Read Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1) Online

Authors: Jessie Courts

Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1) (13 page)

BOOK: Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1)
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Standing over him and giving him a
swift kick in the thigh just so she could hear that sexy grunt sound again,
Rachel snapped at the writhing blond hunk at her feet, “serves you right banana
boy. Finish up that food and bring the tray down to the kitchen – I have
something I want to show you.”


Luc followed her exit with his
eyes then totally cracked up again much to Rachel’s irritation. “God he can be
bloody childish” she thought as she stomped off downstairs “I suppose that’s
what you get for shagging a 22 year old.” Knowing that it was so totally worth
it however, a naughty grin spread across her face in deep satisfaction.




She was sitting at the kitchen
table reading the news on her iPad when Luc appeared, tray in hand.


“Here” he stated at Rachel’s head.


“Sink” she stated back without
looking at him.


“No, Rach; as in I’m here.” Luc


“Oh sorry, she glanced up looking
mildly irritated “I’m a little crap at the one word sentence game.”


.” Rachel gasped and she shot him a look of pure disdain. “Shit,
sorry that was uncalled for…” Luc apologised not wanting the situation to get
out of hand because of his immature behaviour. He was enjoying getting it on
with Rachel; she was amazing and interesting and still a little bit vulnerable
which made him feel protective towards her. Wandering back to the kitchen table
after dumping his plate in the sink, he felt like a total brat and wondered how
to get back in her good books, and fast.


“So, what did you want to show me
then?” he asked cocking his head at her with a pouty expression that never
failed to make girls fall lovingly and willingly into his arms.


Rachel stared at his gorgeous
features arranging themselves in what she suspected to be a ‘killer’ move. He
did indeed look totally adorable, but she wasn’t falling for his crap just yet.


“Does that puppy dog expression
usually work well for you Luc?” she asked him in a voice laced with


His eyes widened and his brow
furrowed. “Er, yes actually” he scowled back.


“You may want to re-think that for
the future” she told him looking a little bored.


Placing his hands on his hips Luc
stood in front of Rachel patiently waiting for her to make the next move.
Rachel’s eyes roved over his body – he was truly divine; from his long
strong legs to his beautifully defined upper body and achingly handsome face.
What was she doing ticking him off, she was bloody lucky he even gave her the
time of day when he could have practically anyone he wanted. Jolting her back
to reality however, was the ding alert of her iPhone. Swiping the screen to get
to the message she read one from Jess advising they were having a ‘super fab’
time in Brighton with two of their friends, Leo and George and would definitely
be away for the night but back tomorrow. Rachel tapped back a reply reminding
Jess that she and her sister did have exams to study for and to have a safe journey
back, but to make sure they did indeed come back tomorrow. She was still the
parent after all.


“Was that the twins?” Luc


“Yes – they’ll be back
tomorrow. Apparently Leo and George aren’t ready to come home yet.”


“Huh – that figures” Luc acknowledged
scrunching up his face at the mention of the twins gay friends. It wasn’t that
he didn’t like them and it wasn’t because they were gay – they just drove
him nuts with their outrageous antics. Luc was always having to bail them out
of trouble at uni; but only because Lucy and Jess asked him to otherwise he
would have left them to it. “Still, good for us though eh?” Luc asked


“Yes baby boy – very good.”
Rachel chuckled at his obvious relief and stood up to beckon him over for a


“Hmm you smell so good Luc –
wanna get sweaty?” With his strong arms wrapped round her and his head buried
in the crook between her neck and her shoulder Luc squeezed her tightly in


“Oh yes” he purred against her
skin sending shivers all through her.


“Well, come with me then.”


Rachel took Luc by the hand and
pulled him into the garage through a door in the kitchen. Looking a bit
perplexed but letting Rachel take the lead, Luc could feel his dick tighten in
his jeans in anticipation of a quickie up against the side of Rachel’s car. She
drove a sporty little black BMW convertible – something he found really
sexy and suited her perfectly. Or maybe on the bonnet of Nate’s silver Jag? But
that wasn’t where Rachel was headed and he became intrigued until she stopped
short in front of a bench surrounded by different types of weights.


Realisation dawned about her
‘sweaty’ comment and he was quite amused. Rachel was really quite funny when
she wanted to be and not just when she made ‘banana’ references.


“And what do you propose I do with
this stuff?” he asked her pointing at the dusty equipment.


Rachel looked up at him, “Isn’t
this how you got those?’ she asked jabbing his abs, “and these?” she enquired
placing her hands flat over his pecs. “And what about these?” she added
gripping his biceps. “You could work out here with Nate’s old weights if you
like? To let off steam from studying?”


Luc studied the expectant
expression on Rachel’s face. It seemed she wanted to do something nice for him
even though the weights looked a little light compared to the ones he usually
lifted. But he wouldn’t tell her that; she’d be disappointed; he could just
double them up if necessary.


“Hey – this is great Rachel
– thanks so much!” Luc hugged her enthusiastically to prove how grateful
he was. “Is it ok if I try them out now?”


“Sure – knock yourself out!”
laughed Rachel. “Well not literally but you know what I mean.”


Luc ran upstairs to change out of
his jeans into some sweats and grab a towel, and Rachel went to get a cloth and
some spray to clean up the bench and weights so Luc wouldn’t get too dirty.


“Although…” she hesitated “no, no,
no.” Rachel told herself off and proceeded to scrub the leather bench clean and
divest her crude mind of fantasies of a mucky Luc. Before she knew it he was
back again and ready to work out.


“I’ll leave you to it then.” She
said and did just that.


