Misty Reigenborn Romance Boxed Set (165 page)

BOOK: Misty Reigenborn Romance Boxed Set
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“You know that all of those stupid bums did something to deserve to be there, like spent their rent money on crack or went to work drunk and got fired.”

Molli started to feel a lot less warm and fuzzy about Jude.  “You know that I don’t like the word stupid.  I’ve been called stupid way too many times.  Do you really believe that everyone who is homeless is a drug addict, or an alcoholic?  It’s not true.  Women and men and children are all part of the homeless population.  I’m sure they don’t like to be called bums either.  Maybe you should stop judging people and stereotyping them when you know nothing about them.  That’s really ignorant.  See, I said you were being ignorant when I could have been a bitch and called you stupid.”

“You’re still being a bitch.  Chill Molli.  I didn’t know you wanted to marry a bum.  You judge people you don’t know all the time.  Everyone does.”

“Well, since I’m being such a bitch I’m not going to stop until I’ve said everything I have to say.  I don’t plan on marrying a ‘bum’ you ignorant asshole, but I wouldn’t dump my boyfriend if he became homeless for some reason either.  Yes, I judge people because I’m human, but I try not to, because I’m really sick and tired of being judged so harshly.  I don’t like being called a slut because I like sex, and I don’t like being called stupid because I have a harder time in school than some people do.  I don’t like being called crazy because I’ve taken medication for depression.  I’m sure plenty of ignorant assholes at your school have talked shit about you for going out with the crazy slut, even if they do all seem to think I’m so hot.  And I don’t think you like being judged either.  Don’t tell me that no one has ever called you trailer trash or the son of a pothead and a drunk, because I know they have.”

Jude sighed.  “Damn Molli.  I’m really glad that I did that for you before you decided to go off on me.  See if I ever do that for you again.”

“I don’t give a shit if you ever do that for me again.  I wouldn’t care if you decided that sex was dirty and became a born again virgin and wanted to wait to have sex again until you got married either, even though I do like sex.  I wouldn’t go out and screw some other guy.  I would respect you enough not to.  I don’t care that you live in a trailer park or drive a smelly old truck or that you suck at sports and don’t get perfect grades in school.  That stuff doesn’t matter to me, because it’s not who you are, or even all that you’re about.  I am not some stuck up bitch from Crestview Academy that’s going to listen to you talk shit about poor people and think that it’s funny, because it’s not funny.  Money means way too much to way too many people in this world already.  Now can we go?  I’m freezing and I really want to take a shower.”

Jude put his hand on her arm.  “I’m sorry Molli.  I don’t want to fight with you.  I have been called trailer trash and the son of the town drunk and I hate it.  My dad is a good guy and he works hard.  We’ve come really fucking close to being out on the streets when we got behind on our house payments and couldn’t keep up with everything.  We were lucky that my grandparents helped us out.  That’s when I started delivering papers.  I knew that if we got kicked out, me and my brother and sisters would go into foster care because both of my parents would have dirty drug tests and be totally pissed at having to go to shit like parenting classes when I’m eighteen and have turned out fine.  Or at least I think I have, except when I’m being an asshole of course.”  Jude gave her a crooked grin.  “I think I get a little defensive when something hits too close to home.  And I kinda got a rep for going out with you.  Sometimes it’s not so bad to be having sex with a crazy bitch.  They even wrote a song about it.”

Molli made a face.  “Thanks Jude.  I always knew there was a reason you chased after me so hard.”

Jude touched her face and then gave her a gentle kiss.  “I was kidding baby.  A lot of kids are on medication, so they can’t talk shit.  And all of the guys at school are way jealous that I’m the one that’s going out with you.  They think you’re one of the finest girls at Crestview.”’

“Yeah, yeah.  I forgive you for being an asshole this time, but please think before you speak when you’re around me and are being totally insulting to a group of people you know nothing about.  I’m not afraid to tell you what I really think.”

Jude laughed.  “I noticed.  I think it’s cool that you speak your mind.  Some girls are afraid to.”

