Read Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1) Online

Authors: Jessie Courts

Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1) (16 page)

BOOK: Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1)
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Taking a moment to recover before
he showered, Luc vaguely wondered if this was something Rachel would actually
do. He would never force her but if just imagining it drove him out of his mind
– what would the reality be like? Her gorgeous mouth on him was the only
thing they hadn’t yet done and Luc was going out of his mind with the
expectation of it. The woman was literally driving him to distraction. She was
hands down the best fuck he’d ever had regardless of age, and the fact that
this would only ever be a fling made him eager to get his fill of her before
they ran out of time. There was only another week or so before he and the twins
returned to university for the summer term and exams.




Rachel was just fixing her hair in
the mirror when she took pause to examine the face looking back at her. For the
millionth time she wondered what Luc saw in her. She knew she was pretty in a
cute kind of way – she was lucky to have healthy looking long hair that
had recently been highlighted and styled after months of neglect. It felt good
to have her shiny locks back to normal and she had to admit it made her feel
sexy when Luc grabbed handfuls of it in the midst of passion. Most of the time
she wore it in a ponytail or messy bun out of her way – but tonight she’d
straightened it and let it hang loose in the hopes of making her look younger.
Luckily, she had great skin and not too many wrinkles yet. She didn’t need too
much make up and had never enjoyed caking it on anyway, so a light brush of
bronzer; kohl eyeliner; mascara and some glossy lipstick was all she applied.
Rachel had practiced over the years and was skilled at accentuating her
features and was pretty happy with the finished look tonight sticking with the
less is more approach.


Next came clothes. Rachel had
opted to wear ridiculously expensive lingerie she had originally bought for a
naughty weekend away with Nate that had been cancelled due to business, and
that she had never worn. She figured that even if Luc didn’t get to see her in
it later, it would still make her feel sexy knowing she was wearing it. The set
was a plunge bra made of soft cream satin with a matching thong. She could
hardly feel it on but the thong had been shaped in such a way that a little
knot of fabric bunched snugly over her clit applying a light pressure as she
moved. Delicious tingles of pleasure and heat pulsed around her pussy and she
felt very risqué knowing what was going on hidden from everyone around her. She
wore very tight skinny denim jeans with a cream silk blouse tucked in leaving a
few buttons undone hinting at the enticing swell of her cleavage, but not so
many as to embarrass her children!


Searching for shoes she decided on
her sky high nude courts which magically made her legs look longer and bum look
perkier. Luc seemed to have appreciated them on her the last time she wore them
too not that had in any way influenced her choice. Well maybe just a little
bit. Spraying on her favourite perfume and throwing some long gold necklaces
around her neck she thought she looked ‘smart casual’ enough for Karaoke night!
Grabbing her smallish evening bag she headed off for the stairs to find Lucy
and Jess, and crashed headlong into Luc also leaving his room.


“Fucking hell, Luc!” she cried as
the contents of her bag went everywhere and she immediately dropped to her knees
to grab her stuff off the floor. Luc froze in his tracks – he couldn’t
bloody believe it. Just as he thought he had got his raging hard on under
enough control to make it through the evening without embarrassing himself, his
cock reacted by battering itself against his zip as the star of his recent
fantasy was now positioned exactly as he had envisaged.


“Some help here please!” huffed
Rachel from the floor. He daren’t look down for fear of exploding on the spot
but it seemed his brain was not in full control of his head movements. A deep
groan escaped his lips as he took in the open neck of Rachel’s shirt gifting
him with the sight of her gorgeous breasts encased in what could only be
described as a ‘fuck me’ bra. Combined with the ‘fuck me’ shoes and the ‘come
to bed and bury your cock in me’ hair Luc knew he was in for a very long,
uncomfortable evening.


Squatting next to her, Luc fumbled
around for her escaped belongings and tried to behave like the rational 22 year
old he knew he could be rather than a horny 16 year old about to lose his load
over a pair of tits.


“That’s everything,” Rachel
announced from underneath her hair that he right about now wanted to bury his
face in and inhale her sexy scent.


“That’s not everything.” He
growled back at her as he grabbed her upper arms hauling her to her feet; threw
her up against the wall and pushed his mouth down on hers for a long hard kiss.


Grinding his hard pelvis into her
softness created little relief for either of them.


“Stop Luc” Rachel panted gently.
“One of the twins will hear.”


Dropping his head into the hollow
of her neck Luc took a few seconds to calm down. He stood back and ran his
fingers through his hair sighing deeply.


“You look beautiful Rachel” he
complimented her then promptly laughed.


