Misty Reigenborn Romance Boxed Set (160 page)

BOOK: Misty Reigenborn Romance Boxed Set
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She let out a quiet sigh as she thought of Ricky, with his silky black hair, his dark eyes and his sexy voice.  Why did girls like Mellenda always have to get the good guys when girls like her were always stuck with the leftovers like Jude she thought?

She pulled a cola out of the cooler and then got herself a cup of cocoa.  She went to the register and waited to pay for the drinks and the gas for Jude’s truck.  She could see Jude outside, waiting impatiently to start pumping his gas and almost wished that she’d stayed in her room.  But then he’d still be with Tory she thought, and while the whole scene in the woods had been embarrassing, she was glad that at least she didn’t have to share Jude with Tory anymore.

She paid when it was her turn and then went back outside and got in the truck while Jude pumped his gas.  When he was finished, he got back in the truck, started it, and pulled out of the parking lot.  “So where do you want to eat?”

“I don’t know.  What about that little diner?”

“I don’t want to go inside to eat Mol, and they take forever anyway.  Can’t we go to a drive through?  I really want to get back to what we were doing earlier.”

“Fine, but don’t go to that nasty burger place that you always seem to want to go to.  I know that fried food isn’t exactly good for you, but you can still see the grease dripping off of their burgers when they give them to you.”

Jude laughed.  “So McFadden’s is out.  Do you want to go to the other burger place or the drive through that does Mexican food?”

“The Mexican place please.  Their food at least tastes good.”


Jude pulled into the drive though restaurant.  They waited behind several other cars to have their order taken.  Molli told him what she wanted and then told him to get anything that he wanted, because he didn’t usually eat much.  But he ordered two burritos, nachos, a taco, another soda and a milkshake.  She gave him a dirty look when they woman at the speaker gave them the total.

“What?  I didn’t eat lunch today because they were serving something really nasty at school.  I forgot to bring my lunch and Brendan was being an asshole and wouldn’t take me with him when he went out to eat.  I think he thought he was going to get lucky with this girl during lunch hour.  That’s another reason I wish you went to school with me.”  Jude grinned at her.

Molli rolled her eyes.  “I would not screw you during lunch hour.  Who wants to go back to school smelling like sex?”


Molli shook her head as she handed him the money to pay for their food.  A pretty woman handed them the change and their food several minutes later.  Jude handed the bag to Molli and put his drinks in the cup holder.

She picked up his shake and took a drink.  He said “Hey.  If you wanted one, you should have got one.”

“I couldn’t afford it after paying for your food.”

“It wasn’t that much Mol.”

“Yeah.  Let’s head out to the old make out spot.  Maybe by the time we get done eating I’ll have calmed down enough to think about having sex with you.”

“I didn’t piss you off that bad did I?”

Molli sighed.  “I’m sorry Jude.  It just seems like you were a lot nicer to me before I let you get down my pants.”

“I was not.  I’m a nice guy.”

“Just not to Tory right?  Look Jude, I don’t want to argue with you.  I like being with you, but sometimes I wonder if we have anything in common.”

“Hey, my family’s not that poor.”

“Give me a break Jude.  I don’t think about stuff like that.  I went to public school until I came to Crestview and I certainly didn’t choose my friends by how much money their families had.  We don’t seem to be on the same wavelength sometimes.  I’m not saying that I’m smarter than you or more mature, but I think that we want different things.”

“Don’t guys and girls always want different things?”

“I’m not talking about sex.  I’m talking about life.  Oh, never mind.  Let’s just eat and then have sex and then you can take me home okay?”

“Don’t be mad at me Mol.  I can’t stand it when you’re mad at me.  I really like being with you.  I know that you don’t think that I’m the perfect guy for you, but I can try harder to make you happy.  I’ll try not to be such an asshole all the time.  I get that from my dad.”

He smiled at her as he pulled into the old make out spot which had once been a drive in movie theater that had been torn down and not replaced with anything else.  No one seemed to know who owned the land, but whoever it was didn’t seem to mind having teenagers park on their property and make out.

They were silent as they ate.  Jude finished his food quickly.  She thought that he was getting impatient while he waited for her to finish hers, so she ate even slower.  He had smoked two cigarettes by the time she was finished.  She was tempted to light one herself, but she took the last drink of her soda and put all of her trash in the bag the food had come in.  Jude rolled down his window and threw the garbage into the back of the truck.

