Mixing Essential Oils for Magic: Aromatic Alchemy for Personal Blends (24 page)

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Authors: Sandra Kynes

Tags: #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Witchcraft

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Steam distilling the flower tops produces a pale yellow to reddish colored oil with a woody, honey-like scent.

: 3

Scent Group
: herbaceous

Perfume Note
: middle to base

Plant Part
: As Above/Flowers

168 Essential Oil Profiles

Magical Uses

Although helichrysum is not widely used in magic or ritual, its energy and scent merit attention. This oil raises awareness and assists in psychic communication as well as dream work. Use helichrysum to consecrate magic tools and to increase a spell’s effectiveness especially those for abundance and attraction. Helichrysum is also useful for grounding and centering energy after magic or psychic work. Its power of renewal aids in clarifying thoughts and strengthening memory. Helichrysum releases emotional baggage, enhances

creativity, and supports spirituality. Its healing properties promote longevity and aid in sexual and fertility issues. This oil is also associated with beauty and peace.


Solar System
: Jupiter, Neptune

: air


Botanical Name
Humulus lupulus


Also Known As
: common hops, European hops

Sporting lobed, heart-shaped leaves, this aggressive climber has greenish-yellow male and female flowers on separate plants. The ripe cones from female plants are used for brewing. Hops’ botanical names come from the Latin
for soil and a diminutive of
meaning wolf. The former refers to how the plant hugs the ground if not staked or given support, and the latter describes its bind-weed tendencies with other plants. Its common name comes from the Anglo-Saxon
meaning to climb.44 Native to Europe and North America, hops grew wild in the hedgerows of Britain and can still be found in a few places. Like asparagus is eaten today, the ancient Romans bundled and steamed the young shoots as a delicacy. Abbess and Christian mystic Hildegard von Bingen is sometimes credited with popularizing their use in brewing.

44. Grieve,
A Modern Herbal
, 411

Essential Oil Profiles 169

Oil and Blending Information

The strobiles (female catkins) are steam distilled producing an oil that is pale yellow to reddish-amber in color. It has a rich, spicy-sweet scent.

: 3

Scent Group
: spicy

Perfume Note
: middle

Plant Part
: As Above/Flowers

: may cause sensitization; use in moderation

Magical Uses

Hops are effective for spells of attraction, especially sexual, as well as those that bind people together. Use hops to support divination and element magic, and to ground energy after ritual. This oil is effective in dream work related to healing especially when you are trying to bring your life into balance. Hops are also associated with beauty, determination, and fertility.


: Aquarius, Scorpio

Solar System
: Mars

: air, earth, water


Botanical Name
Hyssopus officinalis


This petite semi-evergreen shrub with lance-shaped leaves and purple-blue flowers is native to the Mediterranean region. From the Greek
meaning holy herb, hyssop was used by the Greeks and Romans to clean temples and other sacred places.45 It was also used medicinally and regarded by the Romans as a general cure-all. By the eighth century it was a mainstay in Anglo-Saxon gardens and remained so throughout Britain well beyond the Middle Ages. Its use for cleaning was carried on for centuries and recommended as a strewing herb for floors that were difficult to sweep.

45. Ibid., 426

170 Essential Oil Profiles

Oil and Blending Information

A colorless to pale yellow-green oil is produced by steam distillation of the leaves and flower tops. The scent is slightly sweet and herbaceous with camphoraceous tones.

: 3

Scent Group
: herbaceous

Perfume Note
: top

Plant Part
: As Above/Leaves & Flowers

: avoid during pregnancy; avoid use if you have epilepsy or other seizure disorder; avoid with high blood pressure; use in moderation

Magical Uses

Because of its long history of use in cleaning sacred spaces, hyssop is perfect for purifying areas for ritual as well as consecrating an altar or anointing participants. It clears away negativity, removes hexes, and provides protection against enchantment. Hyssop supports psychic work and helps to develop divination skills. Use it to invoke dragon energy, and in spells to attract money and beauty into your life. Hyssop engenders clarity of mind for finding one’s purpose. It is instrumental in manifesting change, enhances creativity, and inspires personal growth. Hyssop is also associated with fertility hope, sexuality, and vitality.


: Cancer, Sagittarius

Solar System
: Jupiter, Moon

: air, fire


Botanical Name
Jasminum officinale,
J. officinale

Also Known As
: common jasmine, poet’s jessamine

This climbing shrub with bright green leaves and white, star-shaped flowers has served as a symbol of happiness, hope, and love. While its common name is derived from the Persian,
, jasmine has been dubbed “queen of the night” and “moonshine in the Essential Oil Profiles 171

garden” because its fragrance is especially strong at night.46,47 This aroma was considered a scent of mystery and used as an aid to spiritual growth. In China, jasmine was used for culinary and medicinal purposes as well as an incense to honor the dead. It was a medicinal and perfumery ingredient in Japan and by the 16th century jasmine became a popular flavoring for tea in Europe. Jasmine is indigenous to northern India and western Asia.

Oil and Blending Information

An absolute is created from jasmine flowers by solvent extraction. The absolute is then steam distilled to produce an orange-brown oil with a sweet floral and somewhat tea-like scent.

