Montego Bay (Moresome International, Book One) (Multiple Partner Romance) by Demi Alex (2 page)

BOOK: Montego Bay (Moresome International, Book One) (Multiple Partner Romance) by Demi Alex
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I smiled at the lecture. Warmth and joy tangoed in my chest, tickling my ribs with flirty kicks.

Jake was sensible, caring, and sweet. He always made sure I had my vanilla coffee creamer in the office, and he always made sure the women’s restroom was stocked with my favorite lavender-vanilla hand soap. Whenever I mentioned that I liked something, that something became a permanent fixture.

I couldn’t stop smiling.

“I’m fine in the city. I’m going to rent some movies and invest in some pints of ice cream. I don’t need to get away to relax.” But after that conversation with my mom, being out of town next weekend sounded real nice. Don’t get me wrong. I wanted to be with my niece, but my sister and her baby-daddy were a different story. “I don’t know. Maybe I’ll hit the Catskills for a few days.

“Screw that,” Lucas replied much to my surprise. Either Jake had handed over the phone or I was now on speaker. “A real vacation is what we’re talking about, sweetheart. One with sultry music, huge over-sized beds, and piña colada massages on the beach.”

“Oh,” I said, giggling at his colorful suggestions. “If you would have put it like that from the start, then I would have agreed immediately. Can’t pass up piña colada massages. Maybe I’ll switch out the Catskills for the Bahamas.”

“Good thinking. Is your passport valid, Lora?” That was Mark.

“You guys have me on speaker?”

“Yes,” Jake hissed. “They insisted.”

I laughed, knowing how overbearing the threesome could be when they wanted a specific outcome. Poor Jake was on the hotplate for not getting me to agree to make my own vacation arrangements when he’d offered.

“Well, Lorabella Simmons?” Mark pressed. That was a tap on the wrist. He rarely used my full name. In fact, he only addressed me as Lorabella Simmons when making introductions to business associates.

“Yes. It’s valid,” I replied. “But last I checked, I don’t need a passport to drive into the Catskills. Seriously, go and have a great time on your top-secret retreat. I’ll hold down the fort and be ready for battle when you return.”

“Bella?” Jake waited for an acknowledging sigh. He got one. “Unless you’re uncomfortable with it, or you have personal reservations to traveling to a beautiful island paradise, we’re booking you at an amazing resort for the week.”

“But I—”

“It doesn’t brook any argument from you unless it’s you telling me that you are uncomfortable going on an erotic—err, exotic getaway.” He must have hit mute, because for five seconds the line seemed to go dead.

“Or you can come with us, sweetheart,” Luca’s voice came through. “I can tie a mean knot and make sure you make it to the top with us. You into ropes and spikes?”

My heart swelled. He—
really wanted me to go on vacation with them. Was this really happening?

“Don’t listen to him,” Mark interjected. “He’s being ridiculous. I’m making your reservation as we speak.”

“You’ll love it. It’s a wonderful, family-oriented, elegant resort,” Jake explained. “We’ve stayed at the sister resort a few times. Many single women go there for some pampering. Your every need met, in the most luxurious manner.”

Damn, the fantasy bubble had burst—big time. They were sending me to the sister resort! How much more platonic could this get?

“You deserve a vacation. Let us pamper you,” Lucas added.

“Lora, you mean so much to us,” Mark said. “We’ve grown real close over the past two and a half years. And, we rely on you completely. You’ll be doing us a favor. We owe you so much. We work well together. Not only do you take care of our office, but you also take the best care of us. We’re family.”

Almost family
. We worked, ate, and spent endless hours together. I was their office wife, or better put, the office sister. But I went home alone to Queens. They went home to their two-story apartment on Park Avenue. It just wasn’t enough any longer.

“Any objections, sweetheart?” Luca asked.

“No. Not really,” I whispered. No way I could tell them what I really wanted. How could I admit I wanted one of them, but I didn’t know which one?

“It’s done,” Mark said. “I’ve taken care of it. You’re officially off duty. You have tomorrow to pack. I’ll contact Bloomingdales so that you can shop on my account. See Ciara—I’ll have her wait for you at customer service. Check your email for the details. It’ll all be there in a few minutes. A car will be by to pick you up for your flight early Monday morning. You’ll have a great time.”