“Not me.  Not anymore.  I got too tired of holding everything inside.  You don’t have to like what I say, you don’t have to agree with it, and you can think I’m being a bitch, but it’s not going to stop me from saying what I want to say.  You shouldn’t be afraid to call me a bitch either, because I know I can be one.”

“I noticed that too.  Let’s get out of here.  I’m getting cold too.”

Jude gathered the remnants of their picnic and the blankets and then followed her back to his truck.  He started the truck and then backed out onto the road. 

“Thank you for tonight Jude.  It was really special.  I appreciate all the trouble you went to.”

“No problem Mol.  I don’t know what’s gonna happen when we both graduate, but I’d like you to have some special memories of me if we don’t end up going to the same school.”

“I will.  You are my first real boyfriend.”

“Really?  I thought that you had had a bunch of boyfriends before me.  Wait, I didn’t mean it like that.  It’s just that you’re so pretty and I know you weren’t a virgin when we got together, so I thought that you had boyfriends before me.”

Molli sighed.  She’d never really considered Eduardo her boyfriend even when she had been dumb enough to think that he was going to leave Crisha for her, but he had taught her that sex could be very enjoyable.  “I lost my virginity when I was thirteen to a guy that I hadn’t even French kissed before.  I had a boyfriend my freshman year, but I wouldn’t really consider him a real boyfriend because he dumped me two days after he got down my pants.  I had a sort of friend with benefits after I started at Crestview but I never considered him my boyfriend.  So yeah, I’d say that you’re the first real boyfriend I’ve ever had.”

“That’s cool.  I lost my virginity when I was fourteen.  There was this girl that used to live next door to Seneca.  She was eighteen but she had this huge crush on me.  I think she was kind of insecure and it made her feel good when I practically drooled over her.  We didn’t really go out because even though my parents are pretty cool, they would not have let me go out with her since she was so much older.  But we had sex.  We screwed for a while and then she moved away.  I missed her and I missed getting laid, but it wasn’t like I loved her or she loved me.  So I guess you could say she was my friend with benefits too.  They can be really nice to have sometimes huh?”

“I guess.  I’d much rather have a boyfriend.  I like being able to hang out with you and not think that you want me to go away after we have sex.”

“I like being with you Mol.  I wish we had more time together, but you’re so busy with school and I’m busy with work or watching my sisters.  Sometimes I wish you went to Brentwood High with me so that I could see you in the halls.  Kids get away with making out in the halls by their lockers all the time.”  He grinned at her as he pulled into Seneca’s driveway.  “Then the guys would really be jealous.”

Molli laughed.  She leaned over and gave him a lengthy kiss.  “Goodnight Jude.”

“Night Mol.  Maybe we can get together next weekend.  No, not next weekend and I can’t hang out with you most of October or on Halloween either.  I got a temp job after school.  It pays way better than delivering papers does.  I should be able to help my parents finally get caught up with the bills and buy you something nice for Christmas.  I get stuck taking my brother and sisters trick or treating every year.  My parents ask for it off way ahead of time every year but they always end up having to work because someone always calls in sick when you know they’re out partying and not caring that other people have kids.”

“Some people are very inconsiderate.  You don’t have to buy me anything for Christmas.  I don’t mind.  I like to look at lights and decorations and stuff, but my parents were never real big on Christmas, so I’m not very good at picking out gifts for other people when it comes to Christmas.”

She thought that Jude looked relieved.  “Oh.  Maybe we’ll try to do something special on New Year’s.  I would really love to bring in the New Year having sex with you.”

Molli laughed.  “That would definitely be a good way to say hello to the New Year.  Goodnight Jude.  Tell your family that I said ‘hi’.”

“I will.  Goodnight Mol.”  He leaned over and gave her a quick kiss.

She got out of the truck and went to Seneca’s back door.  Seneca had told her to come in, but she knocked, afraid that she was going to walk in on her friend having sex with Grant.

Seneca opened the door with a towel in her hand.  She went back to drying her hair and let Molli go by her into the house.  “I told you to come in when you got back silly.”

Molli laughed.  “I didn’t want to walk in on you and Grant doing it.  So how many times did you have sex while I was gone?”

