Misty Reigenborn Romance Boxed Set (131 page)

BOOK: Misty Reigenborn Romance Boxed Set
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They popped open again almost immediately because she heard footsteps in the hall.  But when she sat up in bed, thinking that it was Tony, she heard Lindsey and Langston arguing again.  She lay back down with a sigh.  She hoped that Lindsey and Langston didn't think sex when you were mad was as hot as Tony did.  She didn't think she could take hearing them go at it tonight. 

But sex seemed to be the last thing on either of their minds as she heard their bedroom door slam and Langston call out "Be a bitch.  I'll sleep on the fucking couch tonight."

Damn she thought she'd never heard him cuss before.  He seemed too uptight and utterly boring to bother cussing.  And why was he sleeping on the couch when they had at least three other bedrooms that weren't being used she wondered?  Lindsey must really have done something to piss him off. 

Oh well she thought, why should she give a shit if her mother got a divorce yet again?  She was a few months away from never having to deal with a husband of Lindsey's.  It just meant that this time she'd found a really rich guy, who must have been really stupid too, Tory thought.  She had to have him hook line and sinker to be willing to dump Langston. 

She stretched and wondered whether Tony was asleep.  Maybe Langston would get so pissed off at Lindsey that he'd take off for a couple days.  Then she could easily sneak into Tony's room.  When she was drunk, Lindsey snored almost as loud as Langston.  And it did turn her on to think about getting caught.  It wasn't so much the thought of Lindsey catching them doing it that turned her on.  It was the thought of rubbing it in Lindsey's face that she was having sex; that she liked having sex. 

Yawning widely again, she turned onto her other side and closed her eyes, keeping them closed when she heard Langston curse loudly from downstairs.  It wasn't bothering Lindsey, whose drunken snores she could hear coming from next door, so why should it bother her she thought? 




Chapter 14

She awoke the next morning to the sound of loud banging coming from the kitchen.  Oh god, Langston wasn't going to try to cook breakfast was he she thought?  He'd probably end up burning the house down.  She needed to get up and take a shower but she didn't want to leave the comfort of her bed. 

It was her bladder that finally made the decision for her.  She grabbed a fresh pair of clothes from her bag, bypassing the crap that was hanging in her closet that Lindsey had bought for her.  It was such bullshit that Lindsey bought her all those clothes that would make her look like a whore when she warned her against the evils of sex.  Or was it merely a warning against having a child she thought as she passed her mother's room, hearing her mother still snoring inside?  A child that she figured would make Tory as miserable as she'd always felt having her had made her mother? 

She was lost in thought and almost ran into Tony in the hallway.  She had to smile when she saw him.  He'd obviously just gotten out of the shower.  His hair was wet and he'd slipped back into his pajama bottoms and nothing else. 

The little chest hair he had was as curly as the hair on his head when it was wet.  She had to stop herself from reaching out and running her fingers through it. 

"Morning, Tor.”

She could see that he could tell what she was thinking by the look on his face, before he decided that it was better to avoid her eyes. 

"Morning, handsome." She leaned up and gave him a soft, slow kiss on the mouth. 

"Tor." He pulled back. 

"I kept my tongue in my mouth.  Besides, my mother's still passed out and Langston's down in the kitchen making so much damn noise that he wouldn't hear a thing if we did it right here in the hallway."

"Behave Tory.  And don't give me that wounded look like you're a little kid and I took away your favorite toy."

"But you are my favorite toy." She took a step toward him and then stopped when she heard Langston calling to her mother from downstairs. 

"Do you think you should knock on her door?"  He took another step towards the door to his room. 

"Nope." She bent over to pick up the sock that she had dropped on purpose, straightening up slowly so that she could give him a nice view of her ass.  "If he wants her that bad he can come up and get her himself."

"You are so bad.”

She wasn't sure if he was talking about the show she'd given him or her blatantly ignoring her stepfather. 

She shrugged, giving him a wink as she went down the hall to the bathroom.  It was still steamy from Tony's shower when she entered.  She was glad that she'd made the trip down the hall instead of using the bathroom at her end.  There was still a faint trace of the cologne that she'd seen him shove into his bag in the air. 

Even the smell of his cologne made her think of sex.  Though it could also be the thought that he'd been naked in this room a few minutes before; that probably played a part in it as well she thought.  Oh, how different her life could have been these last few months if she'd given in to Jude.  But she no longer thought it would have been changed for the better.

