Monroe, Marla - Hot and Bothered (Siren Publishing Classic) (23 page)

BOOK: Monroe, Marla - Hot and Bothered (Siren Publishing Classic)
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“So we need to find out who this client is and warn him before Martin can give him the next prospectus. Do you know which one it is he will give him?” Savanna asked.

“Yes. I have two copies of the one I did, so I can give him mine if I only knew who he was.”

“How are we going to find out who it is? How long do we have until he comes back from wherever he went?” she asked.

“I don’t know when he’s coming back, but it will be soon. The only thing I can think of is to break into his office and look through his files.” Karen ran a hand through her hair and then buried her face in her hands.

“Hey, don’t give up, Karen. We’ll figure it out, but you can’t break into his office. You’ll get caught.”

“So what? I’m going to lose my job anyway. I might as well have a chance at proving I didn’t screw up the presentation than just doing nothing and getting fired.”

“Okay, let’s think. He isn’t going to do anything over the weekend. That gives us till Monday. The weekend would be the best time to sneak into his office, right?” Savanna asked.

“Right. But you can’t go with me. You don’t work there, I do,” Karen said.

“I’m your friend. You’re working over the weekend, and I stop by to see if you want to go out. Face it, you need a lookout, so I’m it.”

Karen frowned but nodded. “I guess you are right. It could work.”

“I know I’m right.” Savanna grinned at her friend. “I’m always right.”

She leaned back against the cabinet and cocked her head. “So, tell me about Ben. How are things going between you two?”

“I don’t know. We fight every time we get together. I mean, one of us always ends up mad before the night is over. I don’t think we will ever get anything worked out.”

“What do you fight about?” Savanna asked.

“Nothing. That is what is so stupid about it. The other day he got pissed because I told him I couldn’t send out my resumes until I got this problem fixed. He said screw it and send them out anyway. He doesn’t understand that if this all blows up, I won’t be able to get a job anywhere.”

Savanna winced. She understood both their sides of the argument. Ben didn’t want her anywhere around Martin anymore, and her refusal to send out resumes told him she wasn’t taking his feelings seriously. Still, if Karen’s name was blackened, she wouldn’t be able to find a good job.

“I understand that you have to fix this, but think how he feels, too. You’re sending a signal to him that you are more worried about your job situation than you are about him.”

Karen groaned. “I didn’t think about it like that. He makes me so angry. I can’t think at all. He doesn’t ask, he just tells me what to do.”

“Karen, you know as well as I do that all men are like that. You managed just fine before things got bad. I think you’re still nervous about what will happen if you do work things out. You’ve got to make up your mind if you want to make things permanent between you two because that’s where it is headed and you know it.”

She closed her eyes and shook her head. “I know. One minute, I’m sure and ready. The next, I’m scared and want to run away again.”

“I wish I could help you with this, but you’re on your own with Ben. I have man troubles all my own.” Savanna hugged her friend.

“So, tell me about Dustin. Now that I’ve spilled my guts, it’s time for you to spill yours.”

“I broke down and called him tonight. I just wanted to hear his voice, you know?”

“And?” Karen asked.

“He was busy. I mean, he said he was in a meeting, and he would call me back later.”

“I take it that bothers you.”

“Well, yeah. What sort of meeting and with who and why at eight o’clock at night?” There, Savanna thought. She’d finally put into words what was bothering her about the entire conversation.

“You don’t believe him.”

“Oh, Karen, I don’t know what to believe anymore. He said to trust him, and he would tell me everything when he got back. I just don’t understand what sort of job might have come up at night that would require him to go out of town for almost a week. Especially when we were just making up and he doesn’t have a steady job.”

“So, you’re thinking…” Karen began.

“What if he is seeing someone else?” Savanna asked.

“Then he breaks it off and that’s that. You two weren’t seeing each other. He didn’t cheat.”

“I know.” Savanna winced. Even to her it sounded whiney.

“The best thing to do is to leave it alone and give him the chance to tell you everything once he returns. If you’re not satisfied, tell him you aren’t and go from there,” Karen said.

“You’re right.” Savanna drew in a deep breath and slowly let it out. “He’ll be back in the next day or two. I can handle it till then.”

“Good girl,” Karen said.

“So, let’s have ice cream and plan our attack for Saturday.” Savanna opened the freezer and pulled out a tub of Triple Chocolate while Karen got out the bowls and spoons.

Chapter Twelve

Dustin cursed but managed to restrain himself before he threw his pen across the room. The meeting had gone about like he thought it would. The company hadn’t disclosed that they were about to be in the middle of a lawsuit over a faulty product that had caused some major damage to another company. That company was suing for damages and loss of business. No one knew how the product had managed to be sent out of the plant without being quality checked like every other product.

He didn’t get out of the meeting with the board of supervisors until nearly midnight, so he hadn’t called Savanna back. That weighed heavy on his mind as well. What were the chances that as soon as they got back together he would have to leave and deal with a mess like this. Then, on top of all that, he knew for certain that Martin had manipulated the information on this buy. If he had even attempted to check into things himself, he would have never bought the company.

