Midnight Sex Shop (4 page)

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Authors: T. A. Grey

BOOK: Midnight Sex Shop
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His fingers squeezed her
with strong, possessive strokes. As she grabbed his head and angled her mouth
across his delicious one, she wondered why she'd never given a man's hands a
passing thought. Because this man had hands to die for. All too soon, he pulled
back from her, breathing hard.

Her throat burned to breathe
in gulps of air. "What was that?"

He looked so serious for a
moment it unnerved her. "Something quite different. Come on, I'll show you
the rest of the facility and then you can tell me all about yourself."

"That isn't why I'm
here. I have a job to do."

"And yet you just had
your tongue down my throat, and your pussy is so wet I could slide easily
inside you."

Her cheeks burned hard and
she looked away from him.

Touché, Cade. Touché.




"I'm going to need to talk to your employees."

"You mean interrogate
them.” Lina had a feeling she was in a little bit over her head with this man.
She must be desperate, because she wanted a man who owned a sex club. Yeah, she
was definitely off her rocker. How could she even introduce someone like that
to her friends, her family?

Hey Mom, this is Cade. He
owns a sex club downtown.

Oh, the Midnight Sex Shop,
her mother would say in her high voice. I’ve been there, dear. Have you tried
the Bubble Gum Room?

Yeah, that would go over so

"No, I don't plan on
interrogating anyone until I have a suspect. For now though I need to talk one
on one with them. If someone has heard something or worse then I'll be able to

He lifted a brow at her as
he pulled out a chair for her. How gallant. She took the seat and he sat next
to her in front of the dozen of screens that monitored all areas of the club.
The control room, a.k.a the cockpit, according to Cade.

"Are you a mind reader

She looked at him hard.
"Just that good. Listen, you don't get to be a cop and not notice these
things. It doesn't always work, but when you've seen people lie and tell the
truth enough, you get a feel for it. Not only that but body language plays a
big part in it. If someone is antsy at my line of questioning then it might be
for a good reason."

He spun her chair to face
his. His big legs stretched out to cover her much smaller legs. He leaned
towards her, his hands resting firmly, hotly on her spread knees. "What's
my body language telling you, Detective?"

That you want me.

She didn't need to be a
detective to read that. His eyes were dilated, the pulse at his neck faster
than it should be since he was sitting, and looking down his body,
couldn't be ignored. His cock was a hard bulge in his trousers.

"You know what it's
telling me. Can we get to work now? I've had enough playing around for the
day." She had to keep things professional, couldn’t keep kissing or
flirting with this man when she had a job to do.

He threw his head back and
laughed. It was a rich, delicious sound. Damn, when had she started referring
to men as delicious? He wasn't a damn food. She licked her lips at the taut
tendons in his neck. Or maybe he was. She could easily lick and bite that.

"I'm not nearly done
playing with you, Lina. In fact, I haven't really started. Remember you agreed
to have me around." He leaned forward again, his big body invading her
space. His breath smelled of coffee and passed along her lips. "Besides, I
haven't discovered all of your fantasies yet, and I plan to."

She frowned. "Why would
you care what my fantasies are? I mean really is your fantasy to chase women
who obviously don't want you and who think what you do is disgusting?" His
big hands crawled up her thighs. Her breath caught in her throat.

“So now you're interested in
my fantasies, Lina? Well, you'll have to do more than ask me to find that out.
I happen to care about what pleases you, Detective. I already told you there's
something between us. This isn't something I feel often. I'm an explorer as
well as a businessman. I'd like to discover what this is between us. And don't
lie to yourself, Lina." His lips passed over hers so gently, a feathery
touch, and then a warm whisper in her ear. "You want me very much. You
want me to take you so badly your panties are wet. You ache inside just as my
cock aches to be inside you. Isn't that right, Lina?" He pulled back, his
eyes tracing over her face. His lips pulled into a slow smile.

"You don't know
anything about me, Mr. Vanderoth. Now can we get back to work?" Her words were
spoken through tight lips, but nothing she could do could hide her hard nipples
or blush.

Cade leaned back with a cocky
smile she wanted to hit off his face. He showed her the camera controls that
watched over the club and explained to her how she could work them if she
wanted to see something. "I'd like to see some of the employees right now.
Who's free right now?"

"I'll take you to the
break room, but I won't have you interrogating my employees. You may ask
questions nicely, casually. I don’t want to raise any suspicions."

"Thank you, boss. Now
can we go?" He stood and led her down to the break room. When he followed
her in, she stopped him. "I need to do this alone. They will feel more
pressure if their boss is hanging over my shoulder. You said you don't want
this to be an interrogation, right?"

He didn't look happy, but he
nodded. "Meet me in the control room when you're done." Only after he
was gone could she breathe freely. The man affected her too much where she was
concerned. And that she was actually contemplating sleeping with him was beyond
crazy. She never slept with someone from an investigation. Hell, he could not
only be lying about the child pornography, but could be in on it, though her
gut told her no. That wasn't the way this man worked.

Lina stepped into the break
room and took a deep breath. Two males and three women were drinking coffee and
eating a late-night breakfast. The scene might not be unusual except the blonde
male had hair down to his waist and was wearing only a black bowtie and a thong
that cupped his sex like a hand. Lina gulped. The other man was bald and built
like a bodybuilder. He wore earrings in his ears, nose, nipples, and when he
laughed at something one of the women said, she saw the glint of metal in his

Her eyes traveled over to
the women. It was like seeing three characters from different movies sitting
next to each other. A woman with Asian features had her hair pulled back into a
severe bun. She wore black-rimmed glasses and a grey and white pinstriped suit
that clung to her petite body. She looked harder and realized there was no
blouse under the jacket.