He wasted no time in undoing her bra.  She let herself get into it, moaning a little when he lifted her shirt and took her nipple into his mouth.  She ran her hand over his crotch.  He pulled back and looked up at her with lust in his eyes.

“Can we do it just once without a rubber Molli, please?  I know you’re on birth control.”

“No way.  I don’t want to get pregnant and I know you don’t want me to get pregnant.”

Jude sighed.  “Okay.  But will you be on top again?  I like it when you’re on top.”

“Okay.  But roll up your window will you?  It’s freezing in here.”

“Do I have to?  It does kinda smell in here.  Maybe I’ll clean this thing out tomorrow after I get off of work.”

“Good idea.  But if you’re not going to roll the window up you’re turning the heater on as soon as we’re done.  And where’s that blanket?  I don’t want anybody that walks by to be able to see my ass.”

Jude laughed but pulled the blanket out from behind the seat.  “Your ass is hot.  And nobody ever walks around out here.  They’re all too busy doing what we’re getting ready to do.”

“I guess.”

Molli moved to the edge of the seat so that Jude could lie down.  He pulled a condom out of his jeans and put it on.  She straddled him and then took him inside of her, wondering what it would be like to do it with Ricky.  She was willing to bet that he was way better in bed than Jude was.  Ricky’s face was so vivid in her mind that she almost cried out his name instead of Jude’s when she came.  She bit her tongue and held back a giggle as Jude stiffened underneath her, nearing climax. 

When he had finished, she leaned down and kissed him and then moved carefully back to the other side of the seat.  Jude sat up, pulled the condom off and tossed it in the back of the truck.  She made a face but said nothing as she got dressed, because she figured it was less disgusting than him tossing it onto the floor of the truck, where he seemed to toss everything else.

He got dressed and started the truck.  He turned the heater on, but it still hadn’t started putting out warm air by the time he dropped her back off in the woods behind Crestview.  Jude kissed her.  “I’ll call you.”

“Sure.  Make sure that you call Tory first thing.  I hope that she’s not still as upset as she was earlier.”

“She probably went back to her room and whined to Rebecca on the phone about how big of a jerk I am.  She’ll get over it.”

“I hope so, but she hates me more than ever now.”

“She’ll get over that too.  Or maybe she won’t.  Who knows?  Tory can be pretty intense sometimes.  Goodnight Mol.  Oh hey, are your parents ever going to get your car fixed?  It’s got to be way better on gas than this thing.”

Her parents had bought her a car when she’d been home over the summer.  She’d driven it back to Brentwood from Cheston where her parents lived, but it had broken down just a few days later.  They’d had it towed to a garage, but Molli didn’t think her parents were interested in paying to have it fixed.

“I doubt it.  I’ll have to try to save up enough money for a car before I graduate.”

“That sucks.  It’s weird that your parents are so rich but so damned cheap too.”

“Yeah.  Goodnight Jude.  I had fun.”

“Me too.”  He grinned.  “It’s gonna be so cool to tell everyone at school that I’m going out with you now.”

Molli fought an eye roll.  “Yep.  Bye Jude.”

She got out of the truck and made her way quickly back to the school.  There were no guards around.  She slipped in the door and back to her room without running into another girl who was sneaking back in or out.

She went to bed after taking a shower, trying not to think about either Tory, or how much she’d still like to go out with Ricky, though he’d been dating Mellenda for a few months.

When she woke up the next morning Mellenda wasn’t in her bed.  Molli wondered if she’d spent the night with Ricky and was even more envious than she had been before.  She used the restroom and got dressed and then went out into the commons to get something to drink and a snack.  She was glad that she didn’t run into Tory but found that it was already going around school that she had stolen Jude from Tory, and that Tory had caught them together in the woods the night before.

She refused to confirm or deny the rumors when a few of her more upfront classmates confronted her and wasn’t interested in hearing that Tory had slept with someone else the night before either.  She was sure that Jude probably would be, but she certainly wasn’t going to mention it to him.

She went back to her room and texted Seneca, telling her what had happened with Jude and Tory.  She told her everything besides the details that she felt Tory would find embarrassing.  Seneca didn’t seem too excited that she was finally officially Jude’s girlfriend, but when Molli asked her if something had happened between them to make her dislike Jude, Seneca told her that he was an asshole and had proven it again when he’d been so mean to Tory.  She’d also heard rumors that Tory had slept with someone the night before.  Though she told Molli that she had heard the name of the guy, she didn’t believe it and said she wasn’t going to share because it seemed crazy that Tory would sleep with the person she’d supposedly slept with when she wouldn’t sleep with Jude after so long.

