Monroe, Marla - Their Reluctant Submissive [Knights in Black Leather 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (15 page)

BOOK: Monroe, Marla - Their Reluctant Submissive [Knights in Black Leather 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“Oh, shit!” He realized Marx was out of control when he started to enter her without a condom.

“Marx! Stop. Condom, man.” He handed his brother the little packet and grinned down at the shock in Marx’s face.

When he looked at Kelly, he realized she was too far gone to even think about it. Even as Marx struggled to roll on the condom, she was trying to mount him. He waited until they finally had a handle on things before joining them. He pulled her hair to one side and kissed her shoulder before nipping at it. She leaned back, turning her head so that they could briefly kiss before Marx began to fuck her in earnest.

“Bend over, baby. I’m going to get your ass ready so I can shove my cock up that tight ass.”

When she only moaned in response, he took it as an okay to proceed. He dribbled lube down her butt crack before rubbing it around her back hole. Then he pressed his thumb gently against the sweet pucker. He was careful not to do anything that would stir up the tenderness of her skin from earlier. He didn’t want to cause her any pain, only pleasure. He added a little more lube and pressed inward with his thumb until it popped through the tight ring. Then he pushed a little more and it moved past the inner ring of muscle. He pumped it in and out of her back hole until there was no resistance.

“Hurry the fuck up, Jackson. She’s squeezing my dick like a vise.” Marx sounded strained to say the least.

“I don’t want to hurt her. I’m hurrying.”

He pulled out his thumb and added more lube. This time he inserted two fingers. She pressed out as he pressed in, and his fingers slowly made it inside her tight sheath. He thrust them in and out, widening them to stretch her dark hole for his cock. He couldn’t wait to feel her surround his cock and squeeze like she was squeezing his fingers. When she started to push back and forth on his fingers, Jackson decided she was ready and removed them from her ass. He slipped on a condom and covered his throbbing cock with the slippery stuff before positioning his shaft at her dark passage.

“Easy, baby. Push back for me and let me in.”

He pressed against the tiny rosette until it began to blossom around his stiff dick. He didn’t let up on the pressure until the spongy head of his cock slipped inside her back hole. He stilled and waited for her to relax around him. The pressure was heaven and hell. So far she hadn’t screamed
, so he figured he was good to go. Slowly, he delved deeper into her hot ass until her whimpers caused him to stop once again.

“Kelly? Are you okay? Do I need to stop?” He could hear the strain in his voice as he fought to remain still.

“Oh, God. Don’t stop. Please, Jackson. I need you inside me.”

He sighed and pulled back some before tunneling his way deeper into her ass. When he was all the way in up to his balls, Jackson leaned forward and kissed her spine before beginning to move again.

Marx pulled out when he moved back in. Then he drew out as his brother pressed back in. They rocked her between them in a slow, torturous rhythm that was driving him crazy with the need to pound into her. The fear that he would hurt her kept him in control, but they slowly began to increase their speed so that they were seesawing along at a decent rate.

Kelly growled beneath him. He grinned. He was used to hearing Marx growl like a wild animal, but to hear it from her, it was all he could do to keep from telling her that he loved her right then and there. She was making his brother happy, and that alone was a miracle in his book. She would be treated like the princess she was for as long as he could lift a hand to care for her.

“Dammit! Move, you two! I need more, faster, harder.” Her voice broke as they picked up the speed and began to pound in and out of her cunt and ass.

The slap of skin against skin echoed around the bedroom as they gave her what she asked for. When a roaring filled his head, he thought at first it was Marx growling his release, but soon realized it was in his head. His climax rushed toward him like a freight train. He fought to control the monster orgasm before it hit.

“Marx! I’m going to come. I can’t hold off any longer.”

“I’ve got her.”

He trusted his brother to make sure that Kelly was taken care of and let go. A mini-explosion hit him at the base of his spine as his balls drew up, and burning heat boiled from them up the shaft of his cock until he was shooting his cum into the condom buried deep in her ass. She tightened down on his dick until he swore he saw stars. It was the only hint that she was coming along with him. He couldn’t hear a damn thing with the roar in his head.