The next woman was a teenage
boy's fantasy. She was tan, tall, and blonde. She wore a red negligee outfit
that clearly showed her very perky, very big breasts and long legs to
perfection. The last woman was another fantasy come to life. A red plaid
mini-skirt, a white blouse cut off at the midriff, and a braid down her back.
The schoolgirl.

Linaa approached the table.
They quieted as they saw her. Good, they knew she wasn't from around here.

"Hello, I'm Detective
Lina Blackmore. I'm performing an investigation here, and I was wondering if
you could answer some questions for me."

The five looked at each
other then back at her. The bald man spoke up first. "You have permission
to be here?"

"Mr. Vanderoth showed
me here himself. If you want, I can give him a call and have him talk to you. I
understand your hesitation."

"No, I saw him come in
with her," the schoolgirl said. Her voice was normal, feminine but not
cutesy or husky or anything special. She didn't know why but that surprised

"What's this
about?" the blonde Chippendale asked.

"I'm investigating some
rumors about possible child pornography."

The women's mouth opened,
while the men broke out into laughter. Damn, that wasn't the reaction she'd
been hoping for.

"Detective, the
youngest thing we have here is 20. That's as low as Cade will go, and they're
not allowed to even drink with their guests." The other’s nodded with him.

"I don't understand.
How did this rumor start? I can tell you there are no rumors like that going on
here," Ms. Suit said.

"We received an
anonymous tip down at the station. I'm simply here to find out if the tip holds
any merit. Naturally something like this isn't taken lightly." There was
an awkward silence; everyone looked down.

"You could try talking
to Sara. She's the manager around here. Knows everything about everything, you
know what I mean? She's the eyes of this place, aside from Carlos of
course," the blonde woman said.

"And what are your

"I'm Sam," the bowtie
man said. "The baldie is Lou, Ms. Saigon is Alice, the blonde bombshell is
Renee, and the schoolgirl here is Ashley." Normal names, seemingly normal
people. If she just pretended this was Halloween then this would be totally

"Nice to meet you. Lina
Blackmore here. So tell me, who's this woman that's the eyes of this place and
who's Carlos?"

Alice spoke. "Carlos
sits in the control room watching us constantly. It's his job to make sure
nothing bad happens to us."

Lina frowned. "But there
are a lot of employees and only so many monitors in the control room. How does
he watch everyone?"

Lou leaned forward, the
muscles in his arms, chest, and neck bulging. Wow. "We have sweepers;
that's what we call them. They are always walking the floors, listening,
watching to make sure nothing gets out of control. The manager, Sara, is one of
them. Course she also schedules us and plans events and so on."

"I see. So have any of
you heard anything about clients wanting something more extreme or dangerous,
or have any of them tried to order something that wasn't on the menu?"

Sam shrugged then said,
"Last week I had a guy want to piss on me. We may do some extreme fetishes
here, but for health reasons defecating and urinating on the employees is a

“Plus it’s gross,” Renee
said with a laugh.

Lina couldn't stop the laugh
from coming. The others joined in and it almost felt like a normal conversation.

"If you want to talk
about clients who order on the 'extreme' side of things, then you need to talk
to Rebecca, Don, Henry, and Madeline."

Lina pulled out her black notebook,
wrote down the names, and made a few notes. She said her thanks and left the
break room. She hesitated outside. She'd told him she'd meet him in the control
room, but instead she turned in the opposite direction and decided to see what
she could find when the boss man wasn't around.




Lina walked into the main hall, the one at the top of the main
staircase. Cade had said this part of the floor was for the rich voyeurs. Lina couldn’t
keep her gaze from watching the current occupants.

A tall man with a skinny
body had two employees on their knees in front of him, a redhead and a brunette.
He jerked off as they opened their mouths eagerly. Lina felt like her eyes were
trying to escape her skull. The man's cock was swollen and hard. He panted with
excitement and let out a long groan as semen started spurting from his cock. He
sprayed each of the women in the face, in their open mouths. They moaned as if
they liked it and swallowed after he finished.

Lina flushed hard and beat a
quick retreat down a neighboring hallway. A door to one of the private rooms
opened and the woman she was looking for came out. She looked startled for a
second and said something to whoever was inside, then closed the door sharply
behind her.

Lina approached Sara. The
woman was entirely too beautiful. Stunning really. She was average height, but
nothing else about her was ordinary. Her eyes were a gorgeous blue like the
ocean in the tropics. Her hair was blonde but looked natural, thick, and shiny.
Her body was perfect. Just enough hip to be curvy and not a Coke bottle, just
enough breasts to be sexy and full and not fake. Even her ass looked rounded
and firm in the leather jumpsuit she wore today.

"What do you

Lina arched a brow.
"I'd like to have a few words with you if that's all right." The
woman scoffed and turned down the hallway.

"Fine, but do try to
keep up. I have things to do."

Lina looked back at the room
Sara left. "What room is that?"

Sara's back stiffened. It
was faint, but Lina didn't miss the natural reaction. "It's a private
room. One of our customers is in there now. What do you want to know, Detective?"
Biting words if she'd ever heard them.

"Have you had any
clients asking about services you don't actually offer? Things off the menu, let's

Sara stopped and turned, her
head cocked to the side. "Hmm. Well, every few weeks we have customers
trying to get golden showers, dirty Sanchez’s, and those kinds of things. But
that's not uncommon. In fact, we have a list of clients who are 'repeated
triers' as we call them. They come in, order a party or a woman, whatever, then
try to get in something we don't do. It never works, but their men with money
and think if they offer enough or ask enough, they'll get it." Sara rolled
her heavily made up eyes. They glittered with green and black makeup. It fit
her eyes very well.

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