He'd probably still be messing around.  Obviously he was still screwing around on Molli if he'd called her and was coming on to that other chick in the parking lot.  And if she'd been with Jude first, she wouldn't know that she liked sex.  If every time with Jude was as pathetic as the first time they'd had sex then she'd probably be like her mother.  It was pretty funny how having sex with someone who knew how to do it could change your outlook on the subject she thought. 

She smiled as she stepped under the shower, thinking that Tony sure did know how to do it right.  She made her shower quick, not wanting Tony to have to deal with Langston by himself for too long in case Lindsey still hadn't dragged her ass out of bed. 

Though it probably wouldn't be any more fun dealing with the two of them together, she pondered as back in her bedroom, she slipped into her shoes.  She could only hear two voices when she made her way down the stairs though, and it was Langston and Tony. 

Langston was sitting at the table drinking a cup of coffee, a newspaper spread out in front of him.  But he was looking up at Tony with an intense look on his face.  Tory gave Tony a bright smile when she walked in, wondering what it was that they were talking about. 

"Good morning Tony." She gave him a kiss on the cheek, stifling the urge to give him a kiss on the mouth shoving her tongue in as far as it would go.  "Langston.”  She gave her stepfather a fake smile. 

"Is your mother up?"

"I don't think so.  Why?"  She moved up beside Tony who was leaning against the counter next to the coffee pot.  She leaned up to get a mug out of the cupboard; making sure that she gave him a good view of her cleavage when she bent back down.  "Oops." She gave him a sly grin that Langston couldn't see.  "Excuse me Tony." 

"No problem Tor." He gave her a dirty look. 

Hiding a smile, she took her cup of coffee and sat down at the table as far away from Langston as she could get though the table in the kitchen was of a much more modest size than the one in the dining room. 

Langton looked at his watch, which had probably cost him as much if not more than Tony had paid for his car and glanced toward the stairs.  “Damn it, I told her we had an early start today.  It always takes her forever to get ready.  I've got an important meeting.  He's bringing his wife so I thought I might as well bring Lindsey along.  So you two are pretty much on your own for the day.  I hope you don't mind."

He gave them what she figured was supposed to be an apologetic smile.

She wanted to jump up and hug him for the first time since she'd met him. 

"Of course tomorrow is a day for family."  He glanced again at his watch.  "We'll be going out to dinner, since dear Lindsey never could cook.  There's a nice program that they're putting on at the community center.  A Christmas play.  A client's grandson has a starring role so it should be fun.  We had hoped that since last we knew you weren't seeing anyone Tory that you two might hit it off.  The boy is from such a good family."

Feeling Tony's eyes on her, she bit her tongue.  "That really is too bad.  But Tony and I really have been happy together haven't we Tony?"  She turned to him and gave him a bright, innocent smile. 

"Of course.  Tory's a wonderful girl.  We really have been quite happy together sir."

Langston sighed.  She didn't know if it was because he wouldn't be able to pawn her off on whatever geeky moron he'd wanted to to make his client happy or if it was because Lindsey still hadn't come down.  "Tory, would you mind going up and checking on your mother?"

"Uh, sure."

It was the last thing she wanted to do though.  Her mother was a huge bitch during the day but hell hath no fury like a rich bitch without her beauty sleep.  Tory would rather have let her sleep ‘til noon like usual. 

But she was saved as her mother entered the kitchen, cigarette in hand, hair carefully done, makeup and clothes perfect as usual. 

"I thought you were quitting."  Langston mumbled as she leaned over and pulled a bottle of water out of the refrigerator. 

"And it was my understanding that I was supposed to go with you on your last business trip.  Two weeks stuck here by myself with nothing to do but yell at the idiots you've got working here for not doing their jobs like usual."

Lindsey turned and gave him a tight smile which clearly said 'we're even'; flashing bright white teeth that could only come from many trips to an expensive dentist with her years of smoking. 

"Are you ready to go?"

It was like she'd been the one that was waiting for him, and not the other way around Tory thought. 

"Of course.  Feel free to eat whatever you can find in the fridge kids.  You should be able to find plenty to do around town if you decide to go out.  Most everything should still be open at least until the evening.  We'll both have our phones, so feel free to call if there's some kind of an emergency; but only then if you don't mind.  It doesn't make much of an impression with your cell phone ringing off the hook all day.  If you do decide to go out, make sure you set the alarm.  This is a good neighborhood but you never know when someone will get desperate, especially during the holidays.  Drive safely Tory.  I know that your mother put you through the drivers' education program but you have to be wary of everyone else on the road these days."

