Montego Bay (Moresome International, Book One) (Multiple Partner Romance) by Demi Alex (3 page)

BOOK: Montego Bay (Moresome International, Book One) (Multiple Partner Romance) by Demi Alex
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“I’ll schedule your wax, and then you’ll be all set.” Smiling, she brushed her lips over my mouth, and swept her tongue along the parched lips. “If you decide on some girl love, ask for Arlene. I would love to do you, or join you in doing others, sweets.”

Trapped in the headlights of her brazen sexual expression, I stared at the beautiful Arlene. She wanted to
me? Finally, after what seemed like forever, I breathed. “Uh…”

“It’s okay,” she said, twirling the bikini in the air. “From your reaction, I know you’re not familiar with a woman’s touch. But I can tell you from personal experience that even if you want some lad, there is nothing better than a woman preparing your beautiful cunny with a tongue-fuck. I’m offering my services. You let me know.” Arlene casually reached for my clothes and placed the bundled dress in my arms. “Okay?”

“Yea—yes,” I replied, clearing my throat. “Thank you.”

“Anytime. Well, as long as I’m not working. The resort doesn’t like to pay us to play. We have to do it on our own time.” She exited the fitting room and pulled the curtain. “I’ll wait for you by the register.”

Shit. My clit throbbed and my nipples glistened with the moisture from her mouth. I’d never considered a woman before, and I wasn’t too sure that I wanted to try. On the other hand, the pink blush spreading across my torso and the dampness between my thighs told me perhaps I should keep an open mind.

* * * *

Waxed within a sliver of my life, I applied the lotion they’d given me in the salon and slipped into my so-called bikini. Thankfully, Arlene had given in and let me buy a white camisole and a sarong for a casual look while at the bar. I wore them like a shield as I left my room and made my way to the beach.

Gorgeous bodies decorated the sand, delivering all the resort’s website had promised. It wasn’t too crowded, but the beach appeared to be a rather popular afternoon hangout. Smaller thatched-roof structures mimicked the large tiki huts that served as bars. Most of the guests gathered in the shade of the bars. I grabbed one of the few available lounge chairs, spread the towel provided by the resort on the rubber slots, and tucked my beach bag under the head of the chair.

The woman beside me slept like a baby, oblivious to the couple next to her that was getting hot and bothered—in a way that had nothing to do with the sun. On my other side, a very handsome man was propped on his elbows, obviously enjoying the scenery. His smooth, long and thick hard-on stood at attention, and it seemed to nod as he greeted me.

“Welcome,” he said, grinning and turning his erection my way. “You’re lucky to find a chair. The place is packed.”

“It’s not too bad,” I replied, trying not to stare at his dick. “The beaches back home are packed.”

“Where’s home?”

“New York. Long Island,” I explained, pulling my sunscreen from the bag. “Trust me, Jones Beach is crowded. At least here, I found more than a few inches of sand to sit my ass down on. Better yet, I have this lovely lounge chair.”

“That you do,” he agreed, stretching across the space between us and offering his hand. “I’m Gerald. Friends call me G for short.”

“Hello, G. I’m Lora.” I shook his hand, sensing a rapidly blooming friendship. I sighed.

“What’s wrong, Lora from Long Island? Something weighing on those beautiful shoulders of yours?”

I wanted to say.
The moment we touched, I felt nothing more than I would have felt shaking my cousin’s hand.
“It’s just not fair.”

“What’s not fair?” G asked, combing his fingers through his thick sandy brown hair.

I should have been giddy at his naked attention. How was I going to get laid and break free from my self-imposed celibacy if I couldn’t get turned on by such a beautiful man?

Damn, the man was hot. But, nada. Nothing. No sexual stirring at all.

“Oh. The sun is strong. I’m worried I’m going to burn and look like a lobster,” I lied.

“Let me help you out,” he said, swinging tanned legs over the chair and standing by my side in his six-foot something naked glory. He held out his hand, palm up, and grinned. “Sun block, please.”

He didn’t allow for any objections. Instead, he pulled the tube from my grasp and flipped the top. “Nothing inappropriate,” he assured. “I’ll keep my hands in the safe zones.”

“I wasn’t thinking that you wouldn’t.” I practically choked as my lies grew too big to swallow. “I was—”

“You should,” he interjected. “You know where you are, right? This is one of the most hedonistic vacation spots in the world. Anything goes. With anyone. At any time. In any place.”

