More (13 page)

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Authors: Clare James

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College

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It may well be the hottest moment in the history of hot moments.

“You like that, baby?” he asks, now kissing his way up my ear. He bites on the lobe and pushes two fingers inside at the same time and I almost come apart right then and there.

“I fucking love this,” he says, palming me. “I love how wet you are for me.”

I moan and let my head fall back. I don’t want to give him this control. I don’t want him to know how much he pleasures me, but I can’t stop.

He lifts me up and carries me into my bedroom. “I need more space for what I have planned for you, Jules. What I’ve had planned for so long.”

“Foster.” I’m out of breath.

“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you. I promise.”

He’s careful when he sets me on the bed and removes the rest of my clothes. Reaching behind his neck he pulls of his t-shirt and I’m rewarded with a beautifully defined chest baked to a perfect deep brown. He’s defined, but not bulky. It’s the kind of body you want to worship, take your time with.

When he moves closer, I do just that, kissing and nibbling on him until I have to take a little bite.

He sucks in a long breath and it’s about the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard. He likes it. I cradle my broken hand by my chest and wrap my good hand around his waist, holding him in place while I taste his abs and move up, kissing his chest until I’m close enough to flick my tongue over his nipple.

He likes that, too.

I pull on the button of his pants, telling him I need help to undo it. He graciously flips it open for me and I take the zipper and slide it down. I move my hand inside and run my fingers down the length of him.

He takes another sharp breath and backs up a little to take off his jeans.

In his boxer briefs and nothing else, I get lost in the sight of him. His lean muscle, his smooth skin, his sexy-ass tattoo, his too long and shaggy hair.

He positions me on the bed and caresses me with his eyes. He has me burning under their ravenous gaze. “Fucking gorgeous,” he whispers as he begins to claim my body, starting with my feet.

Foster sits between my legs, wrapping my left leg across his stomach while he holds my foot. He rubs it in the most sensual way, grazing his teeth along my instep. I feel it all the way up to the top of my head. His lips travel up my calf, stopping behind my knee, where he licks and bites. He then takes my leg and spreads it open, running his fingertips up to the apex of my thighs, before sliding them back down. My core clenches. He moves my leg up a little farther, opening me more for his perusal.

“Don’t move this leg, Jules,” he commands.

I nod, feeling my eyes roll back in my head.

He continues his assault, doing the same thing to the other leg. Again, he bends my knee slightly and opens me even farther. My breasts are heavy now, my breathing labored and my sex clenching—aching to be touched again.

Foster stares at me, at it, for an eternity before lowering his head.

I’m tingling in anticipation, but I don’t have to wait long because it’s only seconds before his mouth finds me.

Oh my fucking god.

I almost hyperventilate.

“Wait,” I tell him.

He doesn’t listen.

His tongue violates me in the most pleasing way.

“Wait,” I tell him again, wanting a minute to catch my breath and acclimate to this invasion.

This time he lifts his head, but quickly replaces his tongue for two fingers.

“Jules, I’m not waiting or stopping. Not after what we’ve been through tonight. So shut up and enjoy it.” And then his mouth joins his fingers in this beautiful attack, while his other hand moves to my breast—caressing, kneading, pulling.

I give up the last of my resolve, I hand him the keys to my body, and I never want to look back. I only want this…what we have right now. I want to hold onto it always.

Foster doesn’t let up. The pressure builds in my core and my body sings. I feel like I’m turning inside out as the most intense orgasm shatters through my body.

I scream his name and blink the stars from my eyes, but not before he drives into me with a violent thrust.

Chapter 24


I can’t fake it any longer. I can’t watch some asshole make the moves on Jules when I know she is supposed to be with me. She knows it too. We would be together if I didn’t fuck up, if I wasn’t such a head case that I let the best thing that ever happened to me slip through my fingers.

Losing myself, unable to think rationally any longer. Knowing she’s soft and wet and ready after already making her come, I let go. I enter her with so much force, burying into her with everything I have to give.

“Jules,” I grunt, suddenly worried I hurt her.

She responds by digging her nails into my back.

I almost explode in that moment. I’m possessed, consumed with this woman, and I want to mark each inch of her body. I take everything I can from her. I pillage her mouth; her soft full lips drive me mad. I knead her soft, perky breast that fits my hand perfectly.

Her moans tell me she’s just as greedy. Her hands, now on my ass, dig in as she tries to increase the tempo. I feel unworthy of her, but it doesn’t make sense, knowing it’s me making her feel this way. Me giving her all of this pleasure. I increase my pace and she matches me thrust for thrust.

She is wet and tight and it feels so fucking good.

I’m not ready for it to end, so I slow again.

“Foster,” Jules says, her voice ragged.

“What do you need, baby?”

“Harder,” she moans and my balls instantly tighten.

“Say it again,” I tell her, wanting to hear her sweet voice utter dirty commands again.

“Fuck me harder, Foster,” she says and I start panting like a dog. She almost knocks the wind out of me. This beautiful, tiny, demanding, tough girl.

I obey her command. I give her everything I have.

Our wet skin slapping against each other only makes it hotter. Her moans are getting louder and I feel the pressure build.

She is so close and I’m seconds behind her. She tightens around me and my head spins. Soon we are both calling out for each other. We are marked.

It’s then I know, without a doubt, I won’t let her go again. I will find a way to make it work no matter what it costs.

Chapter 25


Foster snuggles me in his arms, propping my bad hand up on pillows. “How’s the hand?” he ask with a flinch. “Was I too rough? Are you in pain?”