Mellenda didn’t return until late Sunday night.  Molli listened to her in the hall, gushing to someone about how much Ricky loved her and how sweet he was.  Molli thought she heard her name but wasn’t really interested in what her roommate said about her, whether she was further spreading the rumors of how Molli had stolen Jude from Tory, or whether she was again laughing over how funny it was that Ricky had asked her out and not Molli.

Molli tried to avoid Tory in the halls, but it didn’t always work.  Tory gave her a lot of dirty looks, though the name of the man she was now supposedly confirmed to be sleeping with had made its way to the halls of Crestview.  His name was Tony Wilson.  Molli wasn’t sure who he was, only that he was supposed to be older and a real player.  Molli didn’t really care who Tory was sleeping with, she just hoped that her classmate didn’t let this guy hurt her the way that Jude had.

She spent much of her time on the weekends with Jude.  Their relationship wasn’t what she desired, but he kept her away from Eduardo, was good company sometimes, and wasn’t terrible in bed.

Chapter 2

Molli was sitting in her history class one day trying to concentrate on her test when a voice from across the aisle said “Hey.  Molli.”

Molli turned to look at Iris, a pretty girl who was one of the most popular girls in school and never bothered to talk to her.  Iris bragged about sleeping with not only the man that ran the school paper Mr. Harris, but her stepbrother, the son of her mother’s sixth husband.


“Why is Tory wearing a turtleneck?  I bet she’s got a hickey.”

“Why wouldn’t she try to hide it with makeup?”

“Because she doesn’t have any stupid.”

Molli was pissed that Iris had called her stupid but didn’t want to let it show.  “So what if she’s got a hickey?  Maybe she has a new boyfriend.”

Iris rolled her eyes.  “I forgot you stole her old one.  He’s not her boyfriend because a guy like that doesn’t bother to have a girlfriend, but I heard she’s boning that hot ass drug dealer Tony Wilson.  I came onto him a while back but he wouldn’t even kiss me.  I showed him my tits and everything.”

Molli hid a smile.  She secretly thought that it was funny that Tony had turned Iris down.  She really didn’t blame him.  Rumor had it that Iris had lost her virginity to the son of her third stepfather at thirteen and that she and her mother had made it a game to look for men that had money and teenage sons since then.

“Maybe he does think of her as his girlfriend.  Look, I don’t care if she’s got a hickey.  She’s not hurting anyone by wearing that turtleneck.  I don’t know why they’re so stupid around here about stuff like that anyway.  I have to get back to work.  I have a hard enough time with this crap as it is.”

“I have the answers.  I’ll give them to you if you go up and point out to Belmont that Tory’s wearing a turtleneck when no one else is wearing one.  I’d do it but Belmont hates me.  I think she was screwing Mr. Harris until I came along.  I heard she begged him to let her join us for a threesome.  C’mon Molli, she’ll listen to you.  She’s still dumb enough to think that you’ll let her go down on you.”

“Yuck.  I could really use a good grade for a change, but I don’t know Iris.  Tory already hates me as it is.”

“Who cares if she hates you?  She’s a nobody that’s screwing a drug dealer.  Hey, maybe you could steal Tony away from her since it was so easy for you to take Jude.”

“I don’t think so.”  Molli looked at her test and then at the clock.  The minutes were ticking by and history was one of her worst subjects.  She sighed.  “Fine.  But give me the answers now.”

Iris smiled and slipped Molli a scrap of paper.  Molli hid it under her test and stood up, leaving her cell phone on her chair.  She approached the desk.  Belmont looked up and smiled.  “How can I help you Molli?”

Molli hid a sigh.  She gestured to Tory.  “Um, I just noticed that Tory Collins is wearing a sweater and it’s not that cold out.  Isn’t that against the rules?”

“Well, technically it is yes.  Normally, if it’s not bothering anyone, we let it go.  Is it bothering you Molli?”

Molli let her sigh out.  “I have a hard time concentrating sometimes and it’s driving me crazy for some reason.”

Belmont reached out and patted her arm.  “I’m sorry sweetie.  I know it can be hard for you.  Has the tutoring helped you any?”

