Mirror in the Forest: Book One (37 page)

BOOK: Mirror in the Forest: Book One
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Mark crossed his arms around his chest. “Tell me.”


Jessica continued to shake her head, and mumble to herself. Finally, her despair began to change, and in its place was pure anger. Mark was shocked at the sudden change. He took a step back. He knew Jessica was not a threat, but she could become one.


“I have no idea what you’re talking about!” She denied angrily. “Why are you doing this? I thought we had something, but now I am seeing the that we didn’t, I guess.”


Mark sighed. Even through her anger, he could tell she was still lying. He would not be getting a confession out of her today.

“You and I both know what the truth is.” Mark said lowly. “I can no longer ignore what’s been right in front of my face, Jessica.”

To his complete and utter shock, Jessica began to laugh. “Then what are you going to do, Mark? Arrest me? Tell people I was influenced by a junk mirror in the forest? What then?”

Mark lowered his head in defeat, and he began to feel the wetness in his eyes. He knew he never met someone like Jessica, and now he had to say goodbye. He had never wanted to. He thought he would try one last time.

“No, if you would just let me help you. Whatever this….this thing is doing to you, we can stop it together,” Mark pleaded.  “It doesn’t have to be this way, Jess.”

Then all emotion left Jessica’s face, and she stood there seemingly lost in thought. He thought he almost had her, but then he knew he was wrong.

Jessica shook her head slightly again. “Mark, I love you. I will always love you, but I don’t need you now. The whole world is now in my hands, and I don’t need you anymore. You need to leave. Please….just go.”

Mark’s heart sank, because of Jessica’s cruel words. Jessica would never admit to him what she had been involved with, and he may never know. However, he was going to find out, and stop this thing himself. He needed to find Tessa.

“I can help you…whatever this is….is it worth the lives that are ruined Jessica?” He was grasping at straws now.

Jessica looked up at the cloudy sky, inhaling a shaky breath. She looked back at him and whispered, “Yes.”

Chapter 41


Darkness had settled in Leon’s Crossing. The sun was now behind the mountains, with clouds gathering in the distance. The air was cool, moist, and Jessica started to see her breath.

She stood there, leaning against her car wiping her eyes. Mark pulled away without so much as a goodbye. Her arms were crossed against her chest with one hand on her face. Her sobbing calmed, and she knew where she had to go.

Her mother always told her that Mark was not good enough for her, he’s too old, he’s this, he’s that, etc. Maybe, she had been right all along about him.

Jessica knew in her heart that she loved Mark, but she would not let him stop her of from reaching her dreams and desires. Now that Kelly Martin was dead, and Mandy Cooper paralyzed, the whole world was at her feet. Her mind began to think of things she could ask for from The Spirit of the Mirror. Things that she knew she could never imagine having in her wildest dreams.

Yet, through it all, she was still heartbroken over Mark. She had thought of bringing him into the fold. Thought of asking The Spirit of the Mirror to grant his wishes, but Mark was too good of a man for that. He was the type that had to earn everything on his own. He would never agree to it.

Jessica’s mouth began to curve into a slight smile. Yes, most the deaths were indirectly because her, and yes, Mandy Cooper is paralyzed because of her. The only one who probably didn’t deserve it was Sara Miller.  Sometimes, for things to happen for the greater good, there must be sacrifices, as Jessica thought of Sara lying on the floor of her shop.

Jessica knew whom she had to go see. She didn’t care that it was getting dark now. She thought about the basketball game, and was no longer angry that she lost. No. She had bigger and better things to do than mere basketball. Her future was looking brighter and brighter with each passing second.

She knew she had to find an excuse to go into the forest, so she drummed up the tears again.

She took off running into the house, and into the arms of her mother. Mary asked what happened, and Jessica answered, “I don’t know. He just said that he didn’t want to see me anymore.”

Mary gasped and said, “Oh, sweetie. I’m sorry. What a terrible way to break it off with someone after a horrible accident.”

“I know. I just can’t believe it,” Jessica cried. She had to admit the tears were real again. She couldn’t believe what was happening, though she knew deep down Mark could never prove this was her doing all along.

Her father gave her some reassuring words, and Jessica suddenly pulled away from her mother.

“I need to be alone for a while,” she said.

Mary nodded in understanding. “Take all the time you need.”

“I’m going for a walk,” Jessica announced. “I need some air.”

