with serving the Goddess in order to feel useful but giving up such an important part of yourself such as the ritual of Priesthood demands is not meant for all people.”

Mica turned to Kado who still sat motionless at the table. He nodded to the sapphire at the High Advisor’s throat. After the ritual, each Priest was given a jewel to symbolize his sacrifice. “Do you regret your decision?”

Kado offered a slight smile. “Not so far but between the two of us, Mica, if I someday meet a woman who makes me feel like Dame Sun apparently makes you feel I might very well regret it. Not that I would ever change my life. I’m honored to have earned my position but it’s one I thought very carefully about. I ask you to do the same.

The Priesthood should be a way of life, not a way to
from life.”

“I have never hidden from life.”

“No, you never have. That’s why I wonder about your reaction to Dame Sun.”

“A man cannot give up his goals just because he finds a woman beautiful any more than a married man should commit adultery because he’s attracted to a woman other than his wife.”

“You’re not some fickle idiot who frequents brothels and impregnates every woman in the vicinity. We’re talking about
woman. If you ask me a very good woman.”

“She is a good woman,” Mica said. “And I’m dying of bog tremors.”

“So that’s the reason.”

“No. Maybe part of it but not the whole reason. Sir Blaze claims he might have a cure.”

Smiling, Kado stood and clasped Mica’s shoulders. “That’s wonderful. I didn’t think there was a cure.”

“It’s an herb called portia. He said it has worked before on bog tremors but only
within the first year. It’s probably too late for me but it can’t hurt to try.”

Kado placed a hand to Mica’s cheek. “We’ll pray for you in the temple.”

Mica’s lips twitched upward. “Thank you.”

“Has Sir Blaze already started the treatment?”

“No. He didn’t have any portia left but Valor and Milady promised to send some from the Unownland. I have to go. Sun will be waiting for me.”

“Think about what we discussed.”

“I will. Thank you.”

* * * * *

Mica and Sun left almost immediately on their journey. Several hours later, Sun edged her horse alongside Mica’s and said, “I think we should rest.”

He squinted toward the midday sun and nodded.

At least he didn’t put up an argument. His last attack must have reminded him that he was in no condition to play the hero. Still she admired him for taking such an active role in aiding his people. She’d known people hampered by far less suffering than Mica who wouldn’t lift a finger to help someone else. Sun finally believed he was
like his father.

They stopped in the shade of a tall, narrow rock and watered their horses before sitting for a drink and light meal.

“How much farther?”

“We should reach their camp early tomorrow morning.” Mica leaned against the stone and closed his eyes. “I doubt they’re traveling much at this time of year.”

“Are you feeling all right?”


“You better not be lying to me.” Concerned, Sun felt his forehead and he pulled away.

A look of annoyance crossed his face. “It’s the middle of the desert, Dame Sun. Who isn’t warm?”

“What is wrong with you? Can’t a woman show a little concern? And you say I hold a grudge.”

“We don’t have time for concern or grudges. I want to cover as much ground as possible before nightfall.”

Shaking her head, she said, “The last time you said that you ended up flat on your back for almost three days.”

He spun, his dark eyes gleaming with rage. “Do you think you can stop bringing up my weaknesses every few seconds?”

“Why are men so sensitive about the most ridiculous things? No one is strong all
the time, Mica.”

“You seem to be.” A teasing smile played around his lips.

Sun relaxed. Here was the Mica she was accustomed to.

They mounted their horses and continued their journey. Maybe she was paying too much attention to his affliction. She was a Dame. A warrior and a healer. Usually she could distance herself from any situation. How quickly one’s views changed when love interfered.

“Ridiculous,” she muttered.


Sun glanced at him, startled that she’d spoken loud enough for him to hear.

“What’s ridiculous?”

“You are for trying to pretend nothing’s wrong.”

“Nothing is wrong—right now. Did it occur to you that when I’m between bouts I’d rather not think about them?”