To make matters worse, he needed a new assistant since his was leaving. He would never have contracted with outside agency to research his business interests if he’d had a full-time assistant again. It was a vicious circle. He needed to find an assistant. So far, none of the candidates the headhunters had sent him measured up to what he wanted.

He had his lawyers working on the lawsuit, and he had a team set up to review the inspection process to see where the failure had come in. If everything went according to plan, he could turn it all around. He would still lose a good deal of money, but it would work out in the long run. The company had been solid until that had happened. With any luck, he would be back in
by Saturday night.

His phone buzzed. He looked at the readout and smiled. Martin Sherman.


“Mr. Liguori. This is Martin. I wanted to let you know I have that prospectus ready for you now.”

“Good, good. I’m planning to be back in town by Sunday night. I could meet you Monday, say ten o’clock?” Dustin smiled to himself.

“That would be perfect. I’ll have everything ready,” Martin said.

“I’ll talk to you then.” Dustin hung up.

Did Martin really think he was that stupid? He was there in Portland cleaning up a mess because of the last advice he’d taken from them, but he was willing to listen. There was something going on all right. He would figure it out and put an end to Martin. First, he had to finish things there in Portland and make things right with Savanna. Then he would take care of Martin Sherman.

Dustin unbuttoned his shirt and took off his socks and shoes. He turned on the shower and then finished undressing. All he could think about now was Savanna and how much he wished she were there with him. Just the thought of her soft skin against him tightened his balls. He wanted to run his hands over her breasts. He longed to taste her lips and suck in those delicious nipples that tasted like ripe berries.

He stepped into the shower and let the hot water run over him. He could almost imagine it to be her hands running over his body. His cock stirred. The thought of her back at her apartment lying in bed drew a moan from him. He wanted to be there with her. Did she sleep in the nude without him? Did she masturbate thinking of him? He ran his hand down his body to cup his balls. He squeezed them then grasped his cock in one hand and began sliding his hand up and down his stiff rod.

He could see her running her hand between her legs and dipping a finger inside her wet pussy. He pumped his hand up and down over and over again. He imagined her using one hand to pinch and pull at her nipples while her other hand worked her clit. She would sink two fingers inside her and use her thumb to stimulate that tiny button. He groaned and had to use one hand against the shower wall to hold him up as he pumped faster and faster. He was so close. All it would take would be to hear her cry out in completion.

He thought about her thrusting her fingers in and out of her body while she pinched her breasts. She was close. She switched and used her other hand to press against her clit. Her breath hitched as she started to come. One final thrust as she pinched her clit, and she screamed when she came. Dustin was right behind her. His balls drew up, and he shouted her name as he came. Spurts of his come splattered the shower wall. His legs nearly gave out on him. He leaned his head against the tile. Physical completion didn’t lessen the need to have her in his arms.

* * * *

Friday night, Savanna went out to eat with Ben and Karen. They discussed Karen’s problem and what they had planned for the next day. Ben wasn’t happy about it at all, but since he figured that the worse that could happen was that Karen could lose her job, he wasn’t worried. He wanted her to quit anyway. He offered several ideas and alternatives which mostly consisted of Karen walking out of the office with her stuff.

“You don’t need that job. You can get another job,” he said.

“If they blackball me, I won’t be able to get a job of any kind around here.”

“So, don’t work.”

Karen rolled her eyes. “And how do you propose that I pay my bills?”

“I’ll take care of you,” Ben said.

“I will not be a kept woman, Ben.”

“Here we go,” he said.

“Whoa, you two!” Savanna finally interrupted them. “Ben, we’re going to try and find out who the client is and warn him. It’s not just a matter of pride for Karen. It’s what the right thing to do is.”

“Ben, we’ll be careful, and if there isn’t a way to do it, we won’t take any chances. I promise,” Karen said.

“Fine. But if something happens to you two…”

“Nothing is going to happen. I’m not going to take any chances.” Karen grabbed his hand and squeezed.

Their meal came, and they settled down to eat, with the rest of the conversation revolving around Savanna and the spa.

They dropped Savanna off at her apartment a little after eight. She had enjoyed eating dinner with them. It was almost like old times again. Now, though, she was alone again in her apartment, and she missed them. Actually, she missed Dustin. She hoped he would be back by the weekend, but she hadn’t heard from him, so she was beginning to doubt it. She checked her answering machine, but there weren’t any messages for her.

She stripped down to her underwear and ran a bath. She sprinkled in just enough bath salts to scent the air. As soon as the tub was full, Savanna finished undressing and stepped into the hot water. She set her cell phone on the edge of the tub in case anyone called. Anyone being, Dustin.

She piled her hair up on top of her head, applied her hair clip, and leaned back against the back of the tub to relax. Tomorrow would be a busy day at the spa. Women were getting ready for summer and bikini season. They were so busy now she spent most days helping out the specialists instead of doing her books as she normally did. She now had to do them at night, which put her later and later getting home. If things kept up as they were, she would need to hire a full-time manager for the spa.

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