Cocking her head at him she
frowned, “What’s so bloody funny young man?”


“Well my mum gets all her clothes
at M&S – I’m guessing your shoes cost more than her whole freaking
wardrobe! So fucking sexy – you’re killing me.” Rachel just shook her
head at him but smiled at the compliment that was hidden in there


“And that’s just what you can
see.” she whispered to him and took off down the stairs leaving Luc adjusting
his jeans once again.






The White Horse pub was heaving
when they got there. It was more a trendy gastro type pub than sawdust on the
floor kind of place and Rachel had been here plenty of times before, although
usually for Sunday lunch. The lighting was fairly dim and the age group
completely mixed which thankfully meant she wasn’t the oldest one there.
Pulling their mum along with them the twins spied their friends in a far off
corner and set off to join them.


Rachel, Jess and Lucy unknowingly
caused quite a stir as they walked in arms linked laughing softly together. The
girls were beautiful like their mother in a naturally understated way that held
far more attraction than if they were dolled up to the nines covered in sequins
and heavy make-up. This made them very popular to be around and their group was
made up of interesting and intelligent young people who like to have fun
together. They greeted each other like they hadn’t seen one another for ages
when Luc knew they had pretty much been out every night of the holidays. This
pub jaunt was fairly low key for them and he suspected that Jess and Lucy had
masterminded it this way in order for Rachel to join them.


“Mum, Mum!” shouted Jess, “come
and meet the crowd!”


Grabbing Rachel by the arm she
pulled her down to sit in the middle of the group and introduced her to the
eclectic group. Two of the boys, George and Leo, both groomed to within an inch
of their lives, were clearly together and absolutely hysterical. Rachel had
known George since he was a baby as Karen was his mum but it was interesting to
see him out socially with a boyfriend. It was no secret he was gay, and his
family were supportive of his life style.


“How’s Mum?” Rachel asked George
releasing him from a warm hug.


“Good Auntie Rach – she
would have come tonight but Dad’s out and she couldn’t get a baby sitter.”


“Oh shame – well, tell her I
love her and I’ll call her tomorrow, and George?”




“Drop the ‘auntie’ for tonight
darling, would you?”


“Ha – sure thing but only if
you show us your shoes – oh my God Leo – look at the red soles…”


The boys were cooing and drooling
over her Laboutins and she spent a good 10 minutes with her feet in their laps
while they fired questions at her. After promising them an afternoon going
through her wardrobe they freed her up to meet Lizzie and Colin.


Lizzie looked squeaky clean in her
daisy print cotton dress with matching pumps and button up cardigan which made
her boyfriend Colin all the more startling in contrast. His ox blood eigtheen
hole Docs; skinny black jeans; black vest and hoodie to match all gave off a
menacing impression. However, Rachel had the biggest surprise when he spoke to
her in possibly the poshest English accent she’d ever heard. Holding out a hand
covered in ink for her to shake, Colin told her.


“We are so glad you could join us
tonight Mrs Renton – it’s a pleasure to meet you isn’t it Lizzie?”
Releasing her hand from his grip Rachel was gifted with a reply from his


“Yeah. It ain’t so ‘ard to see
where Jess ‘n Luce get their beautiful looks from now innit Col?”


Grabbing a handful of peanuts to
hide her shock at the strength of Lizzie’s cockney accent she was amazed when
Colin just beamed at Lizzie; totally smitten he pulled her into his arms for a
cuddle. It was like watching a twisted version of Beauty and the Beast.


Deciding it was time to get a
drink as the twins launched into the latest gossip with their funny bunch of
friends, Rachel looked around for Luc to see if she could get his attention but
he was nowhere in sight.


“Just off to the bar” she called
to Lucy who nodded. Somehow both girls had already procured themselves a bottle
of beer each but she fancied something a bit stronger.


“Vodka and bitter lemon please”
she requested hitching herself on to a barstool.


The movement reminded her that she
was wearing the magic thong and she needed a couple of deep breaths to calm
herself. The barstools were quite high which gave her a great view of the rest
of the pub. As she waited for her drink, Rachel scanned the place and jerked in
her chair as she spotted Luc in a corner with a vaguely familiar looking girl
draped over his lap. She was stunning with the figure of a model; tall and slim
with a dark pixie haircut framing high cheek bones and a full, pouty mouth.


“No tits though” Rachel muttered
snidely to herself, “no wonder he’s so interested in mine.”


The girl was all over him like a
rash with her arms hooked round his neck. Rachel could see Luc’s big hands
clasping the girl’s waist with his long legs stretched out in front of him and
Rachel found her heart beating fiercely in protest.


