Monroe, Marla - Their Reluctant Submissive [Knights in Black Leather 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (16 page)

BOOK: Monroe, Marla - Their Reluctant Submissive [Knights in Black Leather 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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When he’d been a teenager, he’d had a horrible temper, and if he got into a fight, it always took Jackson to pull him off of the other guy before he seriously hurt him. Then in the army, he’d learned the skill of discipline. It had worked wonders on him. Those had been the best years until one night they had been out on patrol and come upon some members of the Taliban raping a young girl. He’d gone crazy. By the time they had been able to pull him off of the men responsible, it had been too late. He’d killed two men with his bare hands.

Fully expecting to be court-martialed and end up serving time, Marx had been stunned to learn that they intended to recommend him for a medal. They had deserved to die for what they had done to the young teenage girl, but he’d had no right to make that decision and carry it out with his bare hands. His loss of control hadn’t been viewed that way at the time, but he never forgot it and would always keep that part of him under lock and key.

Jackson kept telling him that he wouldn’t hurt anyone, even by accident, but he didn’t want to take the chance and made sure anytime he played that Jackson was with him. He could make love to a woman alone, but he didn’t play without his brother. Now that they had found Kelly, the old fear resurfaced stronger than before. He knew it was because she mattered, and if they had their way, she would become their wife.

Could he avoid playing with her all alone if they married? Would she notice that he didn’t engage in scenes without Jackson there as well? Marx scrubbed his hands over his face and blew out a breath. Maybe he should confess his fear to her so she could make the decision if she wanted to be involved with them or not. It was only fair, but that would condemn his brother as well. That wasn’t fair to Jackson.


He couldn’t do it. Not only because of Jackson, but because he was just selfish enough that he wanted her anyway. He would keep that part of himself safe from her. He could do it. He had been doing it for years.

* * * *

At some point in the early morning hours, Marx had returned to bed. Kelly felt his hand covering her pussy and smiled. Jackson’s hand was on her breast. They were possessive men, and as long as they could control that part of themselves, she was happy enough to let them be the men they were.

She figured by the way the sun shone through the window that it was approaching noon. She would have to go home soon. She wasn’t surprised that it bothered her to think about it now. Loving them meant more stress because she would want to be with them all the time. It was too soon for something that serious even if they did ask her, and there was no guarantee they would.

An urge to go to the bathroom hit her, and she winced. She would have to wake them up to move. She figured she would try to get out of the bed without bothering them anyway. She carefully scooted up in the bed until she was sitting up against the headboard then climbed over Jackson and off the bed. She stood silently by the bed for several seconds to be sure they weren’t waking up before hurrying to the bathroom.

As soon as she had emptied her bladder and washed up, Kelly returned to the bedroom to see if the men had awakened while she’d been gone. Neither man had moved. She sighed and debated on whether to put on her clothes or not. Finally, she decided against it. They had wanted her naked while they were playing. She would compromise and find a T-shirt to pull on for the time being.

Lucky for her, the laundry room was just outside of the bedroom and there were several folded T-shirts to choose from. She pulled on a solid black one and hurried into the kitchen. She wanted something to eat. She figured she could cook breakfast for them this time.

Thirty minutes later, lured by the smell of coffee and food, the two men emerged from the bedroom wearing the pants they had worn the night before. She quickly poured two more cups of the heavenly brew and handed them over. After their first few sips, both men wrapped their arms around her and kissed her within an inch of her life. She finally broke away, laughing.

“Breakfast is going to burn if you don’t leave me alone.”

“Let it burn. I’d rather eat you.” Jackson snuck another kiss before she managed to pop him with the dishcloth.

They sat down and ate with Jackson talking about the ranch and all that went on with running one. Marx added comments here and there, but for the most part, he seemed content to let Jackson do the talking.

When they were finished, Kelly stood up and began to gather the dishes. Marx stopped her, taking the plates from her hands.

“We’ve got this. You cooked, we’ll clean. We didn’t bring you here to be a maid, kitten.”

“Why don’t you take a shower while we deal with this?” Jackson shooed her out of the room.

Kelly figured a shower would help clear her head, so she stripped off the T-shirt and adjusted the water temperature to her liking. She was so busy washing and thinking about where they went from there that she didn’t hear anything when Marx climbed into the shower behind her and nearly slipped when he touched her.


Marx wrapped his arms around her and held her steady. “Sorry, babe. I thought you heard me open the door.”

“Guess I was thinking too hard.” She leaned back into his embrace.

“Thinking too much is more like it.” He chuckled. “Let me wash your back for you.”

She relinquished her cloth and leaned forward with her hands placed against the back of the shower while he massaged soap across her shoulders and down her back. When he reached her ass, it was his bare hands that massaged the still-tender globes.

“I’ll put more cream on you when we dry off.” Marx’s husky voice plucked along her spine, pulling reactions from deep inside her cunt.

“God, that feels so good.” She couldn’t help pressing her ass outward as he ran his hands along her upper thighs.

“You’re really special, Kelly, so responsive and giving. I can’t get enough of you.”

She turned around and looked up into his eyes. They were heavy lidded with arousal. She wanted to show him how much he meant to her since she didn’t think she could say the words. Holding his gaze, she went to her knees at his feet and balanced herself with her hands against his thighs before leaning forward and running her tongue along the underside of his hard cock. He threw his head back and growled, breaking their eye contact. She ran her tongue down the length of him and licked his balls. His reaction was almost explosive. His hands clasped her head on either side as she ran her tongue back up and circled the mushroom cap beneath the rim.