“That’s great. I’ve decided to let loose, for the first time ever, on my own,” I breathed.

“In that case, sexy lady, you need to relax a bit. All you have to do is want it, and you won’t be on your own for long.” G smothered the warm lotion on my shoulders and worked his way beneath the cami and down my back. “I would go for you in a heartbeat—if I wasn’t married to one of the most possessive men on the beach.”

Duhhhhh! No wonder touching him felt like touching my cousin. My cousin was into guys, too. He’d always argue with me over who was the hottest guy in the club. And, his idea of hot was way off my idea.

“Come on, you need to take the tank top off.” He tugged on the fitted top. “It’s not like it’s hiding those perky nips of yours or something.”

“What? My nipples show?” I crossed my arms over my chest, relegating my new friend’s sexual preference to the back burner.

“Yes, they do. And, they’re real pretty. Pretty like the ones in the museums. So take this dumb thing off, sexy. You’ll have ten men at your feet to choose from within minutes.” He tugged at the hem of the shirt.

Ten men?

At my feet?

I’d choose?

I nodded, raised my hands over my head and closed my eyes. G had a point. I was at the resort to have a good time and get some action. I didn’t need to sit around like a wallflower.

“Good girl.” Holding the shirt away from my body with both hands, he chuckled and pulled it over my head. “Welcome to Montego Bay.”

“Thanks,” I replied, taking the sunscreen from his hands. “I’ll certainly burn, if I don’t apply some lotion.”

“Like I said, I’d love to be of service, but this is Al’s turn to pick.” He cocked his head to the right, indicating a couple getting cozy in the surf.

“That’s your husband?”

“Two years and counting,” he said, holding up his left hand and flashing a gold wedding band. “We met on this very beach eight years ago.”

“And it doesn’t bother you that he’s…um…hitting on that woman?”

Between the gentle splashing in the water, Al ended a kiss with a busty blonde, twisted her to face away from him and snaked an arm around her, appearing to sprawl his palm over her belly, and ground his cock against her robust ass.

“Hell no!” G feathered his hand over his cock as he took in the scene. “I just wish he’d hurry up and introduce her properly.”

His husband didn’t look like he was about to exit the water any time soon, even if he did take a few sidesteps towards the shore. Instead, he pulled a large inner-tube close and positioned the blonde over the float, so that her ass rode high in the water. It didn’t take a brain surgeon to figure out why he moved behind her and the water splashed like mad between them. Al was fucking the woman in plain sight, and man, did he have some stamina.

My nipples hardened and my clit throbbed. Moisture wet the tiny piece of cloth fitted inside my folds. I couldn’t look away. I just couldn’t. My fingers worked the lotion onto my breasts, lingering a bit longer than I realized on my sensitive and starved-for-attention nipples.

“He’s beautiful, isn’t he?” G asked.

I nodded, wriggling in my seat.

“He picked a nice one. He always does.” G returned to his seat and gathered a towel against his groin. “I’m dying to fuck those tits when she asks.”

I shook my head, not believing the conversation I was having. G was so blunt, so real about what he wanted. And, what surprised me most was that he was a gay man who wanted a tittie-fuck.

“On the anniversary of our meeting, Al and I return to this beach and take turns picking a third partner for the week. Sometimes it’s a woman; other times it’s a man. We’re straight up and honest with each other and the third party, so there is never a misunderstanding of what he/she is getting into to—or getting between.” G smiled at his own words. He leaned back confidently, seemingly enjoying the view.

“What I wouldn’t give to be that confident in my sexuality,” I said.

“You should be. No reason not to be.” His gaze traveled down my body and back up to my eyes. “As of now, we’ve only found friends for the week. It’s been excellent and it’s kept our sex life inventive, but we’ve never met anyone else that could join us on a permanent basis.”

I shrugged, not sure how to respond.

“If it were my turn, I would have picked you, Lora from Long Island.” He leaned close and ran his knuckles down the side of my cheek. “Not only do you do it for me, and I’m sure you’d do it for Al, but we could have rendezvoused again back in New York. You’re more than a tempting woman.”

It took me a few seconds to process his word, but once I’d recovered, I breathed a quirky giggle of sorts. “I guess I should say thanks.”

“No need,” G said, dropping his palm to my knee. “Fate just wants us to be friends. So, here I am…a friend who will have your back in Montego Bay.”