He ground against her ass even knowing that it had to be uncomfortable by the heat that still burned there. He couldn’t help himself. It seemed to go on and on forever before it finally released him. He collapsed against Kelly’s back as Marx yelled out below them, calling out her name. Then the room seemed to be dead quiet until the sounds of heavy breathing finally registered with him.

“Um, Jackson? Can you move? I can’t feel my legs.”

* * * *

Kelly breathed a sigh of relief when Jackson cursed and slowly pulled out of her. She groaned at the sudden loss. Without his weight on her back, she was able to take a deep breath and pushed up from Marx’s chest. Then Jackson was pulling her off of his brother, and again she felt the brief emptiness before her legs began waking up and pain took over. She gasped and tried to get out of Jackson’s arms so she could walk around on them.

“Let me go, Jackson. I need to walk.”

He let her go but hovered until he was sure she wasn’t going to collapse or something. If she hadn’t been in such pain, she might have appreciated it more. Right then, it was aggravating. She walked around the room for several minutes while the men cleaned up. Then when she was satisfied that she could stand the tingles again, Kelly sat back on the bed and sighed.

“Better?” Jackson stood in front of her with a concerned expression plastered across his face.

“Yeah, thanks.”

“Marx has a bath ready for you. You’ll feel better after soaking for awhile.” Jackson helped her up and followed her to the bathroom.

Jackson helped her into the tub, and immediately the warm water enveloped her in a wonderful liquid hug. It stung her ass a bit in places, but that soon subsided.

“Just lean back and let us bathe you.” Jackson soaped up a cloth and started with her feet. By the time he had reached her belly, Marx had stepped out of the shower and took over while Jackson got a shower.

Marx gently cleaned her top half then leaned in and kissed her cheek.

“You were amazing tonight, kitten.”

She smiled but didn’t open her eyes. She was much too comfortable to move anything at the moment other than her mouth. She wanted to tell him how special it had all been to her, but the words wouldn’t come. All she could manage was a simple thank-you.

“Thank you, sir.”

She felt warm lips against each of her eyelids then the shower shut off, and she could hear Jackson stepping out into the room. He and Marx exchanged a quiet conversation that she couldn’t hear before they returned with warm, fluffy towels and helped her out of the tub. She didn’t want to leave the comfy water, but it was getting a bit cool now.

They gently patted her dry so as not to be abrasive across her tender skin. Then Marx picked her up and carried her back into the bedroom. He settled her on the bed and pulled the covers up to her neck before slipping beneath them with her. A few seconds later, Jackson climbed in on the other side and cuddled her between them. She could feel the steady beat of their hearts beneath her ear and her hand. They seemed to keep the same tempo, and it was to that simple rhythm that she began to fall asleep.

At some point in the night or early morning, she became aware of Marx slipping out of the bed. She didn’t worry at first, but when the bed grew cool on that side, she woke up enough to know that he hadn’t returned to bed. She thought about going to find him but wasn’t sure he would welcome her being nosey.

“He’s fine, Kelly. Go on back to sleep. He doesn’t sleep well at night.” Jackson’s raspy voice startled her.

“How did you know I was awake or what I was even thinking about?”

“You got too still. I knew you had to be thinking, and since I heard Marx leave earlier, I figured you were thinking about him.”

“You’re entirely too sure of yourself.”

He chuckled and pulled her tighter against his chest. “Nope. Not when it comes to you, baby. Get some rest. It’s still too freaking early to get up. The damn rooster hasn’t even crowed.”

“Maybe not, but I know a cock that’s definitely up already.” She could feel his shaft thick against her lower back as he held her.

“You’re pushing me, kitten.” She could hear the amusement in his voice as well as the tightness that was his need.

“Maybe I want to push.” She couldn’t help but want to make him feel as good as they had made her feel the night before.