She couldn’t prevent a small smile before she pulled back and looked up at him once again. He watched her as she dipped her tongue into the slit at the top of his dick and captured the pearl of pre-cum glistening there. His swift
at the sensation coupled with the wild taste of him nearly blew her mind. If it were possible to come while giving a blow job, Kelly was on the edge. She dug her fingers into his strong muscular thighs as she slowly lowered her head over his cock and sucked him to the back of her throat. He was so big she didn’t think she could deep throat him, but she was determined to try.

She relaxed her throat and flattened her tongue, breathing through her nose and took him deeper. Nails dug into her scalp, increasing her arousal to epic proportions. She swallowed around him then backed off as he gurgled above her.

“That was fucking amazing. Do it again, baby.”

She stroked him in and out of her mouth, suctioning as she pulled back before taking him down again. She took him to the back of her throat then deeper again and again. His strangled cries told her that he was close. She moved her hands from his thighs to his tight ass and squeezed as she bobbed up and down on his hard cock.

Kelly’s pussy was soaked, and the pulsing of her clit was driving her to distraction. She squeezed her thighs together to try and alleviate some of the pressure to climax, but it did little good. Her scalp burned from Marx’s grip and how he occasionally pulled on her hair. It added to the throb of need searing her nerve endings.

“So good. So damn good.” Marx’s voice was almost unrecognizable it had grown so deep and raspy.

She added a little edge of teeth to her upward pull, and his cock jerked in her mouth with each stroke. She felt his buttocks squeeze tight as he struggled to hold on while she sucked his thick dick with everything inside of her. His knees were locked, holding him in place while his hands where trying to direct her movements now.

Kelly ran a finger around to his perineum and pressed rhythmically while using her other hand to stroke a fingernail lightly across his puckered opening. His reaction was intense and immediate. Marx threw back his head and roared like a lion, coming up on his toes as she swallowed around him. His hands fisted in her hair, adding to her burning need.

Thick ropes of cum filled her throat, and despite swallowing as fast as she could, it leaked into her mouth and out the corners. She swallowed again and again before cleaning his spent cock with her tongue and allowing it to slip from her mouth. She leaned her head against his pelvis, her breath coming in short, choppy gasps for several seconds. After a few seconds she was able to pull back and look up at how Marx had slumped over her with his hands braced on the wall behind her.

Finally he seemed to come back to himself. Standing up straight, he pulled her to her feet and pushed her back against the tile as his head bent and his mouth attacked hers. Lips, hell-bent on taking hers, feasted on her mouth with easy abandon. Then he was moving her head to match his needs and taking her higher than she had ever gone with a single kiss. It didn’t hurt that she was already so aroused that one touch would surely send her flying.

Everything converged as he nipped at her lips, drawing them in one at a time to nibble on and tease with his tongue. Even with her arms wrapped around his neck, she couldn’t get close enough to him. She wanted him inside of her but knew it was too soon after his recent climax.

As if reading her mind, he picked her up so that she had to wrap her legs around his waist and climbed out of the shower. He grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her back and shoulders before settling her on the bathroom counter and immediately burying his face between her legs. Kelly screamed at the first touch of his tongue on her pussy. The need that had built and simmered while she pleasured him ramped up even higher now that she was getting the action her body so desperately craved.

All he had to do was suck in her clit and she soared so high she felt light-headed. She dug her nails into his scalp before massaging it with her fingers in a convulsive rhythm only their bodies knew. Even as he lapped at the juices of her orgasm, his fingers teased the opening to her cunt. The initial orgasm, though explosive, had only taken the edge off, and another one bloomed on the horizon.

“God, you taste like spicy wine. You go to my head.” He dropped his head back to her pussy and resumed making a meal from her.

Kelly fought to regain some measure of control, but her body was too far gone. It knew what it wanted, what it needed, and she wasn’t going to be able to control any part of it this time. Marx teased her clit with his tongue while his fingers drew cream from her pussy back to her tiny rosette. He painted the little star as he sucked on her pussy lips. The feel of his finger playing with her back hole strengthened her need and turned the heat building inside of her up a notch.

Again and again he pressed against her ass with more of her juices until his finger slowly penetrated the dark passage. She clamped down on it as it reached as deep as he could get. Thrusting in and out of the tiny hole until his finger moved effortlessly, he filled the need for something of substance inside of her. When he began to slide it from her body, she cried out at the loss.

“Please, I need!”

“I know, kitten. I’ll take care of you. Trust me to always take care of you.”

She slowly relaxed against him, and he added more of her natural lubricant as it leaked from her pussy down the crack so that two fingers began to enter her tight behind. Flames of arousal mixed with a delicious bite of pain licked at her insides. His tongue on her pussy continued to assuage her desperate fear that it would be too much.

“I can’t take it! Marx. Please!”

“I’ve got you. Come for me, kitten.”

He tugged on her clit with his teeth as he plunged two fingers deep into her cunt. His other fingers were slowly moving in and out of her hot ass. Together, he fucked her into a massive orgasm she didn’t think she would be able to recover from. As her body convulsed to the point that she couldn’t draw enough breath to scream, her legs squeezed Marx to the point she was afraid she would hurt him. With her climax riding her, she had no control to stop.

Her hands jerked from his head to his arms, her nails digging into them as a thousand points of light hid her sight. The pleasure went on and on until the brilliant blinding light faded to darkness.

Chapter Fifteen

Jackson walked into the bedroom to find Marx carefully laying an obviously unconscious Kelly on the bed.

“Hell, Marx. You were just supposed to help her wash off and get dressed.” He shook his head with a smile.

“I didn’t expect her to fucking go down on me and give me the best damn blow job of my life. I just wanted to make her feel good for taking care of me is all.”

BOOK: Monroe, Marla - Their Reluctant Submissive [Knights in Black Leather 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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