Mary and Don flinched at the same time, while Jessica did not miss the looks they exchanged.

“This late? It’s dark outside,” Don said.

Jessica shook off both her parents. She had to get to The Spirit of the Mirror; she was desperate to see him. She was beginning to question if Mark could prove something against her. She had to know if he could and what he could do to her.

“Please Mom! Everything has been horrible today. I really need to do this,” Jessica said with another sob.

Finally, Mary looked down for a moment, and then said, “Alright. Not too long.”

“I’ll take the flashlight,” Jessica responded, heading to the kitchen.  

“If you’re not home in two hours, we’re coming to look for you,” Don insisted.

Jessica nodded enthusiastically, retrieving the flashlight from the drawer in the kitchen. She slipped into her school letter jacket, and practically ran out the back door after reassuring her parents once again that she would be back quickly.

A bunch of thoughts raced through her head as she walked hurriedly down the path, and ignored the soreness in her body. Could Mark really prove everything was her? Could he do something to The Spirit of the Mirror? Would she go to prison for everything she’s done?

She tried to shake off the paranoia, but it was eating at her.

She usually admired the beauty of the forest around her, and even though darkness was settling in she could make out everything in front of her.

She knew she had to ask The Spirit of the Mirror what was going to happen, and what she could do to stop any fingers being pointed at her for the events that happened in this town for the last few months.

Desperate, she quickened her pace, and relief began to course through her body as she spotted the opening where the mirror leaned against the Douglas-fir.

Light from The Spirit’s eyes were softly lighting the area around him, so he was in humanoid form, and Jessica could turn off her flashlight.

It had been a long day, she was tired, but a smile spread across her face when he turned and smiled back at her.

He would help her with any trouble that may arise after today. She just knew it.  

“Spirit!” She said excitedly.

The Spirit nodded to her. “Good evening Jessica. I knew you would come quickly.”

Jessica could barely contain herself. She felt so safe here with her guardian angel. She was untouchable.

“I know I owe you a gift, but I need to speak with you about something first-.”

The Spirit suddenly nodded off to his right without letting Jessica finish her sentence.

The Spirit’s bright diamond-like eyes lit up even brighter in the darkness. He turned to shine the light where he had nodded his head.

Jessica turned following his eyes. She gasped, not knowing what to say or do.

Kneeling in the grass to her left was Tessa. Jessica could only describe Tessa as incapacitated without anything physical holding her down.

She looked to Jessica, and tried to speak, but nothing came out of her mouth. Tears began to form in her eyes, and rolled down her cheeks. She tried to move, but some unseen force held her back.

Jessica looked between Tessa and the Spirit a few times before being able to mouth any words.

“What is this?” Jessica finally asked, still in shock seeing her best friend subdued.

“Your friend has gotten a little too curious about me,” he answered. Jessica heard a tone of malevolence in his voice.

“I swear I never told her anything except the first day,” Jessica answered truthfully.

“I know that, Jessica. However, I cannot let another human interfere with our plans,” he said, lowly.

“What do you mean?” Jessica asked. She could feel the ground quaking beneath her as her anticipation turned to fear. She knew she owed The Spirit a gift, but it wasn’t this, was it?

“Jessica, you owe me a gift. Kelly Martin’s passing was not free this time. I gave you the Sheriff, now you must repay the bus accident,” The Spirit ordered.

Tessa’s muted cries were the only thing to break the silence as Jessica just stood there not knowing what to say.

“Jessica, I can give you the world if you let me, but I must remain in the background. I can have no other human meddling with us or your wishes will never come true,” he explained. His change of tone started to scare her.

“I don’t understand. Tessa would never do anything….”

“She already told me she did,” The Spirit interrupted.

Jessica’s eyes widened in fear from the news. “What did she do?”

“She left information for your Sheriff friend, but there’s nothing that implicates you in anything, but she will do more to expose you, if you let her,” he answered, shaking his head and looking back down at Tessa. “She will ruin your life Jessica.”

Jessica looked down at Tessa who tried to break free from her hold again, but failed. Her head bowed to her chest and she cried softly despite being incapacitated.

“No. No, she would never do that. She’s my best friend. We’ve known each other all of our lives,” Jessica persisted, shaking her head, and refusing to believe that Tessa would ever do anything like that to her.

