Monroe, Marla - Hot and Bothered (Siren Publishing Classic) (19 page)

BOOK: Monroe, Marla - Hot and Bothered (Siren Publishing Classic)
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“Did you know I have a sister who lives in

Savanna’s brows furrowed together at the question. She shook her head.

“She’s married with two kids. The little boy is eight, and her daughter is six. They’re a handful, especially at Christmas. It’s wild at their house.” He smiled at her and watched her face.

“Dorothy is a physical therapist. I guess that would be a little like your job. She works on people’s bodies to make them feel better.”

“I guess that’s right.” She licked her lips but didn’t ask any questions.

“Her husband manages a company of some kind outside of
. They do some sort of printing.”

Savanna nodded and remained quiet.

“Do you have any brothers or sisters? I don’t remember you saying.”

“Um, yeah. One of each,” she said. She was obviously reluctant to talk about them.

“Where do they live?” Dustin asked.

“Nathan lives in
San Antonio
, and my sister is in

“Are they married? Do you have any nieces or nephews?”

“Hey, what is all this talk about our families?” She fidgeted under his stare.

“Just trying to get to know you a little better. We’ve been dating for a little over a month now, and I realized we really don’t know anything about each other.”

Savanna opened her mouth then closed it. She jumped out of bed, still holding on to the sheet. “Do we have to know all about each other’s lives to go out?”

“I guess not, but I really would like to get to know you better. Learn more about you and your life. Aren’t you even the least bit curious about me or my life?”

Dustin stood up and walked around the end of the bed to stand in front of her. He was totally nude, but it didn’t bother him. Hell, they’d just made love not an hour ago.

“I’m going to take a shower.” She turned and walked toward the bathroom, dragging the sheet after her.

He grabbed her arm to stop her. “Hey, wait up. What’s wrong? You’re acting like something is really bothering you.”

“Nothing. I’m going to take a shower. I’ll be out in a few minutes.” She swallowed but didn’t look up.

He realized she was close to tears. He let go of her arm, and she nearly ran into the other room. It took two tries to get the entire sheet into the bathroom so she could close the door. He heard the lock click. He stared at the closed door. What in the hell had brought that on? It had to be something about her family. That was when she got upset. He’d kept pushing her, and she had balked and ran. Obviously, there was something wrong in her family, and he hadn’t let it go. What an asshole.

He sighed, grabbed up his jeans, and pulled them on. He didn’t bother with shoes or socks. She kept her apartment clean. He kept his that way, too, but he had someone who came and cleaned for him twice a week.

Hopefully she would calm down in the shower, and they could talk about something else. Eventually, she would talk about her family with him if they worked everything else out. Maybe he should go ahead and broach the subject of their relationship. Women usually loved to talk about relationships. Since he wanted to discuss making theirs an exclusive one, it would be a good time to bring it up.

He wasn’t sure how far he was willing to go as far as where they were headed.
I mean, I don’t want to talk about marriage.
It was too soon. They still had the getting to know each other issue to resolve.

Thinking back, he realized they never talked about much of anything other than general,
topics. It was all about sex with her. Oddly enough, Dustin wanted more than just sex in their relationship. Normally, he was all about the sex. He didn’t get serious about anyone. He dated for the sex, and for someone to escort to the parties and charity events he went to. The idea that things weren’t going to go well settled on him like a heavy cloak. There was definitely something wrong, and before they could go any further, he needed to know what it was. If she were seeing another man, he would handle it. As long as she agreed to stop seeing him now that they were together, he was okay with that. After all, they hadn’t had that sort of relationship spelled out before. But Dustin had the sneaky suspicion it was something much worse than another man.

Chapter Ten

Savanna barely made it into the bathroom before the first tear fell. She closed the door, locked it, and leaned against it, trying to stifle the sobs. Ah, hell. What was she going to do now? He was talking about family. That meant he was getting serious. Men didn’t talk about family unless they planned to meet them. Just how serious was yet to be seen, but definitely more serious than she planned on getting. She needed to be honest with him about their relationship or lack of, which was how she wanted to keep it. Right?

Suddenly, the idea of losing him bothered her a lot more than it should. She wanted things to remain like they were. What if he didn’t want to leave things as they were? Men didn’t usually want a serious relationship. Why did Dustin have to be different? Maybe she could be a little more open about her life and still keep her distance. She couldn’t afford to fall in love with him. He wasn’t her idea of a good husband candidate.
Face it, Savanna, you’re looking for a husband, and he doesn’t fit the bill, no matter how good he is in bed.

He didn’t fit into her ideal. Yes, he had sex down to a fine art, but he didn’t have a steady job. She wanted, no, needed stability in her life. Her childhood had been full of men who were only looking for the next get-rich-quick scheme. She wasn’t living like that again, and she sure wasn’t going to have a child grow up in that environment. What was she going to do?

