Midnight Sex Shop (3 page)

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Authors: T. A. Grey

BOOK: Midnight Sex Shop
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A small part of her had
hoped that when she reported to Captain Drammer what happened, minus the sexual
tension, he’d send another officer in. But no luck.

Especially not after Mr.
Cade Vanderoth called the Captain personally to clarify how happy he’d be to
work with Lina.

Lina reached underneath her
jacket to feel her gun. The cold metal steadied her wayward thoughts. It always
brought her back to reality. It was a reminder. A reminder of the dangers and cold,
stark reality of life.

“Lina,” said a familiar,
deep voice. “I’m so happy you came.”

Cade Vanderoth stepped up
from behind her. He looked impeccable in an expensive black suit with the
jacket unbuttoned. The white shirt underneath looked soft and probably cost
more than her entire outfit tonight. Even his shoes looked nice, they reflected
the flashing lights off the ceiling.

Seeing him again up close
and not in her mind was harder than Lina had expected.

“Mr. Vanderoth.” She stood
so she didn’t feel like he was towering over her. She thought she was nervous
before, but that was nothing compared to this. Her skin felt tight, her stomach
queasy, and her heart thudded in her chest.

“I insist that you call me
Cade.” His eyes searched her body taking in her leather jacket and jeans. The
look he gave her was smoldering and approving.

“Fine.” When had her throat
gone so dry?

“I thought I’d show you
around tonight. I see that you’ve already seen the sex rooms. They’re used as
part of the atmosphere here, but they can be rented out too.” He pointed to the
walls surrounding the top floor; they were filled with couples fucking. “The
employees humbly refer to them as Fuck Huts.”

Lina’s laugh escaped before
she could smother it. Cade sent her an approving smile.

“You look beautiful when you

She turned her head quickly
so he wouldn’t see the blush on her face. Damn the man she didn’t want to like

“It’s all right to smile
around me Lina. I like it.” He motioned to the upstairs balcony. “Shall we?”
When he offered his arm to her, he reminded her of a knight—only this knight
would surely have the title
in front of it.

Feeling silly, Lina crossed
her arms. He only laughed at her. “Fine, we can hold hands later.”

Lina followed Cade through
the dense crowd of clubbers. Yet it was easier than it was for her last night
because the dancers parted easily for the imposing man in the suit.

“The members of my club pay
good money to have their pleasures filled.” He paused at the top of the stairs
and motioned to the clear room she’d seen the three men in last night.

“This is our main lobby.
Because it’s out in the open, it costs more. We have a large clientele of
voyeurs.” As he described the details of the room, a thin blonde woman braced
herself on her hands and knees so an eager, large-bellied man could mount her
from behind.

Cade turned to see her
reaction. Whatever he saw there—mostly disgust she thought with pride—made him

“We have very strict rules
for our members here.” He moved closer to her as he spoke. Their arms nearly
touched. Lina’s heart beat faster in her chest. At this rate he was going to
give her a heart attack.

“First, we screen our
clients. Applying to be a member here is like applying for a job. And we’re
highly selective.”

The man fucking let out a
deep groan that vibrated even through the clear glass walls. Cade and Lina both
turned just in time to see the rotund man shove in one last time and shudder
his climax into the woman.

Cade continued as if nothing
had happened. “Secondly, condoms are a must. We provide them. Our guards,
cameras, and employees are trained to watch for that.”

“But how can you watch
everyone here? There are way too many people, and what about the people on the
dance floor. I saw one man last night that I can guarantee is dangerous.”

“Only clients with our premium
membership can receive sexual services of this kind. Nearly anything your heart
desires. Almost everything can be bought here…for the right price. The dance
floor is open to the public, it even helps us to get new clients, but they’re
never allowed upstairs. They can only watch. Tell me; what’s your darkest
desire, Lina?” The quick change in subject nearly had her feet stumbling. A
traitorous lick of desire swept through her at the huskiness of his tone.

For a brief moment she had
an image of Cade thrusting between her spread legs. She closed her eyes to shut
out the vivid image. Her own pussy throbbed at the idea.

“Doesn’t it bother you that
you’re employees are essentially prostitutes?” She regretted her words when his
jaw tightened and his face flushed with anger.

Cade invaded her space,
looming over her with an intensity that made her yearn to touch her gun. “Only
certain employees sign up for full-intercourse. By choice,” he added. “They are
greatly compensated and protected by my security, and I guarantee that their benefits
package is better than yours. I’ll also have you know that our employees are
healthy and drug free. I’m not a pimp,” he sneered the last.

She blinked, taken aback. “I’m
sorry,” she said, forcing herself to meet his intense stare.

He shook his head and made
the effort to unclench his jaw. “It’s fine. Perhaps while you’re here you can
learn something about this kind of business. While there is a dark side to it,
there’s still a very pleasant one. The one that makes you explode with
pleasure, your cheeks pinken with excitement, and your body primed for a fuck.
Plus they make a lot of money.”

His words created havoc in
her body. He started down the main hall and she followed. She wanted to say
something, but honestly, what could she say? She was wrong, and he’d put her in
her place. Her jaw clenched but she knew when she’d been beat. And when she was

“I’m sorry.” He looked over
at her as if gauging her sincerity. Finally, he smiled. He wasn’t model worthy,
she thought. His face was lean; his cheekbones sharp, his lips a little thin.
Yet none of that detracted from his appeal.

“Don’t worry about it. These
rooms on either side of the hall are for the more private guests, or those
requiring special themes.”

“How many customers do you
average a week?”

“We have about 112 regulars
and a few others that come every few months or so. And down here,” he said
turning down another hallway, “is our special floor. Why don’t we take a look?”