“Don’t be ridiculous,” she scolded
herself, raging disappointment coursing through her body “of course he’s not
going to be exclusive.” Downing her drink in one, Rachel turned back to the bar
and shouted at the bartender for a refill. “And make that a double!”




On his way back from the loo
heading towards the twins and Rachel Luc suddenly felt a cool set of hands
grasp his arm and squeeze hard.


“What the fuck….? Chloe? No way…”
he scowled realising who they belonged to.


“Luc” she pleaded, “can’t we just


“What are you even doing here
Chlo? How did you find me?”


“Jess updated her Facebook status and
location. I guessed you’d still be hanging around with that little mutt.”


“Don’t you dare start…” warned
Luc, his harsh tone leaving no doubt how he felt about her insulting his friend
but he also knew Chloe was not beyond making a scene and it was the last thing
he wanted to happen tonight; especially in front of Rachel.


She had caught him off guard while
he was busy scanning the place to seek out Rachel and he was bloody cross.
Dragging Chloe into a dimly lit corner he plopped her down into a chair and sat
opposite her ready to tell her once and for all to get lost, but Chloe was fast
and before he knew it she had jumped onto his lap and curled herself around
him. As she proceeded to gorge herself on his face he tried to bat her away
gently all the while praying Rachel wouldn’t see them and misunderstand the


Chloe Jones was a mistake; a bad
one from a while ago. A former friend of Jess’s from school, they had hooked up
a couple of times when she had visited Jess at uni. But she was clingy and
paranoid beyond reason. She refused to accept his casual approach to their time
together and began to stalk him. No amount of reasoning with her could persuade
her to leave Luc alone – she was fixated. Then Jess found out Chloe was
taking cocaine hence the paranoia and dropped her as a friend when she refused
her help to quit, and it all got very messy.


Luc would come home to find Chloe
sprawled on his doorstep out of her head on who knew what by that time. If he
had been a less caring or responsible person he would have just ignored her in
the hopes she would go away but his conscience wouldn’t let him, so he took her
back to her parents carefully explaining to them how damaged their daughter
was, and they eventually agreed to send her to rehab.


Once sober, Chloe had called to
thank him and asked if they could meet. Reluctantly he agreed but realised it
was a huge mistake when she declared her love for him. As gently as he could he
explained that he didn’t feel the same way and she should find someone to love
her the way she deserved. Luc thought she had understood but here she was


“Shit, shit, shit!” he spat loudly
as his eyes met Rachel’s at the bar just as she raised her glass to him, downed
her drink in one slug and turned away to speak to some grubby bloke propping up
the bar next to her.


“What the hell!” he roared.


Forgetting all about Chloe he
jumped to his feet sending her tumbling off his lap.


“Luc, baby. Don’t leave me.” she
pleaded pawing at his legs.


“Get off me Chlo so help me God;
I’m done with your shit. Go and find someone else’s dick to play with and the. fuck. alone….”


The look of horror on Chloe’s face
instantly filled Luc with self-loathing – he was never this cruel, but
the thought of Rachel with some creep at the bar had him in a tailspin. What
was going on he had no clue – his emotions were all over the place right now
and he was a mess. Apparently, the mother of his two best friends had done what
no woman half her age had succeeded at – turned him into the jealous,
possessive type. Maybe he and Chloe weren’t so different after all.


“Chloe, shit! I’m sorry,” he cried
picking her up off the floor and gently dropping her back down in the chair he
had just vacated rather abruptly. “Listen, I’m gonna call you a cab back to
your Mum and Dad’s.”


Squatting down so he was at eye
level with her he repeated slowly and kindly this time that there was no future
– he didn’t feel the same way. Luc gave her his handkerchief so she could
wipe her tears and something in his expression or tone must have eventually got
through to her as she nodded slowly and gave him a wobbly smile. Apologising
through her sniffles, she finally let Luc guide her through the crowd and into
a cab home.


With a heavy heart Luc was too
depressed to join in the karaoke he could hear was in full swing. If it weren’t
for Rachel and the thought of some brute with his filthy hands on her gorgeous
body he would have called it a night.


“Get a bloody grip mate!” he
thought, disgusted with his lack of control every time she popped up in his
mind, which at present was every fucking waking minute. Propping his long body
up against the wall of the pub, he took a few deep breaths and tried to harness
his thoughts and feelings sufficiently to go back inside.

BOOK: Mrs R (Mrs R & Mr V #1)
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