“No.  None of the girls have the patience to really help me.  I read really slowly and sometimes everything blurs together and looks like a big jumble.  My parents had my eyes tested when I complained to them about it, but my eyes are fine.  I think I’m just dumb.”  She looked up and straight into Tory’s eyes.  Tory looked away quickly.

“Oh Molli, you’re not dumb.  They just don’t have the programs here to help girls that have the problems that you do.  It’s such a shame with all of the money that parents put out to send girls here that they can’t help girls with learning disabilities.  They have programs at the public school but not here.  I’ll speak to Tory.  You go back and work on your test.  Maybe we can work something out about your grade.”  Belmont gave her a smile that Molli found to be very offensive. 

“Um, yeah.  Thank you.” 

Molli turned to head back to her desk.

“Tory,” Ms. Belmont said loudly.  “May I ask why you’re wearing a sweater?”

“I’m cold.”  Tory looked down at her desk.

“No else seems to think that it’s cold enough in here to warrant an extra shirt.  Remove the sweater please.”

Tory stood up.  Molli could see that she was blushing.  She felt terrible, especially when Tory had taken the sweater off and sat back down and she heard Sheila, who sat across the aisle from Tory whisper “Ooh, Tory’s got a hickey.”

“Thank you Ms. Collins,” Belmont said.  “Now if you’d all be so kind as to return your attention to your tests.”

Molli picked up her phone and slipped back into her chair.  Iris grinned at her.  “I told you she had a hickey.”


Molli returned her attention to her test and was luckily able to finish right before the bell rang.  She saw Tory and she gave the girl a weak smile, trying to mouth I’m sorry, but Tory had already looked away.

That weekend, Molli was headed out to see Jude and decided to stop at the snack machine.  When she saw Tory ahead of her, she thought that it might be a good time to apologize for the whole scene in history class.

“Hey Tory.”

Tory turned slightly and then turned her attention back to the snack machine. “Hi Molli.”

Tory bent down to pull a candy bar out the machine.  Molli remarked “Nutritious breakfast you’ve got there.”

Tory stuffed a honey bun and the candy bar into her bag and ignored Molli, turning to the soda machine.

“You headed off to see your boyfriend?”  Molli hoped that she sounded casual.  She was at least curious to know whether or not Tory would admit that she had a new man. 

“I don’t have a boyfriend,” Tory muttered.  She put a dollar into the soda machine and hit the button for diet.

“I figured that with the hickey you must have a boyfriend.”

Tory turned to Molli, and she thought that if looks could kill, she’d be dead now.  “”My sex life is none of your business, especially since you took it upon yourself to start sleeping with my last boyfriend.”

Tory’s tone of voice and the looks she was giving her were starting to piss Molli off.  She snorted.  “Sex life, huh?  I thought that was why Jude broke up with you, because you wouldn’t go to bed with him.”

Tory gave her a tight smile.  "It's not like it would be easy to go 'to bed' with Jude, now is it Molli?  Or do you screw him while his thirteen year old brother is pretending to sleep across the room?  Does it turn you on to know that his little brother is probably sneaking a peek at your tits?  Or that his poor little sisters probably have to put their pillows over their heads when you're there so that they won't have to hear your fake moans?  Or knowing that his parents are probably either passed out or so high that they don't care what their son is doing under their roof?"

That really pissed Molli off.  She stood still for a moment, fists clenched.  She didn’t feel bad anymore for humiliating the girl in history class.  "You little bitch.  You stuck up little bitch.  I'm going to tell Jude what you said.  Every dirty, spiteful little thing that you said about his family."

“Go ahead Molli.  I don’t give a shit.”

"Jude would have broken up with you anyway.  It was just a matter of time before someone better came along.  Someone prettier and not so uptight who was willing to do the things for him that a woman does for a man."

Tory took a sip of her soda and turned away from Molli.  “Have a nice day Molli.  Tell Jude I said ‘hi’.”

"Why don't you tell your little not boyfriend that likes to suck on your neck that Molli said hi?  Why don't you tell me who he is Tory, so I can turn his head?  I don't want him for myself, but it would feel so good to know that I so effortlessly took another guy from you."

Tory turned and walked away.  Molli felt bad about the last part of what she had said, but then she thought about the things that Tory had said about Jude’s family and didn’t feel so bad anymore.  She liked Jude’s family.  She just wished that Jude’s family liked her as much as he said they had liked Tory. 