Guilt struck her. She hadn’t considered that. “I’m sorry.”

After several moments of silent travel he said, “No, I’m sorry. I’m grateful for all you’ve done especially considering who my father was.”

“I try not to think about who your father was. You’re not like him.”

He winked. “Finally believe that, eh?”

Sun lifted her chin. “So far you haven’t given me reason to believe otherwise.”

“I knew I’d convince you. I told you I’m halfway decent.”

“I can see that.”

“Before the bog tremors, I was handsome too.”

“Don’t press your luck, Mica.”

“Couldn’t hurt to try.”

She glanced at him from the corner of her eye. “You’re still handsome.”

He flashed his irresistible grin and her heart fluttered.

Throughout the day they stopped to rest several times. At dusk they found a cave to spend the night.

While Mica tended the horses Sun built a fire. The world outside the cave turned dark and cold but they sat side by side, warmed by the flames.

“Do you ever regret becoming a Dame?”

Sun met his gaze. “No. Sometimes it’s difficult. Our training isn’t easy but I love my life. We try to do good work.”

“You’re one of the kindest people I’ve ever known.”

“Kind? Me? Maybe I’m not so bad. It’s my temper that gets the better of me at times.”
“I know that feeling well enough.”

“Most of the time you seem to have a very good temperament.” She edged closer to him.

His lips parted slightly, beckoning her to kiss them. She leaned closer until her mouth covered his. Closing her eyes, she enjoyed the warmth of his lips, the way they caressed hers, the way their tongues stroked and tasted. He gently nipped her lower lip and placed a hand to her nape.

Without warning he tugged away and stood.

“What?” she demanded, her gaze following him as he paced the cave, his head nearly touching the craggy ceiling.

“This might not be a good idea, Dame Sun.”

She felt a bit taken aback then angry. “It seemed to be a good idea the last time we made love.”

“I wasn’t thinking about our lives, only the moment.”

Her stomach tightened along with her fists. “Well thank you very much.”

“Sun, think about what I’m saying. You have vows to uphold for your Order and I’m going to be a Priest.”

“Why the sudden change, Mica? Is it because I admitted I care for you?” She stepped in front of him and placed her hands on her hips. “I knew it. You’re using my own techniques against me. You’re just like every other man. Once you think you’ve snagged a woman you don’t want her anymore.”

“That’s not true, Dame Sun. I’m just thinking about our beliefs.”

“If you are so enthusiastic about being castrated you wouldn’t have made love with me to begin with. Unless you were using me to decide whether or not it’s what you want so I guess I shouldn’t feel so guilty about that first night after all.” Sun shook her head and kicked the rock wall. Why did she have to be stupid enough to fall in love with Mica? He was like his father after all—a self-centered pig.

“Sun, I wasn’t using you to decide anything. Until I met you I was certain I wanted Priesthood.”

She held his gaze, her fingers biting into her arms. What was he trying to say?

“Damn you.” He advanced on her in a single stride. One arm wrapped around her waist and pressed her body to his while he buried his other hand in her hair and drew her face closer. He spoke against her lips, “I’ve never wanted a woman so much in my life. Until I saw you I thought I might as well be a eunuch for all the desire I had left in me.”

Before she could reply his lips covered hers, his tongue exploring every warm, slick corner of her mouth.

Sun clung to his neck, her breasts crushed to his chest, his lashes tickling her face.

He slid his hand up her back, the heat of his palm seeping through her clothes.
“Before I saw you I thought I knew exactly what I wanted.” He buried his face in her neck, kissing the tender flesh.

“So did I.”

“Sun, the portia might not work. I could be dying.”

She took his face in her hands. “We’re all dying, Mica. No one knows how long we have.”

“Part of me is loyal to the Priesthood.”

She sighed. “You’re still undecided.”

“I’m sorry.”

She rested her forehead against his chest. Though she wanted to be with him she understood his feelings.