Savanna finished rinsing off and got out of the tub. She dried off, thinking desperately of what she was going to do. She opened the bathroom door and was relieved to see he wasn’t in the bedroom. She knew a moment of panic that he had left, but she saw his shoes and shirt on the bedroom floor. He hadn’t left. She pulled on a pair of shorts and an overlarge T-shirt. She didn’t bother with house shoes.

She found Dustin drinking a cup of coffee in the kitchen. He looked so good standing there in nothing but a pair of jeans and nothing else. The jeans were unbuttoned at the waist, and his sexy muscular chest and abdomen were bare for her to see. He looked too damn good. Her heart sped up. Their eyes met. She licked her lips and smiled. He grinned in return. Maybe they would be okay after all.

“How about some coffee?” he asked.

“Sounds good.” Savanna stood on the other side of the island.

He pulled another mug from the cabinet and poured coffee into it before handing it to her. He pushed the sugar bowl across the bar to her. He knew she liked a teaspoon full of sugar in her coffee. He paid attention to the little things, she realized. Why, oh, why couldn’t he have a steady job? She would be happy even if it was as a garbage man as long as it was steady. She needed roots in her life. That was why she owned the day spa. It meant stability and a steady income.

They sipped their coffee for a few minutes in silence. Then Dustin put his cup down. He leaned on the bar and looked into her eyes.

“I think we need to talk.”

“About what?” She dropped her gaze and studied her coffee. She so didn’t want to have this conversation.

“About us.”

“What about us?” She held her coffee with both hands.

“Is there an us? I mean, do you want to keep seeing each other, Savanna?”

She jerked her head up. “Well, yeah. I mean, have you changed your mind?”

“No, but I need to know how you feel. You don’t talk about your feelings. Are you happy with us? Is the sex good for you?” Dustin leaned his elbows on the bar.

“You’re asking me about feelings? I thought I was the girl here.”

He shook his head. “See what I mean? You changed the subject. Anytime something personal comes up, you back away from it.” He stood up straight again. “Is there something you don’t want me to know about?”

“No, I just don’t talk about stuff all that much. I do with Karen, but you’re…” She hesitated, not sure what to say. Finally, she settled on, “a man.”

“If we were married, you would talk to me about anything and everything.”

Her head jerked up when he said married. There wasn’t anything on his face to indicate he was serious. She let out a breath and swallowed around the knot in her throat.

“Savanna, you and Karen went out the other night. You said you had a good time. I’m okay with that, but I want us to have a closer relationship. I don’t want you seeing anyone else while we are together.”

Savanna licked her lips. She could handle that. She didn’t want him messing around with anyone while they were seeing each other either. That was doable.

“I agree with that. I don’t want you seeing anyone either. It goes both ways.”

He grinned at her. “I expected that.” He stretched over the bar and kissed her.

Good, maybe everything was okay now.

“My sister is coming to
next week for a seminar. I thought if you aren’t busy, we could have dinner with her Friday night.”

Maybe not. She bit her lip and racked her brain for something to say. He looked expectantly at her.

“Yeah, sure. That would be nice.” She groaned inwardly.

Meeting family meant deeper feelings. It wasn’t a good sign.
Face it, girl. You are already fighting your feelings for him. Suck it up. You’ve got to talk to him.

“Great! I’ll tell her. She wants to meet you,” he said.

“You’ve already told her about me?” It came out in a squeak.

“Well, yeah. She and I talk about twice a week. We’ve been close all our lives.”

“Oh, that’s great. It will be nice to meet her. Where is she staying?” she asked.

“With me. I’ve got plenty of room for her. She’s used to my place anyway.”

Savanna wondered what kind of place he lived in. He hadn’t taken her there yet. She mentally slapped herself.
Stop! You don’t want to go to his place. That makes things more serious than you want to get.

“You know, you’ve never been to my place. I don’t know why I haven’t taken you there. You’d like my shower.” He waggled his eyebrows at her.

It was so funny she couldn’t help but laugh. “You mean it’s nicer than mine? I have a really nice shower.”

“Yeah, right,” he said.

She frowned at him and slapped his arm. “What’s so great about yours?”

“It’s a walk-in, and,” he said, “it has multiple showerheads.”

She frowned. That was interesting. He didn’t have a steady job, but he had a super nice shower. Well, men had strange priorities. Trucks, toys, and, she guessed, showers.

He leaned over the bar again and kissed her. “Mmm, my favorite combination. You, toothpaste, and coffee.”

“When you put it that way, gross.” Savanna made a face at him.

He laughed. “So we agree? We are seeing each other exclusively? I mean, if you were seeing someone else, well, I guess I can’t say anything, but not anymore. Okay?”

“Why would I see anyone but you? You are the absolute best in bed.” She laughed and took her mug around to the sink to rinse it out. When he didn’t say anything, she turned around to find him looking at her oddly.


“Is the only reason you’re seeing me is for the sex? Is that why you haven’t talked about your family or your job or, hell, anything?”

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