She thought it would be pretty funny if Langston had to shell out the money to pay for a new car for Tony if she did get into an accident.  She'd tell him that Tony had paid five grand for the car.  It was easily worth it. 

Hell, maybe Langston would hand over the keys to one of the cars sitting in the garage.  Yeah right she thought.  But there did have to be something good in having a loaded step father right?  Maybe she could sweet talk him out of a couple hundred bucks, telling him she hadn't had the money to get her mother anything for Christmas.  Then she'd buy Lindsey an ugly as sin coffee mug from a convenience store and pocket the rest.

Lindsey never bothered to keep anything Tory gave her.  She'd caught her throwing away a mother's day card she'd painstakingly made when she was in kindergarten and promptly burst into tears, running to her grandmother who happened to be there to pick her up.  That was the only time she could remember that she'd seen her mother look anything close to sorry or ashamed.  Corey's mother had reamed her, making her dig the card out of the trash.  But it had only made her be more careful when she got rid of Tory's gifts. 

Never had Tory seen her mother give a gift she had worked hours on at school more than a cursory glance.  And she never bothered to say thank you.  But why should she because she would never have meant it Tory thought?  What mother could possibly want a construction paper token of love from her only child when she could have all the jewelry and clothes that money could buy? 

So, by the middle of first grade Tory had given up on making things for her mother at school.  Anytime in grade school that it had come time to make something for your mother, she had poured her heart and soul into making something for her grandmother, who had prominently displayed every piece, no matter how badly made, because Tory had never been much for art; on her refrigerator or sometimes on her mantle.  She wondered if her dad had kept any of it when his parents had died. 

Lindsey and Langston had disappeared without bothering to say goodbye again.  She was left alone in the kitchen with Tony, who was still standing, leaning against the counter. 

She looked up at him and he gave her a grin.  "You really have to push it don't you Tor?  Flashing your ass at me in the hall, and then giving me an eyeful of your tits when you got that cup out of the cupboard.  If your stepdad had been paying attention he probably would have taken you over his knee."

"I think I'm a little too old for spanking Tony.  Unless you're offering."

He pointedly ignored her comment.  "So what are we going to do today?"

"I thought we'd start with a little light bondage.  I'll tie you to my bed with a pair of Lindsey's panty hose and have my way with you."

"Are you sure you're the same sweet virgin that I took to bed a few months ago?  I can swear that the girl I've been dealing with for the past couple days is nothing if not a highly experienced seductress.  Showing me your ass when your mom's ten feet away, flashing your tits at me when your stepdad's sitting right there at the table."

"In the hallway I dropped my sock so I had to bend over to pick it up.  If you checked out my ass that was on you.  When I was getting the coffee cop out of the cupboard if you happened to look down my shirt that was on you too."

"Don't act innocent Tory.  You know that if you stick your butt in my face, I'm gonna look.  And that smile that you gave me after you got that glass out of the cupboard told that me that it was by no means an accident that I could see down your shirt."

"So?" She busied herself with picking at a hangnail on her thumb.  "You're my boyfriend and I love you.  There's nothing wrong with me wanting you to look at me."

"Of course there isn't Tor." He sighed.  "Just not in front of your damn parents."

"You started it.  Coming out into the hall with no shirt on when you know it drives me crazy.  I was giving you back a dose of your own medicine."

"Ah my love, that I do know.  But I also know that your stepdad made it a point to mention that there was a bathroom at your end of the hall.  So you made it a point of walking past your bathroom and coming to mine."

"What if my mom was in the bathroom?  What then?"

"I've got you easily on at least two counts there, Tor.  You said that your mom was still asleep when I ran into you in the hallway.  And second, your mom and stepdad obviously have the master bedroom.  In a house this size, there's not a snowball's chance in hell that the master bedroom doesn't have its own bathroom."

“Okay, so you got me Tony.  I live to seduce you.  Is it my fault if I fail miserably?"  She gave him a pout. 

"You've never failed to make me want you Tor.  It's a little thing they call willpower.  Which you don't seem to have enough of if you can't keep track of your hormones when we're under your mother's roof.  Bet you wouldn't be acting this way if we were staying with your daddy." He gave her a knowing look. 

BOOK: Misty Reigenborn Romance Boxed Set
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