“Damn it. I know I’m terrible because I still want you so badly,” he said.

“I want you too.”

“Should we say to hell with everything again?”

She turned away, closing her eyes, her pulse racing. Of all the times she’d slept with men she’d never felt so confused. Except for Blaze and Lock, Sun disliked men. Yes she used them. Yes she mocked them. Perhaps the Spirit was punishing her by making her fall in love with Mica.

“Dame Sun?”

“We need to make a decision. I want to make love with you again, Mica. I want to keep making love with you but I will not give up my life and my freedom. You think you might want to be a Priest. We’ve already broken our vows or at least I have. I propose this—for the time we have while I’m here we will do as we please. When I leave, this relationship will be over.”

“I don’t know if I can do that.”

She turned to him, her stomach churning. Inside she ached with desire for this man who had stolen her heart.

Intently holding her gaze, he said, “You mean more to me than a sexual partner, Dame Sun.”

“Let’s just leave it at that for now, Mica.” She braced her hands against his chest to prevent him from moving closer.

“Once the Bedouins are settled and we know what we’re facing we will deal with this.”

“And for now?” Sun’s nipples tightened, the hard buds pushing against her vest.

Her legs weakened and her clit tingled at the thought of sating her passion with his lean, smooth body.

“For now.” He grasped her shoulders and hauled her to his chest, his mouth descending on hers in a plundering kiss.
Chapter Ten


Sun closed her eyes and slid her hands up his back. Her clit pulsed in time with each delicious stroke of his tongue against hers. She was a fool to believe she could continue making love with him without succumbing to her emotions.

“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered close to her ear. Trailing his lips down her cheek and neck, he caressed her breasts through her clothes. Her nipples tightened, aching for the sensation of his flesh directly against them.

The tickling kisses on her neck and shoulders made her tingle with delight. She uttered a soft moan, buried her fingers in his hair and pressed closer to him.

He took her face in his hands, his sultry gaze fixed on hers, and spoke against her lips. “I need to feel you, Sun. Every inch of your magnificent body so close to mine that we cannot tell your heartbeat from mine.”

Sun’s insides quivered. Never in her life had a man made her feel so weak yet so powerful. Stepping away from him, she shed her clothes. His gaze never left her but lingered over her powerful yet feminine body. He undressed then wrapped his arms around her waist and held her close. The sensation of her pelvis against his, their pubic hair mingling, her breasts crushed against his chest was enough to drench her pussy.

How she wanted him.

Lowering himself to the blankets they’d spread on the ground, he loomed above her, supporting his weight on his forearms and gazing into her eyes. He looked about to speak and she prayed he wouldn’t. Now was not the time for talk but for satisfaction.

She ached for it.

As if sensing her desire or perhaps surrendering to his raging need he buried his face in her neck, licking and kissing.

His erection pressed against her. With a shift of his hips he rubbed the thick, smooth head over her clit.


“Dame Sun,” he purred, running his tongue around the curve of her ear until she writhed with passion and dug her fingers into his solid back muscles. Sun panted, her lust growing.

Inch by marvelous inch he slid inside her, filling and thrilling her. Sun’s legs wrapped around him. Her hands slipped downward and grasped his firm bottom. As they rocked together, she kneaded his muscular buttocks, their movements restrained in an attempt to prolong the inevitable burst of pleasure.

Their hearts raced in unison, their breath fanning each other’s flesh. In spite of the coolness of the nighttime desert their bodies heated.
Sun closed her eyes and moaned with unabashed desire. They were completely alone, totally free within an endless stretch of sand dunes.

Threading her fingers through his hair, she savored the sleekness of his long, black tresses. His masculine scent filled her. She gasped as his long, thick cock rubbed her toward perfection. His body fit so perfectly to hers. Never had she dreamed such a wonderful lover. It was as if he knew exactly what she wanted and how fast she wanted it.

BOOK: Mica
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