“You’re bound to be sore.” His hands massaged her shoulders.

“Not too sore for you.”

Jackson groaned and dropped his hand to her pussy where he slipped a finger inside of her where she knew he would find her already wet and ready for him.

“Ah, hell. You’re ready, aren’t you, baby.”

“Fuck me, Jackson.”

He rolled away from her and then was back, pulling her leg back over his hip as he slipped his sheathed cock into her waiting pussy. She moaned at the delicious feel of him stretching her open as his thick dick thrust inside of her. He reached up and played with her nipples as he moved in and out of her cunt in a slow, lazy rhythm. She leaned back against his chest as he pulled on her nipples and nibbled on her neck.

He adjusted his angle, and the spongy head of his cock stroked her sweet spot with each thrust. Her body began to prepare for the climax as she tried to slow it down. She wanted to savor him being inside of her a little longer, but with the way he moved, there was no way she would last long this time.

“Fuck, you feel good around my cock. You’re so damn hot and wet.”

He sucked on her earlobe then moved to her shoulder where he sucked on her there as well. He would leave a mark for sure with the way he was drawing on her skin. She could feel the slight rasp of his teeth as if he was fighting himself not to bite her. At this point, she would have welcomed it if he had bit her.

He moved his hand back down to her pussy and began to tease her clit as his pace picked up.

“I can’t hold off, baby. Come for me.” He pinched the tender nub as he thrust frantically inside of her.

Kelly couldn’t help it. He’d told her to come and with his fingers milking her clit, she did just that, tightening around his cock in the process. She was still hoarse from screaming and only managed to shout his name into the room. She felt him pulse within her, and then he was calling out her name as well. His breath was harsh in her ear as they both reigned in their breathing.

Jackson withdrew from her body and disappeared for a few seconds. When he returned, he pulled her over on top of him so that her head rested on his chest.

“Go back to sleep, Kelly. We’ve got a long time till we need to get up.”

“Should I go see about Marx?” She was worried he would have heard them and known what they were doing. She didn’t want him to feel left out.

“He’s fine, baby. We share. There’s no keeping score. Don’t worry about it. Let us worry about everything.”

Kelly was afraid of that. She was worried that they would try and do everything for her until there was nothing left for her. If they didn’t need her for anything but sex, she would cease to exist, not only for them but for herself as well. She wouldn’t let that happen again. Loving them would be a problem though. It made her want to make them happy, and if making them happy meant letting them take over…Well, Kelly knew that she couldn’t live that way again.

Chapter Fourteen

Marx stood up and stretched from where he’d been sitting in the living room for the last hour. Hearing his brother’s completion, he knew they would soon both be asleep again and he could climb back in the bed without disturbing them. He carried the empty beer bottle into the kitchen and threw it away. He hoped he would be able to get another few hours of sleep now.

When he’d woken up, it was from a dream where he’d pushed Kelly too far and hurt her. She’d screamed at him that he was an animal and wouldn’t let him help her. There had been blood covering her back where he’d used the single tail ruthlessly on her. He would never do that in real life. Why had he dreamed that he had hurt her that way? It worried him. He wasn’t naïve. He knew it was his mind’s way to push his worries out into the open where he would have to deal with them.

Kelly was so perfect for them—for him. She didn’t need or want a full-time D/s relationship but enjoyed the occasional serious play that they enjoyed. She fit in with their friends, and it didn’t seem to bother her to be submissive for them at the club. Most of all, she enjoyed a bite of pain. He wasn’t really a sadist. He enjoyed giving just enough pain to be erotic for the right sub. He loved seeing pretty pink stripes or a well-tanned ass on a woman. He would never do anything that would harm one and was careful even when they asked for more than he was planning to give. Still, he kept a piece of himself locked away just in case. He didn’t want there to ever be any accidents because he lost control.

BOOK: Monroe, Marla - Their Reluctant Submissive [Knights in Black Leather 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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