: 4

Scent Group
: floral

Perfume Note
: middle to base

Plant Part
: As Above/Flowers

: may cause sensitization

Magical Uses

For centuries jasmine has been connected with beauty, love, lust, and sex. Instrumental for defensive, moon, night, and sex magic, jasmine enhances divination as well as contact with the spirit realm. This oil is also an ally providing protection for dream work, channeling, and astral travel. Jasmine aids in releasing emotions and thoughts that inhibit personal development, and gives a boost to self-confidence. Associated with happiness, justice, and relationships, jasmine helps manifest desires. Spiritually, jasmine stimulates intuition bringing inspiration for creative endeavors as well as clarity for communication. It is also instrumental for peace, healing, and overall well-being. Use jasmine in spells to attract luck and prosperity as well as to bind a pledge. This oil’s gentle powers of purification are ideal for anointing and blessing ritual participants. Jasmine is also associated with fertility, friendship, and dealing with problems.


: Cancer, Capricorn, Pisces

46. Coombes,
Dictionary of Plant Names
, 110

47. Fischer-Rizzi,
The Complete Aromatherapy Handbook
, 104

172 Essential Oil Profiles

olar System
: Mercury, Moon

: air, earth, water

: Diana, Rhiannon

: Vishnu


Botanical Name
Juniperus communis


Also Known As
: common juniper, gin berry, juniper berry

With its name from the Dutch
meaning gin, juniper berries have been used to flavor this and other drinks.48 Native to the northern hemisphere, juniper is a shrubby evergreen with bluish-green needles and green berries that turn black as they mature.

In ancient Egypt juniper incense was used to purify the soul and as an oil it was used for anointing both the living and the dead. In addition to using juniper berries medicinally, the Romans flavored their food with them when black pepper was unavailable. In medieval

Europe juniper boughs were burned to guard against the plague and bundles of berries were hung above doorways to ward off witches.

Oil and Blending Information

Steam distilling unripe juniper berries produces a white or pale yellow oil with a sweet, woody-balsamic scent.

: 3

Scent Group
: woody

Perfume Note
: middle

Plant Part
: As Above/Fruit

: avoid during pregnancy; may cause slight skin irritation; use in moderation
Magical Uses

Juniper is great for purifying large spaces as well as banishing the energy of negative people. It is instrumental in overcoming problems and releasing toxic emotions. Use it for defense in magic as it is especially effective against black magic, hexes, and dealing 48. Wilson,
, 82

Essential Oil Profiles 173

with spirits. This oil enhances divination and dream work, and helps increase psychic abilities. Use it to strengthen psychic protection as well as to keep energy grounded in the physical world. Juniper is effective for manifesting abundance, love, prosperity, and success. Where spirituality is concerned, juniper aids in gaining knowledge, growth, and transformation. Its healing properties support fertility, longevity, and general well-being. It is also associated with beginnings, happiness, secrets, security, and stability.


: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Solar System
: Mars, Mercury, Moon, Sun

: Beltane, Walpurgis, Yule

: earth, fire, water

: Hel, Holle, the Morrigan, Ran

: Balder, Loki


Botanical Name
Cistus ladanifer


Also Known As
: cistus, rock rose, sun rose

The leaves of this bushy shrub are sticky with oozing gum, which the Greeks called

.49 Shepherds collected this gum by herding their sheep through thickets and then combing it from their fur. Indigenous to the Mediterranean, the labdanum from Crete and Cyprus was considered particularly rich and used for holy oils and incense. It was part of the medicinal arsenal in Europe from the Middle Ages to modern times. Even though the flowers are white with yellow centers, they resemble the wild rose close enough to merit the common name rock rose. Labdanum should not be confused with laudanum, a tincture of opium.

Oil and Blending Information

A dark yellow or amber oil is produced from the steam distilled gum. Sometimes the oil is steam distilled from an absolute. It has a sweet, herbaceous, musky scent.

49. Langenheim,
Plant Resins
, 435

174 Essential Oil Profiles

: 5

Scent Group
: herbaceous

Perfume Note
: base

Plant Part
: So Below/Resins

: avoid during pregnancy

Magical Uses

Labdanum is ideal for consecrating an altar or any space used for magic or ritual. Instrumental for divination, it stimulates intuition, and aids in receiving messages from spirit guides. This oil broadens self-awareness bringing forth soul-level knowledge, truth, and renewal. Labdanum is emotionally elevating, yet grounding making it a positive aid in healing as well as dealing with loss. This oil is also associated with control, trust, and vitality.


Solar System
: Pluto, Venus

: water

The Lavender Oils

Botanical Family

With flower-topped spikes, the lavenders are woody, shrubby evergreens that have been garden favorites for centuries. Commonly used in laundry water since Roman times, lavender’s genus name comes from the Latin
meaning to wash.50


Botanical Name
Lavandula x intermedia

Also Known As
: bastard lavender, Dutch lavender

Lavandin is a hybrid of true and spike lavenders. The plant is generally larger than true lavender, its stems more woody, and its flowers blue or gray. Because lavandin’s scent is similar to true lavender, it is often used as a substitute.

50. Panda,
Essential Oils Handbook
, 90

Essential Oil Profiles 175

Oil and Blending Information

Like it’s cousins, the flower tops are steam distilled into a colorless to pale yellow oil. Its scent is very similar to true lavender, but a little more herbaceous.

: 3

Scent Group
: floral

Perfume Note
: middle to top

Plant Part
: As Above/Flowers

Lavender, Spike

Botanical Name
Lavandula latifolia
, syn.
L. spica

Also Known As
: asarum, aspic, lesser lavender, nardus Italica

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