“Twice.”  Seneca grinned.  “You might want to use the shower in my parents’ bedroom if you need to take a shower.  We just got done doing it in my shower.”

“Seneca.  I told you that you were going to be addicted to sex before you knew it.”

Seneca laughed.  “It’s not my fault my man knows how to do it right.  I sure didn’t teach him all the naughty tricks he knows.  He won’t tell me who did.”

“I don’t blame him.  Knowing you, you’d probably go find her, thank her and then kick her ass.”

Seneca laughed.  “You’re right.  Let me get you a towel.  So how many times did you do it with Jude?”

Molli rolled her eyes.  “Once.  Are you sure there’s hot water left if you two just got done doing it in your shower?”

“Yes.  Dad fixed the water heater and we didn’t really just get done doing it.  It was like fifteen minutes ago.  Grant is already busy playing another game in Rain’s room.”

“Isn’t he going home tonight?  Do his parents remember he lives there?  He’s always here since you two have been going out.  You’re lucky your parents like him.”

“They love Grant.  He brings me flowers.  He plays video games with my brother and he helps me do the dishes and fold the laundry.  My mom is already convinced I should marry him.  My dad said that I’d better get pregnant after we get married.  His parents aren’t home.  They’re always gone.  And they don’t care what he does when they are home.  I think they’d be happy if my parents let him move in with us because then they wouldn’t have to worry about him at all.  They’re assholes.  I’d call his mom a bitch, but she’s too ugly to be a bitch.  I’m lucky he looks hot like his dad.”

“Seneca.  You called your boyfriend’s mom a dog and you called your future father in law a hottie.  What am I going to do with you?”

Seneca laughed.  “He thinks his mom’s a dog too.  He has the right because she’s always been really mean to him.  You should have heard what she called him the one time I did go over there.  I wanted to punch her right in her ugly face.  You don’t call the man I love something like that and get away with it while I’m around.  He knows that I think his dad’s hot.  It’s okay ‘cause he thinks my mom’s a MILF.”

Molli groaned.  “You two are so weird.  I’m going to go shower and try to warm myself up.  I’ll let you go clean your shower out so that your brother doesn’t have to know what you did in there.”

“You don’t wanna know what he probably does in there.  He is a thirteen year old boy.”

“Oh gross.  I am so glad that I’m an only child, well mostly since Bethany is so much older than me.”

Seneca went to the linen closet in the hallway and returned with two towels and a washcloth.  “Here ya go.  There should be shampoo and everything in there.  Try not to think about what my parents probably do in their shower.”

“Wow Sen, you are in a mood tonight.  Maybe I’ll wait to shower until I go back to school.”

Seneca giggled.  “You don’t think that nasty stuff goes on in your shower rooms?”

Molli sighed.  “You’re right.  There’s these two girls, they’re roommates and you know why.  They take two or three showers a day most of the time, sometimes in the middle of the night, and you can still smell their room when you walk by.  It is so nasty.”

Seneca made a face.  “Yuck.  You want some cocoa?  We ordered a pizza and there’s still a couple slices left if you want it.  Grant whined when I wouldn’t let him eat it because he said he was still hungry but I told him I was saving it for you.  He made himself three sandwiches and a huge bowl of ice cream anyway.”

Molli laughed.  “Grant can eat the pizza.  Jude fed me pretty well.  He was pretty sweet tonight until he stuck his foot in his mouth and started acting like an asshole like usual.  I wouldn’t mind some cocoa and a bowl of ice cream when I get out though.”

“Sure.  Mi casa es su casa.  You know that girl.”

Molli laughed.  “I forgot you were taking Spanish this year.”

Seneca grinned.  “I have to learn something in school don’t I?  Besides how to play footsie with my boyfriend across the aisle without our teacher noticing and how to text all day without getting my phone taken away.”

“You are so bad Sen.”

“I know.”

Molli shook her head as she opened the door to Seneca’s parents’ bedroom.  She took a quick shower and then wrapped her hair in the smaller towel and returned to the kitchen.  She found Seneca making three bowls of ice cream.

BOOK: Misty Reigenborn Romance Boxed Set
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