“Are you kidding?” I laugh. “I’m still seeing stars.”

Foster tips his head and gives me a lifetime of kisses with the touch of his lips. So soft, so thorough, like he’s trying to memorize my mouth, my lips, my tongue. It’s soft and sweet, until he deepens the kiss, and I’m lost. This is all I’ve ever wanted. He’s all I’ve ever wanted.

“Tell me when they fade,” he whispers. “Because I promise, you are going to be seeing them all night.”

He’s not kidding.

We spend the night in and out of sleep and each other.

When I finally wake for real, I am blissfully sore and thoroughly satisfied.

“Morning.” I lean over into Foster—a little worried about who I’m going to wake up next to. The aloof fuck buddy, the caring friend, or Mr. Sex on Steroids. Or maybe something more…

His eyes stay closed but he gives me a smile that says I have nothing to worry about.

“Jules,” he groans, drawing out my name in the most deliciously rough voice. That’s all it takes to have me wet and ready for him.

He gently rolls me on top of him. “Sick day?” he asks.

I tuck my head in the crook of his neck and get a good taste of him.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” he says and snakes his hand in between us.

I growl at him and pull his hand away. “Can’t. I’ve got that case coming up. And you are on for dinner at the bistro today, remember?”

Now he’s the one to growl.


“So that was a little intense with your friend last night,” Jake says, stopping by my cubicle as he’s done every morning.

“Yeah.” I let out the fakest laugh known to human kind. “Sorry about that.”

I immediately feel guilty being alone with him. It’s ridiculous, but I do feel marked by Foster and this banter with Jake feels like a betrayal.

“It’s fine,” Jake says. “I don’t have a problem with confrontation. Do you want me to talk to him?”

“No,” I yell before having time to think, almost spilling my coffee in the process.

“Okay, okay.” Jake holds up his hands. “Well then, how ’bout my place tonight? No work, just fun.”

Now I do spill my coffee.

“Shit, shit, shit,” I mumble. I start grabbing tissues to sop up the mess.

Jake runs down the hall and quickly returns with a roll of towels. After we clean the mess, Jake leans against the partition and stares me down, obviously waiting for an explanation.

“Look, Jake,” I begin. “I’m so thankful that you’re letting me sit in on this case and everything you’ve taught me, but I can’t go out with you. I need to keep things professional, during business hours. Of course, I’m happy to take work home…work that I can do alone.”

“Is this about Foster? Has he forbid you to see me?”

“No, nothing like that. But, well, we are involved and it doesn’t seem right.”

“Since when?”

“Since last night.” I rub my temples, feeling a headache coming on. “But if I’m being honest, it’s been a long time coming.”

“Ah, well, I wish you would have told me that.”

“I know I led you on and I’m sorry. I just wasn’t sure yet and you…well, you’re great.”

“Okay, stop right there. I don’t need pity, Jules. I get it. I do. But if you ask me, it doesn’t seem right. The bar scene, the way he is when he picks you up at the office, and what I’ve seen at your apartment. It’s more than possessive, he’s suspicious. Not just of me. I think of you too. And you know what that means.”


“He doesn’t trust you—or me—because
not trustworthy. He has a guilty conscience. You can see it on him. I’ve had to interview a lot of clients, Jules. I can tell when somebody’s hiding something and I really think he is.”

The pit in my stomach quickly morphs into anger. Just who the eff does this guy think he is? All smug and knowing. Maybe Foster was right, maybe he does want to get into my pants and all the rest of it’s been a façade.

“That’s enough, Jake,” I snap. “I know you’re trying to make sense of this situation and I’m sure it’s rare you are ever turned down, but I won’t stand here and listen to you insult him.”

“Fair enough,” he says, completely unfazed. “But we do still need to work on the case. I’ll have Rhonda order sandwiches. Meet you in the lunchroom at noon?”


“Fine. I’ll see you then.”

I get back to work, but can’t concentrate. Something Jake said has wormed its way into my brain and I can’t get rid of it. I do understand that look Jake was talking about, and what he meant by Foster’s behavior.

And for a minute all that self-doubt seeps back into my brain and I think maybe Jake’s right. Maybe Foster is hiding something.

Then I get a text from Foster and that niggling feeling of suspicion melts away.

Chapter 26


Lying by omission. I know that’s what I’m doing with Jules. I should tell her, I should’ve told her years ago. I convinced myself that it never came up in conversation; Jules never accused me of anything or even asked for that matter, so I wasn’t lying. If she had asked me point blank, I would’ve told her. I would’ve told her everything. This is how I justify it.

This is the thing about doing easy work—like prepping at a restaurant. Too much idle time to think about shit. I need to get back to my plan. Stop thinking and just do.

“Chef Paul,” I say between chops at the prep station.

“Yes, Foster?” he says.

“I have a favor to ask.”


My time with Jules is running out. I only have a few days left to convince her to be with me. And if I want that, it’s time to start letting her in. I need to show her how things could be with us.

Come to dinner tonight at the restaurant
, I quickly type in my phone before I can give it a second thought.

Jules instantly types back. She knows what a big deal it is. I never invite anyone to the restaurants I’ve worked at. It’s always been my private place where I can just be without worrying about what anyone else thinks.

I type back.
Cab it down here when you’re done with work.


That douchebag isn’t still hitting on you is he?

No idea what you’re talking about!

Jules, I’m not playing. Tell him to keep his paws off.

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