More Than a Billionaire (21 page)

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Authors: Christina Tetreault

BOOK: More Than a Billionaire
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“Took care of it and then flew right back here. I missed you.”

“You’re not needed at your office?” She rubbed his back, enjoying the feel of his defined muscles under her hands.

“Nope. Arranged for a few video conferences so I can work from here.” He undid her bun. “You should wear your hair down more.”

“I didn’t have time to straighten it this morning.”

He caressed her hair with his hands, sending tingles along her scalp.

“It’s beautiful just like this.” His hands slid lower and he embraced her. “What time do you need to leave for work?”

Oh, right. She did have that pesky place to go to tonight. “In about forty-five minutes. I still need to get ready.”

Gray slipped his hands into her back pockets and pulled her tighter against him. “Definitely not enough time for what I have in mind.”

“I think we can manage a quickie to hold us both over.”

“Anything for you, love.”


Gray lounged on the bed and watched Kiera dry off. He should have stayed downstairs while she’d showered, that way all the blood in his body wouldn’t currently be residing south of his waistline. Already the next several hours looked to be torturous and she hadn’t even left yet.

“I spoke to my dad on the way over here.” Gray watched Kiera slip on panties, a pair of candy apple red ones. “He invited us over for lunch or dinner this weekend.”

She slipped on the matching bra and Gray swallowed. She looked so good in red.

“I told him I had to check with you first.”

She grabbed her uniform from the bed. “You’re staying that long?”

“Longer if I can manage it.” He leaned forward and kissed her stomach just above her navel, which, today, sported a ring with a smiley face rather than the butterfly she’d worn the previous weekend.

“I agreed to work Saturday afternoon for Robin. It’s his daughter’s birthday party. We could go over later that night or Sunday.” She pulled on a gray tank top that hugged her breasts like he wanted to.

Gray clasped his hands, willing them to stay put when all they wanted to do was pull Kiera down onto the bed with him.

“I’ll call and let him know later.”

Kiera moved away, putting her tempting self out of his reach. “There’s left over pasta from lunch in the refrigerator if you get hungry.” She stood before the mirror, putting her hair back up, and he wanted to march over and pull it back down. “Help yourself.” When she finished, she turned back around. “I need to go.”

He’d only seen her dressed in her uniform a handful of times. It was perhaps the least sexy set of clothes he’d ever seen; yet she made it look good.

“I’ll be here when you get home, love.”



Chapter 11


A week later, Kiera passed the magazine display in the coffee shop, then stopped and took a few steps back. Every time she shopped in the mall, she grabbed a vanilla spice latte and walked by the magazine display inside the shop, but never bothered with it because copies of her favorite magazines arrived in her mailbox the beginning of each month; she didn’t need to shop for them. Today’s display was another story.

The Star Report
sat front and center and right there, smack dab on the front cover, was a picture of Gray, with the headline:
Prodigal Party Boy Gray Sherbrooke Heats Things Up With Pretty French Chef.
A small picture of the two of them as they walked out of The Garden after the basketball game filled the bottom right-hand corner.

Gray had warned her that more pictures would show up. She’d thought she was prepared for it. Now, seeing herself staring back at her, she realized she wasn’t.

Kiera picked up a copy, and then grabbed the magazine next to it. The cover of
Celebrity Today
featured Anderson Brady, but a smaller picture of her and Gray sitting at the basketball game filled the top right corner.

She carried both everything to the counter. “Large vanilla spice latte and these.”

The barista wrote the order on a cup and handed it to her co-worker, then reached for the magazines. “You look just like her.” The barista pointed to the picture. “Is that you? The article said the woman lived in Rhode Island.”

Kiera shook her head. She’d rather not draw any extra attention her way. “Nope, but I wish it was.”

“I know, right?” The barista laughed. “I’d settle for that one, too.” She pointed to Anderson Brady’s picture. “But I read he’s taken, too.”

The other employee behind the counter handed Kiera her drink.

“Thank you.” She took her things and left before anyone else questioned her. She’d planned to enjoy her latte inside the mall. Now, she carried it outside to her car.