“This is crazy,” I breathed, rubbing my forehead.

“Not at all,” Luca said. “You deserve it.”


Chapter Two




Sitting cross-legged on my living room floor, I smacked the couch cushions and winced in pain when I jammed my finger. I knew I should have been basking in my good fortune, but I was steaming with frustration

My employers were great, caring, and accommodating guys who annoyed the crap out of me. They looked out for my comfort, paid me well, and even insisted on a luxury vacation to keep me happy and productive, but it just wasn’t enough. I wanted more. And the suckiest part of the dilemma was that they didn’t exclude the possibility. However, not one of them ever made a move for more with me.

And there was a new problem. Something I’d never had to deal with in the past. Over the past two weeks, they’d all been preoccupied with something they didn’t feel comfortable sharing with me. I could tell, because they’d been unusually quiet and stoic. I’d missed their warm smiles and occasional hugs.

We really were like family in the office. Mark met me as I came in every morning, with a perfect cup of coffee in hand. I savored every sip, mostly because I knew he’d made it for me. Jake always made me feel special by bringing fresh flowers for my desk every couple of days, doubling the size of the bouquet when freesias were in season. More than the flowers, I loved the fact that Jake knew how happy they made me. And I really looked forward to Luca’s sweet pecks on my cheek every time he’d pass my desk—every time, and regardless of who was in the office. The brush of his lips over my skin always left me flushed. Flushed and treasured.

Usually, all three welcomed my straightening their ties when needed and none of them shut their office doors when it was the four of us in the office. The only closed door was the conference room when they consulted with clients. But for the past two weeks, their doors may not have been latched shut, but they hadn't been wide open either.

And because of that distance in the office, the possibility of a personal relationship had drifted farther away. They’d avoided me for lunches, even avoided drinking their morning coffees with me, and now they were on their way to an annual vacation destination, probably to relax in the company of other women. Actually, they hadn’t uttered a word about the other women, but the images in my mind of that ‘sister’ resort they’d been to a couple of times said it all. Wild, crazy, ‘let it all hang out’ vacationing. And, they’d been there more than once. They obviously liked wild. Meanwhile, I was being shipped to a ‘safe’ resort that catered to nice families and piña colada massages on the beach.

Who could ask for more?

I could!

If I didn’t, I’d certainly go insane. Problem was that I just wasn’t sure what to ask for, who to ask, and how to do it. The reason I’d stayed ‘neutral’ with my feelings on the men was real simple. I didn’t want to lose any one of them. In a perfect and fairytale world, I wouldn’t have to choose. I could have all of them. If they were so close, such a perfect team, why did I have to choose?

After all, those happy women in the books I downloaded every other night were lucky enough to have more than one luscious man taking care of them. I wanted my own fairytale.

In the very least, I needed a man. I needed some physical activities to recharge my libido and my ego. Putting it simply, I had to get laid and blow off some steam. Damn, I’d never even had an orgasm that wasn’t self-induced. Oh yeah, that ex-fiancé-now-brother-in-law fucked like a rabbit and never gave me anything other than a headache in bed—a headache from my head banging against the headboard as he popped in and out mindlessly, with no concern for my desire. Actually, considering what she’d done, my sister deserved him and those damn headaches.

Bunching the hem of my t-shirt, I threaded it through the collar, just like I had on hot days many years ago. My apartment was so hot that turning the fan to high did nothing to improve my mood. I grabbed a tray of ice cubes—yes, I still used ice cube trays—and sat on the window seat overlooking the street.

At the café, there were many couples sipping their iced drinks and sharing desserts. A young family exited the corner grocery store, with the two little boys swinging plastic bags of what I assumed to be goodies as their parents intertwined their arms and strolled behind the kids. They all had a life. They all smiled and laughed—except for the two men who huddled on a table and reviewed some sort of document.

Me, I was sitting alone, in a hot apartment, on a Saturday night, stewing in my own sexual frustration.

I fisted my hands and dragged them down my face. My mother was right. I was stupid to ‘stay in my place’ and not show them how I felt. I should’ve made it obvious that I was interested. Then, maybe they wouldn’t ship me off to a sister resort. Alone.