She sighed as she headed slowly out the door to meet Jude, hoping that she didn’t run into Tory again.  But there was no sign of the other girl.  Jude was waiting for her behind the old shack.  He immediately pulled her into his arms when she got into the truck, kissing her with a passion that she thought was a little over the top.

She pulled back several minutes later.  “Um, I missed you too, but are we really going to do it right here in broad daylight?”

“My whole family is home.  I thought that we’d go see a movie and get something to eat in town but I really want to have sex with you Molli.  I dreamed about you this morning.  I was still hard when I woke up.”

Molli wondered if it was really her he had been dreaming about.  “I don’t like to do it out here Jude.  Isn’t there some place else we can go?”

“You wanna get out and go do it in the old pervert’s cabin?  It’s really dirty in there but I brought a blanket.”

“I don’t want to do it in there either.”

“I can rent us a motel room if you want because I just got paid but you’ll have to pay me back since Mom needs help with the electric bill this month.  It might be kinda cool to get a room huh?  Then we could spend the whole night together.”

“I don’t know Jude.  My mom sent my allowance but I don’t want to waste it all on a room. What if I need something before my parents send me more money?”

“C’mon Mol, your parents are loaded.  What’s it gonna hurt them to send you a little bit of extra cash?  I’m starting to get hard again, thinking of doing it with you in a real bed.”

“You’re always hard Jude.  Sometimes I think you’re a walking, talking hard on.”

“Hey, I’m a guy.  A lot of guys are just walking, talking hard ons most of the time.”

“Yeah.  Fine, let’s go.  I’ll pay for the room, but you’re paying for lunch.  And I want pizza, not greasy hamburgers.”

“Okay.”  He leaned over and kissed her.  “Thank you Molli.  You made my whole day.”

“Yeah.”  Jude backed out onto the road, and then headed back towards town.  “I ran into Tory when I was leaving.”

“Oh yeah?  What did she say?”

“A whole bunch of really mean stuff about you and your family.”

“Tory?  No.  She loved my family and they loved her right back.”

“She did.  She said that your parents are drunks and druggies and that they probably don’t care if we do it in your bed when they’re home because they’re too out of it to care.”

“What did you say to her to make her say stuff like that?”

“Nothing.  She even insulted your little sisters and brother.”

“Huh.  I guess I really pissed her off when I dumped her.”

“You never called her.  She had a hickey the other day.  I saw it in history class.”

“She did not.  Tory would have killed me if I’d ever given her a hickey.  She thinks they’re disgusting.”

“She let someone give her one.  People are saying she’s doing it with a drug dealer.”

Jude laughed.  “Tory?  Do you really think she’d go out and screw a drug dealer when she wouldn’t have sex with me once in two years?”

“I don’t know.  Somebody sure gave her a hickey.  Do you know Tony Wilson?”

“I took you to a couple of his parties.  So Tory’s supposedly sleeping with him huh?  Damn.”

“You mean the guy that has the wild parties all the time?  That’s Tony?  I didn’t know he was a dealer.  I just thought he gave drugs out to people for free when they partied at his house, and let them have orgies in his living room.  He’s really good looking.  I can’t blame Tory for wanting to have sex with him.”

“Hey, think about who you’re talking to, the guy that Tory refused to have sex with.”

Molli bit back a giggle.  “You’re good looking Jude.  Tony’s just more of the bad boy type and he’s got a really good body.  I’ll bet he works out.”

“I have a nice body too.”

“Yeah, but you’re kind of skinny and short.  Maybe she decided she likes tall guys with muscles.”

“You’d better not decide that you like guys like him better.  I’d have to kick his ass if you did.  Do you think she was messing around with him before we broke up?”

“I doubt it.  She was in love with you.”

“You don’t think she’s still in love with me?”

“Jude.  Why do you care whether or not she still loves you?  You’re with me and you told me that you love me.”

“I do love you Molli.”

“So then let Tory move on.  She deserves to be happy.”

“Why does it have to be with a guy like Wilson?  I bet she was screwing him while we were still together.  He always had his eye on her.”

“A lot of guys look at Tory.  She’s really pretty.”

“But not as pretty as you Molli.”

“Thanks Jude.  Do you want to stop and get one of those hot and ready pizzas and we’ll take it to the motel room with us?”

“Sure.  But we’ll get two.  I can eat one by myself.”

BOOK: Misty Reigenborn Romance Boxed Set
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