Have my back?

I glanced at Al and the blonde, and Al certainly had her back. He still pumped into her pussy, his finger pressed into her ass, and the freaking float was truly doing its job, keeping her from drowning as cries of decadent pleasure shaped her mouth.

I stared speechless, thinking of one of my men having my back.

“It’s just that—”

“You don’t need to explain, Lora. That taken sign is tattooed across your forehead. I hope he’s worthy of it.”

“They are,” I replied, a huge weight lifting off my chest. “They’re just not here.”

“They?” It was G’s turn to laugh. “Now, now, Miss Lora. Aren’t you full of surprises?”

Tingles danced across my skin and I felt like a she-devil on the prowl. “Guess so,” I sighed, shrouding my pride with a little modesty.

“Care to share?”

“No,” I said, dropping my sunglasses onto my nose and reclining in my chair.


Chapter Four




Wearing a loose pink sundress, with only my panties because my sunburned breasts couldn’t handle the feel of a bra, I weaved my way through the crowd on the pool deck to where G and Al stood. G wrapped a muscled arm around my waist, pulled me against his side, and leaned down to kiss my cheek.

“Al, this is the sexy Lora I was telling you about.” G practically gave me to Al by placing my hand in his. “Lora, this is my husband, Al.”

Al raised my hand and brushed his lips over my knuckles. “Pleasure to meet you, Lora.”

Wow. Al was magnificent up close. Better looking than he appeared while fucking the blonde in the water. And so debonair and smooth. His deep azure eyes sparkled with warmth and his sculpted, tanned face screamed of the handsome and sturdy man behind the wonderful bone structure. He wore soft white linen pants and a blue polo that matched his eyes. The man was gorgeous.

“Pleased to meet you,” I said, captivated by the gleam in his eyes and unable to look away. “G told me all about you.”

“And me about you,” he added, winking at G. “I can see what he meant when he said you do not know how beautiful you are. You’re stunning, baby girl, absolutely breathtaking.”

Heat infused my cheeks. The burn on my skin tingled. They thought I was beautiful.

“Okay, now that we have introductions out of the way, let’s get some drinks.” G raised his right arm and motioned for the bartender. “Sex on the Beach, three of them. Doubles.”

In a truly messed up way, I felt comfortable with these two gorgeous men. Contented warmth spread inside my chest, and I was good with letting my hand rest in Al’s strong grip while G ordered for us.

With the extra-tall drinks in hand, we found a high-topper near the stage and gathered around it, raising our glasses to a week of decadence and discovery.

“I like you, too,” Al said. “If you want us, we’d love to be your best friends this week.”

“And hopefully back home, as well,” G completed. “But, we must agree to leave Montego Bay in Jamaica. That way, anything goes while we’re here.”

Anything? What was he saying? Did he want a sexual relationship?

“We’ve have you, baby girl.” Al strummed his thumb pad down my cheek and landed a chaste kiss on the tip of my nose. “First, like G said, we need to move that “TAKEN” sign off your forehead. Then, we have to find a guy who puts some fire in your belly and between those endless legs of yours.”

“Wow,” I giggled. It wasn’t in relation to the three of us hooking up for the week, but rather his forward way of putting things. But I didn’t mind it. I was actually relieved.

“Am I wrong?” Al asked.

“No,” I said, lowering my gaze to my hands.

“Besides, we talked about it on the beach, sexy. You know our deal.” G cupped my chin and raised my face. He smiled and brushed his mouth over my lips. “We’re good with no sexy time between friends—unless a bit of jealousy is necessary to land you a man you want. Okay?”

“Okay,” I replied, sighing and leaning against his palm. “I’d like that.”

“Good,” both men said, lifting tall glasses in a toast.

“To sex on the beach!”

“Sex on the beach,” I replied, clinking my glass to theirs and sending a silent prayer up for wanton courage.

I really did need sex on the beach. Actually, I just needed sex— anywhere. And hopefully, with an experienced lover who’d take control and know what he was doing so I could finally be able to climax with company. Some man was going to make me scream with ecstasy in Montego Bay.

I bet my men back home could make me scream.
Just thinking of them made my tummy quiver. I’d give anything to run my fingers over Mark’s strong jawline as he lowered his head to take my lips. Mark did everything right, with so much strength and determination that it made me shiver just thinking of the powerful way he’d make me come.

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