“She already told me she would. Didn’t you my dear?” The Spirit asked looking back down at Tessa.

Tessa muttered something, and sobbed again. Jessica knew it was a yes, and felt like her whole world came crashing down around her with Tessa’s admission.

Jessica felt the rage build inside of her, and turned to her best friend making her look up at Jessica.

“I was planning on asking The Spirit to help cure your diabetes, and this is the thanks I get?”

The Spirit released the hold on Tessa’s mouth, and she was finally able to speak. “I only came here to help you, Jess. Don’t believe him. I was trying to stop him from hurting you! He’s evil! Don’t you see it?”

Jessica looked down at her accusingly. “The only evil I see here is someone who turned against me, and that is you.”

“No, Jess! You don’t need him. He is evil. Don’t you see it in the mirror? Every time your wish is granted you give a little more of your soul to him. He will own you body and soul. That’s what he wanted all along. If you can’t fulfill a wish, then he will take your soul.”

Jessica frowned at her. “How do you know this?”

Tessa was about to answer when her mouth was covered with an unseen force making her try to catch her breath.

“Enough!” The Spirit said raising his voice. He turned back to Jessica. “Jessica, I have done nothing but help you. I intend to make your life as wonderful as possible if you would let me. That is all I want for you.”

Tessa frantically shook her head, but Jessica ignored her for right now.  

“What else can you give me Spirit?” Jessica asked genuinely curious.

The Spirit waved his hand in the air, and said, “The world will worship you, Jessica Winters. You can be famous if you want, or you can just get through the rest of your schooling year. It can be that simple. It is up to you.”

Jessica stood there in thought, as The Spirit continued to explain.

“Your friend has betrayed you. Your Sheriff has betrayed you, but you don’t need them. I am always here for you, as long as you need me,” he said with a sudden smile. “I can give you everything you deserve after all you have suffered through in your life. The choice is yours.”

“I owe you a gift. What do I need to do?” Jessica asked instead.

The Spirit looked down at Tessa again. “Your friend is dying of her disease, but she will live long enough to tell your secrets.”

Suddenly, Sara Miller’s knife appeared in Jessica’s hand. She looked down in shock, and ran her fingers over the cool metal. She pricked her finger on the sharp blade drawing a little blood.

“I can’t!” Jessica cried out. The thought of hurting her best friend made Jessica sick to her stomach. Tessa was the closest thing to a sister that Jessica had ever known.

“Jessica, you owe me,” The Spirit warned.

Jessica felt the panic take over, and began bawling. “Please. I will do anything else for you. Just not this.”

Her breathing began to turn to hyperventilating when The Spirit shook his head in refusal.

“No…” she moaned.

“Jessica, if you don’t fulfill your gift, then your friend is correct. There are two reflections in the mirror. One is of you now, and the other your soul.  I will take your soul fully into my possession and you will live out eternity inside of the mirror while your physical body withers away here on Earth.”

Jessica suddenly felt a pull from her insides. It was painful beyond words. She screamed, dropping the knife to the ground, and falling to her knees while holding her head. Jessica felt like she was exploding from the inside. She tried to take deep breaths, but it seemed impossible right then. She was barely able to look up, when she noticed her old reflection becoming clearer within the mirror.

He was showing her what could happen if she did not comply.

“No, I can’t……” She gasped.

The Spirit’s eyes flashed lighting up the surrounding area. “Do it, Jessica or I will take your soul. This is your final warning,” The Spirit repeated.

Jessica felt like she was disappearing from this world. She felt like she is floating away from her body, and a sense of misery came over her.

Jessica knew she had no other choice. When the pain subsided, she grabbed the dagger, and stood on her feet calmly.

“That’s right, Jessica. I knew you could do it. Together, we can do anything. Together, we will take conquer the world,” The Spirit persuaded.

She approached Tessa, who was struggling against her invisible binding desperately. She was screaming, though it was muted.

Jessica looked back to The Spirit, who nodded, giving her permission to continue.

Tears began to fall down her face as she positioned the knife to slice Tessa’s throat. A voice inside of Jessica’s head began to talk to her. It was voicing things to her like how deep to cut, and how long it would take Tessa to die by her hands. What they would do with the body afterwards, and how they could cover it up. No one would ever know it was her.

Jessica thought she heard the crunching of leaves in the distance, and a light shining through the trees of the forest.

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