Pretending to sort out the
washing, Rachel peeked over the sheet she was folding for the tenth time
already, to see Luc sitting astride the exercise bench lifting a set of weights
in each hand. She leaned against the dryer for support as the sight of his sweaty,
straining arms turned her legs to jelly. The veins in the side of his neck
stood out prominently with strain and his jaw muscles clenched in time with
each lift. Rachel was certain Nate had never doubled up on the weights and it
made her chest tight just thinking about how strong Luc must be. Mind you, she
remembered back to their first night together when he’d carried her up the
stairs with no effort. Right now though she wanted to concentrate on the sexy
little grunts Luc was making. They made her stomach flip and sent a warm fizzy
feeling right between her legs. She groaned quietly realising how wet she was
already and she hoped Luc was nearly done.


Luc was completely focussed on
putting his body through a tough work out. It had been a while and although his
muscles were taut and solid he knew that if he got too out of routine he could
jeopardise all the effort he had put in to date. He wasn’t overly vain but he
preferred looking fit and defined without his muscles bulging too much like a
body builder – he definitely wasn’t keen on that. Rachel was correct in
her assumption that lifting weights would help de-stress from the intense
revision he was doing for his exams – he could literally feel the tension
seeping out of his pores the more he sweated.


After about 20 minutes Luc’s
attention was interrupted by a soft feminine moan coming from the direction of
the house, and he wondered where Rachel was. Angling his head so that he could
see her standing by the washing machines but not so much that she would
realise, Luc was surprised with the sight of Rachel clasping a sheet tightly in
her hands and writhing slightly while the machine vibrated quite violently
behind her. He was sure she was leaning up against it and he could only imagine
what that was doing to her. His cock reared to life and he found it difficult
to get his rhythm back. Under her scrutiny, Luc’s erection swelled against his
clothes and his balls grew heavy with desire. God she was killing him so
innocent in her voyeurism – this had obviously been her intention all
along. Well if it was an exhibition she wanted, Luc was more than happy to


Placing the weights back on the
floor, Luc grabbed his hand towel and swiped it around his face.


“Phew, it’s hot” he said to
himself knowing full well Rachel would hear him.


Standing up he turned away from
her; he grabbed the neck of his t-shirt and pulled it over his head to reveal
his gleaming back. He cricked his head side to side and swivelled his shoulders
to ease his muscles. Even over the hum of the dryer Luc heard Rachel breath in
sharply which spurred him on with his little show. Hooking his thumbs into the
waist band of his sweat pants, he pulled them down past his thighs and shimmied
out of them giving Rachel a great view of his arse as he bent down to pick them
up. He was wearing black cotton lycra boxers that hugged his arse and thighs


Turning back around in her
direction, Luc reached for the big bottle of water Rachel had left him. He
greedily glugged down at least half the contents letting some of the liquid
spill over his chin and chest. With his free hand he rubbed the water into his
skin moaning in appreciation of the cooling affects. Pouring the rest of the
water over his hair he then shook his head from side to side spraying water all
around him. Chuffed with his Oscar worthy performance, he carried on with his


If it was possible to
self-combust, Rachel thought she was pretty damn close. Crossing her legs, she
squeezed her thighs together hard to try and alleviate some of the throbbing
going on down there. She felt hot and breathless as she watched the boy wonder
stretch off.


“What was he doing
?” she wondered as her poor battered
eyes strained to get a better view. Luc placed his right hand behind his head
to the ridge between his shoulder blades and took his left hand over the top of
his head to his right elbow. Rachel’s eyes widened even further as his chest
puffed out and his biceps bulged. He then repeated the action the other way
around and she noticed how his abs beat a path to his happy trail and then, oh
my god, to a raging hard on straining again the crotch of his pants.


Rachel’s mouth was dry and her
nipples were hard. Her pussy was leaking juice clear through her jeans and
delicious heat was sizzling around her body, but Rachel was puzzled “hold on,
why is he hard? Oh, that naughty boy knows I’m watching him.”


“Lucccccccc!” she squealed at him.


“Over here now, Mrs R.” His tone
was amused but there was no denying the command in his words and Rachel was
very keen on bossy Luc right now.


“You are so bad, you little brat”
she accused him as she manoeuvred between the cars to reach him.


“Oh really, and who was peaking at
who?” Luc laughed at her, raising an eyebrow and cocking his head in the way he
knew Rachel found endearing.


“It’s very warm over here babe,
you need to lose some clothes.”


He only needed to tell her once
and soon enough Rachel was standing before him naked in her garage not the
least bit shy which surprised her, but Luc didn’t intimidate her at all even
when he was being bossy. He was her lovely sexy tonic and she wanted to drink
him all up.


Whipping off his boxers, Luc sat
back down astride the training bench; the smooth black leather warm against
this buttocks, his cock standing proudly erect against his stomach. In that
achingly familiar way Luc wrapped a hand around his steel length and slowly
stroked himself. Rachel watched in awe at the sensual movements; she was so
turned on she knew Luc only had to touch her and she’d be ready to explode.
Pulling a condom out of her jeans pocket she ripped it open and handed it over
to Luc.


“Ever hopeful!” she joked with a


“Come; sit” Luc commanded as soon
as he’d sheathed his cock, and held out his free hand to Rachel. Placing her
small hand in his big warm one, Rachel let herself be pulled towards the bench.
Lifting her leg up and over the other side Rachel knew Luc could see how ready
she was for him as he visibly began to breathe faster. He looked devastating
with flushed cheeks and wet hair clinging to his sweaty forehead. His mouth was
slightly parted and his lips plump and full begging to be kissed.

BOOK: Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1)
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