“Screw it.” I stood and stomped over to my laptop. “Nothing ventured, nothing gained,” I breathed, not willing to add the ‘nothing lost’ portion of the statement. “I got this. I can do it.”

And I did.

Getting away and experiencing wild and crazy would give me the confidence to come back home and show them how I felt. All I needed was a little practice, some instructions, and tons of confidence. I knew the sister resort they’d referred to, and the resort on Montego Bay looked hedonistic enough. Opportunities would surely arise…I smirked at the intentional pun. At this point, I was willing to do anything to gain the courage to approach them as I craved. I was officially in man-hunt training and nothing was going to get in my way.

I signed on to my email, reviewed the reservation Mark had sent, and then called the toll free number and made the changes I desired. It was easy, and the resort was very accommodating, especially because Mark had spared no expense in making my flight and room arrangements. They easily swapped out the pricey accommodations in Aruba for standard ones in Jamaica.

I was going to Montego Bay. Since my bosses chose to ignore me, since they partied without me at an ultra-secret location, well, I’d just find someone else to spend time with and to gain the skills and courage to approach my heart’s desires. Then, I’d make my decision, formulate a plan, come back to the man I’d choose, and place my heart on the line. I’d wear the shorter skirts, display my cleavage, and even indulge in the peeking thongs. He’d be blind not to recognize my want. In my mind’s eye, I couldn’t see one of them standing alone. I saw all three. But by the time I returned to New York, I’d see him. I’d know which one.

The resort on Jamaica was not family-oriented and would be the perfect training ground for my plan. It was decadent and sultry, promising a week of ecstasy for anyone who chose it. And I was choosing it. I desperately needed some kind of resolution to all the pent up, no-sex, angst.

I’d get laid, and then I’d worry about the emotional stuff later.

I emailed Jake and told him I had a ride to the airport, and thanks for the offer, but I didn’t need the car. I didn’t bother to add that I was leaving the very next day from New York. After all, I had to familiarize myself with the place before I let loose and went wild. Plus, I wanted to return to the city before my bosses.

Spending an hour rummaging through my drawers and closet, I managed to put some sundresses, two pairs of sandals, and eight bra and panty sets into my suitcase. That was all I had that served my purpose. Figuring I’d splurge with the remainder of the credit at the gift shop and the beachside hut for the rest of my wardrobe, as the attendant who had rebooked my trip had suggested, I headed into the shower, shaved my legs, and trimmed the other significant parts as well.

I was prepped and ready for my hedonistic adventure.

Risk. I was taking it. Determination, and just a bit of accomplishment, surged through my core, rooting me on and eventually lulling me to sleep.

I’d be a changed woman in one week.


Chapter Three




“This one is perfect,” the blonde-haired, blue-eyed, beauty exclaimed, dangling the strappy thong from her finger.

“Where is the rest of it?” I asked, glancing at my reflection in the changing room’s mirror, and knowing that the little piece, shaped like a shell, would hardly cover my private area.

“You have a rocking bod, sweets. You’ll own the beach.”

“What about the top?”

“Don’t waste your money,” she said in her attractive British accent. “Most the women on the beach go nude. They wear bottoms around the pool area. I think because the resort insists that a towel or some kind of layer is used on the lounges. You know, for sanitary reasons.”

“TMI,” I said, raising my hand and crinkling my nose.

“Seriously, sweets,” she insisted, stepping closer and tucking the bikini bottoms into my panties and showcasing them like Vanna White. “You don’t need the top. Your tits are some of the perkiest I’ve seen in a while, and your rosebud nipples look so freaking delicious, that you’ll be turning more than your share of heads.”

Coming around to face me, she stood between me and the mirror then skimmed her palms over my ribcage and up to my breasts. Her tiny hands cupped my full globes and she friskily strummed her thumbs over my nipples.

“Yum, they’re home-grown. You’re truly blessed, girly. Flaunt them,” she sang, bending and suckling each in for a quick kiss.

Stunned, I stood there, not knowing how to react. For some absurd reason, I allowed her to pull out my panties and examine my pubic area.

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