Safely locked inside, she pulled out the magazines, leaving her other purchases on the passenger seat. As she sipped her latte, she read the article in
The Star Report
. While it did mention her by name, the story was centered on Gray. It discussed his reputation for attending lavish parties around the world. The article also presented a long list of women he’d dated in the past. A few more candid shots of them together were inside the magazine, as well as a few pictures of Gray at various events.

Kiera scanned all the pictures. What the magazine showed wasn’t all that bad. They hadn’t dug into her background. There was no mention that her parents worked for Gray’s father, and from what she could tell, the author hadn’t made anything up. Everything printed was true. A rare event when the media got involved, according to Gray.

Finished with the first story, she picked up
Celebrity Today
. The article inside there read very similar to the one in
The Star Report
. If the media continued to print these kinds of things regarding her and Gray’s relationship, she’d be fine with it. She’d read articles published before about well-known individuals. Often they’d made her gasp in either horror or outrage at the over-the-top details. Details she guessed were often made up for their shock factor.

Kiera turned to the next page. Immediately, another picture of Anderson Brady greeted her. This time, he stood with actress Selena Cruise with the headline,
Partying It Up For A Good Cause
. The article went on to discuss Anderson’s new Clean Water Matters Project.

Everyone from Hollywood’s hottest celebrities to international business moguls attended
Anderson Brady’s private fundraiser for his new project Clean Water Matters. Just a few of the guests on hand were Anderson’s girlfriend, Selena Cruise, Nikki Reese, and Mark Walden. Also spotted were Sara Sherbrooke and her finance, Christopher Hall, as well as California Governor Campbell, and Congressman Patrick Brady. Italian clothing designer, Mario Flora, Japanese business executive, Tran Lee and heiress, Nadia Danilova, were there, too.

As she finished her latte, Kiera scanned the various photos. Each photo showed beautiful, wealthy people having a good time, while at the same time, supporting a good cause. She recognized many of the people pictured. She read the captions below a few photos, especially those that featured people she didn’t recognize. Heck, she’d never even heard of Tran Lee, who, according to the caption, owned a computer software company.

She didn’t need to read the caption for the third-to-last picture on the page. Kiera recognized the gorgeous, dark-haired woman. She’d even asked Gray about her. In the picture, Nadia wore a barely-there dress and hung onto the arm of an unidentifiable guy as he helped her out of a limo. The picture didn’t show it, but Kiera imagined the man had followed Nadia into the club and then spent the night glued to her side.

Kiera put both magazines away and checked her watch. She’d spent more time shopping than she should have. When she’d left the apartment, she’d promised Gray, who had just arrived in town, that she would be back in three hours. The three hour mark had come and gone fifteen minutes ago.

Kiera sent Gray a quick message to let him know she’d be home soon. When she didn’t get a response, she started her car and headed toward her apartment.

“Have fun shopping?” Gray came into her room dressed in running shorts and a t-shirt. Ear buds dangled around his neck and sweat glistened on his face.

“No. You know I hate shopping.” She picked up the new clothes she’d purchased. “But I did find the perfect outfit.” She held the clothes against her. “What do you think?”

Gray got closer and kissed her cheek. “I think it’ll look great on you, but you didn’t need to buy something new. It’s just my family tonight.”

Maybe if his family were a normal family, she would agree.

“I’d say it’s a safe bet my dad has seen you covered in mud and grass stains.”

“Maybe when I was ten.” She placed the clothes back on the bed. “I don’t want to embarrass you tonight.”

“You could never embarrass me.” Gray put his arms around her.

Kiera took one whiff and stepped back. “How many miles did you run? You smell like a locker room, Gray. You need a shower.”

He gave her a smile before he moved away. “I don’t know. I was trying to work off all the delicious food you keep feeding me.”

Gray pulled off the sweat-soaked t-shirt and tossed it into the hamper.

If her cooking had caused any adverse effects to his waistline, she couldn’t tell. “I can start making you salads.”

“I’d rather just run more.” He added his shorts to the hamper.

“Whatever you say, dear.”