Before she could even nod,
he was pulling her into one of the rooms. Lina managed to keep her mouth
closed, but her eyes did bulge. The walls were lined with whips and paddles,
some barbed with silver balls and short spikes. There was a table with thick
leather straps on it and a cross dangling from the ceiling with more straps
dangling from it.

“I take it this is the BDSM room?”

He looked down at her, and
there was a teasing laughter in his eyes. “Come on, this isn’t for you. Let’s
try this one.” He tugged her by the hand into the adjacent room.


Everything was in pink and
red. A bubble of laughter escaped her. A canopied bed that could easily fit an
orgy of people was covered in pink covers with white and red fluffy pillows. A
white table held an array of furry handcuffs, paddles, ribbons, and ties.

“What’s this room called?”
she asked, curiosity getting the better of her.

“The Bubble Gum Room.”

She laughed again, surprised
to find herself relaxing in his company. He was so at ease around these rooms
where people came to experience their desires and fantasies, it was unreal. She
could never work in a place like this. It was all too bizarre. Yet that wasn’t
entirely true, because she was in these rooms with this man and felt at ease.
Hell, she was even having a pretty good time.

“Here, let’s try this one.”
The next room was filled with just a bed on the floor and mirrors everywhere.
She didn’t know if she was getting used to all this or if this was just more
tame, but she just shrugged at him. Smiling, he took her down the hall to
another room.

The next room was even
tamer. A room with a big screen TV so, as Cade put it, the customer could watch
and experience his desire at the same time. Lina rolled her eyes and he showed
her the next room. She was really starting to enjoy this. She was even placing
bets on what the next room would be next. Full of giant diapers, a baby bottle,
and a crib.

She was sorely disappointed.

“There’s nothing special
about this room. It’s just a bed. Not even a pink bed at that, or one covered
in leather ties and masks and God knows what left over secretions. Is this the
‘normal’ room?”

She felt his heat before she
realized he’d moved closer to her. His expensive black suit was brushing
against the sleeve of her jacket. She had the urge to move away, to distance
herself, but she was made of sterner shit than that. She stood her ground.

“No, this is a special room,
Lina. You just don’t see it for what it is. Look closer at the bed.” She
hesitated, her fingers twitching to feel her gun.
You’re a big girl and it’s
just a bed
. She went to it. As she got closer, she saw silky straps hanging
from the four bedposts.

She shook her head. “I’m at
a loss. I’m afraid you’ll have to explain it to me. How is this any different
than all the other straps and ties in the other rooms?”

He stepped up behind her,
crowded her body with his heat, his potent scent. Lina felt a lick of heat
spark inside her, her stomach danced at his presence.

“This Lina is where I’d tie
you down, blindfold you, and take you. Every touch will feel stronger, more
potent than usual, and then when I finally enter you, you’ll be asking yourself
who is fucking you. Your body will be mine. I’ll own you, and you’ll love every
minute of it. No sight, Lina. You will feel my cock stroking deep inside you,
smell our mingling scents, and hear the sounds of our ragged breathing. You'd
like that, wouldn't you Lina?"

Lina couldn't get the image
out of her head. She could feel the heat of him behind her now and smell his
natural, masculine scent and it only heightened the imagery. She swallowed as
she stared down at the bed; her panties were a reminder of just how excited
he'd made her with only a good description. As if he was not only planning this
already but also knew with certainty that she'd do it.

Lina was afraid she might
just do that. And that terrified her as much as it thrilled her. Abruptly, she
turned and walked around him. She needed to get out of this room and the
reminder of his words, now. Her pussy was wet and swollen and hot. She should have
heard him move, but she didn't, too wrapped up in her own stupid thoughts.

One second she was walking,
and the next she was pushed up against the white door with a very hard, very
male body pressing into her. She stared at the base of his tanned throat,
couldn’t make herself meet his eyes. He caught her chin with a finger and
lifted her face. A wave of fear and excitement pulsed through her at this look.
Hard aroused man. A look that said he was fighting not to do exactly what he
said. She licked her dry lips and she saw him swallow.

"I don't know what this
is between us Lina, but I plan on finding out." He leaned closer, his lips
almost touching hers. A scant breath separating them. Oh God, he was going to
kiss her, and she was going to let him. Her breaths were ragged, shallow and
only his finger touched her. Her eyelids dropped, waiting. Cade's mouth pulled
into a tight line and then he started to pull away.

Lina didn't think, just

She cupped the back of his
neck and pulled his mouth down to hers.

The first touch was like
electricity. She moaned and pressed her soft lips harder against his. She
licked his lips then bit the bottom one. He tasted so good, felt so perfect
under her mouth. She could kiss this man for a long time. Though it could be
better if he kissed her back. She opened her eyes and saw that his cheeks were flushed
with color now, his eyes dark with arousal. She pulled back, unsure how to

Was he just a tease? Anger
quickly built inside her. She had the urge to punch him in that sexy mouth. She
pushed him instead. He looked as startled as she was. Of course, he'd barely
moved three inches. She glared at him and turned to leave. She saw him reach
for her, but she evaded him and waited for him in the pristine white hallway.

She was wrong if she thought
the hallway would keep her safe.

He came at her and pushed
her shoulders hard enough to knock her back into the wall, hard. Then he came
down on her and kissed her until she felt it down to her toes. He grabbed her
neck, cupped her bottom, and brought her hard against him.

Oh God, he was hard. Big and
hard against her soft core where she was swollen and so ready. He slid his
tongue inside her mouth and thrust in heavy pulses. Her cunt throbbed painfully
and wept cream in answer. Her body didn't seem to understand that it wasn't her
pussy he was trying to stroke...or maybe it was.

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