“In that case, join me for a shower.”

“As sexy as I find your body, I’m going to pass this time.” She gave him a little push toward the bathroom. “I don’t want to be late tonight, so you better shower without me. We canceled on them last weekend, and I don’t want any more black marks against me.”

Gray grabbed her hand and tried to pull her into the bathroom with him. “My dad won’t be shocked if we’re late. He expects that of me these days. Besides, last weekend I had to fly out at the last minute. He blames me not you.”

“Not tonight, buster. I don’t like being late.” She pulled her hand free. “Have a nice shower.” Kiera closed the bathroom door. She heard Gray’s grumbles through the wood and laughed. “Make sure you use a lot of soap.” She called out.

Kiera started on the new crossword puzzle book she bought. In the bathroom, the water ran and she no longer heard Gray’s complaints about how much he could use her help. She almost wavered once and went inside. Then she reminded herself where they were off to tonight. Gray might insist she didn’t need to impress his dad and stepmother, but that didn’t remove the thought from her head.

The bathroom door opened, and Gray walked into the room wearing a bath towel around his waist. “That would’ve been a lot more fun with you.”

Droplets of water ran down his chest, and she swallowed. “But think how happy your dad will be when we’re on time.” He pulled his underwear from the drawer he’d taken over.

“He’ll probably have a stroke, and it’ll be all your fault.”

Gray dropped the towel; unfazed by his nudity. She, on the other hand, was
fazed. Yeah, she should have taken him up on the offer.

“Can you live with that?”

She squirmed. How much time did they have before they had to leave? “When you put it that way, no. Maybe we shouldn’t risk it.”

Kiera smiled and pulled off her shirt.


“They should rename
The Star Report
Sherbrooke Monthly
or something. Every cover since October has had a picture of someone in your family on it. This month it’s your turn again.”

“Hope they got a good one.” He sat at the edge of the bed. Still shirtless, he pulled on his pants.

“Like you ever take a bad picture.” It wouldn’t surprise her if his driver’s license picture was modeling shot. “Check for yourself.” She took the magazines out. “A smaller picture of us appeared on
Celebrity Today
’s cover.” She handed him both.

Gray barely glanced at them before he set them down. “Are you okay with this?”

“It’s strange seeing myself on a magazine while I get a coffee. I don’t know how you do it all the time.”

“It doesn’t bother me.”

“Really? Not at all?”

“No. I’ve grown immune to it. If it bothers you a lot, you could ask Addie how she deals with it. She might have some suggestions. Or call my cousin, Callie. It was hard on her in the beginning, too.”

A conversation with Addie might help. “I’ll think about it.”

“She and Trent will be there tonight, too. I asked Abby to invite them. I thought you’d be more comfortable with more people around.”

A few reinforcements to take the heat off her; Gray thought of everything.

“Thank you.”

“For what?” Gray put on a light blue button-down shirt.

“For being you.”


Gray recognized the Mercedes parked outside his dad’s house. Trent and Addie had beaten them there. Inviting them tonight had been a last-minute decision. He hoped another couple would draw some of his dad and stepmother’s attention off Kiera. Before he’d cancelled last weekend, Kiera had had reservations about seeing his family.

“You look beautiful.” Gray held Kiera’s hand as they walked up the steps. “You look terrific in red.”

Kiera’s grip tightened when they entered his father’s home.

“Relax. If it helps, think about all the fun we’ll have when we get home tonight.”

“That’s supposed to help me relax around your dad and stepmother?”

“Then think about our trip to Anguilla in two weeks.”

He’d spent a lot of time thinking about their trip and the presents he’d bought. “Did I tell you I got your presents?”

“We didn’t talk a lot last week.”

He didn’t need her to remind him. The previous Sunday, when they should’ve met with his dad, he’d flown to London and had spent most of the week salvaging a multimillionaire dollar deal for a new hotel and spa in the heart of London that almost had gone down the drain because his attention had been on issues Randall and the CIA assigned him instead of the deal.

“I shouldn’t need to return to London until late next month.”

“That’s good.”

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